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2.1. Stages of development of the theory and practice of adult education

The development of the theory and practice of adult education in international experience has gone through several stages. Historically, the first stage of the formation of andragogy as an area - the origins of the developmental practice of learning -

adults can be considered almost a century, starting from the mid 30s of the XIX century. For many countries in Europe and America, it was a time of spontaneous accumulation of experience in enlightening the adult population (mainly the masses), initiated by the rapid development of industrial production and social transformations.

The term "andragogy", first appeared in Germany in the early 1930s, immediately caused quite a heated discussion among scientists. Against the very idea of ​​the study and development of adult education as a specific subject was objected to such a famous philosopher and teacher, as I. Herbart. However, in the second half of the XIX century. Publications appear in Russia and abroad in which public figures and thinkers who are directly involved in organizing various forms of education for the people (Sunday and evening schools, public schools, museums, libraries) express their views on the tasks and specifics of adult education based on experience.

Late XIX century. was marked by the separation of the concept of "adult education" as an independent phenomenon, the accumulation and understanding of the experience of educating the masses, the advancement of the idea of ​​independent activity of the adult population in the process of cultural and educational work.

During this period, the formation of traditions in adult education in various countries, the relevant public institutions begin to function actively, and bright personalities appear, contributing to the education of the adult population. Among them, a special place is occupied by the Dane Nikolai Gruntvig - the creator of public schools in Scandinavia.

The departure of education beyond the traditionally established age limits has given rise to a series of questions: what and how to teach adults? What are the functions of education at different stages of human life? What makes adult education different from school education? Since the answers to these questions could not be found within the framework of traditional pedagogy, it became necessary to form a special field of knowledge devoted to the problems of adult education.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the problem of adult education was gradually introduced by scientists into the context of the sciences that study man. In the first place, this affected the psychology - in the part related to the periodization of the stages of mental development. At that time, the point of view on the ability of a person to continue studying at any age was far from obvious and required proof. Since the publication of the book by the well-known American researcher E. Thorndike, “The Psychology of Adult Education” and the publication of works analyzing the features of secondary socialization (E. Erickson, R. Gould, O. Brimm, and others), the scientific community has received a powerful impetus for a deeper study post-secondary education. development of information and communication technologies, there has been a globalization of the development processes of the system of continuous education and forms of adult education. Environmental, economic, social and other crises that have hit the heads of the population of almost all countries at the turn of the century have led to a reassessment of many, including educational, values ​​and meanings.

At the level of the theory, a change of ideas about the adult as a student and the content of education that he needs is indicated. There have been major changes in the structure of adult subjects of education, as well as the assumption of educational functions by institutions and organizations for which it was previously unusual. It became clear to the society that the specificity of the andragog proclaimed in previous periods as a carrier of very special professional skills requires practical implementation, which is impossible without special training. The creation of the status of andragog is facilitated by the creation in departments of higher and secondary vocational education of a department of appropriate profile, the development of special educational and educational programs and the opening of courses for the training and retraining of andragogues, the release of textbooks addressed to “adult teachers”, the growing interest in various forms of exchange of andragogical work experience .

At the turn of the century, all this work is largely coordinated at the international level in the organizational (congresses, conferences), research (scientific programs, cross-cultural studies), practical (project activities) plans.

Thus, the lines of historical development of andragogy as a science, social practice and academic discipline are as follows:

  • - the expansion of the practice of adult education in response to the challenges of the time and the complication of social and personal needs in the field of education;
  • - search and formation of state-public prerequisites and mechanisms for the implementation of continuity of education at the adult learning stage;
  • - the deepening of knowledge about the internal patterns that determine the activity and success of adult education in all periods and in all social situations of his life;
  • - improving the ways of integrating external and internal factors that determine the effectiveness of adult education;
  • - internationalization of adult education issues; - an increase in the degree of institutionalization of the andragogy and the andragogue profession.

