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It is important to understand how the realization of the adaptation function of education is ensured in the process of training various groups of the adult population. In education, adaptation is considered as a two-fold process of adapting the social-educational learning environment to the personality of an adult student and the active involvement of an adult subject of educational activity in designing an adaptive information-educational environment and developing individual educational routes. there is a need to adapt:

psychological (motivational), based on the restructuring of the stereotype of the actions of the individual, the thinking of an adult when choosing strategies and methods of work aimed at achieving the predicted results of studies;

organizational-targeted, expressed in the convergence of the goals of all participants in the educational process and the system of organization of the educational process on the basis of taking into account individual characteristics and real conditions;

meaningful, involving a functional-targeted selection of educational material, a varied construction of curricula and programs, the development of interactive learning models;

technological, opening up the possibility of adapting the training program to the peculiarities of specific learning conditions through the design of technologies, techniques and methods of multilevel and differentiated instruction, the choice of forms of conducting classes and means of person-oriented management of educational and cognitive activity;

control and evaluation, related to the fact that adult students, even belonging to the same social group, completely differently perceive and assimilate the same educational material, which predetermines their different needs in the forms of control over its assimilation.

The need for multilateral adaptation has given rise to the concepts of "adaptive school" and "adaptive education." The strategy of functioning of the adaptive school of adults consists of two components. It seeks, firstly, to adapt to the individual characteristics of students, and secondly, to respond as flexibly as possible to sociocultural changes and environmental challenges. As a result of this oncoming movement, students adapt to the conditions of a rapidly changing life. Adaptive education is aimed at solving the problems of the formation of a person’s professional and personal culture corresponding to the standard of living of society, and the creation of conditions for the productive selection and development of educational programs. Among the principles of adaptive learning, we can highlight flexibility, openness, orientation to the real needs of the subject of education, cultural congruence (as matching the cultural models currently adopted in society), and variability.

Evening school as a flexible system of adaptive education for youth and adults has its established traditions, features, history of development and transformation. Evening This school, which originated in Russia in the 20s

(replaceable) of the last century as an educational institution for adults, has passed through the following stages of development: the school of craftsmen, the school of the first profession, the home-correspondence school, and others.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Education", the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 1237 approved the model clause "On the evening (shift) educational institution", which determined that citizens of the Russian Federation of any age (working and non-working) ) provides a real opportunity to receive basic general and secondary (complete) general education.

General educational programs in the institution are mastered in the following forms: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time, family education, self-education, external studies. As an evening, general education (shift) schools, educational centers, as well as training and counseling centers, classes (groups) of evening and extra-mural education in general education institutions, allowing to implement educational programs of basic general, secondary (complete) general education, and vocational primary and additional education, taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the institution.

The contingent of evening (replaceable) educational institutions is heterogeneous in age, fitness, social maturity, vocational orientation, and learning motives.

These are adolescents who have left day school for various reasons, working youth, minors and adults who are serving sentences in correctional institutions of the penitentiary system of Russia.

At present, in evening (shift) schools about 30% of pupils aged 15 years and younger, 45% - 16-17 years old, 24% - 18-29 years old, 1.3% are students over 30 years old.

The complexity of the contingent of students in evening (shift) general education institutions requires a differentiated approach to the development of educational programs of different levels, the choice of content, forms and methods of teaching.

Thus, in the evening schools the following curricula are implemented: compensatory education (grades 5–9); accelerated (4-semester) education (grades 5–9); 2-year tuition for a full secondary school course; profile training on the system "School-university"; individual training, external studies.

In the evening (shift) secondary school, such organizational forms of study are used as full-time and correspondence classes (groups); classes of in-depth study of a number of subjects; classes of correctional and developmental education; the system of individual counseling, etc. Students have the right to choose different modes, options for combining programs of general and primary vocational education.

The occupancy of classes in urban institutions is set at not less than 25 students; in institutions located in workers' settlements, rural areas, in institutions with ITU - at least 15 students. With a smaller number of students, the institution can organize groups with correspondence courses and training according to an individual plan.

The combination of various forms of education is allowed. The conditions and procedure for the development of general educational programs are established by the charter of the institution.

Training and consultation points (UCP) of the evening school are opened in cities with 60 students, in workers' settlements, rural areas, in the ITU - with at least 30 students.

Correspondence groups are opened by the institution if there are at least 9 students. With less than 9 students in a class, mastering general education programs is carried out according to an individual plan, the number of training hours per week is set at the rate of 1 academic hour per person.

With the availability of the necessary conditions and means, it is possible to open and maintain institutions, training and counseling centers, classes, groups in correspondence courses with lower occupancy, as well as an increase in the number of training hours for an individual student in correspondence courses, which is determined by the charter of the institution.

An institution may have classes with full-time education, classes with in-depth study of subjects, classes (groups) of compensatory education, groups with correspondence courses, individually enrolled.

The institution accepts all applicants on the basis of a personal application, a certificate of basic general education (certificates of incomplete secondary education) or information about intermediate certification from general education institutions, certificates from educational institutions of primary or secondary vocational education indicating the number of hours listened to by general education items.

