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In domestic practice, the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation" (1995), as well as the "Regulations on the Recognition of Persons with Disabilities" (1996) legally enshrines the understanding of the social model of disability as a social failure resulting from impaired health associated with persistent disruption of functions organism, which led to disability and the need for social protection. Thus, the understanding of the specifics of teaching a social group of people with disabilities in the framework of continuing education is based on the interpretation of disability as a limitation of a person’s life activity. Speaking as a holistic psychobiological system, disability is a context that largely determines the nature of human activity and the system of its relations with the outside world and other people (A.I. Vovk, D.I. Vikhorev, V. 3. Kantor, S.A. Raschina, V.M. Finkleshtein).

The learning models for adults with disabilities are as varied as the life dramas of these people and the causes that gave rise to them. Various rationales can be put forward to single out particular groups among people with disabilities. Disabled from birth during childhood and adolescence could to some extent adapt to their condition. Adults who have become disabled as a result of illness, accident, or participation in hostilities have a life experience in memory without disability-related limitations. This explains the fundamental differences in the learning strategy for people with disabilities. The very nature of the restrictions (visual impairment, hearing, speech, musculoskeletal system, associated with the central nervous system, etc.) and the degree of autonomy of a person in the organization of their life give rise to specific educational needs, goals and ways of teaching a particular group of people with disabilities.

In the international practice of educational work with disabled people, there are two main lines. The first involves their integration into the ordinary life of society, where favorable conditions are created for full-fledged interaction and partnership with healthy people. The second line is aimed at creating for training people with disabilities special institutions, groups, educational communities, information space adapted to the state of disability.

Education in the life of adults with disabilities may have a different target orientation: raising the existing educational qualification; professional training; realization of creative potential, intellectual development; adaptation to the state of disability; inclusion in social activities, etc.

Regardless of the model chosen, education should be based on the principles of:

humanism (recognition of the intrinsic value of a person, compassion, empathy, support for people with disabilities);

development (individual learning of a disabled person despite the limitations, when overcoming them encompasses a developing sense);

partnerships (mutual interest and cooperation of all participants in the training);

engagement (active involvement in learning as part of life);

adaptability (we are talking about the information and communication system, on the one hand, maximally adapted to the peculiarities of a person’s limitations, and on the other hand, an adaptive disabled person to his or her state as potentially socially productive).

In the education system of adults with disabilities, the usual didactic and andragogical principles acquire a new semantic meaning. Thus, the implementation of accessibility and feasibility of learning in relation to adults with disabilities known from school practice requires appropriate equipment (hearing aids, devices for movement, training braille texts, etc.); the accuracy of the choice of physiologically and psychologically appropriate amount of content, pace and time mode of work with him; submission of the material in a modality that ensures its adequate perception.

In accordance with the designated goals and principles in the education of adults with disabilities, along with the development and adaptation, such functions as compensatory. Pertaining to missed or unrealized development opportunities, vocational training, inconvenience of the state of limited functioning, and correctional (allowing to make amendments and changes in content and learning conditions in response to educational needs, information requests for people with disabilities within their real capabilities) and supported auschaya (aimed at providing socio-psychological assistance by means of training and organization of support for the disabled person on the educational path). In real practice, all these functions are closely intertwined.

Andragog, working with an adult disabled person, should deeply understand that the active involvement of the disabled person in the educational process becomes akin to him

feat, for there is a way to overcome the limitations. Therefore, the primary task of the andragogue is to render the disabled person

Necessary assistance in overcoming the complex difficult:

physical (physical disabilities and limitations that make it difficult to include in school work); psychological (lack of direction to receive or continue education, underestimation of oneself as a person, interesting for others, taking the position of a successful student, etc.); social (realization of their rights to training and employment, corresponding to the level of education; lack of understanding of the real prospects for the use of the knowledge and skills acquired in social practice); educational (the presence of serious gaps in knowledge, a long break in learning, lack of learning skills and self-education);

moral-volitional (the need to show the strength of the spirit, make efforts of the will for the success of training).

Taking into account the originality of the context of the disabled person’s life, a model of his learning is built. Regardless of the chosen model, a common task for the andragog remains to form an installation for the disabled person to overcome disunity with society through education, an understanding of the compensatory role of successful learning, which allows to contribute to the life of society. In the position of andragogue when teaching people with disabilities, there are often people with very different levels of training and previous experience. In addition to specialists who have specialized (pedagogical, psychological, medical, etc.) education, this activity may include social workers, volunteers, the disabled themselves, who have experienced similar difficulties and who want to help their fellows in the situation, their relatives.

Education is designed to help people with disabilities reconsider their attitude to the values ​​and social significance of their own lives, to form a positive outlook on themselves as a unique individual who is in the context of human life. Appealing with the help of an andragog in the course of learning to meanings and values ​​that are universal, allows people with physical disabilities to build a new context of their existence, to see the horizons of their possible achievements, not to be limited to purely utilitarian, applied tasks. Andragog can use as a unique example the creative achievements of people with disabilities who managed to get not only university, but also scientific education, who later mastered creative professions (for example, writer Olga Skorokhodova, screenwriter and director Alexander Suvorov).

Once in an educational situation, it is difficult for people with disabilities to identify themselves with the role of a person who is successfully trained and has the prospect of further applying the obtained educational potential in various fields of activity and communication. In this case, external support is needed to form the appropriate educational motivation, the need for new knowledge, starting with the most relevant for a particular person. It is also required to ensure the expansion of the educational field of a disabled person through new contacts and involvement in information retrieval using modern technologies, due to which specific educational results become apparent. All this forms the experience and motivation to achieve success in knowledge, causes satisfaction with the process of activities that can be carried out independently from design to completion.