Today, UNESCO is one of the main actors in the organization of adult education in the international arena ( It is the largest intellectual center for intergovernmental cooperation in education, science and culture, which includes 188 countries (almost all countries of the world, with the exception of the United States; experts from the United States are widely represented in this organization as experts). At UNESCO, there are about 600 government organizations.

The Fifth World Conference on Adult Education, held in Hamburg in July 1997, was an important milestone for UNESCO. Delegates from 140 countries, including the leadership of the United Nations, UNESCO, ministers of education, culture and information from different countries, participated in this international forum. The conference emphasized that adult education is one of the unique ways of sustainable development of societies of various orientations.

As a result of the Hamburg Conference, many countries around the world have developed and are implementing social programs in support of that part of the adult population that would like to participate in various educational activities. The main requirement in this case: the state must guarantee every adult the right to study. A person chooses the form of training himself. Today in the world there are a large number of educational centers, whose activities are aimed both at research and the organization of continuing education in their country, and at the organization of international interaction. Theoretical studies in this field of knowledge are headed by the UNESCO Institute for Education (Hamburg) and the International Institute for Educational Planning (Paris). The major centers are: the International Institute of Education (USA); Swiss Adult Education Organization; International Pedagogical Center (France); National Institute of Adult Education (UK); International Institute for Educational Research (Germany) and others.

These and other organizations carried out large-scale national and international research in the field of adult education, for example, the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS), conducted in 1994 under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The study covered Canada, the United States, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Sweden. In 1997, the National Adult Learning Survey (NALS) was carried out in the UK. The sample consisted of over 5,500 people aged 16 to 69 years1.

An important factor in the development of adult education is state legislative support. Relevant law-making activity is particularly widespread - Support has been received in Europe, where there are

educational powerful socially oriented economy - initiative and rich traditions of social policy. Laws on supporting adult education, providing paid educational vacations were adopted in the late 1980s and 1990s in Denmark, Germany, Spain and other countries. In 1997-1998 A large-scale program for the development of lifelong education was developed by the UK government. At the same time, the administration of the US president spoke with a package of legislative initiatives aimed at improving all parts of the education system. In 1998, the Department of Continuing Education was established under the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan.

In recent years, the European Union has been working on creating a pan-European system of lifelong education, discussing the draft “Memorandum of continuing education” 2, which will determine the European education policy for the next decade and develop a strategy for lifelong education at individual and institutional levels.

The relevance of the development of continuing education is due to two main factors:

- knowledge, as well as the motivation for their constant renewal and the skills necessary for this, become a decisive factor in European development, competitiveness and an effective labor market;

- a complex social and political European environment requires from the person the ability to actively participate in social processes, which is impossible without the full development of the personality.

These factors of socio-economic change are closely interrelated and define the main objectives of continuing education that are characteristic of international practice: the formation of an active citizenship and ensuring competitiveness in the labor market.

In the draft “Memorandum of Continuing Education” of European countries, key principles were formulated, on the basis of which it is planned to develop adult education.

New basic knowledge and skills for all as a guarantee of universal uninterrupted access to education, education with the aim of acquiring and updating adults the skills necessary for inclusion in

Information society. The first is computer literacy, foreign languages, technological culture, entrepreneurship and social skills, as well as the ability to learn, adapt to change, navigate the flow of information.

The increase in investment in human resources, which aims to raise prestige and to prioritize the most important wealth for Europe - people.

Innovative teaching and learning methodologies for lifelong education system “length and breadth” in which the student ceases to be a passive recipient of information, and teachers are increasingly becoming consultants, mentors and mediators. The teaching methods proclaim the priority of personal motivation, critical thinking and the ability to learn.

The new system of education evaluation, designed to fundamentally change the approaches to the recognition of the results of educational activities in the field of non-formal and informal education. The official recognition of the importance of these types of education is intended to more fully reflect the individual educational experience of the individual and increase its motivation for continuous learning.

The development of mentoring and counseling to facilitate the provision of free access to information about educational opportunities in the European space. It is planned to create a permanent advisory service, which could give everyone who wants advice in terms of educational, professional and personal development.