The possibilities of evening schools are significantly expanded in connection with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On Approving the Provision of General Education in the Form of Externship" dated June 23, 2000. A new category is added to the traditional contingent - army recruits, future mothers - displaced migrants, employees of security companies, police. Among the new applicants for external studies are the unemployed, who need a certificate for employment, as well as students of gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, who, as a rule, have a high level of training, and increased demands on education. Each of those who applied to external studies needs a good attitude, attention and long-term individual mentoring and support. Under the accompaniment refers to the use of individual programs and routes that allow you to implement student-centered learning externs according to the established standard of education. Individual educational routes are based on studying the level of contingent training, attitudes towards education, age characteristics of external students, and experience in information interaction.

In terms of training and attitudes towards education, it is conditionally possible to divide externs into categories:

  • - with medium and poor preparation and low educational needs, not planning to continue education after receiving a certificate;
  • - with high and secondary educational training, which intend to continue education in universities and special educational institutions;
  • - having special educational inquiries, opted for prestigious universities. The following options for individual promotion are possible within the framework of the external:

individual - the external student prepares for exams independently, receiving educational material from the teacher and agreeing on the time for attestation. It is not excluded that an external student applies for individual one-time consultations in individual subjects;

group - the external student is trained in individual subjects (choice is optional) in groups of 5-8 people, preparing for the rest of the disciplines independently;

mixed - extern can be trained in a special group of training in all subjects provided by the basic curriculum. If he does not cope with the working rhythm in the group, the period of study is extended individually.

The curriculum, drawn up taking into account the characteristics and aptitudes of externalities, is approved by the external meeting council.

When teaching various categories of students in individual educational programs, a wide range of teaching methods and tools is used. However, a common component of any ways students work according to these programs are the technologies of preparing them for independent cognitive activity, for self-education.

Educational technology is a systematic set of ways to work for the successful implementation of the concept of individual education. In terms of the organization of training on individual routes, educational technologies create a flexible adaptive space for the realization of the goals and content of education in special conditions (conducting counseling and installation classes, family education).

Educational technologies are designed to combine the efforts of andragogues to develop a unified strategy and methodology for individual training in designing programs for students, developing individual curricula, conducting a system of theoretical and practical (laboratory) studies, and ways to manage independent educational work.

It is quite obvious that the process of individual training along the educational route is carried out by andragog, who owns the entire arsenal of methodological tools and procedures used in the current system. Andragog's methodological mastery in the implementation of learning objectives, selection of content, concepts under study, formation of a system of general and subject skills, organization of work with an adult student is the basic basis for the implementation of a specific new function - managing the training of individuals who have defined their individual educational route.

The development of independent work skills in adults is the main task of training on individual routes. An adult, "" focused on a particular choice of the educational program and training mode, must realize that there is a direct interaction with the teacher. The main focus is on the organization of self-study of individual issues or topics of the school subject, which highlights the problem of developing students' readiness for self-education and the management of this activity by the teacher. There are several models of the activity of the teacher-andragogue in this respect.

The first model - informative and installation. On the part of Andragogue, the problem presentation of the basic concepts of the topic under study, disclosure of the interrelation of concepts, demonstration of the ways of applying knowledge by analyzing action algorithms, is assumed. Within the framework of this model, designed primarily for the study of fundamental theoretical questions of the course, an adult learner independently, on the basis of solving applied problems, deepens and systematizes the concepts obtained.

The second model - introductory. According to her, the andragogue will have to give an introduction to the topic, set forth the most complex supporting concepts and, on this basis, by means of special assignments, organize the deepening of knowledge.

The third model is operational activity. Associated with the creation of an indicative basis for the activities of trainees in solving various learning tasks. During the classes, typical tasks are solved, generalized skills and algorithms of actions are formed. This model is of particular importance when studying disciplines with a large amount of operational activities - the Russian language, mathematics, and physics.

The fourth model is an active self-education activity based on the use of modular learning technologies. In order to provide individual routes with andragogues, packages of training modules should be developed aimed at achieving specific didactic goals in preparation for tests or exams.

Tasks for self-control

1. On the basis of the materials of the chapter and recommended literature, make variants of definitions “Adaptive education is ...”.

2. Describe the possibilities of implementing the functions of adaptive education in relation to the specifics of training for various categories of adults (working youth in the evening (shift) school; military personnel who have been transferred to the reserve; convicts, etc.).

3. Describe the main forms for adults of general secondary and vocational education, their regulatory framework.

4. Expand your understanding of the basics of designing technology for adult education and models of andragogical activity to accompany an adult on an individual educational route.

Recommended literature

Evening shift school: Problems and factors of development / General. ed. A. E. Marona. - SPb., 1997.

Humanistic foundations of adult education technologies in various educational systems / Ed. A. E. Marona. - SPb., 1999.

Innovative models of educational technologies and systems / Ed. A. E. Marona. - SPb., 1998.

Maron A.E. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the design of adult learning technologies // Adult education at the turn of the century: Questions of methodology, theory and practice / Scientific. ed. V.I. Podobed. - SPb., 2000. - T. IV .- Prince. one.

On the problems of functioning of evening (replaceable) educational institutions of the Russian Federation. The decision of the board from 19.05 98 Љ 7/1.

Open school. - 1999 - 2001. Articles: V.M. Filippov. School today: Anxiety and hope (1999. - Љ 2); V.N. Vershinin. The teacher of the changing school (2000. - Љ 2.); O.D. Vladimir, O.D. Kravchenko. Phased study of academic subjects in external studies (2000. - Љ 4); A. E. Maron, V.I. Sokolov, M.M. Zaborschikova. Responsible mission of night school (2001. - Љ 4).

School for socially vulnerable / Ed. S. G. Vershlovsky - SPb., 1998.


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