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The concept of "andragogy" was introduced in scientific use in 1833 by the German historian of pedagogy A. Kapp. Built by analogy with the word "pedagogy", it has a Greek origin (Andros - a man, a man; agogane - to lead). To translate literally, andragogy is the "maintenance of an adult person" (person-management). Since the term originated from the pedagogical reality, we are talking about education through education. Andragogics can be viewed from different perspectives, like:

  • field of scientific knowledge;
  • social practice;
  • academic discipline.

In order to get an idea of ​​the scientific specifics of andragogy, it is necessary to determine: the subject that she is studying; the system of concepts by which this subject is described; basic principles and methods that contribute to the process of its scientific knowledge and transformation. In accordance with this, the place and functions of andragogical knowledge in the system of modern science are indicated.

The development of andragogy as a sphere of social practice provides for the acquisition of professional attitudes, knowledge, skills, values, relevant to the senses and essence of adult learning activities.

To understand the characteristics of andragogy as an academic subject, it is important to establish its place and educational potential in the structure of specialist training.

Being a relatively young branch of scientific knowledge, andragogy is in the process of becoming. The kinship of the terms "pedagogy" and "andragogy" for many years Andragogica has served as a pretext for professional as a branch of science of controversy. Clearly preserving the semantic continuity with the field of pedagogy, the concept of "andragogy" at the same time contains an indication of the specifics of adult education and the need for its special study. Due to this contradiction, the place of andragogy in the circle of other sciences is not yet precisely defined. Some understand it as a section of pedagogy by analogy with prenatal pedagogy, preschool pedagogy, the theory and methodology of primary education, didactics, higher school pedagogy. Others, taking into account the specifics of the nature of an adult as a subject of education, bring andragogyk beyond the limits of pedagogy itself as an area that deals exclusively with “child care”. Proponents of this point of view emphasize the integrative nature of andragogy, which brings together knowledge about an adult learning person from many areas.

One thing is certain - andragogy is interdisciplinary in nature. The close relationship between andragogy and pedagogy and the theory of adult education is easily detected when comparing their subjects. The subject of pedagogy in general can be defined as the formation of a person in the pedagogical reality. The subject of the theory of adult education is the adult education system as a sociocultural institute. A specific subject of andragogy is the theory and methodology of teaching adults in the context of continuing education.

It is obvious that the area of ​​intersection of scientific interests for these areas of knowledge is an adult. The main function of andragogy in accordance with the meaning inherent in its name is to lead an adult. And for this you need to know the nature and features of the one you lead. Therefore, the close interaction of andragogy with other areas of scientific knowledge and practice that are part of the system of sciences, which in the late 60s of the 20th century was determined by the well-known Russian psychologist B.G.Ananiev as human-educated, cannot be reduced.

In the center of attention of human knowledge is the person in his integrity, one of the forms of representation of which is the image. As a result of the synthesis of various types of knowledge, the scientific image of man is born in the unity of "all his definitions", when "the cosmic, biological, social and mental beginnings must be taken simultaneously" (V.I. Soloviev). Such a holistic view corresponds to a specific historical level of development of knowledge. In this framework, andragogical knowledge performs a special function, concentrating on the problems associated with learning in the system of interaction between adults.

Andragogy is a humanitarian field of knowledge. In its space, a synthesis of ideas and positions is carried out from the field of not only human knowledge, but also social science, philosophy of education, cultural studies, and other disciplines. The logic of the process requires the development of a theoretical basis for the selection of the necessary information in relation to the training of various categories and groups of the adult population. The unifying dominant is the problem of participants in educational processes, characterized by the state of adulthood.

Thus, andragogy is a vivid example of the expression of general trends in the development of modern scientific knowledge. On the one hand, it is the integration of information around Klyuev problems, on the other - its specialization and differentiation. because of this, andragogy organically can be an integral part of both the theory of pedagogy and the theory of adult education, in the system of human knowledge, while remaining a completely independent field of knowledge.

The scientific context of andragogical knowledge is determined by the consideration of such categories as:

a man (in his integrity at the stage of life activity, characterized as adulthood);

maturity (quality, setting the age and social range of consideration of the specifics of an adult as a subject of education);

education (a sociocultural mechanism of purposeful learning and the formation of human quality (image) in the young, systematized in the substantive and procedural relations of training and education);

adult education (in the context of lifelong education, the process of the personal professional development of a person, which takes place in variable forms);

continuing education (education considered in relation to the holistic space of human life);

andragogue (common name for specialists whose content is related to the field of adult education).

