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One of the non-formal types of education is tourism. At the end of the XVIII century. Young people from wealthy English families began to perform so-called grand tours in order to continue or complete their education, 2–3-year trips to continental Europe. They can be considered the first educational tours. At the time of the Enlightenment, J.-J. Rousseau and J. Locke proclaimed travel as one of the necessary components of education.

The Englishman Paget introduced the term “tourist” to his readers, publishing the book “Anecdotes of the English Language” in 1800, in which he spoke about the “traveler called a tourist”. At the same time, the French Dictionary of Explanation was published in France with an article explaining that a tourist is “one who travels out of curiosity or in order to kill time”. In Russia, the formation of the tradition of study tours is associated with the name of Peter I, who sent the nobles to Europe to study.

Excursion activity began to pay great attention from the second half of the XIX century. In 1885, Lipson's Enterprise for Public Travel to All Worlds was opened in St. Petersburg. The Society of Nature Conspers lovers begins its activities, which creates its branches in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, and Tiflis. The Crimean Mountain Club appears in Odessa, the Caucasian Mountain Society: Pyatigorsk. Since 1895, the Yalta excursion bureau of the Crimean-Caucasian Mountain Club and the first tourist society, the Russian Travel Club, which united cyclists at the beginning of tourists, have been operating. The latter had branches in several large cities of Russia (Moscow, Kiev, Riga, etc.). In 1901, the club was transformed into the Russian society of tourists, which set as its goal to use tourism and sightseeing activities to educate the people.

Many societies and clubs have produced specialized journals, for example, “Sightseeing Herald”, “Russian sightseer”, pedagogical literature, and also engaged in the preparation of excursion managers. Famous scientists, travelers, writers, public figures, including D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, K. A. Timiryazev, D. I. Mendeleev, I. P. Pavlov, N. M., took part in the activities of societies and clubs. Przhevalsky, V.I. Vernadsky. The development of excursion activity took place against the background of the opening of various exhibitions, museums, historical and cultural monuments. The twentieth century brings mass to educational tourism.

The World Tourism Organization, founded in 1975, unites over 100 countries. In the law of the Russian Federation "On the basis of tourist activity in the Russian Federation" tourism is defined as "a temporary departure (journey) of a citizen from a permanent place of residence for any purpose, but without engaging in paid activity at the place of temporary residence." Based on this definition, the field of educational tourism covers all types of training and education, which are carried out outside the permanent place of residence. Currently, the following types of educational tourism have become the most popular:

- study tours to learn a foreign language or those or other general or special subjects;

- study tours to institutions, organizations and enterprises;

- scientific and educational internships in institutions, organizations and enterprises;

- participation in seminars, conferences, congresses, congresses, creative workshops and master classes, the purpose of which is the exchange of experience and the receipt of new professionally important information;

- excursion and study tours to various cities, natural areas and countries.

Most of these types combine professional and cognitive interests. Cultural and educational programs are always accompanied by seminars, conferences, internships and other similar events. Especially a lot of different excursion programs related to visiting museums, exhibitions, sightseeing, offered in language schools for foreign students.

Modern travel companies, mastering the market of educational services, strive to expand the range of educational trips offered to clients: from summer foreign language courses to doctoral studies at foreign universities. Some educational institutions are also starting to engage in educational tourism. Tourist firms, departments of educational tourism of educational institutions are becoming increasingly necessary methodological assistance. It is important to have information about the quality of education in foreign educational institutions in terms of national interests. It is advisable to create a single information bank of educational programs. The effectiveness of the work depends on the knowledge of forecast estimates, monitoring of educational needs. Techniques for developing individual educational programs also contribute to the development of this area of ​​tourism. The role of andragogues in the organization of work on the scientific and methodological provision of educational tourism is difficult to overestimate.

Andragogical accompaniment of tourism involves purposeful work on the formation of thematic tourist routes. The principle of their construction

Andragogic may be different. In one case, an additional aspect is introduced into the complex aspects of tourism in normative educational programs, for example, on the history

art or architecture. In the other, a tourist trip will be exploratory in nature, for example, with the aim of replenishing the collection of plants or minerals. In the third - the journey can emotionally precede the study of a large section of science or art. There are many options. But, as a rule, the content of tourism and educational (outreach) activities will be complementary and integrated.

The journey is usually preceded by a rather long preparatory training stage. This may include advanced information about a country or a region, sports training, mastering applied skills of working with a camera, video camera, developing a script for a future film. In the course of studying or drawing up a route on a map, interesting opportunities for group design open up. At the preparatory stage, the andragogical functions of the leader include the consolidation of the group formed for the trip or the walking route.

During the trip, the andragogical aspects are expressed in the excursion work of a guide or guide, his influence on interpersonal communication in a group, and the organization of forms of active rest. Sometimes this is far from simple and requires knowledge of the fundamentals of conflict resolution. A team leader or guide constantly combines an outreach function with any other type of activity, which, of course, must be supported by special professional skills and a sense of proportion. Information and emotional impact on the excursionists have the skill of the guide in the presentation of the material, erudition and artistry, his personal attitude to the topic. According to psychologists, excursion information, well thought out and skillfully taught, is remembered better than just what it saw, read or heard. Any excursion - acquaintance with a cultural monument, with works of art, with interesting objects of nature or with industrial enterprises, medical institutions; education, culture, etc. - can serve the development of the general culture of a person, if it has the opportunity to learn something new or take a fresh look at what is already known.

Educational tourism brings an eventuality into the life of an adult, which in itself becomes instructive, giving rise to a change in life stereotypes. An excursion enriching impressions can give a person an emotional charge, evoking or deepening interest in phenomena, events, objects or personalities, and thus serve as an impetus for further self-education.

Self-educational activities related to tourism include keeping a travel diary, compiling photo albums, preparing slide and video films with their subsequent demonstration. Each of these forms requires reflection, interpretation of the experience gained, and emotional retrospectives that stimulate personal development.

Task for self-control

The list of Russian sites listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Committee includes: the historical center of St. Petersburg and its related groups of monuments; Kizhi; Kremlin and Red Square; historical monuments of Novgorod and its environs; cultural and historical ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands; White monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal; the architectural ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad; Church of the Ascension in Kolomna; New Jerusalem Monastery in the Moscow region; virgin forests of Komi; Lake Baikal; volcanoes of Kamchatka; Golden Mountains of Altai; the extraordinary nature of the Western Caucasus.

Develop a draft educational and tourist program for familiarization with one of the monuments (optional) for Russian and foreign tourists.

Recommended literature

Gebel P. Natural heritage of mankind. - M., 1999.

Quarterly V. A., Romanov A. A. International Tourism: Development Policy. - M., 1998.

Kotler F., BowenJ., Makeens J. Marketing. Hospitality. Tourism / Ed. prof. R. B. Nozdrevoy. - M., 1998.

Mernikova N. "... For the pleasure of compatriots and strangers" (from the history of tourism) // Personnel Management. - 2001. - Љ 2.

Solomin V. P., Finarov D. P., et al. World Cultural and Natural Heritage // Geography at School. - 1999. - Љ 2.

Chebotar Yu.M. Travel business. - M., 1997.


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