Approximation of education to home using a network of training and counseling centers, as well as information technology. The main responsibility for the development of the system of continuous education lies with the local authorities. People should not leave their hometown or village to get a quality education. The principle of bringing education closer to home implies the creation of educational centers in the immediate vicinity of the home: in schools, universities, libraries, clubs, parks, religious centers, recreation centers, workplaces.

Tasks for self-control:

1. In the practice of adult education in the West is widely used a number of concepts relating to continuing education:

- adult education - adult education;

- permanent education - permanent education;

- continuing education - continuing education;

- lifelong education (lifelong education) - lifelong learning;

- renewable education - recurrent education;

- further education - further education;

- postgraduate education - postgraduate education;

- compensatory education - remedial education. Try to give your interpretation of each concept. What do they have in common? How do you think these concepts differ?

2. Using the materials of the proposed sites (all of them contain information both in national and in English), make a brief overview (list) of adult education activities held abroad in the last month (quarter).

Recommended literature

Belange P. Adult Education in the Industrialized Countries of the West // Perspectives (UNESCO). - 1992.

Adult Education // Perspectives: Education Issues (UNESCO). - 1982. -Љ1,2.

Andragog workbook / Ed. S. G. Vershlovsky. - SPb., 1998.

Third International Conference on Adult Education in Tokyo // Soviet Pedagogy. - M., 1973.

Bhola Kh. S. Prospects for non-formal education // Prospects (UNESCO) .- 1984. - Љ 1.

Adult Education in the 1990s: National Report for the 1991 National Household Education Survey // Working Paper. - Љ 98 - 03, February 1998 ( ).

Delors Jacques. Adult education: from luxury to necessity // Bulletin Education For All's 2000. - Љ 27. April - June 1997.

Dewey john Democracy and Education ( ).

Hamburg Declaration on Adult Learning. The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education. - Hamburg ( ).

Website addresses on adult education on the Internet

World Council for Adult Education (ICAE) - icae.

European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) -

FAEA Finnish Adult Education Association -

Scandinavian National Academy (NFA) -

Norwegian Institute for Adult Education Research -

The National Adult Education Organization of England and Wales - .

The digest of the world periodicals on adult education (Carfax Publishing Company) - .

2.2. Historical sketch of the development of the theory of adult education in Russia

The combination and development of various forms of out-of-school education and adult education in the second half of the nineteenth century. accompanied the emergence of the first pedagogical ideas and theoretical positions in the field of the theory of re education of adults. Occurrence

out-of-school pedagogical ideas in the field of general adult education in Russia is associated with economic and socio-political development

in the pre-revolutionary country in the second half of the nineteenth century. On the one hand, Russia, the development of capitalist production put forward new, higher demands on the level of literacy, education and development of workers. On the other hand, the growth of civil self-consciousness and political activity of the workers themselves determined their desire for education. For spontaneously developing forms of out-of-school education for the adult population, theoretical understanding was required.

The basis for the formation of the first didactic ideas was the activity of Sunday general education schools for the people, the emergence of which is associated with the names of such remarkable teachers as KD Ushinsky, V. I. Vodovozov, N. I. Pirogov, N. A. Corf, V. Ya.Stoyunin.

It should be noted that KD Ushinsky considered pedagogy as a science about the upbringing of not only children, but also man as a whole, as evidenced by the entire content of his capital work "Pedagogical Anthropology". In 1861, in the article "Sunday Schools", KD Ushinsky substantiated a number of didactic ideas regarding adult education. According to him, the content of education in the Sunday school should meet two goals: formal (development of students' mental abilities, observation, memory, imagination, fantasy, reason) and real (communication of knowledge, formation of skills used in life). It was important, he believed, to select the most essential thing, “to be stricter in the choice of objects, to avoid everything that is empty and useless” 1.For the first time in domestic pedagogy, KD Ushinsky put forward the idea of ​​the connection of adult education with their work activities, demanding to give knowledge that would help students to comprehend their craft, recommending teachers to attend workshops and productions. The principle of developmental education, which had already been formed at this time in a children's school, KD Ushinsky transferred to adult education. One of the tasks of the Sunday school, in his opinion, is to develop the desire and ability of adults, without a teacher, to acquire new knowledge, "learn all their life." Noting the diversity of "persons, clothing and conditions" of adult students, KD Ushinsky stressed the need for an individual approach to schooling, and also insisted on using various means of visualization in his process.