Often, people with disabilities underestimate themselves as full participants and potential initiators of communication in the environment of students who do not have disabilities or have them to a lesser extent. To change the situation allows the organization of group forms of educational work, involving the building up of a positive experience of communication and interaction. The task of the andragog is to create conditions conducive to the emancipation of the individual through the use of dialogue, interpretation and analysis of various points of view. Effective inclusion of students in group activities, simulation, group reflection, the joint creation of a creative product. In such an educational situation, it is easier for a disabled person to overcome isolation and a certain psychological barrier, which makes the socialization process more fruitful. The educational process is designed to contribute to the expansion of the social environment of persons with disabilities, creating conditions for their inclusion in the system of social partnership. The degree of individual activity in the educational situation is directly related to reaching a new level of understanding of learning opportunities for subsequent self-realization. This is evidenced by the numerous facts of disability performances with educational, professional and general cultural initiatives (development and implementation of individual educational programs, computer programs, retraining programs with the aim of obtaining new specialties and post-employment, etc.).

The social group of persons with disabilities has the right to receive vocational education in various forms. Depending on the availability of deprivations, certain

Forms of a group of persons with disabilities (mainly with sensory organizations) are trained in those education or other rehabilitation and educational adults vocational education institutions.

disabled people

Currently, the range of educational institutions that have structures for training disabled people in primary, secondary, higher vocational education is expanding. Reception and training in them are conducted on the basis of labor recommendations of medical and social expertise (ITU).

In connection with the growing number of people with disabilities with complex disabilities, the problems associated with the development of individual educational programs of formal and informal types are actualized. Their success is largely determined by the effectiveness of the escort service. This service within ITU, fulfilling its general functions, is distinguished by the objects of attention (certain groups of people with disabilities, the community within a social group, individuals, etc.), the scope and methods of activity, the nature of the rehabilitation services provided.

On the basis of innovative vocational educational institutions for persons with disabilities, vocational guidance work is carried out, there is a department of professional selection and vocational training, whose employees determine the professional suitability of the listener and substantiate the possible periods of training in each of the specialties, the specifics of individual accompaniment, the possible forecast of training.

For successful learning of persons with disabilities, it is necessary that the content, teaching methods and its organizational and pedagogical conditions be as close as possible to a specific person, taking into account the full range of his psycho-physiological capabilities and social experience. Today, the learning situation is facilitated by:

- use of telecommunications capabilities and databases for informational support of the educational process;

- providing access to arrays of scientific, educational and methodical information on the basis of an Internet class equipped with workplaces;

- the development of distance education, especially relevant for students with problems of the musculoskeletal system, living far from modern training centers;

- equipment of training and workplaces, taking into account the nature of deprivation (use of braille lines, tape recorders for the hearing impaired; special technical means of rehabilitation for persons with problems of the musculoskeletal system, etc.).

An example is an interesting experience gained in teaching the blind and visually impaired. The use of information technology by people with significant vision loss gives them almost equal opportunities with sighted users. To do this, use computers equipped with special software, with which you can ensure the reading of flat text. Modern flatbed scanners in combination with text recognition software allow you to read it out loud using a speech synthesizer. People with disabilities who have residual vision, use in their work programs to increase the image on a conventional video display.

In recent years, the role of active learning has increased in work with the disabled. Increasingly used:

case-technology in which the student receives a complete set of training materials for each discipline (regular tutorials, their electronic versions on diskettes, video tapes, or in the form of multimedia programs), as well as the opportunity to get acquainted with typical problems and their solutions;

network technologies (Internet, regional, local telecommunication networks);

television technologies implemented using satellite television systems;

training companies.

A significant number of persons with disabilities at the conclusion of the ITU can not participate in professional activities. The international concept of "independent living" focuses on the use of a wide range of recreational, social, cultural and educational programs in work with them, which allow to satisfy a variety of cognitive interests. In recent years, communities of persons with disabilities have been active at the regional and municipal levels, forming on their own educational, educational and recreational programs. As part of the implementation of educational initiatives, international relations are developing and forms of participation of persons with disabilities in joint humanitarian programs with other regions and states. They affect a wide range of vital problems: the organization of life, based on the principle of independence from others; meaningful leisure time; creating a family; building relationships with relatives and friends; organization of own business; arte-rapia; disabled sport and much more. ! ' The range of issues of concern to people with disabilities involves the high professional level of an andragogue working in the field of training and support for people with disabilities, and special spiritual and moral qualities that allow one to go beyond his official duties and consider the problems of education of persons [with disabilities in the wider humanitarian sphere]. . Andragog, working with people with disabilities, should be internally prepared to meet difficult psychological situations. Constant communication with people with limited ability to live requires a lot of courage, compassion, mercy, ability to penetrate into the content of their life and educational problems, to understand the reasons for not always adequate behavioral reactions and manifestations. At the same time, the Andra-gogic position in the system of teaching interaction with the disabled should be based on the relations of value-semantic equality, the display of unconditional respect for the beneficiaries, faith in their life and creative potential.

In addition to teaching disabled people, an andragog sometimes has to fulfill an educational mission towards their relatives, without whose help it is simply impossible to organize an educational process.

Tasks and questions for self-control

1. Read the article "Disabled" in the Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia (Moscow, 1993. - Vol. 1). What are the reasons why people with disabilities with various types of disabilities may experience learning difficulties. Justify how these difficulties can be overcome in the education system.

2. What professional and personal qualities, in your opinion, should andragogues have to work with people with disabilities of various groups?

3. Expand the meaning of the functions of education for persons with disabilities. Justify the role of the escort service in the development of adaptation, compensatory, developmental and correctional functions. Use the Materials given in Appendices 8 and 9 (models of organization and management of the educational system of persons with disabilities).


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