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The study of the current practice of adult leisure makes it possible to single out the educational and educational opportunities that are potentially embedded in its structure: Educational - recreation, serving to restore the ability of vitality, health, and psychological leisure of adult well-being (recreation);

- Enlightenment as a means of intellectual development, increasing the level of functional literacy, a source of additional knowledge;

- creativity that meets the needs and interests of the person as a way of self-realization and self-expression;

- contemplation, reflection, introspection, allowing to delve into the world of feelings and experiences, to rethink existing life experience, to rise above everyday life.

Obviously, the implementation of these opportunities in one way or another is associated with the acquisition of additional knowledge, skills, experience, activities and relationships, and therefore, contains educational potential.

The ratio of leisure and (self) educational activities can be different: 1) education as one of the forms of leisure; 2) education and leisure as independent, independent of each other activities; 3) education and leisure, mutually complementing each other (the education process contains leisure elements of recreational importance; leisure is accompanied by the parallel introduction of educational information).

Adult leisure in modern Russia is different:

- significant differentiation of the population (urban, rural) in accessibility for different social groups of various recreational services;

- lack of social guarantees and incentives for active participation in the field of leisure;

- the growing influence of mass culture on the content and structure of recreation;

- a decrease in the share of educational forms offered by society and the media;

- the fall of the influence of traditional and folk culture on

leisure activities.

Under these conditions, an adult faces the problem of filling free time with meaning, choosing leisure preferences. In many ways, its decision depends on such factors as family income, involvement in social groups of different levels of security.

The content of the adult’s free time is in many ways an andragogical problem, which is associated with the general culture of the individual. The results of numerous studies show that free time is today an equally significant problem for people with high and low incomes, although the quality of the “equipment” of free time is different for the rich and the poor. Objectively, the filling of leisure of the rich and the poor is connected not so much with the financial side, as with the attitude to it, skills and "qualifications" in the use of free time. That is why the quality of leisure should be considered in a wider context of quality of life.

In recent years, among the adult population, there is an accumulation of free time for both passive and active rest (sports, walks) with an increase in time for watching television (video in more affluent families). Less and less free time is devoted to learning and self-education. Still, higher rates of free time are recorded for the urban population as compared with the rural population, and also for men as compared with women.

Leisure and recreation, as a rule, are interpreted irrespective of age either as “time free from studies, professional * and family responsibilities” or “time spent on entertainment”. Such a narrow understanding of the possibilities of leisure suggests that not only young people, but also older people are focused mainly on its recreational and recreational views, and cognitive and creative functions often remain unfulfilled. Thus, there arises the andragogical problem of awareness of the developmental potential of leisure by the person himself. The ability to make an appropriate choice of classes implies the ability to access information about the content and forms of available leisure activities. In this regard, andragogue can act as an organizer of leisure, popularizing its traditional and new forms.

In each of the age periods, a person has specific requests in the sphere of realization of leisure interests.

As monitoring studies show, high school students consider themselves fully prepared to spend (free time. However, it is in

Leisure young people expect many social risks (familiarizing with alcohol, drugs, moving away from accepted stereotypes and norms of behavior, the influence of mass culture, etc.). It is noted that during the period of social change, the compensatory and entertaining functions of leisure become priorities for young people. Because of this, the leading youth programs, disc jockeys are largely based on the andragogical function of developing the taste and aesthetic needs of young people, creating a culture of communication between the sexes, and presenting samples of civilized behavior in places of leisure. Unfortunately, this profession is not taken into account today by representatives of these professions. Therefore, doubtful Western patterns of behavior and relationships, samples of low speech culture, are replicated to millions of audiences with the help of mass media.