The modern field of research in the field of andragogy includes:

- study of the educational needs of various categories and groups of the population, taking into account age, gender, social status, level of professional training, health status;

- the study and modeling of directions, forms and functions of educational activities of an adult at the level of basic and additional vocational education, self-education, educational leisure, educational activities, spiritual development;

- development of content-targeted, technological, staffing of the adult education system.

The principles of the formation and development of andragogical knowledge are: integration, practice-oriented, humanity.

The following spectrum of methods is widely used in andragogical research:

sociological surveys (sociological surveys, sociometry for obtaining an array of evidence on the state of adult education);

statistical (to identify trends in the development of adult education);

comparative analysis (for comparison of the specifics of age periods, various models of adult education, etc.);

longitude (an empirical study of social objects, suggesting a long study of the same groups, individuals, social institutions related to the problems of life-long education);

monitoring (a method that allows to give a qualitative assessment of trends in the development of educational phenomena on the basis of periodically repeated quantitative measurements carried out according to a single structure and indicators);

biographical method (the study of biographical materials, memoirs, reflecting the issues of education during life);

content analysis (qualitative and quantitative analysis of documents, sources);

interpretive (allowing to detect the meanings and values ​​that determine the content and methods of formation of various categories of the population).

In the world and domestic science, scientific and methodological approaches are quite well developed that allow modeling the activities of social institutions, Andragogy designed to meet the educational needs of the categories of adult groups and groups.

social settlement taking into account their specificity. The main practice principles of educational organization

The activities of an adult are: continuity, non-linearity, openness, variation, cooperation, self-organization.

The current socio-economic situation in Russia predicts an increase in the importance of adult education in the next 10 years. Under the conditions of absolute aging of the Russian population, the percentage of adults who need additional, professional and general cultural training is constantly growing for a number of reasons:

- expanding the content of the concept of "literacy" in a changing society makes it necessary to compensate for gaps in basic general cultural education of adults who do not have many modern knowledge and skills (understanding the modern world view, computer skills, communication skills, ability to social adaptation, etc.);

- the development of knowledge-intensive and intellectual-intensive industries dramatically increases the requirements for the skill level of workers, encouraging their participation in the processes of "lifelong" advanced training and retraining;

- intensive restructuring of the labor market leads to the release of a significant number of able-bodied people (including those with high educational qualifications). It is with the sphere of adult education that the possibility of retraining people who have lost their jobs and the social prospect of getting well-paid jobs after appropriate professional and social-psychological correction are directly related;

- In the coming years, an increase in the percentage of adults who do not have full secondary and sometimes secondary basic education is expected. The reason is the increase in the number of children who are currently not undergoing systematic schooling, the predicted difficulties of the country's transition to a 12-year education;

- the expansion of the zone of interethnic conflicts after the collapse of the USSR gave rise to problems of secondary, university, postgraduate education in the native language for Russian people in the territory of foreign countries, as well as migrants;

- the massive retirement of military personnel leads to the need to search for and develop new areas of professional activity related to retraining and socio-psychological adaptation;

- the development of modern computer technologies opens up fundamentally new opportunities for continuing professional education and the integration of adults with disabilities into the society;

- the idea of ​​the return to society of people who have committed offenses and are in prisons, through their social rehabilitation and spiritual development through various forms of education and enlightenment, seems promising.

Thus, it is possible to speak about the tendency of constant expansion of the contingent that falls under the definition of "adults in need of education and professional training". This serves as a stimulus for the development in the society of various directions and forms of andragogical activity.

The difficulty is some blurring of the boundaries of the interpretation of the actual andragogical activity in a circle of such concepts as “social work”, “social and psychological support”, “counseling”, etc. people, but above all where there is work to be done with a certain content to be learned, and where the adult person faces educational tasks. Andragog is a person whose main professional function is adult education. However, the andragogical (educational) function can and must be assumed by any specialist working in the "person-to-person" system. It can be optional or normative to master in the system of continuous professional or additional pedagogical education.

Among the methods of organization of modern andragogical practices should be highlighted as the most productive:

simulation modeling, which allows you to create in the process of group learning situations that reflect the real problems of an adult and contribute to its resolution;

design as a purposeful predictive change in reality during the educational process;

various types of reflection, allowing to conceptualize, evaluate, correct the existing professional and personal experience;

programming and algorithmization, on the basis of which the complete assimilation of the necessary information is realized.

