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Andragogical foundations of professional development are laid at the moment of the transition of the individual from the system of school education to the next stage of continuous education. For some students, this is education at a university, for others - at a college or vocational school. According to the existing social practice, professional development can be carried out as the levels of basic vocational training (at the level of primary, secondary, higher education) are completed, during advanced training, retraining (retraining in a new specialty), and self-education.

In the domestic professional pedagogy, there is a wealth of research that describes the patterns of entering the profession in the forms of vocational, secondary special and higher education (S.Ya. Batyshev, A.P. Belyaeva, G.A. Bordovsky, N.V. Kuzmina, E. A. Manushin, A. M. Novikov, V. A. Polyakov, V. A. Slastenin, etc.).

However, we are primarily interested in the andragogical potential of vocational education. After all, it is during the period of basic vocational training that the transition from the “children's” pedagogical training model to the andragogical one should be realized. Only in this case can a young man gain a truly subjective position in his professional development.

Depending on the strategy and forms of organization of education chosen by teachers and educational institutions, this transition is carried out with varying degrees of intensity or does not occur at all.

Any professional education can be considered in relation to the individual in various aspects:

- as the preparation of a specialist who meets the standard (model, professiogram);

- as the "process of enrichment of activity abilities" of a person (VG Onushkin);

- as "the process of setting, unfolding, adapting and" implanting "the professional context into subjective reality with the subsequent launching of its independent improvement and development" (A.I. Vovk).

In the latter case, the profession acquires an existential meaning for a person, becoming for him a way of being, rather than simple functioning.

Depending on the initial installation, vocational training in practice is carried out at different levels of penetration into the depths of development of a particular specialty. It may be:

- the acquisition of specific skills and abilities that allow you to perform local operations and actions, thereby solving individual practical tasks;

- the development of methods of organization of activities, technologies for the implementation of certain processes;

- accumulation (updating) of theoretical information, carried out fragmentarily or systemically;

- the formation of professional and personal attitudes, value systems associated with the stay in the profession, finding the meanings of professional activity, i.e. development of their own philosophy of the profession.

In the case of a combination of these levels, one of them still remains dominant, determining the quality of the final result. But only under appropriate conditions, a person acquiring a specialty at the same time acquires the ability to be the subject of his own professional development. This happens when the learning process acquires andragogical characteristics.

If we want the training to go in the logic of adult education, at the stage of basic vocational training (school, college, university) such andragogical tasks should be set and solved:

- formation of the installation on the subject position in the process of professional development;

- assistance in self-determination of the future specialist in the professional space (field of professional activity);

- mastering the logic of progress in the profession;

- presentation to the future specialist reference models of professional behavior, activities, relationships that serve as a guide for self-assessment and self-improvement;

- formation in the course of training experience of partnership, cooperation;

- stimulation of the processes of (self) upbringing, oriented towards the conscious development and consolidation of the personal qualities and characteristics necessary in the profession;

- transfer of andragogical skills and abilities oriented towards self-knowledge and work with oneself;

- creation of complex prerequisites for continuing education.

Analyzing the main options for training a specialist for professional activities, we use the concept of "field of professional activity" (PPA), indicating in the course of professional training at i the boundaries of the future specialist's interaction with the entire set of professional knowledge and experience necessary for him. The boundaries of the field of professional activity for each specific time point will be determined by the degree of development of science, innovative experience as the most advanced model of professional activity in the future.

Building a PPA at any time acquaintance with the profession


- see the panorama of professional activity in its entirety, that is, present the professional context in its current integrity;

- feel the personal perspectives (the possibility of achievements) in the professional development space;

- to carry out a forecast (specification of individual opportunities at a certain stage of entry into the profession);

- visualize the product (possible variants of the embodiment of ideas in the results of professional activity);

- think about the aftereffect, which determines the strategy of professional-personal behavior after passing a certain stage of training).

