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Questionnaire Plutchik Kellerman Conte. Methods Life style index The wheel of emotions of Robert Plutchik.


  Questionnaire Plutchik Kellerman Conte.  Methods Life style index The wheel of emotions of Robert Plutchik. The Plutchik Kellerman Conte Questionnaire - Life Style Index (LSI) Methodology was developed by R. Plutchik in collaboration with G. Kellerman and H. R. Kon in 1979. The test is used to diagnose various psychological defense mechanisms.

Psychological defense mechanisms develop in childhood to contain, regulate a certain emotion; all defenses basically have a repression mechanism, which originally appeared to defeat the feeling of fear. It is assumed that there are eight basic defenses that are closely related to the eight basic emotions of psycho-evolutionary theory. The existence of protections makes it possible to indirectly measure the levels of intrapersonal conflict, i.e. Disadapted people should use protections to a greater degree than adapted individuals.

Protective mechanisms are trying to minimize negative, traumatic personality experiences. These experiences are mainly related to internal or external conflicts, states of anxiety or discomfort. Protection mechanisms help us maintain the stability of our self-esteem, ideas about ourselves and the world. They can also act as buffers, trying not to let the frustrations and threats that life brings to us be too close to our consciousness. In cases where we cannot cope with anxiety or fear, defense mechanisms distort reality in order to preserve our psychological health and ourselves as an individual.

Questionnaire Plutchik Kellerman Conte. / Methodology Index of life style (Life Style Index, LSI). / A test for diagnosing psychological defense mechanisms:


Carefully read the statements below, describing the feelings, behavior and reactions of people in certain life situations, and if they relate to you, then mark the corresponding numbers with a "+".

Questions test R. Plutchik.