The further development of pedagogical ideas related to adult education in the pre-revolutionary period goes along with the emergence in practice of various forms of out-of-school education. In the first socio-pedagogical work "Socio-pedagogical conditions of the mental development of the Russian people" (1870), authored by A.Schapov, the idea of ​​the necessity "to teach the simple natural sciences of simple village boys and adult peasants" is suggested. A notable work in the field of out-of-school education has become the book by the populist writer A. S. Prugavin "The People's Requests and the Responsibilities of the Intelligentsia in the Field of Education and Upbringing" (1890).

The first teacher-educator, who began to specifically develop the theory of out-of-school education, was V.P. Vakhterov. From the time of publication in 1896 of the book "Out-of-School Education of the People", the work "Rural Sunday Schools and Repeating Classes" and to the end of his life, V.P. Vakhterov led theoretical and practical activities in the field of school and out-of-school education for adults. He writes numerous articles and books, makes presentations in which he reveals the essence and features of the existing forms of out-of-school adult education, and shows the connection between them. Later, in 1917, he published the book "National school and out-of-school education".

Крупным деятелем просвещения и одним из первых теоретиков внешкольного образования был В.И.Чарнолусский. Наиболее значимой его работой стала книга "Основные вопросы организации внешкольного образования в России", опубликованная в 1909 г. В отличие от своих предшественников, которые сосредоточивали свое внимание на отдельных видах внешкольного образования, В.И.Чарнолусский рассматривает его как единую систему, выделяя в ней: 1) школы для взрослого населения; 2) учреждения для удовлетворения потребностей в чтении (библиоте1си, общественные издательства, книжная торговля); 3) учреждения для распространения научных и специальных знаний среди населения (курсы, лекции, чтения); 4) общественные развлечения (театры, кинематограф, концерты) и спорт; 5) музеи и картинные галереи; 6) народные дома. Особое внимание он уделял самообразованию взрослых.

В.И.Чарнолусским поставлена проблема взаимоотношений государства, органов местного самоуправления, общественных организаций и частной инициативы в становлении внешкольного образования. Государство помогает законодательными мерами, обеспечивая свободу деятельности. Органы местного самоуправления осуществляют непосредственное руководство. Частной инициативе благотворительного и кооперативного характера должна предоставляться полная свобода. Решение проблем | обучения и просвещения взрослого населения России В. И. Чарнолусский связывал с демократизацией общественной жизни, с установлением неприкосновенности личности, свободы Ј совести, слова, печати, собраний, союзов. Только при этих условиях, считал он, дело внешкольного образования получит I прочный, незыблемый фундамент для своего полного и широкого развития.

Русских педагогов и общественных деятелей интересовали также экономические аспекты образования взрослых, в частности развитие образования взрослых для профессионально-технической подготовки работников, нужных для развивающейся в России промышленности, и влияние общего образования на производительность труда. Так, крупный экономист И. И.Янжул на основе сравнения уровня грамотности с состоянием производительных сил в России и других странах пришел к выводу, что первая и важнейшая причина низкой производительности труда и экономической отсталости России заключается в безграмотности народа.

Развитие общего образования взрослых в конце XIX в. шло по трем направлениям: школьное образование (прежде всего, воскресные школы), внешкольное образование (курсы, лекции, внешкольные чтения, народные дома) и самообразование.