You can talk about the variability of models of promotion in the field of professional activity, in varying degrees corresponding to the essence of the andragogical entry into the profession. In the logic of traditional university education, specialist training is conducted in the mode of gradual, element-wise expansion and deepening of the initial, close to zero, amount of professional knowledge and experience. This is an endless approach to the limits of professional knowledge and experience established and already achieved by others. These borders in our century tend to move rapidly through scientific knowledge, innovation, the emergence of advanced technologies. The criterion for the success of training at any stage becomes the maximum approximation to the boundaries delineated by normative programs. Only somewhere in the final stage for an insignificant part of students is it possible to go beyond the limits of the field of activity, that is, to achieve the level of creativity in the professional sphere. (Let us recall the situation of Achilles, who is always catching up with the tortoise.) At the same time, students do not always acquire a new quality as knowing subjects. For them, the "situation of the student" remains, which does not contribute to the formation of the position of an adult student.

To increase the degree of autonomy, which means that adults in the system of vocational training today are striving through the introduction of various models of student-centered education, the formation of individual routes and trajectories of advancement in the content, including using computer technologies. The ability to self-design an individual-semantic line of advancement in the United States, while becoming one of the most important indicators of adulthood in learning. In the variant of contextual learning (A. A. Verbitsky), which is widely used in the vocational training system, there is a consistent decomposition of the content of professional activity, reflected in the form of a system of professional tasks and problems. In fact, the very logic of contextual learning itself reflects the sequence of future specialists mastering transitional models in the direction from teaching to work. In the course of contextual learning, there is a consistent build-up of the experience of using information in the function of a means for the implementation of practical actions.

At the beginning, we are talking about learning activities in its traditional forms (lecture, seminar, independent work with literature). Next, students are included in the quasi-professional activities carried out in a simulation-simulation, game or design form. The final stage of preparation is the development of various types of educational and professional activities, the result of which is not only a specific educational result (mark, test, examination score, diploma), but also a specific socially important professional product (participation in research, production practice, thesis project). In the course of quasi-professional and educational-professional activities, various types of industrial and social relations, characteristic of the carriers of a particular profession or specialization, are also mastered.

If you go back to the signs peculiar to the true subject (conscious activity, objectivity of activity, ability to goal setting, freedom of choice, uniqueness, certainty in time), then we will see that within the framework of accepted training it is often impossible to achieve conscious goal-setting, self-reflection, correction of professional action. How to create conditions under which from the first moments of being at the institute (college, college) there will be a need for active interaction with educational information in the context of not only academic, but professional activity?

From the future professional situation for the student, only one component is present in the system of university relations - he himself. This suggests a conclusion about the possibility of building an active position on the basis of a theoretical understanding of oneself, one’s own activities by forming evaluative judgments about oneself as a subject of future professional activity. What could be more interesting for a person than himself? This approach allows for the early formation of a “personality of productive activity”. Such a person is aware of himself "an integral part of nature and the social environment, constructively reacts to failures, trying to find a logical and feasible way out of difficult situations" (L.P. Grimak).

At the first stage of vocational training, relations specific to a particular sphere of professional activity are extremely important (in the systems: "man-man"; "man-nature"; "man-technique", etc.). It is they who prospectively determine the nature of the future interaction with the subject of labor, the environment, work colleagues, with them as the bearer of professional potential. They serve as the initial basis for the subsequent formation of a professional style of thinking and the construction of a holistic professional activity based on an understanding of the laws and logic of the development of certain objective processes. It is these relationships that will subsequently play a central role in the structure of professional behavior.

The priority of the relationship at the time of entry into the profession is important for one more reason. Today, an increasing number of authors consider creativity not so much as a level of activity, but also as a value relation, which, under certain conditions, embodies into activity. Attitude is possible to form. Then later, in combination with skills, it will be able to generate creativity both as a way of being in a professional sphere, and as a level of professional activity.

The subject position of a student begins with a change in his attitude towards knowledge. As he learns, he will actively participate in the process of forming the content of the training and his own professional position: its meanings, logic, and ways of doing it. Teachers will perform a corrective, orienting role, acting as "competent colleagues" to help create subject-oriented training content and ensure optimal logic for entering the PPA and advancing in the professional field.

At subsequent stages of preparation, the formation of a professional consciousness becomes a priority, and only then - methods of activity. For this approach, called individual creative (I. Kolesnikov), characterized by:

value-semantic understanding of a specialist as an individual, the task of development of which is solved in the course of training;

the target for the formation of the personality of the creative type, for which creativity, “going beyond one’s limits”, becomes a way of professional existence;

the variative-search character of the construction of the preparation process, where the students themselves are active "accomplices" in the formation of the learning content;

orientation training on self-realization (autocreation) in the professional sphere.