1. It's easy to get along with me

2. I sleep more than most people I know.

3. There has always been a person in my life whom I wanted to be like

4. If they treat me, then I try to find out what the purpose of each action is.

5. If I want something, I can’t wait for the moment when my wish will come true

6. I blush easily

7. One of my greatest virtues is the ability to control myself.

8. Sometimes I have a strong desire to punch the wall.

9. I easily lose my temper.

10. If someone pushes me in a crowd, then I am ready to kill him.

11. I rarely remember my dreams.

12. People who command others annoy me.

13. I am often ill at ease

14. I consider myself an extremely fair person.

15. The more things I get, the happier I get

16. In my dreams I am always in the center of attention of others

17. It upsets me even the thought that my household can walk around home without clothes

18. I am told that I am a boaster

19. If someone rejects me, then I may have the thought of suicide.

20. Almost everyone admires me

21. It happens that I break something in anger or hit

22. I'm very annoyed by people who gossip

23. I always pay attention to the better side of life.

24. I put a lot of effort and effort to change my appearance

25. Sometimes I want the atomic bomb to destroy the world.

26. I am a man who has no prejudices

27. They tell me that I am being too impulsive

28. People annoy me in front of others.

29. I don’t like ill people

30. I always try not to offend anyone

31. I am one of those who rarely cry

32. Perhaps I smoke a lot

33. It is very difficult for me to part with what belongs to me.

34. I don’t remember faces

35. I sometimes masturbate

36. I hardly remember new surnames

37. If someone bothers me, then I do not inform him, and complain about it to another

38. Even if I know that I am right, I am ready to listen to the opinions of other people.

39. People never bother me

40. I can hardly sit still for a short time.

41. I have little that I can remember from my childhood

42. I have not noticed the negative features of other people for a long time.

43. I think that you should not get angry in vain, but rather calmly think things over

44. Others see me as overly gullible.

45. People who achieve their goals with a scandal cause me unpleasant feelings

46. ​​The bad I try to get out of my head

47. I never lose optimism

48. Leaving to travel, I try to plan everything to the smallest detail.

49. Sometimes I know that I am angry at another beyond measure.

50. When things go wrong, I get gloomy

51. When I argue, it gives me pleasure to point the other at errors in his reasoning.

52. I easily accept the challenge

53. I am off balance with obscene films.

54. I am upset when no one pays attention to me

55. Others think that I am an indifferent person.

56. Having decided something, I often, nevertheless, doubt the decision

57. If someone doubts my abilities, then I will show my capabilities out of the spirit of contradiction.

58. When I drive, I often have the desire to break someone else's car.

59. Many people delude me with their egoism.

60. When I leave for a vacation, I often take some work with me.

61. Some foods make me sick.

62. I gnaw my nails

63. Others say I avoid problems.

64. I like to drink

65. Indecent jokes confuse me

66. I sometimes see dreams with unpleasant events and things.

67. I do not like careerists

68. I tell a lot of lies

69. Movies for adults make me disgusted

70. Troubles in my life are often due to my nasty temper.

71. Most of all I do not like hypocritical insincere people.

72. When I am disappointed, I often become discouraged.

73. The news of the tragic events do not cause me excitement

74. Touching something sticky and slippery, I feel disgust

75. When I have a good mood, then I can behave like a child

76. I think I often argue with people in vain over trifles

77. The dead do not "touch" me

78. I do not like those who always try to be the center of attention.

79. Many people annoy me

80. To wash in my bath is not a big torture for me.

81. I can hardly pronounce obscene words

82. I get annoyed if you can’t trust others

83. I want to be considered sensually attractive.

84. I have the impression that I never finish the job I started.

85. I always try to dress well to look more attractive.

86. My moral rules are better than most of my friends.

87. In a dispute, I have a better command of logic than my interlocutors.

88. Moralless people repel me

89. I’m furious if someone hits me.

90. I often fall in love

91. Others think that I am too objective.

92. I stay calm when I see a bloody man

The key to the technique of Robert Plutchik. Processing test results Plutchik Kellerman Conte.

The eight mechanisms of psychological defense of a person form eight separate scales, the numerical values ​​of which are derived from the number of positive responses to the specific statements stated above, divided by the number of statements in each scale. The intensity of each psychological defense is calculated using the formula n / N х 100%, where n is the number of positive answers on the scale of this protection, N is the number of all statements relating to this scale. Then the total intensity of all protections (ONZ) is calculated by the formula n / 92 x 100%, where n is the sum of all positive answers on the questionnaire.

The rate of Plutchik test values.

According to V.G. Kamensky (1999), the normative values ​​of this value for the urban population of Russia are 40 - 50%. ONZ, exceeding the 50 percent mark, reflects real, but unresolved external and internal conflicts.

Protection names Claim Numbers n
one crowding out 6, 11, 31, 34, 36, 41, 55, 73, 77, 92 ten
2 Regression 2, 5, 9, 13, 27, 32, 35, 40, 50, 54, 62, 64, 68, 70, 72, 75, 84 17
3 Substitution 8, 10, 19, 21, 25, 37, 49, 58, 76, 89 ten
four Negation 1, 20, 23, 26, 39, 42, 44, 46, 47, 63, 90 eleven
five Projection 12, 22, 28, 29, 45, 59, 67, 71, 78, 79, 82, 88 12
6 Compensation 3, 15, 16, 18, 24, 33, 52, 57, 83, 85 ten
7 Hypercompensation 17, 53, 61, 65, 66, 69, 74, 80, 81, 86 ten
eight Rationalization 4, 7, 14, 30, 38, 43, 48, 51, 56, 60, 87, 91 12

Interpreting the Lifestyle Index.

Negation. The mechanism of psychological defense, by means of which a person either rejects some frustrating, alarming circumstances, or some internal impulse or a party denies itself. As a rule, the action of this mechanism is manifested in the negation of those aspects of external reality, which, being obvious to others, nevertheless are not accepted, are not recognized by the person. In other words, information that is disturbing and can lead to conflict is not perceived. This refers to the conflict arising from the manifestation of motives that contradict the basic attitudes of the individual, or information that threatens its self-preservation, self-esteem or social prestige.

As a process directed outward, denial is often contrasted with repression as a psychological defense against internal, instinctive demands and impulses. It is noteworthy that the authors of the IH methodology explain the increased suggestibility and credulity of hysterical individuals by the action of the mechanism of denial, by which the social environment is denied undesirable, internally unacceptable features, properties or negative feelings to the subject of the experience. As experience shows, denial as a mechanism of psychological protection is realized in conflicts of any kind and is characterized by an outwardly distinct distortion of the perception of reality.

