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Function in mathematics


A function ( mapping , operator , transformation ) is a mathematical concept that reflects the relationship between the elements of a set. In other words, a function is a rule according to which each element of one set (called the definition domain) is associated with some element of another set (called a range of values).

The mathematical concept of a function expresses an intuitive idea of ​​how one quantity completely determines the value of another quantity. So the value of the variable Function in mathematics uniquely determines the value of an expression Function in mathematics , and the value of the month uniquely determines the value of the month following it. Similarly, some pre-designed algorithm for variable input data produces certain output data.

Often, the term “function” refers to a numeric function; that is, a function that puts some numbers in line with others. These functions are conveniently represented in the figures as graphs.


The term "function" (in a somewhat narrower sense) was first used by Leibniz (1692). In turn, Johann Bernoulli in a letter to the same Leibniz used this term in a sense that is closer to the modern one [1] .

Initially, the concept of function was indistinguishable from the concept of analytical representation. Subsequently, the definition of a function, given by Euler (1751), then - in Lacroix (1806) - was already practically in its present form. Finally, the general definition of a function (in modern form, but for numerical functions) was given by Lobachevsky (1834) and Dirichlet (1837) [2] .

By the end of the 19th century, the concept of function had grown beyond the framework of numerical systems. The vector functions were the first to do this; Frege soon introduced logical functions (1879), and after the appearance of the theory of the Dedekind sets (1887) and Peano (1911), they formulated a modern universal definition.


Function in mathematics

The function that associates each of the four figures with its color.

The most rigorous definition of a function is the set-theoretic definition (based on the concept of a binary relation). Often, instead of defining a function, its intuitive description is given; that is, the concept of a function is translated into ordinary language using the words “law”, “rule” or “conformity”.

Intuitive description

Function Function in mathematics ( mapping , operation , operator ) is a law or a rule according to which each [3] element Function in mathematics from the set Function in mathematics the only element mapped Function in mathematics from the set Function in mathematics [4] .

At the same time they say that the function Function in mathematics set on set Function in mathematics or what Function in mathematics displays Function in mathematics at Function in mathematics .

If the item Function in mathematics matched item Function in mathematics then say item Function in mathematics is in functional dependence Function in mathematics from item Function in mathematics . In this case, the variable Function in mathematics is called a function argument Function in mathematics independent variable set Function in mathematics is called the scope of the task or scope of the function, and the element Function in mathematics corresponding to a specific element Function in mathematics - private value of the function Function in mathematics at the point Function in mathematics . Lots of Function in mathematics all possible particular values ​​of the function Function in mathematics called its domain of values or region of change .

Set-theoretic definition

Function Function in mathematics there are many ordered pairs Function in mathematics ), which satisfies the following condition: for any [3] Function in mathematics there is only one element Function in mathematics such that Function in mathematics .

Thus, a function is an ordered triple (or tuple) of objects. Function in mathematics where

  • lots of Function in mathematics called the scope of the definition ;
  • lots of Function in mathematics called the field of values ;
  • set of ordered pairs Function in mathematics or, equivalently, a function graph.


If the function is set Function in mathematics which is defined on the set Function in mathematics and takes values ​​in the set Function in mathematics that is, the function Function in mathematics displays a lot Function in mathematics at Function in mathematics then

  • this fact is briefly recorded as Function in mathematics or Function in mathematics .
  • function domain Function in mathematics (lots of Function in mathematics ) is denoted by Function in mathematics , or Function in mathematics ;
  • function range Function in mathematics (lots of Function in mathematics ) is denoted by Function in mathematics ( Function in mathematics ), or Function in mathematics ( Function in mathematics ).
  • The presence of a functional relationship between the element Function in mathematics and element Function in mathematics most commonly referred to as

    Function in mathematics ,

    Function in mathematics or

    Function in mathematics ;

  • less commonly used without brackets Function in mathematics , Function in mathematics or Function in mathematics ,
  • and where it is necessary to emphasize duality, symbols with brackets are used: Function in mathematics or Function in mathematics ;
  • also there is an operator designation Function in mathematics which can be found in general algebra.
  • Function in mathematics in the lambda calculus of Church.

