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Paradolic illusions Visual illusions


Paradolic illusions , or paradydols, is the illusory perception of a real object. In contrast to dual images, the illusions of perception of depth, images for pattern recognition, where images are created specifically to provoke the emergence of illusions, paradealia occur when the most ordinary objects are perceived. For example, when viewing a wallpaper or carpet, cracks and stains on the ceiling, clouds, you can see changeable, fantastic landscapes, faces of people, unusual animals, etc. The basis of such illusory images are the details of the actual pattern. For the first time paradydols are described by Calbaum and Jaspers (Kahlbaum K., 1866; Jaspers K., 1913).

Some paradolic illusions arise when one perceives any well-known images. In this case, they can be observed simultaneously with many people.

The burning building of the World Trade Center (2001). See nothing?

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions
And some journalists saw the face of the devil.


Another devil in the smoke
  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

50 Seychelles Rs. Do not see strange inscriptions here?

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

And some, when looking at the palm trees from the side, they see a clear inscription "SEX"

All known person on Mars (NASA, 1976).

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

This game of light and shadow gave rise to many ufological theories about ancient Martian civilizations. In later photos of this region of Mars, no face is found.

In 1954, the Central Bank of Canada (Bank of Canada) issued a new banknote with Queen Elizabeth II, but soon there was a lot of outrage and complaints from Canadians and such banknotes had to be removed from circulation. Guess why?

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

Many Canadians have seen the devil hiding in the queen's hair.

A very unusual object was found on a photograph of a Martian surface transmitted to Earth from an onboard Curiosity rover.

The original image, published on the website of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), was received at the end of May this year. Inquisitive users found in the upper left of the picture a strange rock formation that looks very much like a skull.

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

In particular, with the imagination, the eyeball, the nose and the upper jaw can be viewed near the boulder. A video has already appeared on the Paranormal Crucible YouTube channel, on which, after a special computer processing, the mysterious object really looks like a petrified skull box.

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

The exterior of the church by the sea, in Madeira Beach, near Tampa Bay, Fla., Resembles a chicken face. The church, built in 1944, suddenly became an Internet sensation and a local landmark, receiving the resounding name "Chicken Church".

When viewed from most sides, the building looks quite normal. However, it is enough to choose a position, as two round windows turn into big eyes, and a row of tiles under the windows - into a beak.

One of the most famous caves in Bulgaria is officially called “Prohodna Cave” (Prohodna Cave), and is located in the vicinity of the village Karlukovo. Tourists notice its main feature right away - these are huge natural openings in the cave vault, resembling giant empty eye sockets.

Symmetric cross-cutting “windows” always make an indelible impression on visitors to the cave, and the locals call them the “Eyes of the Lord.” If you take a closer look at them from a certain angle, then you can really see the outlines of the face, which, as it were, follow all those who enter.

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions
  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

This is not a monster devouring a planet - it's just a lobster in a bucket.

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

A photo sent to the 25th annual photo contest held by National Geographic Traveler. The picture shows the eruption of Puyehue volcano in Chile. In the clouds of smoke and ash, one easily guesses the face in profile.

As the photographer writes: “Despite the fact that the photo was taken from the volcano Antilanca, at a considerable distance, the erupting volcano rumbled so that I and my uncle who accompanied me remembered this night for the rest of my life.” (© Rival Gustavo / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

Teapot, which has become popular thanks to its design. As soon as users discovered its similarity with Hitler, the kettles were sold out as soon as possible. However, heightened media attention to the product has forced JC Penney's chain of stores to remove links to the kettle on its website and remove billboards in Los Angeles.

If you still do not see the similarities, see the hint.
  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions
  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

It is hard to believe that nature is the sculpture of the polar bear figure. Water and wind created freakish forms of stones on the coast of Isola Maddalena Island - the largest island of the same name Italian archipelago La Maddalena (Sardinia)
  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

Evil Purse Face (evil face of the purse) this name was given to the picture posted in the photo section of the site

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

The flamingos have many unusual qualities, but so far they have not noticed any artistic abilities. Now, thanks to this amazing aerial photograph, a flock of Caribbean flamingos in the Mexican province of Yucatan may lead many to reconsider.

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in April 2012 photographed an amazing formation on the surface of Mars that looks like an elephant's head. On the surface of the red planet you can see the trunk, eyes and mouth.

The HiRISE camera aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is the most advanced device of its kind. Moving at a speed of 12,000 km / h at an altitude of 2.5 - 3 km from the Martian surface, it is capable of capturing objects as small as 50 centimeters. With the help of HiRISE more than 22 thousand images have already been made.

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

Mountains resembling an Indian in headphones. Phenomenon, called Badlands Guardian.

An amazing image on Google maps was made by a fifty-three-year-old Canadian resident Lynn Hickox. Using Google Earth, she tried to find the way to the dinosaur museum located near her house, but instead she saw the huge head of an Indian. The relief measuring approximately 255 by 225 meters is located in the province of Alberta, near the border with the United States. The very "face" of natural origin, but people have worked on the creation of "headphones" - in fact, this is an oil well and the road to it.
There’s nothing to look at from the Earth, and the territory is closed. However, thanks to Google aerial photos, the Badlands Guard and the place where he is located has gained a truly world-wide fame.

To see the Indian in the headphones, enter the coordinates 50.010083, -110.113006.

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

The Versailles palace and park ensemble, a recognized masterpiece of world heritage, is quite young - just three and a half centuries old. The Palace and Park of Versailles - one of the most prominent architectural ensembles in the history of world architecture.

However, the view from the top is strikingly reminiscent of a clown in a cap with arms and legs spread wide.

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

A resident of the United Kingdom Michael Oude (Michael Audus) found potatoes in a basket, resembling a well-known toy bear named Suoty (Sooty),

United Kingdom, March 23, 2007.

  Paradolic illusions Visual illusions

Screaming pepper. Here is such an original joke of nature.


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Psychology of errors and illusions

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