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Smoke Testing or Smoke Testing


The concept of smoke testing has gone from an engineering environment:

"When commissioning the new equipment (" iron "), it was believed that the test went well, if the smoke did not come out of the installation."

In the field of software, smoke testing is considered as a short test cycle performed to confirm that after building a code (new or revised) the application to be installed starts and performs the basic functions .

The conclusion about the performance of the main functions is made on the basis of the results of surface testing of the most important modules of the application with regard to the possibility of performing the required tasks and the presence of quickly-found critical and blocking defects. In the absence of such defects, smoke testing is declared passed, and the application is transferred to conduct a full test cycle, otherwise, smoke testing is declared failed, and the application is sent for revision.

Analogues of smoke testing are Build Verification Testing and Acceptance Testing, performed at the functional level of the *** testing, the results of which conclude whether the installed software version is accepted for testing, operation or for delivery to the customer.

To facilitate the work, save time and human resources, it is recommended to introduce automation of test scenarios for smoke testing.

The difference between sanitary testing and smoke testing (Sanity vs Smoke testing)


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