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Methods to increase and maintain reliability


1. Methods for improving reliability in the design,
manufacturing and maintaining reliability
during operation of systems
All methods to increase and maintain reliability are divided into three
large groups: methods used in design, in
production and operation.Methods to increase and maintain reliability
Design Reliability Improvement Techniques
These methods include:
1) reservation;
2) simplification of the system;
3) the choice of the most reliable elements;
4) creation of circuits with limited consequences of element failures;
5) the relief of electrical, mechanical, thermal and other
bench presses of the elements;
6) standardization and unification of elements and nodes;
7) built-in control;
8) automation of checks.
The effectiveness of these methods lies in the fact that they allow
reliable elements to build reliable systems. These methods allow-
reduce system failure rate, reduce average time
recovery and system uptime.
Reliability Improvement Techniques Used in Manufacturing
In the manufacture of elements, systems, reliability can be increased by
improving production technology, automating pro-
production processes using statistical quality control

products by training elements and systems. All these methods
reduce the failure rate of system elements.
Operational reliability methods
To increase the reliability of the system during its operation
It’s hard. This is because the reliability of the system is mainly
laid during its design, provided during manufacture,
and in operation, reliability is only consumed. The rate of its consumption
depends on operating methods, qualifications of the serving person
cash, operating conditions.
The task of maintenance engineers is not to increase
the reliability of the system, and in order to maintain reliability as long as possible
the essence of the system, laid down in the process of its design and manufacture.
Scientific exploitation methods include scientifically based
methods of carrying out preventive measures and repairs. Here in
First of all, the frequency and depth of inspections, storage conditions,
regulation of the time of continuous operation of the system, etc.
However, it should be noted that during operation not only
reliability is given. With proper organization of operation, it also succeeds
improve system reliability. Indeed, if preventive measures
acceptance prevent failures, then this is similar to reducing the intensity
System Failures. The only difference is that here the reliability of
cops does not actually rise, as is the case with design
and manufacturing, and timely replacement or repair is not yet
main elements, but those whose probability of failure has greatly increased.
Operation has a very strong influence on the design and
manufacturing of a newly developed system. This is explained by
data on failures of elements, systems obtained during its operation,
completely characterize its reliability and therefore are often used
input data in the design of highly reliable systems.

Operation is a kind of experiment with real conditions
operation of systems that cannot be carried out in any laboratory.
Therefore, the collection, scientific processing and synthesis of statistical data on
failure of elements, systems is one of the important functions of technical
sky operation.
Operating experience should always be used in the design
and manufacturing reliable systems, and the results of design and
goods - while improving operational methods.
The listed methods for improving reliability are not binding
seamless for any system. Some methods may be used to
improving the reliability of a system of one class, others for another. All
depends on the type of system and its operating conditions.

2. Comparison of various methods to improve reliability

Evaluate the effectiveness of a particular method on the basis of
comparison of quantitative characteristics of system reliability, identical
different in their design and principle of operation, but different in methods
increase reliability.
It is convenient to take the gain in reliability for
all or most quantitative indicators of reliability. Rating
for most of the most important indicators needed for the reason
that the effectiveness of a method depends on the criterion,
which is selected to assess reliability. Analysis results are often
controversial. For example, if reliability is estimated by the average time
malfunction, then the most effective way is often
a decrease in the failure rate of the system, and if assessed probably


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Theory of Reliability

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