Multiple argument functions

Function in mathematics

Graph of two variables function: Function in mathematics

The definition of a function is easy to generalize to the case of a function of many arguments.

If many Function in mathematics is a cartesian product of sets Function in mathematics then mapping Function in mathematics it turns out Function in mathematics - local display, with the elements of an ordered set Function in mathematics are called arguments (given Function in mathematics - local function), each of which runs its own set:

Function in mathematics Where Function in mathematics .

In this case Function in mathematics means that Function in mathematics .

Ways to set functions

Analytical method

A function as a mathematical object is a binary relation satisfying certain conditions . The function can be specified directly as a set of ordered pairs, for example: Function in mathematics there is a function Function in mathematics . However, this method is completely unsuitable for functions on infinite sets (which are the usual real functions: power, linear, exponential, logarithmic, etc.).

To set the function use the expression: Function in mathematics . Wherein, Function in mathematics there is a variable running through the function definition domain, and Function in mathematics - range of values. This entry indicates the presence of a functional relationship between the elements of the sets. x and y can run through any sets of objects of any nature. These can be numbers, vectors, matrices, apples, colors of the rainbow. Let us explain by example:

Let there be many Function in mathematics apple, plane, pear, chair Function in mathematics and many Function in mathematics man, locomotive, square Function in mathematics . Set the function f as follows: Function in mathematics (apple, man), (plane, locomotive), (pear, square), (chair, man) Function in mathematics . If we introduce the variable x, the running set Function in mathematics and the variable y running through the set Function in mathematics The specified function can be defined analytically, like: Function in mathematics .

Similarly, you can set numeric functions. For example: Function in mathematics where x runs through the set of real numbers, sets some function f. It is important to understand that the expression itself Function in mathematics not a function. The function, as an object, is a set (ordered pairs). And this expression, as an object, is the equality of two variables. It sets the function, but is not.

However, in many branches of mathematics, it is possible to denote by f (x) both the function itself and the analytical expression defining it. This syntax is extremely convenient and justified.

Graphic way

Numeric functions can also be specified using a graph. Let be Function in mathematics - real function of n variables.

Consider some (n + 1) -dimensional linear space over the field of real numbers (since the function is real). Choose in this space any basis ( Function in mathematics ). To each point of the function we associate a vector: Function in mathematics . Thus, we will have a set of vectors of linear space corresponding to points of this function according to the indicated rule. The points of the corresponding affine space will form some surface.

If the Euclidean space of free geometric vectors (of directed segments) is taken as the linear space, and the number of arguments of the function f does not exceed 2, the specified set of points can be visualized as a drawing (graphic). If, moreover, the original basis is taken orthonormal, we obtain the “school” definition of the graph of a function.

For functions of 3 arguments and more, such a representation is not applicable due to the lack of geometrical intuition of multidimensional spaces in a person.

However, even for such functions, you can come up with a vivid semigeometric representation (for example, for each value of the fourth coordinate of a point, to associate a certain color on the graph).

Related Definitions

Narrowing and continuing function

Main article: Narrowing and continuing a function

Let the mapping be given Function in mathematics and Function in mathematics .

Display Function in mathematics which takes on Function in mathematics same values ​​as function Function in mathematics , is called the judgment (or otherwise limitation ) of the function Function in mathematics on the set Function in mathematics .

Function narrowing Function in mathematics on the set Function in mathematics denoted by Function in mathematics .

If the function Function in mathematics such that it is a contraction for some function Function in mathematics then function Function in mathematics in turn, is called the continuation of the function Function in mathematics on the set Function in mathematics .

Image and preimage (when displayed)

Element Function in mathematics which is mapped to an element Function in mathematics called the image of the element (point) Function in mathematics (when displaying Function in mathematics ).