Большой вклад в теорию и практику самообразования взрослых внес Н. А. Рубакин - писатель и ученый, занимавшийся пропагандой книги, талантливый популяризатор науки, библиограф, крупный общественный деятель в области народного просвещения. Среди более чем 20 его работ, посвященных самообразованию взрослых, наиболее известны "Письма к читателю о самообразовании", "Как и с какой целью читать книги", "О сбережении сил и времени в деле самообразования", "К творческой работе в обыденной жизни". В "Письмах к читателю о самообразовании" он Указывал на связь школьного и внешкольного образования, утверждал принцип непрерывности самообразования взрослых, призывая не прекращать самообразовательной работы в течение всей жизни.

Последовательно осуществляя главную цель своей жизни - бороться против неравенства в образовании, Н.А.Рубакин написал более 250 научно-популярных книг и брошюр для народа, охватывающих многие отрасли знаний. Он переписывался с тысячами читателей из всех уголков России, главным образом с трудящимися, и признавал, что устроил у себя "народный университет" путем переписки. Им были составлены и разосланы 15 тысяч индивидуальных программ самообразования. Н. А. Рубакин разработал специальную отрасль психологии - "библиопсихологию", изучающую человека как читателя, процесс чтения, влияние книги на человека, творческое взаимодействие между писателем и читателем.

В 1912/13 учебном году в Педагогической академии в Петербурге Е. Н. Медынским впервые в России был прочитан курс по внешкольному образованию. Его лекции послужили основой для издания книг "Внешкольное образование, его значение и техника" (1913) и "Методы внешкольной просветительской работы" (1915). Позднее, в послереволюционный период, Е.Н. Медынским была подготовлена "Энциклопедия внешкольного образования" (т. 1 - "Общая теория внешкольного образования". - М.; Л., 1925). Показав в своих работах различие школьного и внешкольного образования, Е. Н. Медынский обогатил и обосновал принципы и методы внешкольного образования, раскрыл особенности взрослой аудитории, определил требования к деятелю по внешкольному образованию.

Основное содержание теории внешкольного образования взрослых на рубеже XIX и XX вв. составляли вопросы общего образования. Уже в те годы педагоги понимали, что в школы для взрослых нельзя переносить опыт детских школ, не трансформировав его с учетом возраста. Они считали, что для воскресной школы взрослых необходимо создать свою собственную дидактику и методику, выработать особый, ускоренный темп преподавания, придать преподаванию серьезный характер, соответствующий запросам взрослого человека.

Дидактические идеи этого периода ориентировали педагогов на установление связи изучаемого материала с окружающей жизнью, с непосредственной деятельностью взрослого учащегося, на отбор учебного материала, имеющего прикладное, практическое значение. Развивая идеи К.Д.Ушинского, педагоги (В. П. Вахтеров, Э.О.Вахтерова, Н.К.Крупская, Е.Н.Медынский и др.) призывали заботиться об умственном развитии взрослого учащегося, обосновывали необходимость формирования у него умений сравнивать, анализировать и обобщать явления окружающей жизни, критически оценивать их и улавливать причинно-следственные связи.

В этот период велись поиски способов повышения самостоятельности и активности взрослых учащихся. Предлагалось шире использовать беседы, самостоятельное решение задач, практические работы и другие методы и формы, активизирующие обучение. Идеи об активизации учащихся в процессе обучения, о необходимости их умственного и нравственного развития нашли отражение и в разработанных М. Н. Салтыковой требованиях к хрестоматии для взрослых: тексты, изложение должны быть серьезны; отбирать следует материал интересный, существенный, доступный, содействующий нравственному развитию; книга должна подготавливать к самостоятельному учению.

Становление и развитие системы образования взрослых, широкая и разносторонняя практика в этой области в послереволюционный период стали мощными стимулами для развития сначала теории образования и обучения взрослых (дидактики), а затем интегральной науки андрагогики.

