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The effect of perceptual readiness Visual illusions


What is the symbol of the center?

  The effect of perceptual readiness Visual illusions

The letter "B" or the number 13?

Read the inscription.

  The effect of perceptual readiness Visual illusions

What is wrong with her?
Answer (scroll with the mouse): The the article is written twice .

The effect of perceptual unavailability (we do not see what we do not expect)

The Stroop Effect (John Ridley Stroop, 1935).
Try to name the COLOR of each word, not the word itself.

  The effect of perceptual readiness Visual illusions

The conflict of font color and meaning of the word.

President Illusion
Who is shown in the photo?
  The effect of perceptual readiness Visual illusions
Ex-president Bill Clinton and his vice-president Al Gore, right?
Wrong! There is only one Clinton with different hair color.

The author of the illusion is Dr. Rawan Sinha

  The effect of perceptual readiness Visual illusions

What is written here? Coca-cola? Are you sure?

Selfridge's Illusion (Selfridge, 1955).

  The effect of perceptual readiness Visual illusions

Depending on the context, the same stimulus is perceived as H or A.

  The effect of perceptual readiness Visual illusions

The t-shirt says "buck fush", and not what you thought. By the way, American Moby is wearing a yellow t-shirt.


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Psychology of errors and illusions

Terms: Psychology of errors and illusions