Crowding out. S. Freud considered this mechanism (its analog is suppression) as the main way to protect the infantile “I”, unable to resist the temptation. In other words, repression - the defense mechanism by which impulses unacceptable for a person: desires, thoughts, feelings that cause anxiety - become unconscious. According to most researchers, this mechanism underlies the actions and other protective mechanisms of the individual. Repressed (suppressed) impulses, not finding permission in behavior, nevertheless retain their emotional and psycho-vegetative components. For example, a typical situation is when the content side of the stressful situation is not realized, and the person supersedes the fact of some unseemly act, but the intrapsychic conflict persists, and the emotional tension caused by them is subjectively perceived as outwardly unmotivated anxiety. That is why repressed drives can manifest themselves in neurotic and psycho-physiological symptoms. As studies and clinical experience show, many properties, personality traits and actions that do not make a person attractive in their own eyes and in the eyes of others, such as envy, hostility, ingratitude, etc., are most often crowded out. It should be emphasized that traumatic circumstances or Unwanted information is really crowded out of human consciousness, although outwardly it may look like an active opposition to memories and self-analysis.

In the questionnaire in this scale, the authors included questions relating to the less well-known mechanism of psychological protection - isolation . With isolation, the traumatic and emotionally supported experience of the individual can be realized, but at the cognitive level, in isolation from the affect of anxiety.

Regression. In classical concepts, regression is considered as a psychological defense mechanism, by means of which a person, in his behavioral reactions, seeks to avoid anxiety by moving to an earlier stage of libido development. With this form of defensive reaction, a person exposed to frustrating factors replaces the solution of subjectively more complex tasks with relatively simpler and more accessible situations. The use of simpler and more familiar behavioral stereotypes substantially impoverishes the general (potentially possible) arsenal of the prevalence of conflict situations. This mechanism includes the “ implementation in action ” defense mentioned in the literature, in which unconscious desires or conflicts are directly expressed in actions that impede their awareness. The impulsiveness and weakness of emotional-volitional control inherent in psychopathic personalities are determined by the actualization of this particular defense mechanism against the general background of changes in the motivational-need sphere towards their greater simplification and accessibility.

Compensation. This mechanism of psychological protection is often combined with identification . It manifests itself in attempts to find a suitable substitute for a real or imaginary defect, a defect of an unbearable feeling with another quality, most often with the help of fantasizing or appropriating to oneself the properties, merits, values, behavioral characteristics of another person. Often this happens when it is necessary to avoid conflict with this person and increase the sense of self-sufficiency. At the same time, borrowed values, attitudes or thoughts are accepted without analysis and restructuring, and therefore do not become part of the personality itself.

A number of authors reasonably believe that compensation can be considered as one of the forms of protection against an inferiority complex , for example, in adolescents with asocial behavior, with aggressive and criminal actions directed against the individual. Probably, here we are talking about hypercompensation or regression similar in content with a total immaturity of the inventories.

Another manifestation of compensatory defense mechanisms may be the situation of overcoming frustrating circumstances or over-satisfaction in other areas. - for example, a physically weak or timid person who is unable to respond to the threat of reprisal finds satisfaction in humiliating the offender with the help of a sophisticated mind or cunning. People for whom compensation is the most characteristic type of psychological defense often turn out to be dreamers seeking ideals in various spheres of life.

Projection. The basis of the projection is the process by which unconscious and unacceptable for the individual feelings and thoughts are localized outside, attributed to other people and thus become as if secondary. The negative, socially unsuitable shade of feelings and properties experienced, for example, aggressiveness is often attributed to others to justify their own aggressiveness or ill-will, which manifests itself, as it were, for defensive purposes. Well-known examples of bigotry are when a person constantly ascribes his own immoral aspirations to others.

More rarely, another type of projection is encountered in which positive, socially approved feelings, thoughts or actions that are capable of exalting are attributed to significant individuals (most often from the micro-social environment). For example, a teacher who has not shown special abilities in professional activity tends to endow his beloved student with talent in this particular area, unconsciously elevating himself to the same (“the winner is a student from a defeated teacher”).

Substitution A common form of psychological protection, which in the literature is often denoted by the concept of " displacement ". The action of this defense mechanism is manifested in the discharge of repressed emotions (as a rule, hostility, anger), which are directed at objects that are less dangerous or more accessible than those that caused negative emotions and feelings. For example, an open manifestation of hatred towards a person, which may cause undesirable conflict with him, is transferred to another, more accessible and harmless. In most cases, the substitution resolves the emotional stress that has arisen under the influence of a frustrating situation, but does not lead to relief or the achievement of the goal. In this situation, the subject may perform unexpected, sometimes meaningless actions that allow internal stress.