Интенсивное развитие теории и практики образования взрослых началось после 1917 г. в Советской России в связи с ликвидацией массовой неграмотности народа. Уже в первом документе по народному образованию - обращении "От народного комиссара по просвещению" от 29 октября (11 ноября) I.) 1917 г. А.В.Луначарский писал: "Школа для взрослых должна занять широкое место в общем плане народного обучения"1. Первый декрет советского правительства "О ликвидации неграмотности среди населения РСФСР" (декабрь 1919 г.), обязывал учиться всех граждан в возрасте от 8 до 50 лет. Декретом предусматривалось привлечение к этой работе не только школ и учителей, но и всех грамотных. Лозунгом этого времени было: "Грамотный, обучи неграмотного". Правительственным декретом было создано добровольное общество "Долой неграмотность", проводились съезды и конференции по вопросам образования взрослых. По всей стране создавались пункты ликвидации неграмотности, где шло обучение чтению и письму.

Миллионы взрослых по окончании ликпунктов по существу еще не были грамотными, и через некоторое время неизбежно наступал рецидив неграмотности. Кроме того, среди взрослых были самоучки, а также не закончившие начальную детскую школу. Все они были малограмотными и подлежали обучению в начальной общеобразовательной школе. Минимум грамотности, который давала начальная общеобразовательная школа взрослых, предполагал следующие умения:

- прочитать и понять текст популярной книги, газеты;

- рассказать прочитанное;

- письменно изложить свои мысли; элементарные орфографические навыки;

- master four arithmetic operations with integers, familiarity with metric measures, with decimal and simple elementary fractions, with diagrams and percentages in such a volume that enables graduates to understand these figures in a book, newspaper, directory, instructions for the implementation of or other work;

- master elementary work with a geographic map, spatial orientation skills, some specific information about the national economy of your country and other countries.

This minimum was intended to help a person consciously and actively participate in public life and work in production, mastering simple professions.

During the period of the mass eradication of illiteracy among the adult population (1920–1940), non-school forms of literacy were widely used. It was mainly individual education of illiterate adults at home and at work, in small groups and circles, created in rural areas in the reading rooms, city clubs, libraries, in military units. According to some data, about 70% of all adults who learned to read and write during the Soviet period learned to read and write through extracurricular education1.

The elimination of illiteracy in our country was a complex socio-pedagogical process that took place in conditions of radical social change, changes in the individual and public consciousness, in the civic activity of the adult population. Its success was due to a complex of social, political, organizational, socio-psychological, pedagogical factors. Among them the most significant were:

- the government announces the elimination of the illiteracy of the people as a priority socio-political task, the solution of which will help the country get out of economic chaos and take the path of further economic and socio-cultural development;

- consolidation of the efforts of the state authorities, public education authorities and public organizations;

- mobilization of the general public to combat illiteracy and the creation of voluntary societies that provide financial and personnel assistance in this matter;

- the awakening of patriotic feelings, social activity of the entire population of the country;

- organization of a series of large-scale events aimed at solving certain tasks: identification of the level of literacy; the creation of points for the elimination of illiteracy at the place of residence and work of adults; accelerated training for liquidators of illiteracy; collecting voluntary donations;

- creation of educational and methodological manuals, pedagogical recommendations, development of the content of training, taking into account the life and professional experience of illiterate people and the peculiarities of the socio-political situation in the country.

In close connection with the development of adult education, the development of andragogy issues was carried out. Already in the 20s, this term was used in the works of a well-known figure and scholar-teacher in the field of adult education, E. N. Medynsky. In the works of many teachers and public education figures of the 20s (E.N. Brunelli, S.E.Gaisinovich, E.N.Golanta, N.K.Krupskaya, L.P. Leiko, A.P. Pinkevich, K. A. Popov, A. F. Ryndich, A. I. Filyytinsky, S. A. Tsybulsky, and others) put forward the proposition that adult education cannot be built only on the basis of the principles and provisions of pedagogy, which historically was created as theory and practice of children's learning. However, this provision in those years could not get a detailed scientific argument, since andragogy itself and related sciences, which are the foundation for its development, have not yet been developed.

