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man-made risk management


1. Methodological foundations of risk management

Risk management - the development and justification of optimal activity programs designed to effectively implement security solutions. The main element of such activities
the process of optimal distribution of limited resources to reduce various types of risk in order to achieve such a level of safety of the population and the environment as is achievable taking into account
economic and social factors.
Safety and risk management aims to establish
maintaining and restoring a scientifically based acceptable level of safety and risk during anthropogenic impacts, including accidents
ny situations (subject to optimal and maximum effective
use of society resources and maintaining the achieved level
life). This takes into account the possible tightening of the requirements for analysis, assessment and acceptable levels of technological risk for
measure of socio-economic development of society and increase in volume
material production.
It is advisable to build safety and risk management in the Russian Federation on the basis of the Russian system of warning and emergency response (RSHS) based on the information base
state integrated monitoring and control organized by
on the territory of the Federation and technologically hazardous facilities.
The principles and structure of the management process should be based on
theory and practice of managing socio-economic systems in
emergency situations.
The safety and risk management process involves three sequential steps:
- safety and risk analysis, providing for the identification and investigation of hazard sources, process modeling
possible impact, assessment of possible damage and risk levels;
- risk assessment, consisting of a comparison of calculated or actual
risk levels with scientifically sound socially recognized, called acceptable risk levels;
- development and adoption of normative legal acts and managerial decisions on measures to ensure the reduction of possible danger, the establishment, maintenance and restoration of an acceptable level
safety and risk of humans and environmental objects.
The safety and risk management system, including its federal, regional and local levels, is considered as a complex
hierarchical structure. Safety and risk management at the federal and regional levels should be directed by the main
at once to solve promising, long-term tasks, formation
target settings and risk management strategies, as well as the necessary legislative and regulatory framework in the interests of ensuring
appreciation of a high standard of living. Under management strategies
risk is understood as the main directions of efforts to achieve an acceptable level of security in all its aspects, subordinate to the idea
ensuring a high standard of living. The implementation of risk management strategies should be based on modern information technologies.

The scheme for the formation of information technology for the process of managing safety and risk under anthropogenic impacts is given by
in fig. 17.
man-made risk management
Fig. 17. The scheme for the formation of information technology for managing safety and risk during industrial impacts

Analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the field of development and
the use of economic regulators to prevent and reduce
the level of natural and man-made hazards shows that there are
various economic mechanisms for managing safety and risk.

These mechanisms may include:
- mechanisms of economic responsibility;
- stock mechanisms and mechanisms of budget financing;
- mechanisms for reserving financial, labor and material resources;

- incentive mechanisms to improve security (preferential taxation and lending);
- risk redistribution mechanisms and insurance;
- application of penalties.
These economic regulatory mechanisms can be applied at all levels of safety and risk management. In analysis
specific economic mechanisms are usually considered by bodies
management responsible for this regulatory mechanism, and facilities that carry a potential threat of technological impact.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of economic mechanisms can be carried out by the amount of residual profit after the introduction of the relevant
economic leverage, taking into account the three stages of the functioning of the security and risk system:
- collection and processing of information necessary for determining parameters, economic mechanisms;
- selection (change) of economic mechanisms;
- functioning under the conditions of the selected (changed) economic mechanisms.

2. Risk reduction

Consider the main stages of the process of risk reduction [12].
Identification. The essence of this stage is the preparation of initial data on the object and territory:
- identification and quantitative description of hazards (energy reserves and hazardous


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