Intellectualization. This defense mechanism is often denoted by the concept of " rationalization ." The authors of the methodology combined these two concepts, although their essential meaning is somewhat different. Thus, the action of intellectualization manifests itself in a fact-based, overly “mental” way of overcoming a conflict or frustrating situation without feelings. In other words, the person stops the experiences caused by the unpleasant or subjectively unacceptable situation with the help of logical installations and manipulations even with the presence of convincing evidence in favor of the opposite. Intellectualization differs from rationalization, according to F. Vasilyuk , in that it essentially represents “the departure from the world of impulses and affects into the world of words and abstractions”. When rationalizing, a person creates logical (pseudo-prudent) but plausible substantiations of his or others behavior, actions or experiences caused by reasons that she (the person) cannot recognize because of the threat of losing self-esteem. With this method of protection, obvious attempts are often observed to reduce the value of experience inaccessible to the individual. Так, оказавшись в ситуации конфликта, человек защищает себя от его негативного действия путем снижения значимости для себя и других причин, вызвавших этот конфликт или психотравмирующую ситуацию. В шкалу интеллектуализации – рационализации была включена и сублимация как механизм психологической защиты, при котором вытесненные желания и чувства гипертрофированно компенсируются другими, соответствующими высшим социальным ценностям, исповедуемым личностью.

Reactive education. This type of psychological defense is often identified with overcompensation . Personality prevents the expression of unpleasant or unacceptable thoughts, feelings or actions by exaggerated development of opposing aspirations. In other words, there is a transformation of internal impulses into their subjectively understood opposition, as it were. For example, pity or concern can be viewed as reactive formations with respect to unconscious callousness, cruelty, or emotional indifference.

Изоляция - это отделение психотравмирующей ситуации от связанных с ней душевных переживании. Замена ситуации происходит как бы неосознанно, по крайней мере не связывается с собственными переживаниями. Все происходит как будто с кем-то другим. Изоляция ситуации от собственного Эго особенно ярко проявляется у детей. Взяв куклу или игрушечную зверюшку, ребенок в игре может разрешить ей делать и говорить все, что ему самому запрещается: быть безрассудной, саркастичной, жестокой, ругаться, высмеивать других и т. п.
Сублимация - это наиболее распространенный защитный механизм, когда мы, стараясь забыть о травмирующем событии (переживании), переключаемся на различные виды деятельности, приемлемые для нас и общества. Разновидностью сублимации может быть спорт, интеллектуальный труд, творчество.
Интроспекция - это процесс, в результате которого идущее извне ошибочно воспринимается как происходящее внутри. Так, маленькие дети вбирают в себя всевозможные позиции, аффекты и формы поведения значимых в их жизни людей, выдавая в последующем это за свое мнение.

Образование механизмов защиты.


Спонтанное выражение


Страх и его социализированные формы

Механизмы защиты

Переоценка стимулов





«Мне это незнакомо»


Месть, наказание, обесценивание

Страх, стыд


«Вот кто во всем виноват»


Наказание, отвержение

Страх, стыд

Реактивное образование

«Все, связанное с этим, отвратительно»


Результат отсутствует. Отвержение

Страх, чувство неполноценности


«Зато я... Все равно я... Когда-нибудь я...»


Равнодушие отвержение

Чувство неполноценности


Оценка отсутствует



Страх самонеприятия


“All people are evil”



Confusion, panic, guilt


“Everything is explicable”



Guilt, fear of autonomy and initiative


"You must help me"

According to the research of Romanova ES, Grebennikova LR, the order of formation of defense mechanisms in ontogenesis occurs in the following order:

The tendency to join: from 0 to 1.5-2 years



Tendency to separation: from 1, 5–2 to 11 years





Tendency to join: from 11 to 13 years

Reactive education


Psycho-evolutionary theory of emotions by Robert Plutchik.

