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9.3. Distribution of network management functions. Operating systems.


Operating Systems.

The physical configuration of the TMN provides alternative solutions to both centralization and the distribution of common functions of operating systems, which includes:

- serving application programs;

- database functions;

- provision of subscriber terminal;

- analyzing programs;

- data formatting and messaging.

In GSM TMN, all these functions are used for centralized remote processing, that is, in the OMS control and maintenance center (in TMN terminology it should be considered as the network OS), while special parts of these functions (so-called life support functions) must be locally present in the nodal base OS .

Pairing processes.

An integral part of the network management functions of communication are interconnection processes - processes that determine the direction of connections and / or effects on information transmitted between individual network elements (NEs) and operating systems over data transmission channels.

Pairing processes are classified into five general categories: 1) communication management; 2) protocol pairing and data processing; 3) pairing (union) of simple functions; 4) decision making processes; 5) data storage.

Pairing processes take place both in standalone equipment and in individual network elements.

Data transmission in GSM TMN.

The data transfer function (DCF) for GSM TMN is provided by a data network (DCN) or local area network (LCN).

DCN for GSM TMN corresponds to the OSI reference model [9.2]. Data transfer functions include providing connectivity through appropriate interfacing of various network elements with operating systems. The interface used in the connection process is defined in the CCITT recommendations [9.3] as the Q3 interface. This interface provides full access to all parts of the TMN. Some functions are due to the fact that the CCITT SS No. 7 signaling system must be related to the Q3 interface. For other functions, the operator has the ability to use dedicated channels using the X.25 protocol or switched public packet data networks (PS PDN).

In local communication networks, when making connections to PLMN, the CCITT Q2 interface and the A-bis interface can be used to implement the TMN data transfer functions.

Elements of the network.

In a GSM communication system, network elements (NE) are PLMN nodes, for example, MSC, HLR, BSS, or any part of communications equipment.

Network elements can provide the following groups of network management functions:

- object maintenance functions (MEF) associated with communication processes; the serviced entity (ME) may have one or more MEF functions;

- object security functions (SEF) are not directly included in the communication process.

SEF includes, for example, fault localization, data collection. A provisioning entity (SE) may have one or more SEF functions.


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