With an individual-creative approach, the content of training, its depth and volume are largely determined by the information needs of the student, aimed at the professional sphere. Training in this case is carried out in an individual search mode, subject to a certain logic of the formation of the student as a subject of his professional life.

If in the first case, the development of a specialist's subjectivity occurs as the quality of the learning context specified from outside develops and changes, in another the student is initially placed in the subject position of an active participant in the formation of the context of his professional training. His very entry into the profession will largely be determined by the mechanism of self-regulation.

Directing his own advancement in the profession, actively building his lineup, the student has the right to express himself in different ways. In his individual experience, the prevalence of applied orientation, orientation to theoretical and methodological activity, or a combination of both, is possible. The information request for science, teachers, colleagues in training and work, the choice of goals and objectives of self-education will depend on the individual need.

The systematic substantiation of the logic of advancement of a future specialist in the profession shows the possibility of building the learning process from an initially holistic view of the professional field of activity to a specific acquaintance with the diversity of its forms, the consistent development of individual structural components; from the principles of being in the profession to the specific actions arising from these principles.

When moving from stage to stage, the following logic must be preserved:

- development of a specialist as a full-fledged subject of professional activity;

- the formation of personal position in accordance with the peculiarities of professional behavior in the framework of a particular model adopted in the culture of society;

- preservation of the integrity of the developed types of educational and professional activities;

- the creation of internal personal prerequisites for the continuity of learning throughout further professional activity.

The boundaries of the stages in each of the options for multi-level training, adopted today in vocational education institutions, and the volume of study of specific disciplines for each type of educational institution and profile of training, of course, will be different. At the same time, it is impossible not to take into account significant individual differences in the pace of moving from stage to stage — advancing or delaying individual students in mastering the proposed content of vocational training. Probable manifestation of a professional position in the first courses and its absence by the time of graduation. As reference points it is possible to form professional-personal indicators of completeness of each of the stages of preparation.

The university was completed, work ahead and re-study as a lifelong process of enriching the creative potential of the individual. The ability to continually develop skills. Increasing the level of professional competence - qualifications within the framework of the once acquired - and retraining of the profession - the necessary quality of the modern - in the system of a specialist. Training and retraining,

Continuous updating of knowledge and skills is a key education a question of the competitiveness of an individual, organization, nation as a whole. In today's rapidly changing world, knowledge itself becomes obsolete fairly quickly and needs to be updated on average every 6-7 years.

A serious threat to our day is the lag in the ability of a person to adapt to changes in the world around him from the pace of these changes. Traditional basic education, both general and vocational, does not keep pace with social, economic, industrial, informational changes; in principle, it can provide a person with knowledge, skills and personal qualities for a lifetime. The crisis of competence1 just a person or an employee today is considered as one of the most important links in the chain of crisis phenomena.

It has been established that after graduation from university, on average 20% of knowledge is lost annually. The rapid obsolescence of knowledge is noted in various fields. Например, в металлургии - 3,9 года, в машиностроении - 5,2 года, в химической промышленности - 4,8 года, в рекламе - 5 лет, в бизнесе - 2 года и т.д. Как показывает практика, для поддержания знаний на уровне требований современности специалист должен не менее 4 - 6 часов в неделю уделять изучению последних достижений в области, которой он занимается2.

Как Алисе из известной сказки Л.Кэрролла, современному специалисту, чтобы удержаться на одном и том же месте, приходится бежать изо всех сил. А если хочешь попасть куда-нибудь в другое место, надо бежать еще вдвое быстрее.

Направления, виды, формы образования, ориентированные как на повышение профессиональной компетентности специалиста, так и на его личностное развитие, четко обозначены в законах Российской Федерации "Об образовании", "О высшем и послевузовском профессиональном образовании", а также в нормативно-правовых актах, принимаемых в соответствии с ними3. В этих документах зафиксировано, что образовательные программы, связанные с повышением квалификации, профессиональной подготовкой и переподготовкой по новым специальностям, реализуют образовательные учреждения дополнительного профессионального образования (повышения квалификации). К ним относятся учебно-методические и образовательные центры, институты повышения квалификации, специальные факультеты вузов, академий.

