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Evaluation tools for current control and certification of students on the theory of errors and illusions


9.1 Subject of tasks for monitoring



  1. Examples of erroneous actions, according to Z. Freud, and their interpretation.
  2. Experiments of J. Bruner and his colleagues on the phenomenon of perceptual protection.
  3. Experiments D. Simons, S. Most and their colleagues in the field of blindness in the absence of attention.
  4. Experiments D. Simons, R. Renzinka and their colleagues in the field of blindness to change.
  5. E. Treisman experiments on illusory compounds of visual signs.
  6. Examples of the four types of inattention errors, according to J. Reason.
  7. E. Loftus experiments on "implantation of memories"
  8. Experiments by E. Loftus and colleagues, demonstrating the effect of leading questions on the memories of witnesses to incidents.
  9. Errors of logical thinking. Experiments P. Wason.
  10. D. Kaneman, A. Tversky's experiments on the study of the role of heuristics in decision making.
  11. Experiments on the study of fundamental and other attribution errors.



Plan a description of the perfect everyday error in the diary of self-observation:

  1. Place and time of the error
  2. Description of the erroneous action (what was the original plan (condition of the problem being solved), how the implementation took place (what actions, thoughts, emotions accompanied this process), what was the result)
  3. What circumstances prompted the intention to perform this action?
  4. What circumstances preceded the action?
  5. What circumstances accompanied the execution of the action?
  6. What people, animals and objects were present in the performance situation? What is your attitude towards them?
  7. At what point did you realize that you were making a mistake? Has anything contributed to this?
  8. Is this a typical mistake for you? How many cases can you remember when you made such a mistake?

Plan psychological analysis of the error:

1. To what area of ​​the psyche does an error belong: perception, attention, memory, thinking, the metacognitive sphere, a combination of signs of different errors?

2. To which category does this error fall?

3. What are the possible internal causes of this error: emotion, inattention, incompetence, suggestion, impulsivity, psychological defense, etc.?

4. What are the external factors that contributed to the appearance of the error: specially created sensory stimulation, distraction of attention by unexpected events, errors of other persons, violation of the routine course of events, the conscious creation of a confusing situation by others, etc.?

5. Possible theoretical explanations


9.2 Questions for assessing the quality of mastering the discipline



  1. Definitions of errors and illusions.
  2. Classification of errors and illusions.
  3. The main theoretical approaches to errors and illusions.
  4. Perceptual illusions of basic and cognitive levels.
  5. Illusions associated with objectivity and configuration of the visual image.
  6. Illusions of constancy and perception reference system.
  7. Illusions associated with perdmetnosti and installation in perception. "The Illusion of Margaret Thatcher." Experiments of J. Bruner and colleagues.
  8. Applications of perceptual illusions.
  9. Errors of attention. Functional blindness: blindness through inattention, blindness to change, and blindness when choosing. Illusory connections signs.
  10. Errors of everyday distraction. Classification of distraction. Classification of errors and the theory of J. Reason.
  11. Applications of psychological knowledge of attention errors: illusory art, fraud, driving.
  12. Errors of procedural knowledge.
  13. Mistakes of declarative knowledge. Causes of the "Seven Sins" of memory, according to D. Shakter
  14. The problem of "implantation of memories." Experiments E. Loftus and her colleagues.
  15. Error memory applications. The problem of the truth of testimony and the effectiveness of psychotherapy.
  16. Types and cause of errors in logical thinking. P.Wason's Phenomenon
  17. Visual intuition errors.
  18. Heuristics of everyday thinking. Heuristics of representativeness and availability, framing effect. Cognitive errors associated with the use of heuristics.
  19. Attribution and false correlation errors.
  20. Metacognitive errors and illusions, their characteristics and classification.
  21. Errors of confidence and competence.
  22. Interpersonal attribution errors. The fundamental attribution error.
  23. Fundamental misconceptions about the functioning of the psyche. "The great illusion of consciousness" and "the illusion of free will."


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Psychology of errors and illusions

Terms: Psychology of errors and illusions