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Theme 3. Errors of attention


Classification of attention errors.

The phenomena of functional blindness. Illusory connections signs. Blind on inattention. Conditions for the occurrence of blindness through inattention, factors affecting the likelihood of its occurrence. Static and dynamic blindness through negligence: the experiments of Mack and Rock (1998) and Simons and Shabri (1999). Blindness to change. Conditions for the occurrence of blindness to change. Natural and laboratory options for blindness to change: the experiments of Renzinka and colleagues (1997), Simons and Levin (1998). The role of attention and memory in the occurrence of blindness to change. The phenomenon of blindness when choosing.

The phenomena of everyday distraction. Imaginary and true absentmindedness. Inattention and functional status: “blocks” and road hypnosis. Classification of the causes of absent-mindedness errors according to J. Reason.

The phenomenon of motivated ignoring.

Application errors attention. Illusionary art (tricks) and street theft. Driving, operator activity and other tasks that require concentration.


  1. Dormashev Yu.B., Romanov V.Ya. Psychology of attention. M .: MPSI, 2002. p. 255-268.
  2. Shabri K., Simons D. The Invisible Gorilla, or the story of how deceptive our intuition is. M .: Career Press. S. 1-54, 67-78.


  1. Simons D, Levin D. Inability to detect changes that occur to people in the course of real interactions // Cognitive psychology. History and modernity. Reader / M.V. Falikman, V.F. Spiridonov (ed.). M .: Lomonosov, 2011. p. 281-288.
  2. Johansson P., Hall L., Siksröm S. Failure to detect mismatches // Science. 2005. V. 310. P. 116-119.
  3. Rensink, RA, O'Regan, JK, & Clark, Psychological Science. 1997. V. 8 (5). P. 368-373.
  4. Simons D., Chabris C., Gorillas in our midst: Sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events // Perception. 1999. V. 28. P. 1059-174.
created: 2014-09-20
updated: 2024-11-14

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Psychology of errors and illusions

Terms: Psychology of errors and illusions