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9.2. Principles of building a network management system.


The construction of the telecommunication network management system (TMN) in the GSM standard is based on the CCITT structured concept [9.1, 9.2], which takes into account the possibility of development and integration of created and existing control networks. In accordance with the chosen concept, GSM TMN should provide an organized network structure to achieve interconnection between various operating systems (for TMN) and communication devices (for PLMN) based on a coherent architecture with standard protocols and interfaces. Conceptually, a TMN is a separate network that interfaces with PLMN at several different points in order to obtain information from it and monitor its operation. TMN can use separate PLMN structural parts (for example, SS No. 7 signaling system, B-channel in the ISDN communication channel structure) to provide control. Based on the general concept, GSM TMN provides a high degree of flexibility that meets the various technological conditions for constructing a PLMN and the requirements of various operators.

Functionally, the TMN provides the means for transporting and processing information related to the management of PLMN. As shown in fig. 9.1, the generalized functional architecture for GSM TMN and PLMN includes OSF functional blocks of operating systems (OS), intermediate MF functional blocks and DSF data transfer functional blocks. They include the main functions of TMN, which allows it to solve its application tasks. The TMN connects to the PLMN network function blocks (NEF), as well as directly to the workstation function blocks (WSF).

A workstation can directly connect to various network elements through external connections for TMN. The control points shown in fig. 9.1, define the conceptual points of information exchange between functional blocks. The reference point becomes the interface when the functional blocks are included in separate parts of the equipment [9.3].

Such a functional concept of GSM TMN provides network management functions on PLMN equipment (in the sense of using the same processing resources) over operating systems and intermediate devices focused on network management. It should be noted that in the case of using a single processor to perform network management functions and communication functions, they are always logically separated.


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