Теория эмоций разрабатывалась в виде монографического исследования в 1962 году. Она получила международное признание и использовалась в раскрытии инфраструктуры групповых процессов, позволяла сформировать представление о внутриличностных процессах личности и механизмах психологических защит. В настоящее время основные постулаты теории включены в известные психотерапевтические направления и психодиагностические системы. Основы теории эмоции изложены шестью постулатами:

1. Эмоции - это механизмы коммуникации и выживания, основанные на эволюционной адаптации. Они сохраняются в функционально эквивалентных формах через все филогенетические уровни. Коммуникация происходит за счет восьми базисных адаптивных реакций , являющихся прототипами восьми базисных эмоций:

  • Incorporation - eating food or taking favorable stimuli inside the body. This psychological mechanism is also known as introjection.
  • Rejection - ridding the body of something unsuitable that was perceived earlier.
  • Protection is a behavior designed to ensure the avoidance of danger or harm. This includes flight or any other action that increases the distance between the organism and the source of danger.
  • Destruction is a behavior designed to break down a barrier that prevents the satisfaction of an important need.
  • Reproduction is reproductive behavior that can be defined in terms of approximation, the tendency to maintain contact and mixing of genetic materials.
  • Реинтеграция - поведенческая реакция на потерю чего-либо важного, чем обладали или наслаждались. Его функция в обретении вновь опеки.
  • Ориентация - поведенческая реакция на контакт с неизвестным, новым или неопределенным объектом.
  • Исследование - поведение, обеспечивающее индивиду схематичное представление о данной окружающей среде.

2. Эмоции имеют генетическую основу.

3. Эмоции это гипотетические построения, основанные на очевидных явлениях различных классов.

4. Эмоции — это цепи событий со стабилизирующими обратными связями, которые поддерживают поведенческий гомеостаз. Происходящие в среде события подвергаются когнитивной оценке, в результате оценки возникают переживания (эмоции), сопровождаемые физиологическими изменениями. В ответ организм осуществляет поведение, призванное оказать эффект на стимул.

5. Отношения между эмоциями могут быть представлены в виде трехмерной (пространственной) структурной модели (см. рис. в начале статьи). Вертикальный вектор отражает интенсивность эмоций, с лева на право вектор сходства эмоций, а ось спереди на зад характеризует полярность противоположных эмоций. Этот же постулат включает положение о том, что некоторые эмоции являются первичными, а другие — их производными или смешанными .

6. Эмоции соотносятся с определенными чертами характера или типологиями. Диагностические термины, например, «депрессия», «маниакальность», «паранойя» рассматриваются как крайние выражения таких эмоций, как печаль, радость и отвержение (см. Колесо эмоций Роберта Плутчика. ).

Нежелательная для психики информация на пути к сознанию искажается. Искажение реальности по средствам защит может происходить следующим образом:

  • игнорироваться или не восприниматься;
  • будучи воспринятой, забываться;
  • в случае допуска в сознание и запоминания, интерпретироваться удобным для индивида образом.

Проявления механизмов защиты зависит от возрастного развития и особенностей когнитивных процессов. В целом, они образуют шкалу примитивности-зрелости .

  • Первыми возникают механизмы, в основе которых перцептивные процессы (ощущения, восприятия и внимания). Именно перцепция несет ответственность за защиты, связанные с неведением, непониманием информации. К ним относят отрицание и регрессию, являются наиболее примитивными и характеризуют «злоупотребляющую» ими личность как эмоционально незрелую.
  • Далее возникают защиты, связанные с памятью, а именно с забыванием информации, это вытеснение и подавление.
  • По мере развития процессов мышления и воображения, формируются наиболее сложные и зрелые виды защит, связанные с переработкой и переоценкой информации, это рационализация.
  • The mechanism of psychological defense plays the role of regulator of intrapersonal balance, due to the extinction of the dominant emotion.

The wheel of emotion of Robert Plutchik.

  Questionnaire Plutchik Kellerman Conte.  Methods Life style index The wheel of emotions of Robert Plutchik.

In summary, protection mechanisms are the way in which we protect ourselves from internal and external stresses. They are formed initially in the interpersonal relation, then become our internal characteristics, that is, these or those protective forms of behavior. It should be noted that a person often uses not one defensive strategy to resolve a conflict or ease anxiety, but several. But despite the differences between specific types of protection, their functions are similar: they consist in ensuring the stability and immutability of the person’s self-image.

Section: psychology tests with answers.

Tests on the psychology of personality.

Questionnaire Plutchik Kellerman Conte. Methods of Life Style Index (Life Style Index, LSI). A test for diagnosing psychological defense mechanisms.

A source:
Authors Kruzhkova OV, Shakhmatova O.N. "Psychological protection of the person: a training manual." - Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of Rosgosprofpeduniversitet, 2006, 153 pages.


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Psychology of emotions

Terms: Psychology of emotions