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Professional retraining of the unemployed belongs to the system of additional professional education. This uplift is broader than professional retraining, since this process includes, in addition to learning the “other” profession, professional reorientation of the person who lost his job and his professional adaptation in the new workplace after retraining.

The organizer of vocational retraining of the unemployed becomes the employment service, whose main function is to assist the unemployed: to job seekers. The specialists

employment services provide professional orientation services to the unemployed at the stage of searching for a new professional start, at the stage of choosing a new professional path and direction of retraining. An unemployed person needs such help because he is not ready to make a choice on his own. The employment service sends the unemployed to professional retraining, paying for his interruption in a technical educational institution with which contractual relations are concluded. An educational institution often not only provides professional retraining for a person, but also contributes to its subsequent adaptation in the workplace.

The organization and content of vocational retraining of the unemployed are influenced by many factors, the most important of which are the socio-demographic and personal characteristics of the unemployed as potential students and as job seekers; particular needs of the labor market, which, as a rule, is not only dynamic but also regional in nature.

An important characteristic of the modern labor market is the presence of a stream of secondary unemployed in it. A second-time unemployed person is considered to be a job seeker who received Professional retraining, but did not find a job or found a job, but did not gain a foothold, did not adapt to the new workplace. This is due to the disagreement between personal professional interests and the needs of job seekers, their professional qualifications and the objective need of the labor market for specialists.

There is a need to solve the problem of not only vocational rehabilitation of people not in demand in the labor market, but also their social rehabilitation, as well as bringing the professional and educational interests and needs of the individual, his professional qualifications in line with the objective needs of the labor market. In short, there is a need for a person to relate three assessment categories: “I want,” “I can,” and “need.” Education is considered as one of the mechanisms for solving this problem, as the missing link in the process of this coordination. Moreover, the essence of professional retraining of the unemployed, the definition of its goals and functions can not be reduced to either updating or supplementing, or even to the formation of only professional knowledge and skills.

The unemployed as subjects of education are a special category. People who have lost their jobs as a result of economic reforms are in a hurry to take a new start in their work activities, and therefore are forced to engage in the educational process. Both for the person and for the society it is important that this new start be successful. Although everyone who has lost his job experiences his own, individual difficulties, the unemployed as a specific social group have common psychological characteristics.

This group of the population more than the other categories, the interaction with the unstable production, economic, socio-cultural environment. The research results show that every fourth unemployed person cannot assess his professional status, his conformity with the labor market conjuncture. This is due to insufficient knowledge of the requirements for the employee, his unformed or ambitious self-esteem. At the same time, self-assessment of professional qualities largely determines the nature of behavior in the labor market, success or failure in employment, and hence the speed of the process of social and vocational rehabilitation.

The task and result of professional retraining of the unemployed is not so much their acquisition of new knowledge and skills, as in the formation of their motivation to master a new profession, identify the ability to identify and successfully pass their own path of new professional development corresponding to individual potential and needs, determining the level of skills development of professionally significant qualities. Therefore, an important function of professional retraining of the unemployed is the creation of optimal socio-pedagogical conditions for the development of an individual's ability to socially interact, socialize and actively adapt to new socio-economic conditions. This function can be designated as an accompaniment to the socialization of the unemployed.

There are two groups of goals for the retraining of the unemployed.

The first group of goals directly related to the learning process is of an andragogical nature and includes:

- the formation of a minimum of professional knowledge and skills necessary for the employee to start performing his professional and production functions;

- the formation of readiness for mastery and mastery of generalized methods of activity, which in the conditions of accelerated vocational training is more important than the formation of knowledge and skills;

- ensuring the adequacy of specialist training to his new workplace.

The second group of goals is related to the development of an individual’s ability to be active in changing socio-economic conditions, the ability to mobilize potential opportunities and secure employment guarantees. Realization of these goals has a delayed effect and is socially significant. The essence of these goals is to improve the motivation of the unemployed and their real opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in the labor market for a long time, which implies:

- the formation of self-confidence, the ability to review their potential, the ability to make decisions and determine the ways and means of their implementation, the development of cognitive abilities, the development of motivation;

- ensuring the applicant a job, a high degree of probability of employment;

- development of the ability to actively adapt to the workplace;

- the formation of prerequisites for the manifestation of social and professional mobility.

Adaptation is the adaptation of an individual to the conditions of vital activity. The ability to adapt to a changing social environment is determined by the level of personal development, including the content of his knowledge, the ability to act according to the situation; In the andragogical context, active adaptation is not a simple adaptation, but the successful implementation of other professional and official functions based on newly acquired knowledge, the ability to interpret existing work experience and the ability to independently obtain the missing information in order to use it in practice.

Social and professional mobility is the ability of an employee, a specialist, to correctly interpret and respond to unprecedented experiences that he may encounter in an environment that is subject to rapid and profound changes.

Mobility is manifested in the effective use of the available knowledge and skills, in the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills to fill any gap in the change response system. It can be characterized by the ability to learn, to determine the level of their professional competence, the ability to improve it, taking into account the situations that arise.