If we take the whole subset Function in mathematics function definition areas Function in mathematics then we can consider the set of images of all elements of the set Function in mathematics , namely a subset of the range of values ​​(functions Function in mathematics ) view

Function in mathematics ,

which is called the image set Function in mathematics (when displaying Function in mathematics ). This set is sometimes referred to as Function in mathematics or Function in mathematics .

On the contrary, taking some subset Function in mathematics function domain Function in mathematics , we can consider the totality of those elements of the domain Function in mathematics ), whose images fall into the set Function in mathematics , namely - many species

Function in mathematics ,

which is called the ( complete ) prototype of the set Function in mathematics (when displaying Function in mathematics ).

In the particular case when many Function in mathematics consists of one element let's say Function in mathematics , lots of Function in mathematics has a simpler designation Function in mathematics .

Identity mapping

Mappings that have a domain of definition and a domain of values ​​are called mappings of a given set into itself or transformations .

In particular, the conversion Function in mathematics which matches each point Function in mathematics sets Function in mathematics her or herself, which is the same

Function in mathematics for each Function in mathematics ,

called the identity .

This mapping has a special designation: Function in mathematics or simpler Function in mathematics (if it is clear from the context, what set is meant). Such a designation is due to the English. the word identity ("identity, identity").

Another designation of the identity transformation is Function in mathematics . Such a mapping is a unary operation defined on the set Function in mathematics . Therefore, often, the identity transformation is called the unit transformation.

Mapping composition

Main article: Feature Composition

Let be Function in mathematics and Function in mathematics - two specified mappings such that the range of values ​​of the first map is a subset of the range of definition of the second map. Then for everyone Function in mathematics uniquely identified element Function in mathematics such that Function in mathematics but for this very Function in mathematics uniquely identified element Function in mathematics such that Function in mathematics . That is, for everyone Function in mathematics uniquely identified element Function in mathematics such that Function in mathematics . In other words, the mapping is defined Function in mathematics such that

Function in mathematics for all Function in mathematics .

This mapping is called a mapping composition . Function in mathematics and Function in mathematics and is denoted by

  • or Function in mathematics or Function in mathematics ,
  • or Function in mathematics (in that order!) that is most commonly used.

Reverse mapping

Main article: Reverse function

If the mapping Function in mathematics is one-to-one or bijective (see below), then the mapping is defined Function in mathematics , which one

  • scope (set Function in mathematics ) coincides with the display value area Function in mathematics ;
  • the range of values ​​(set Function in mathematics) is the same as the display definitionFunction in mathematics ;
  • Function in mathematics then and only if Function in mathematics .

This mapping is called the reverse of the mapping.Function in mathematics .

A mapping for which the inverse is defined is called reversible .

In terms of the composition of a function, the property of reversibility consists in the simultaneous fulfillment of two conditions: Function in mathematics and Function in mathematics .


Let function be given Function in mathematics where Function in mathematics and Function in mathematics - data sets, and Function in mathematics . Each such function may have some properties, which are described below.

Image and preimage while rendering

Image capture

Set Function in mathematicsand Function in mathematicsare subsets of the domain of definition. Taking an image (or, equivalently, using an operator Function in mathematics) has the following properties:

  • Function in mathematics ;
  • Function in mathematics ;
  • Function in mathematics .


  • image of the union is equal to the union of images: Function in mathematics ;
  • intersection image is a subset of intersection of images Function in mathematics .

The last two properties, generally speaking, admit a generalization to any number of sets greater than two (as it is formulated here).

Taking a type

Set Function in mathematics and Function in mathematics - subsets of the set Function in mathematics .

By analogy with taking an image, taking a type (transition to a type) also has the following two obvious properties:

  • the preimage of the union is equal to the union of the preimages: Function in mathematics ;
  • the preimage of the intersection is equal to the intersection of the preimages Function in mathematics .

These properties also allow generalization to any number of sets greater than two (as it is formulated here).