The most important principles of adult education were democracy, general education on a broad polytechnical basis, the connection of training with productive labor, a close connection with life, political education of working people, and the practical activities of students.

The beginning of the 20s is a period of intense creative pursuit of practical ways to implement new principles of adult education. During this period, the guidance of V.I. Lenin and the pedagogical ideas of N.K.Krupskaya played a prominent role in solving many educational issues.

The idea of ​​V.Lenin about polytechnic education of adults should be noted: polytechnic education should not only expand the general technical outlook of students, but also help solve practical problems. Providing knowledge of the general bases of production, it should become a solid base that gives young workers the opportunity, without being locked in narrow professionalism, one-sided specialization, to master related professions, providing the basis for their free choice and moving workers from one industry to another. Expanding the polytechnical outlook, understanding the basics of production, the foundations of technology in industrial and agricultural production - all this serves as a condition for the realization of the principle of the close connection of training with work, of turning knowledge into a direct guide to action.

In the works of N. K. Krupskaya, the task was put forward to teach adults how to work productively, i.e. rationally organize mental and physical labor, improve their industrial qualifications. It is necessary to develop the social activity of adults, to form in them the skills and abilities of social work, to equip with the ability to transform social relations and methods of applying knowledge in practical activities. According to N.Krupskaya, on-the-job training should, more than general education schools, meet the development trends of modern production and the needs of practice.

In developing the issues of the content of education, the provision of its ideological orientation and mastering the knowledge and skills that, in the words of N. Krupskaya, could be "immediately applied in life, put into circulation," were put forward. Developing the idea of ​​polytechnic education of adults, teachers of the 20s sought to make an adult a master of production, an active, enterprising builder of a socialist society.

In the development of teaching methods and the organization of forms of studies, the struggle against the legacy of the old, pre-revolutionary school was particularly pronounced. Her verbalism was opposed to learning through observation, the study of the studied phenomena of the surrounding life, and independent work with various sources of knowledge.

The desire to increase the activity and independence of adult students, to link learning with life was characteristic of all the didactics of that time.

At the beginning of the 1930s, a radical restructuring of the school of adults took place, the classroom system was improved, the teaching methods were developed, and full-fledged programs and curricula were created. In July 1936, an order was signed to transform the school of adults into a new type of comprehensive school — a junior high school (V-VII classes) and a secondary school (VIII - X classes). The unification of adult schools on the model of a mass youth school was premature, since the potential contingent for these schools was still very large. However, the weakening of the state’s attention to evening schools in the second half of the 1930s led to the fact that the development of adult education during this period narrowed and research on problems of adult education practically ceased.

Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 inflicted terrible damage to public education in general and adult education in particular. Many schools in the occupied territory have stopped working. Tens of thousands of school buildings were destroyed, adults and young people fought on the fronts. Thousands of teenagers stood up to the machines, they worked on the defense industry and in agriculture. In 1943, at the height of the war, evening general education evening schools were re-created for them, and in 1944 - correspondence schools. They performed mainly compensatory function and until 1958 were not a mass channel for general education.

In the post-war period, the problem of general education of working youth and adults rose with particular urgency, since during the war years and during the restoration of the destroyed national economy, tens of thousands of young people were forced to leave school at children's school for various reasons. The lack of education of working youth and adults is becoming a brake on the development of the country's scientific and technological revolution. The law “On Strengthening the School’s Communication with Life and the Further Development of the Public Education System in the USSR” adopted in 1958 set the task for the next decade to implement in the country compulsory 8-year education for young people and adults (under 35) employed in the national economy . In accordance with the law, night school was declared the main channel for general secondary education.

The Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR was directly involved in solving the tasks of developing adult education, and in 1960, a scientific research institute for evening (shift) and correspondence secondary schools was created. His main task was the development of the theoretical foundations of general education for working youth and adults on the job and practical assistance to schools in solving organizational, pedagogical and methodological problems. It was the first institute in the world that began systematically and systematically developing the theoretical foundations of adult education on an interdisciplinary basis. The first directors of this institute were V.V. Korsunskaya (1960-1962), a well-known methodologist-biologist, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, and then AV Daryan, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (1963 - 1976), who was subsequently elected as a full member of the Russian Academy of Education.