Within the framework of the existing experience in organizing leisure time for young people, forms of civic education are also being implemented (activities of social and political organizations and associations, participation in actions with a civil orientation); introduction to the achievements of modern science and technology (especially for young people with low educational qualifications); learning modern technologies (computer communications); mastering the practical skills of a military sports plan (driving a car, owning a weapon, etc.); acquaintance with the values ​​of world and national art. Leisure and recreation, as a rule, are interpreted irrespective of age either as “time free from studies, professional * and family responsibilities” or “time spent on entertainment”. Such a narrow understanding of the possibilities of leisure suggests that not only young people, but also older people are focused mainly on its recreational and recreational views, and cognitive and creative functions often remain unfulfilled. Thus, there arises the andragogical problem of awareness of the developmental potential of leisure by the person himself. The ability to make an appropriate choice of classes implies the ability to access information about the content and forms of available leisure activities. In this regard, andragogue can act as an organizer of leisure, popularizing its traditional and new forms.

In each of the age periods, a person has specific requests in the sphere of realization of leisure interests.

As monitoring studies show, high school students consider themselves fully prepared to spend (free time. However, it is in

leisure young people expect a lot of social risks (introduction to alcohol, drugs, a departure from the accepted stereotypes and norms of behavior, the influence of mass culture, etc.). It is noted that during the period of social change, the compensatory and entertaining functions of leisure become priorities for young people. Because of this, the leading youth programs, disc jockeys are largely based on the andragogical function of developing the taste and aesthetic needs of young people, creating a culture of communication between the sexes, and presenting samples of civilized behavior in places of leisure. Unfortunately, this profession is not taken into account today by representatives of these professions. Therefore, doubtful Western patterns of behavior and relationships, samples of low speech culture, are replicated to millions of audiences with the help of mass media.

Within the framework of the existing experience in organizing leisure time for young people, forms of civic education are also being implemented (activities of social and political organizations and associations, participation in actions with a civil orientation); introduction to the achievements of modern science and technology (especially for young people with low educational qualifications); learning modern technologies (computer communications); mastering the practical skills of a military sports plan (driving a car, owning a weapon, etc.); acquaintance with the values ​​of world and national art.

The most important social andragogical mission in the field of leisure today is the search and social support for talented young people, as well as raising the prestige of national science and folk art.

The organizers of work with gifted youth in various regions of Russia are branches of the Knowledge Society, cultural centers, museums and libraries. As part of the humanitarian fund "Knowledge", the annual programs "Young Talents" and "Fellows" are implemented with the issuance of diplomas, cash prizes and the right to publish and display the best works. The Knowledge Foundation together with RAO Gazprom, the Association of Folk Art Crafts of Russia and the Polytechnic Museum hold exhibitions and contests for young masters of art crafts.

The effectiveness of work in this direction is facilitated by special andragogical training. It should provide an understanding of the realities of the life of young people, the use of work forms that meet their expectations; overcoming stereotypes of leisure activities; creative use of national models of organization of free time. Specialists will have to search for new educational and educational forms of leisure, including those using the possibilities of network communication.

In the organization of leisure for adults of middle age groups, the dominant is shifted to the possibility of solving, through the rational use of free time, the tasks of social development, adaptation, support. Leisure in this age group is more individualized and personalized. It is largely due to socio-economic motives (social advancement, change in social status, increased economic well-being, etc.). Therefore, the educational-status functions of leisure for middle-aged people often come to the fore.

For the majority of middle-aged people, the leisure sphere becomes a space of social support and adaptation. It is in this area laid great potential for raising the level of culture. For example, villagers in their free time can join the urban culture, new models of communication, and increase the level of functional literacy. In fairness it should be noted that the inhabitants of the Russian hinterland traditionally preserve and revive national forms of recreation (holidays of the calendar ritual circle, traditional folk art). Work in the field of leisure activities for rural residents covers mainly such areas as crafts, art, cooking, agriculture, health, sports, foreign and native languages. Mass leisure activities, such as folk festivals, carnivals, street festivals, cities, concert and sports shows, can and should serve as a source of enlightenment, since by definition they are capable of transmitting ideas and traditions that meet high aesthetic and ethical criteria to many people.

Older people, especially single people, facing the problem of an abundance of free time at a new stage of their life, often do not know how to fill it. Some cannot fully participate in active forms of leisure activities due to the lack of economic opportunities or physical strength. Others who have devoted their whole life to work have not accumulated the experience of proper rest.