Целью повышения квалификации является обновление теоретических и практических знаний специалистов в связи с повышением требований к уровню квалификации и необходимостью освоения современных методов решения профессиональных задач. В соответствии с законодательством повышение квалификации проводится по мере необходимости, но не реже одного раза в 5 лет в течение всей трудовой деятельности работников. Периодичность прохождения специалистами повышения квалификации устанавливается работодателем.

Повышение квалификации может включать:

- краткосрочное (не менее 72 часов) тематическое обучение;

- тематические и проблемные семинары (от 72 до 100 часов);

- длительное (свыше 100 часов) обучение специалистов.

Целью профессиональной переподготовки специалистов является получение ими дополнительных знаний, умений и навыков, необходимых для выполнения нового вида профессиональной деятельности. По результатам прохождения профессиональной переподготовки специалисты получают диплом государственного образца, удостоверяющий их право (квалификацию) вести профессиональную деятельность в определенной сфере. Среди документов, которые учреждения повышения квалификации выдают слушателям, успешно завершившим курс обучения:

- удостоверение о повышении квалификации - для лиц, прошедших краткосрочное обучение или участвовавших в работе тематических и проблемных семинаров по программе в объеме от 72 до 100 часов;

свидетельство о повышении квалификации (обучение по программе в объеме свыше 100 часов);

- диплом о профессиональной переподготовке (обучение по ' программе в объеме свыше 500 часов), удостоверяющий право : специалиста на ведение профессиональной деятельности в определенной сфере;

- диплом о присвоении квалификации (обучение по программе в объеме свыше 1000 часов).

Одной из форм дополнительного профессионального образования является стажировка. Ее основная цель - формирование и закрепление на практике профессиональных знаний, умений и навыков, полученных в результате теоретической подготовки. Стажировка осуществляется также в целях изучения передового опыта, приобретения профессиональных и организаторских навыков, Для выполнения обязанностей по занимаемой или более высокой Должности. Продолжительность стажировки устанавливается работодателем, направляющим работника на обучение. Совместно с ) Руководством учреждения или предприятия, выбранного в качестве места стажировки, с учетом пожеланий стажера утверждаются ее программа и форма отчетности.

The main goal of advanced training is to ensure, on the basis of the improvement of the professional activity of a specialist, the continuity and progressiveness of the development of his personality. The relationship between personal development and professional activities becomes possible if:

- life meanings and values ​​are associated with a person's professional sphere;

- professional activity allows you to realize your creative abilities and human potential;

- the results of labor and continuous professional development receive positive social support;

- in professional activities information requests are born that stimulate the continuation of education;

- in the field of professions, an adult acts as a subject capable of influencing the improvement of the joint result of labor.

Запросы взрослого человека в системе повышения квалификации связаны в основном с желанием повысить уровень профессиональной компетенции, самоопределиться в профессиональной сфере, продолжить общекультурное развитие. На разных этапах профессиональной деятельности ожидания от повышения квалификации у взрослого человека меняются.

Например, молодой специалист со стажем до 5 лет обычно нуждается в приобретении личностных и профессиональных характеристик, отвечающих требованиям его конкретного рабочего места, т. е. фактически в дообучении (или в компенсации пробелов, оставшихся после базовой подготовки).

Профессионал, имеющий стаж работы около 10 лет, ожидает от системы квалификации прежде всего стимула к развитию творческого потенциала. Кроме того, к этому моменту у многих возникает неосознанная потребность к разрушению сложившихся стереотипов профессионального поведения. В период инновационных преобразований в профессиональной сфере даже опытный специалист нуждается в приобретении умения действовать в ситуациях неопределенности, быть конкурентоспособным.

Человек, имеющий за плечами значительный опыт профессиональной деятельности, испытывает потребность поделиться своими знаниями, умениями с коллегами. Следовательно, в системе повышения квалификации ему необходимо предоставить возможность осмысления, обобщения и трансляции своих достижений. Одним из вариантов профессионального роста может стать переход специалиста на уровень научной рефлексии, включение его в проектную, экспериментальную, исследовательскую и другие виды деятельности.

