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Goertzel algorithm


Recurrent relations for the calculation of a fixed spectral reference signal
Hörzel Algorithm
An example of the use of the algorithm of Goertzel

Earlier we considered the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its properties, as well as fast Fourier transform algorithms (FFT). We found that the FFT algorithms can significantly save computational resources when calculating the DFT. However, it is often necessary to calculate not the entire DFT, but only a fixed number of spectral samples. For example, such a task arises when decoding DTMF signals. In this case, the use of FFT algorithms may not be effective, since in order to obtain a single spectral reference, it will be necessary to calculate the entire DFT.
In this article, we will consider the Goetzel algorithm for calculating the discrete Fourier transform, which has found wide application in decoding DTMF signals. This algorithm allows you to effectively calculate the fixed spectral DFT samples without the need to calculate all the DFTs. As will be shown below, the Goetzel algorithm is a DFT implementation in the form of an IIR filter, which simplifies its hardware implementation.

Recurrence ratio for calculating a fixed spectral sample of the signal
Expression for discrete   Goertzel algorithm - point Fourier transform of the signal   Goertzel algorithm   Goertzel algorithm has the form:
  Goertzel algorithm (one)
Turn factors   Goertzel algorithm have the following property:
  Goertzel algorithm (2)
Thus, multiplying the expression (1) by   Goertzel algorithm does not change the result:
  Goertzel algorithm (3)
We write the amount (3):
  Goertzel algorithm (four)
Denote   Goertzel algorithm for a fixed number of spectral reference   Goertzel algorithm besides, we put in (4)   Goertzel algorithm for brackets and get:
  Goertzel algorithm (five)
Inside the brackets in expression (5) can be identified   Goertzel algorithm in which you can also endure   Goertzel algorithm for brackets:
  Goertzel algorithm (6)
Now got what   Goertzel algorithm can be obtained through   Goertzel algorithm in which you can again   Goertzel algorithm take out the brackets. Thus, we have obtained a recurrent relation for calculating   Goertzel algorithm at any step   Goertzel algorithm through   Goertzel algorithm obtained in the previous step for a fixed number of spectral reference   Goertzel algorithm :
  Goertzel algorithm (7)
Where   Goertzel algorithm - counting the input signal with the number   Goertzel algorithm . This recurrence relation in step number   Goertzel algorithm leads us to   Goertzel algorithm i.e. on   Goertzel algorithm step, we get the spectral count with the number   Goertzel algorithm . After analyzing (7), it can be noted that the recurrence relation can be interpreted as a difference equation of an IIR filter with a complex coefficient   Goertzel algorithm The structural diagram of which is shown in Figure 1.

  Goertzel algorithm
Figure 1: Block diagram of an IIR filter that implements the calculation of the spectral count with number k

Denoting by   Goertzel algorithm and   Goertzel algorithm z - images   Goertzel algorithm and   Goertzel algorithm accordingly, the expression (7) can be represented as:
  Goertzel algorithm (eight)
From (8) you can get the transfer characteristic of the IIR filter
  Goertzel algorithm (9)
Now is the time to analyze what all the previous arguments have led us to.
Let me remind you that we fixed the number of the spectral reference   Goertzel algorithm and transformed the DFT expression for one fixed spectral reference to the recurrence relation, which allows us to   Goertzel algorithm step to get the value of the desired   Goertzel algorithm th spectral reference   Goertzel algorithm . In this case, all intermediate values ​​of the recurrence relation   Goertzel algorithm we are not interested, but only interested   Goertzel algorithm . This is important and will be useful to us in the future. Then we treated the recurrence relation as a difference IIR filter equation with a transfer characteristic (9). As a result, we received a “sophisticated filter” with a complex coefficient   Goertzel algorithm whose application on   Goertzel algorithm -th iteration at the output gives   Goertzel algorithm . With fixed   Goertzel algorithm value of the complex coefficient   Goertzel algorithm always on.

Hörzel Algorithm
To calculate a single spectral reference   Goertzel algorithm when using IIR filter required   Goertzel algorithm complex multiplications and additions, which does not give any advantages in comparison with the DFT calculation "in the forehead" according to expression (1).
However, the reduction of calculations can be obtained by multiplying the numerator and denominator of the transfer characteristic IIR filter (9) by   Goertzel algorithm :
  Goertzel algorithm (ten)
Consider in more detail the amount:
  Goertzel algorithm (eleven)
then (10) taking into account (11) we can write down:
  Goertzel algorithm (12)
The block diagram of the IIR - filter of the second order corresponding to (12) is shown in Figure 2 (the block diagrams of the IIR filters were discussed in detail here), where   Goertzel algorithm .