Analysis of the achievement of the objectives of vocational training of the unemployed allows us to identify the criteria for its effectiveness: the fact of employment; employee adaptation in the new workplace; mobility specialist. It is these criteria that characterize the socially significant result of the training of the unemployed, including its andragogical aspect.

Improving the effectiveness of training for the unemployed is impossible without resorting to andragogy, the focus of which is an adult learner with his life experience, problems, potential and interests. Therefore, it is important that teachers working with the unemployed have specialized training in the field of andragogy. Their activities should include: responsiveness to the demands and expectations of adults who have lost their jobs, an understanding of their problems; the ability to realistically assess the potential of students and predict the difficulties that await them; fluency in modern learning technologies; the ability to carry out both group and individual work.

The key issue in organizing training for the unemployed is the development of its content. As domestic and foreign experience shows, the semantic basis for retraining an able-bodied person of any age who has lost his job is the formation of internal prerequisites for changing his position in the labor market. For this purpose, several basic learning models are used, the choice of which depends on the initial target and psychological attitudes of the individual. Among the attitudes of the individual, orientation towards different types of activity may prevail:

- any job that provides decent wages;

changing the type of activity while maintaining (or improving) the status, personal prestige, which was provided by the previous place of work;

- opening of own business (individual, family, corporate);

- Work in foreign firms (in joint ventures);

- Getting a job that requires an increase in the existing educational level;

- "virtual workplace" at home.

Given these orientations, the use of block-modular educational programs is productive. Analysis of the reasons for difficulties in finding employment and, in particular, when looking for a job, allows us to suggest the following informative blocks as an invariant. Diagnostic unit. Identification of the main causes, problems, and stereotypes of an individual position on the labor market. Understood-: choice of learning model. Self Diagnosis Socio-psychological block. Assistance in overcoming negative attitudes in the structure of professional self-concept, “fattening the mechanisms of depersonalization (personality decay), changing relations with the outside world, society, people. Training training in working in different modes (individual, group, corporate activity), mastering emotional-volitional sphere. Technological block. Updating and building up applied skills in accordance with the requirements of time: computer, office equipment, work on the Internet, car driving, accountant lish accounting, analytical skills, management, psychological and pedagogical skills to work with the staff.

Communicative language block. Speech development, teaching of self-presentation, image formation, cultural communication, business correspondence.

Linguistic unit. Targeted acquisition of business communication skills in a foreign (or Russian as a foreign) language (immersion method), improvement in the field of a foreign language, preparation for testing (for those who know the language).

Information retrieval unit. Forming a culture of information request. Training in work with databases, sources of information orienting in the structure of the labor market. Mastering various forms of presenting yourself to potential employers. Acquaintance with the modern system; support of high-tech areas of activity (grants, funds, competitions).

Financial and legal block. Acquaintance with the list of regulatory documents governing employment relations in employment, basic financing models in the small business, with the risks in the field of commercial relations.

Creative block. Development of creative abilities, search activity, training in TRIZ techniques, various types of reflection.

Valeological unit. Mastering the methods of maintaining and restoring health in the conditions of intensive work, stressful situations, changes in the working environment.

The sequence of mastering the content blocks and their volume can be different.

It should be noted that it is economically unprofitable to retrain for the budget funds a specialist who has received a higher or secondary vocational education in a state educational institution, so that he completely changes the scope of activity or prepares himself to perform less high-profile but high-paying work. It is more expedient to use the already existing level and experience of activity as prerequisites (starting ones) for further professional advancement on the basis of changing attitudes towards him, correcting, building up, deepening knowledge.

In qualitative terms, it is important to focus on the requirements of international practice. For example, the European standard of computer education for adults is currently being developed1. There are clearly fixed international requirements for the levels of mastering the English language, the rules of driving a vehicle in the conditions of a particular country, the design of competitive applications, the compilation of resumes, etc.

It is important to emphasize that the choice of educational content should be personally oriented. After all, an unemployed person, like any adult person embarking on training, has a certain amount of knowledge and an established set of personal characteristics that will inevitably affect the success of training and will require the choice of an individual path in it.

Questions for self-control

1. What features of the unemployed as a social group should be taken into account in the organization of their professional retraining?

2. What is the essence of the factors determining the development of the system of vocational retraining of the unemployed?

3. What is the difference between the professional retraining of the unemployed and the professional retraining of a working specialist?

4. What are the specifics of the functions, goals and content of vocational retraining of the unemployed?

Recommended literature

Kyazimov KG Formation of the system of vocational training and retraining of the unemployed in Russia. - Saratov, 1998.

Personal orientation in continuous education // Pedagogy. - 1996. - Љ 2.

Adult Education at the Turn of the Century: Questions of Methodology, Theory and Practice / Ed. N. A. Toskina. - SPb., 2000. - T. IV. - Prince. 3

Tsyganov I. I. Formation of the market of professional qualification services in a transition economy // New knowledge. - 1998. - Љ 3.

D. Cherneyko. Formation of the labor market: Experience, problems. - SPb., 1999.


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