Важно, чтобы непрерывное профессиональное образование способствовало сохранению и развитию субъектной позиции специалиста на основе самоанализа, самооценки, самоорганизации в дальнейшем освоении поля профессиональной активности.

Сформулируем круг требований к содержанию профессионального обучения в андрагогической модели. Оно должно быть открытым, т. е. способным к развитию объема за счет субъектного вклада участников андрагогического процесса. Оно предстает как персонализированное (ориентированное на интересы и потребности конкретных людей); практикоориентированное (интегрированное с контекстом жизнедеятельности); кулътуросообразное (соответствующее сложившимся культурным моделям); комплексное (позволяющее освоить поле профессиональной активности во всем его многообразии).

В системе повышения квалификации перед преподавателем встают следующие основные андрагогические задачи:

- осуществить диагностику типовых и индивидуальных проблем аудитории (степень мотивированности на продолжение образования, информационный запрос, актуальный уровень профессиональной компетентности и притя заний, готовность обучаться в предлагаемой форме, психофизиологические и социально-психологические особенности, предпосылочный образовательный и профессиональный опыт и др.);

- помочь в самоопределении и выборе необходимого развивающего в профессионально-личностном отношении образовательного маршрута и режима обучения;

- оказать помощь в адаптации к условиям обучения (состав слушателей, содержание, способы работы с информацией);

- создать условия для позитивного настроя и понимания перспектив профессионального и личностного роста;

- сформировать ситуацию межсубъектного взаимодействия в ходе обучения;

- предоставить каждому слушателю возможность самовыражения и самоутверждения в среде коллег за счет презентации своего позитивного опыта;

- обеспечить реальное развивающее продвижение в освоении образовательного содержания в логике "динамического треугольника" отношение - сознание-деятельность;

- гарантировать получение конкретного образовательного продукта, который можно "перенести" в ситуацию профессиональной деятельности (проект, программа действий, технология и др.);

- психологически помочь слушателям выйти из ситуации обучения, т.е. без конфликтов возвратиться внутренне измененными в не изменившийся за это время рабочий контекст; расстаться с сокурсниками; наметить перспективы дальнейшего продвижения в профессиональном поле.

Recommended literature

Абдуллина О. А. Личность студентов в процессе профессиональной деятельности // Высшее образование в России. - 1993. - Љ 3.

Батаршев А. В. Преемственность обучения в общеобразовательной и профессиональной школе: Теоретико-методологический аспект / Под ред. А.П.Беляевой. - СПб., 1996.

Беляева А. П. Дидактические принципы профессиональной подготовки в профтехучилищах: Метод, пособие. - М., 1991.

Берг Э. Понятие "профессия" // Перспективы. - 1997. - Љ 3.

Бодалев А. А. О предмете акмеологии // Психологический журнал. - 1995.-Љ1.

Вербицкий А.А. Активное обучение в высшей школе: Контекстный подход. - M., 1993.

Голуб С. Б. Профессиональное образование как социально-педагогическая проблема// Специалист. - 1999. - Љ 10.

Зиновкина М. М. Креативная технология образования // Высшее образование в России. - 1999. - Љ 3.

Кондратко И. И. и др. Диверсификация профессионального образования // Специалист. - 1998. - Љ 11.

Концепция централизованного тестирования в системе непрерывного общего и профессионального образования // Бюллетень МО РФ. - 2000. - Љ 8.

Лосева В. К., Пуньков А. И. Аутодидактика и авторизированное образование // Вестник МГУ. - 1999. - Љ 1(3).

Мицкевич Н.И. Дидактические основы повышения квалификации: Теория и практика. - Минск, 1999.

Новиков А. М. Интеграция базового профессионального образования / / Педагогика. - 1996. - Љ 3.

Программа развития среднего профессионального образования в России на 2000-2005 годы // Специалист. - 2000. - Љ 8, 10-12; 2001. -Љ 1, 2.

Смирнов С. Д. Педагогика и психология высшего образования: От деятельности к личности. - M., 2001.

Специалист в системе повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров: Сб. scientific tr. / Ed.S. G. Vershlovsky. - SPb., 1993.

Strelkov E.K. Engineering and Professional Psychology: Proc. allowance. - M., 2001.

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