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Creating instructions or sequencing


Note that the title does not say that you need to use standards or processes. This is because each of us already use any established processes for everyday tasks. Although you probably already have any established procedures, you should ask yourself:

  1. Do they meet your needs?
  2. Do you often use them in appropriate situations?

The first question focuses directly on the quality of the processes themselves. Do they reach their goal? Depending on the goal, you can ask this question: do they provide and stimulate the necessary level of cooperation? Do they contribute to sufficient interaction between the *** developer and customers? Do they support the best practices of technical standards? Do they help to achieve quality goals?

Often, people are not well aware of the processes that they themselves use. For example, processes may interfere with the interaction of people, the improvement of technical skill, or simply not respond to the needs of the team. The person who says “I have never met a process that I would like” most likely used many good processes, but was simply ignorant of them.

However, visible high-quality processes contribute to a smoother flow of things. They stimulate skill improvement, allowing you to flexibly adapt to the unique needs of each project. In other words, they meet the needs of projects .

The second question pays attention to the quality of following the established processes. If you perform your tasks improperly and inconsistently, ignoring agreements, then you will not get any benefit even from good processes. What does the consistent use of quality assurance processes mean? This is when every person clearly knows how to follow them, knows when and how to do it and strictly observes them. Naturally, this behavior is expected from the whole team ...


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Quality Assurance

Terms: Quality Assurance