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Topic 6. Errors and illusions of the metacognitive level


Mistakes confidence and overconfidence. The concepts of "lack of confidence" and "overconfidence" in the judgments. The relationship of under / overconfidence with the objective complexity of the problem. Connection of confidence with the level of expertise and professionalism.

Interpersonal attribution errors. The fundamental attribution error. Effects of interpersonal perception: halo effect, effect of primacy, etc. Attribution of competence. The role of the egocentric attitude in interpersonal attribution and the mechanism of “projection”.

Fundamental misconceptions about the functioning of the psyche. "The great illusion of consciousness" and its manifestations. The phenomenon of blindness to change blindness. "The illusions of free will." The role of ignored context in behavioral shifts.



  1. Myers D. Intuition. Opportunities and dangers. - SPb .: Peter, 2010. S. 84-113.
  2. Kahneman D. Models of bounded rationality: the contribution of psychology to behavioral economics // Cognitive psychology. History and modernity. Reader / M.V. Falikman, V.F. Spiridonov (ed.). M .: Lomonosov, 2011. p. 368-383.
  3. Shabri K., Simons D. The Invisible Gorilla, or the story of how deceptive our intuition is. M .: Career Press. Pp. 101-147.


  1. Shabri K., Simons D. The Invisible Gorilla, or the story of how deceptive our intuition is. M .: Career Press. P. 147-188, 283-306.


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Psychology of errors and illusions

Terms: Psychology of errors and illusions