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Acceptance Testing or Acceptance Testing


A formal testing process that verifies that the system meets the requirements and is conducted with the goal of:

  • determining whether the system meets the acceptance criteria;
  • the decision of the customer or other authorized person is an application or not.

Acceptance testing is performed based on a set of typical test cases and scenarios developed based on the requirements for this application.
The decision to conduct acceptance testing is made when:

  • the product has reached the required level of quality;
  • the customer is familiar with the Acceptance Work Plan ( Product Acceptance Plan ) or other document that describes a set of actions related to the acceptance testing, the date of the performance, those responsible, etc.

The phase of acceptance testing lasts as long as the customer does not make a decision about sending the application for revision or issuing the application.

The RUP acceptance test plan template can be downloaded by clicking on the link: RUP Product Acceptance Plan

created: 2016-04-02
updated: 2021-03-13

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Quality Assurance

Terms: Quality Assurance