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Movement impairment with local brain damage.


Arbitrary motion refers to higher mental functions (VPF). There are 4 types of apraxia in Luria.

Apraxia - a violation of the arbitrariness of movement with local lesions of the brain.

Apraxia is not accompanied by a violation of the tone, paralysis, cut - i.e. clear elementary movement disorders.

1 type of apraxia - kinesthetic . The kinesthetic factor is the lower parietal regions, mainly of the left hemisphere. Parietal departments are postcentral. Violations are in the praxis position. Man can not give the hand the desired shape. Both on a visual sample, and on tactile. Violation of afferentation - feedback. Transferring poses to the other hand is possible. All objective actions are violated (for example: show how to comb, how to iron). The phenomenon is a hand-shovel. Violation of fine motor skills.

2 type of apraxia - spatial apraxia - apractoagnosia. Occurs with lesions of the parietal-occipital parts of the cortex. In more severe cases, with the defeat of the left hemisphere or with bilateral foci. In case of left-sided injuries - a violation of the movements in the right and left hand. With bilateral also in the left and right hands. With the right - in the left hand. The spatial factor and everything related to spatial orientation is disturbed. Neuropsychological diagnosis: Head tests (touch your left cheek with your right hand). Also drawing will be broken.

Type 3 apraxia - kinetic apraxia - a violation of the kinetic factor. Lesions are the frontal lobes of the lower portions of the premotor region. Lower rear forehead. The pose is not disturbed, smooth switching from one to another motor element will suffer. Test: fist top, bottom ring. It is not available to the patient or will do it for a very long time.

Violated the letter in the motor part. Jamming on the element of letters. The phenomenon of sticking on any motor element is elementary perseveration.

4 types of apraxia - regulatory apraxia - anatomically - the convexital cortex of the prefrontal brain (this is the frontal part, if the face is not in the front).

Dysregulation of movement. The movement is not carried to the end. The person loses the purpose of the task - does not complete it.

Frontal syndrome. Violation of goal setting, programming and control.


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Terms: Neuropsychology