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Usability Testing or Usability Testing


Sometimes we encounter incomprehensible, illogical applications, many of the functions and methods of which are often not obvious. After such work, there is rarely a desire to use the application again, and we are looking for more convenient counterparts. In order for the application to be popular, it is not enough for it to be functional - it should also be convenient. If you think about it, intuitive applications save the nerves of users and employer costs for training. So they are more competitive! Therefore, usability testing, which will be discussed later, is an integral part of testing any mass products.

Usability testing is a testing method aimed at establishing the degree of usability, learning ability, comprehensibility and attractiveness for users of a developed product in the context of specified conditions. [ ISO 9126 ]

Testing usability provides an assessment of the usability level of the application for the following points:

  • performance, efficiency ( efficiency ) - how much time and steps will the user need to complete the main tasks of the application, for example, posting news, registration, purchase, etc.? ( less is better )
  • correctness - how many errors did the user make while working with the application? ( less is better )
  • activation in memory ( recall ) - how much does the user remember about the operation of the application after pausing to work with it for a long period of time? ( re-execution of operations after the break should be faster than the new user )
  • emotional response - how does the user feel after the task is completed - confused, under stress? Will the user recommend the system to his friends? ( positive reaction is better )

Levels of conduct

Usability testing can be carried out both in relation to the finished product, by testing the black box (black box testing), and to the application interfaces (APIs) used in the development — white box testing. In this case, the usability of internal objects, classes, methods and variables is tested, and the convenience of changing, expanding the system and integrating it with other modules or systems is also considered. The use of user-friendly interfaces (API) can improve the quality, increase the speed of writing and support of the code being developed, and as a result improve the quality of the product as a whole.

From this it becomes obvious that usability testing can be done at different levels of software development: modular, integration, system-based and acceptance. At the same time, it will entirely depend on who will use the application on a dedicated specific level - the developer, the business user of the system, etc.

Tips for improving usability

For the design of user-friendly applications, it is useful to follow the principles of “bye-yoke” or fail-safe. We have this better known as "foolproof". A simple example, if a field requires a numerical value, it is logical to limit the user to the input range by numbers only - there will be less random errors.

To enhance the usability of existing applications, you can use the Plan-Do-Check-Act Demming cycle, collecting feedback on the work and design of the application from existing users, and, in accordance with their comments, planning and implementing improvements.

Misconceptions about usability testing

1. User Interface Testing = Usability Testing

Testing usability has nothing to do with testing the functionality of the user interface, it is only carried out on the user interface as well as on many other possible components of the product. In this case, the type of testing and test cases will be completely different, since we can talk about the usability of non-visual components (if any) or the administrative process, for example, a distributed client-server product, etc.

2. Testing usability can be carried out without the participation of an expert

Not always a person who does not understand the subject area is able to conduct it independently. Imagine that a tester needs to test the usability of a strategic bomber. He will have to check the main functions: ease of combat, navigation, piloting, maintenance, land transportation, etc. Obviously, without the involvement of an expert, this will be very problematic, and you can even say that it is impossible.


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