Older people are usually not participatory; mass, noisy events and entertainment. They already had a familiar social circle, certain forms of leisure became their favorites. Internal, emotional and intellectual life is of great importance for this age group, life together with congenial peers or relatives. Organizers of work with the elderly note that this is the age! there is a need not so much for new meaningful leisure as for warmth, attention, the opportunity to express a gamble of experiences and share life experience.

The organizers of the work in the sphere of leisure and education of the elderly are the national universities and universities of the third age, branches of the organization of the society "Knowledge", cultural information centers, as well as museums, cultural centers, public and social organizations, sports clubs. The geography of the spread of experience in organizing leisure activities for the elderly is quite wide. This is mainly the central region of Russia. Siberia, North-West, as well as Moscow and St. Petersburg. The content of work with the elderly includes the following directions: socio-psychological (psychological assistance and rehabilitation, "hotlines", psychological counseling, seminars on the theme "The Art of Beating Old Age", etc.);

medical-psychological (lectures on valeology, seminars on the topic "Health in your hands", work in groups "Health", meetings with medical specialists, consultations of specialists, etc.);

legal (meetings with lawyers, employees of social welfare departments, legal advice);

historical and cultural (studying the history of Russia, the history of his native city, region, excursions, collective visits to theaters and concert halls, meetings with writers and artists, seminars on the themes: "Hometown: history and culture", "Russian folk art", "Russian folk costume ", etc.);

civil (a series of lectures and seminars "I am a citizen", meetings with deputies, etc.);

horticultural (lectures, consultations of specialists on the management of home gardens, work in the Botanical Garden and in the countryside, etc.);

artistic and aesthetic (lectures, visits to museums, theaters, concerts, tours, themed evenings, etc.).

In leisure-time work with persons of the third age, group and collective forms of activity are widely used, aimed at expanding and enriching the range of social ties; individual approach, due to the wealth and diversity of experience of the elderly; The autobiographical method, which is designed to ensure that an elderly person, referring to his biography, as a representative of a certain generation, tried to comprehend the life path he had gone through, his uniqueness and social significance.

The expansion of the practice of working in the field of leisure of the elderly raises the problem of training specialists for this type of activity. In this regard, centers for working with older people are trying to organize collaboration with students of cultural institutions, with future specialists in cultural, educational and social work. There is an obvious need to improve the content of educational work with the elderly, to use creatively such forms of education that allow you to organize interactive communication, provide an opportunity to discuss problems at a high professional level, and open up opportunities for the transfer of life experience.

The performance of work in the leisure sphere of adults should be measured by the degree of integrity, self-sufficiency of leisure as a type of activity that allows to withstand spiritual crises and the destruction of the individual. Serious andragogical tasks are preparing a person of any age for creative self-realization in the field of leisure; training in recreational technologies that promote successful self-realization and re-socialization; assistance in the design of individual recreational space; orientation in existing forms of leisure available to appropriate age and social categories.

Tasks and questions for self-control

1. Analyze the structure of your free time. What is the place of educational (educational) activity in it?

2. What forms of self-education do you own?

3. What do you think, from which sources in your free time do you get the most general cultural information (radio, television, video, theater, museums, communication with friends and acquaintances, travel, etc.)? Discuss in the study group what your leisure activities do to enrich your life.

4. What do you think, what today most of all prevents adults from spending their leisure time culturally?

Recommended literature

Butenko I. А. The quality of free time in the rich and the poor // Sociological studies. - 1998. - Љ 7.

Lutansky V.D. Educator in the dormitory: Pedagogical conversations about the organization of leisure activities for young people. - M., 1988.

Orlov A.S. Sociology of recreation. - M., 1995.

Orlov A.S. The Concept of Sociology of Recreation // Sociological Studies. - 1990. - Љ 9.

Orlov A. S. Labor and recreation // Sociological studies. - 1991. -Љ10.

Ranish I., E., Zyuzina, T. A. Thoughts on the pedagogy of cultural leisure // Soviet pedagogy. - 1990. - Љ 7.

Stebbins, R. A. Free time: Towards the optimal style of leisure (view from Canada) // Sociological Studies. - 2000. - Љ 7.


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