Approbation in modern practice of leading ideas and models of andragogical activity testifies to the practice of andragogical knowledge, its ability to influence the quality of personnel training, to serve as the basis for developing the content and technology of such important activities.

social institutions, such as employment centers, vocational rehabilitation centers, advanced training institutes, external schools, evening (shift) schools. Obviously, there are professional categories and types of educational institutions, in the preparation of which andragogy should be present in the normative block.

In 1995 - 2000 in pedagogical universities of Russia, training in the specialty 031400 - andragogy, providing the third level of professional training was carried out. In the system of higher and additional pedagogical education, the corresponding departments were opened, educational programs were developed. When training humanitarian specialists, andragogy as an academic subject is necessary because it contains: 1) professional knowledge that forms the culture of informational and educational interaction with adults (colleagues, clients, students); 2) personally necessary knowledge for everyone, providing informational and methodological support for professional, cultural, spiritual development throughout life.

This subject is needed directly by those who are preparing to become a teacher of a secondary or higher educational institution, an institution of advanced training; those who intend to engage in social work, educational activities, management, work in the media. The professions of journalist, physician, librarian, actor, politics, social psychologist and many others related to professions such as "man-man" also include the andragogical component. Sociologists note that the success of the practical activities of a university graduate only by 15–20% depends on the acquired professional knowledge. Everything else is determined by the ability to work with people.

The principles of constructing andragogy as an academic discipline imply: interdisciplinarity; individual and personal orientation of the course content; predictability in relation to the future educational "fate" of students; propedeutnicity.

When studying andragogy, the whole variety of pedagogical methods of working with information can be used. It is useful to accompany the process of studying the material with an understanding of the mechanisms of action of these methods for yourself as a student of the person. After all, the position of the andragog involves the continuous use of various types of self-analysis, such as self-testing, reflection, self-assessment, self-design, self-correction. In fact, a person who has mastered the beginnings of the theory of adult education becomes “his own andragogue”.

The current stage of development of andragogy as a field of scientific knowledge and academic discipline is due to:

- attribution (i.e. compulsory, inalienable) education for an adult in a changing world;

- pedagogization of many spheres of professional activity related to the need to master the pedagogical functions by people, institutions, organizations for which this was not typical (enterprises, centers of excellence, public services and the service sector, state and non-state educational institutions mastering social and pedagogical education professions, etc.);

- an increase in the degree of self-consciousness of modern man, his desire for conscious self-improvement and self-realization;

- spontaneous development in the society of innovative adult learning experience.

As a science that cognizes and generalizes the practice of teaching adults, andragogy allows us to reasonably formulate and implement the educational goals of adults. Разрабатывая теоретические и методологические основы деятельности, помогающей приобретать общие и профессиональные знания, осваивать достижения культуры, формировать нравственные ориентиры, андрагогика рассматривает образование в контексте жизненного пути человека. Она раскрывает принципы, методы и средства, с помощью которых в жизни взрослых обеспечивается развивающая, социализирующая и адаптирующая роль образования. За счет синтеза информации о взрослости как качестве, определяющем структуру и содержание образовательных потребностей, андрагогическое знание позволяет формировать уровень научно-методической оснащенности, более обобщенный по сравнению с дидактикой высшей школы, педагогикой профессионального обучения и повышения квалификации. Андрагогическая подготовка делает реальным решение проблемы образования в течение жизни.

Tasks for self-control:

1. On the basis of the materials of the chapter and the recommended articles from the RPE, make a detailed definition: "Andragogy is ..."

2. Write a short pedagogical essay on the topic "My expectations from the study of the new subject" Andragogyka ".

Recommended reading:

Zmeev S. I. Andragogika: Formation and Development Paths // Pedagogy. - 1995.-Љ2.

Serpent SI. Technology learning adults. - M., 2002.

Russian pedagogical encyclopedia: In 2 t. / Ed. V. Davydov. - M., 1993 - 1999.

Onushkin V.G., Ogarev E.I. Adult Education: Interdisciplinary glossary of terminology. - SPb .; Voronezh, 1995.

Andragog workbook / Ed. S. G. Vershlovsky. - SPb., 1998.

Knowls M. The Modern Practice of Adult Education: from Pedagogy to Andragogy. - NY, 1970.


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Terms: Androgogic