  Goertzel algorithm
Figure 2: IIR block diagram - 2nd order filter

Note that   Goertzel algorithm - the real coefficient, respectively, of the multiplication in the recursive branch of the filter became real, and multiplication by -1 can be ignored. We have one complex coefficient left   Goertzel algorithm in the numerator of the transfer characteristic. But we found that intermediate values   Goertzel algorithm we are not important, respectively multiplied by   Goertzel algorithm can only be on   Goertzel algorithm iterations when calculated directly   Goertzel algorithm because of intermediate values   Goertzel algorithm it will not affect in any way. Thus, applying a second order filter allows you to calculate   Goertzel algorithm for fixed   Goertzel algorithm using   Goertzel algorithm multiplications, but not complex, but real, which leads to a reduction of calculations by 2 times (one complex multiplication requires two real ones), plus one complex multiplication by   Goertzel algorithm on the last iteration when calculating directly   Goertzel algorithm .
Based on Figure 2, the spectral count   Goertzel algorithm equals:
  Goertzel algorithm (13)
Where   Goertzel algorithm - intermediate values ​​(see figure 2), which are calculated iteratively:
  Goertzel algorithm (14)
Thus, the algorithm is reduced to an iterative calculation.   Goertzel algorithm according to (14), after which the last two values   Goertzel algorithm and   Goertzel algorithm used to calculate the spectral reference   Goertzel algorithm .

An example of the use of the algorithm of Goertzel
Let be   Goertzel algorithm source signal   Goertzel algorithm shown in Figure 3.

  Goertzel algorithm
Figure 3: Source Signal

Calculate with the help of the algorithm of Goertzel spectral reading   Goertzel algorithm with number   Goertzel algorithm . Pre-calculate the coefficient   Goertzel algorithm and   Goertzel algorithm :
  Goertzel algorithm (15)
As the initial conditions for the calculation, we specify:
  Goertzel algorithm (sixteen)
Make an iterative calculation   Goertzel algorithm according to (14):
  Goertzel algorithm (17)
Then, according to expression (13), you can get the values ​​for the spectral reference:
  Goertzel algorithm (18)
You can independently verify that the value obtained   Goertzel algorithm fully consistent with the result of the DFT.
Below is the source code of the program in the C language, which calculates the spectral reference.   Goertzel algorithm according to the considered example.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

int main () {
// initial data
int N = 8; // points DFT
int k = 1; // number of spectral count

// source signal
double s [8] = {3, 2, 1, -1, 1, -2, -3, -2};

// array of intermediate results
double v [8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

// alpha parameter
double a = 2 * cos (2 * M_PI * k / N);

// swivel set W_N ^ -k
double wr = cos (2 * M_PI * k / N); // real part
double wi = sin (2 * M_PI * k / N); // imaginary part

// account v [-1] = v [-2] = 0
v [0] = s [0];
v [1] = s [1] + a * v [0];

// iterative calculation of the array v according to (14)
for (int i = 2; i <n; i ++)
v [i] = s [i] + a * v [i-1] - v [i-2];

// real and imaginary parts of the spectral reading S (1) according to (13)
double SR = v [N-1] * wr-v [N-2];
double SI = v [N-1] * wi;

// print the result
printf ("S (% d) =% .4f% +. 4fj \ n", k, SR, SI);

system ("Pause");
return 0;

The filter shown in Figure 2 implements the calculation of the spectral count with the number   Goertzel algorithm . To implement the calculation of all   Goertzel algorithm spectral samples, you must put in parallel   Goertzel algorithm such filters. The advantage of the Herzler algorithm is that each spectral sample is calculated independently of the others, and you do not need to count all the DFTs for several samples. This is widely used for decoding DTMF signals when analyzing the amplitude of several harmonics of a signal. But the Gozel algorithm also has a flaw. To calculate a single spectral reference is required   Goertzel algorithm iterations, with intermediate values   Goertzel algorithm , except for the last two, do not carry useful information, but they have to count. The Goertz Algorithm is not attractive for the calculation of all spectral samples of the DFT due to its high computational complexity. The fast Fourier transform algorithms are much better suited for calculating the “full” DFT.


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