The development of research on the problems of adult education from 1960 to the present can be divided into three stages.

1960-1969 - Studying mainly the problems of basic general education of working youth and adults in the evening (shift) school.

1970- 1980 - the expansion of the research problems caused by the rapid development of adult education in the country (growth in the number of evening and correspondence schools, public universities, institutions for the system of staff development and others) and new directions in the activities of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, which during this period turned from a republican . On the basis of the scientific research institute of evening (replaceable) and correspondence secondary schools of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR in 1970, the scientific research institute of the general education of adults of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR was created. His tasks included: studying the history of the development of adult education in the country; development of socio-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical foundations of adult education; research of didactic and organizational-pedagogical problems of adult education; improvement of evening and correspondence general secondary education of adults; development of pedagogical foundations of out-of-school adult education; finding ways to improve the training and professional development of teaching staff.

It is important to note that at the second stage, the study of actual problems of adult education from 1975 begins to be carried out in line with the unified concept of continuing education. At the end of this period, the scientific research institute for general education of adults is reorganized into the scientific research institute for continuing education for adults of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, which since 1976 was headed by academician V. G. Onushkin. In line with the general concept of lifelong education and in connection with the UNESCO program, the institute is starting to study issues of functional illiteracy in adults, adult education in the transition to a market economy, and lifelong learning in a changing society. This period of research is associated with the names of such famous Russian scientists as T. G. Brazhe, S. G. Vershlovsky, L. A. Vysotina, V. Yu. Krichevsky, Yu. N. Kulyutkin, L. N. Lese Sokhina, A.E.Maron, G.S.Sukhobskaya, E.P.Tonkonogaya, O.F. Fedorova1. In the 1990s, the Institute of Adult Education was created as part of the Russian Academy of Education (RAO), and since 1998 it has been working under the direction of Professor V. I. Podobed. Studies of adult education are enriched by a systemic consideration of this phenomenon as a social institution, an analysis of regional problems of adult education, as well as legislative activities at the level of the CIS countries. In the 1990s, a series of works appeared in Russia, directly devoted to the questions of Andr-rogogy (S. G. Wershlovsky, M. G. Gromkova, S. I. Zmeev, and others). At the beginning of 2000, the Scientific and Methodological Council on the problems of adult education begins to work under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Tasks for self-control

1. Get acquainted with one of the works related to the history of the development of adult education in Russia (from the recommended list of references or selected independently):

a) make a detailed summary of this work;

b) highlight those andragogical ideas and provisions that remain interesting and relevant in the current situation of learning throughout life.

2. Appendix 2 presents data on the most famous figures who contributed to the development of the national theory and practice of adult education:

a) conduct a bibliographic search in one of the personalities;

b) prepare a report (abstract) about the life and activities of this person, as well as the content of one of his scientific and methodological works in the field of andragogy.

Recommended literature

Breev SI. The development of the theory and practice of on-the-job education in the RSFSR / Nauch. consultant N.K.Goncharov. - Saransk, 1973.

Vladislavlev A.P. Continuing Education: Problems and Prospects. - M., 1978.

Gornostaev P.V. On the theory of adult general education before October and in the first years after the revolution: Proc. allowance. - M., 1974.

Gornostaev P.V. Development of the Theory of Adult General Education in the USSR (1917-1931): Proc. allowance. - M., 1974.

The history of cultural and educational work in the USSR: Textbook. allowance. - Part 1: Out-of-school education in Russia before the Great October Socialist Revolution. - Kharkov, 1969.

The history of cultural and educational work in the USSR: Textbook. allowance. - Part 2: The Soviet period (1917-1969). - Kharkov, 1970.

Theoretical Foundations of Continuing Education / Ed. W. G. Onush-kin. - M., 1987.


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Terms: Androgogic