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Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions


  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

How many color shades are there, not counting white?
Four? In fact, only two - pink and green.
A few shades of green and red just seems.

Do not believe? See the same close-up picture:
  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

Goring Grid (1870)
  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

At the intersections of all the white stripes, except for the intersection,
on which you fix your gaze at the moment, you can see small gray spots.

Another version of the Gering grid.
  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

Do you see small red spots at the intersection of black lines?

Illusion of flickering grid
  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

White circles seem to blink, is not it?

Schrauf, M., Lingelbach, B., & Wist, ER (1997) The scintillating grid illusion. Vision Research, 37, 1033-1038

Achromatic contrast.

  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

Circles have the same shade of gray.

Chromatic contrast

  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

Surrounded by green, gray appears lilac-pink, and surrounded by red, it appears blue-greenish.

Mach Stripe (Edge Contrast)
  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

Smooth color transition is perceived as stripes.
On the border of white, an even white line is visible, and on the border of black - an even more black line.
The cause of this illusion is lateral inhibition in the retina.

Illusion of Wertheimer-Koffka.

  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

Part of the ring on a white background seems to be darker. If you remove the pencil, the illusion disappears.

See the chessboard with black and white cells?
  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions
Gray halves of black and white cells of the same shade.
Gray color is perceived, then as black, then as white.

Constancy of color.
Look closely at the board. She is fine?
  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions
White cells in the shade and black in the light - the same color!
However, the eyes do not notice. The brain sees black and white cells, regardless of light!

The author of the illusion is Edward Adelson (EH Adelson), 1995

  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions   Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

The color of the figures seems to be more vivid and saturated if the figures are edged with black frames.

  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

The background color in the part of the picture where the hieroglyphs are not outlined in white seems more saturated.

Look without looking at the cross. See green spots? But nothing green is not here.

  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

See the blue and green spirals?

  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

But there is nothing blue. All spirals are one shade of green (r = 0, g = 255, b = 150).

Posted by: A.Kitaoka, 2003

See the three colors (pink, lime and gray)?
  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions
And there are only two colors here. No gray here.

Gray diamonds are all the same brightness. "Dark" and "light" diamonds are not here.
  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

Look at the center on the black dot.
  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions
Colored spots should disappear

See the light gray diagonal stripes?

  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

If you look intently at a point in the center for a few seconds, they will disappear.

Author: Oleg Ivanov, 2006.

How many shades of green are in the picture? Two?
  Illusions of color and contrast Visual illusions

In fact, there is only one green shade.


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Psychology of errors and illusions

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