В случае, если отображение обратимо (см. ниже), прообраз каждой точки области значений одноточечный, поэтому для обратимых отображений выполняется следующее усиленное свойство для пересечений:

  • образ пересечения равен пересечению образов: Function in mathematics .

Поведение функций


Основная статья: Сюръекция

Function Function in mathematics называется сюръективной (или, коротко, сюръекция ), если каждому элементу множества прибытия может быть сопоставлен хотя бы один элемент области определения. Другими словами, функция Function in mathematics сюръективна , если образ множества Function in mathematics при отображении совпадает с множеством Function in mathematics : Function in mathematics .

Такое отображение называется ещё отображением на .

If the surjectivity condition is violated, then such a mapping is called a mapping in .


Main article: Injection (mathematics)

Function Function in mathematicsis called injective (or, briefly, injection ) if different elements of the set are Function in mathematicsassociated with different elements of the setFunction in mathematics .More formally, the function is Function in mathematics injective , if for any two elements Function in mathematicssuch that it Function in mathematicsis necessarily executedFunction in mathematics .

In other words, a surjection is when “every image has a type”, and an injection is when “different - into different”. That is, the injection does not happen so that two or more different elements are Function in mathematicsdisplayed in the same elementFunction in mathematics .And with a surjection, it does not happen that some element Function in mathematicshas no type.


Main article: Bijection

If the function is both surjective and injective , then such a function is called bijective or one-to-one .

Increase and decrease

Main article: Monotonic function

Let function be given Function in mathematics Then

  • function Function in mathematicsis called increasing onFunction in mathematics , if a

Function in mathematics

  • the function Function in mathematicsis called increasing onFunction in mathematics , if a

Function in mathematics

  • function Function in mathematicsis called decreasing byFunction in mathematics , if a

Function in mathematics

  • function Function in mathematicsis strictly decreasing onFunction in mathematics , if a

Function in mathematics

The (strictly) increasing or decreasing function is called (strictly) monotone.


Main article: Periodic function

Function Function in mathematicscalled periodic with period Function in mathematics if true

Function in mathematics .

If this equality is not fulfilled for any Function in mathematics, then the function Function in mathematicsis called aperiodic .


Main article: Odd and even functions

  • Function Function in mathematics called odd if equality holds

Function in mathematics

  • Function Function in mathematics is called even if equality is true

Function in mathematics

Extremum functions

Main article: Extremum

Let function be given Function in mathematics and Function in mathematics - internal point of the domain Function in mathematics Then

  • Function in mathematics is called a point of absolute (global) maximum, if

    Function in mathematics

  • Function in mathematics called the point of absolute minimum if

    Function in mathematics


В зависимости от того, какова природа области определения и области значений, различают случаи, когда эти области — это:

  • абстрактные множества — множества без какой-либо дополнительной структуры;
  • множества, которые наделены некоторой структурой.

В первом случае рассматриваются отображения в самом общем виде и решаются наиболее общие вопросы. Таким общим вопросом, например, является вопрос о сравнении множеств по мощности: если между двумя множествами существует взаимно однозначное отображение (биекция), то два данных множества называют эквивалентными или равномощными . Это позволяет провести классификацию множеств в виде единой шкалы, начальный фрагмент выглядит следующим образом:

  • конечные множества — здесь мощность множества совпадает с количеством элементов;
  • countable sets are sets equivalent to the set of natural numbers;
  • sets of the power of the continuum (for example, a segment of a real straight line or the real straight line itself).

Accordingly, it makes sense to consider the following mapping examples:

  • finite functions - mappings of finite sets;
  • sequences - mapping of a countable set to an arbitrary set;
  • continual functions are mappings of uncountable sets into finite, countable or uncountable sets.

Во втором случае, основной объект рассмотрения — заданная на множестве структура и то, что происходит с этой структурой при отображении: если существует взаимно однозначное отображение одной структуры в другую, что при отображении сохраняются свойства заданной структуры, то говорят, что между двумя структурами установлен изоморфизм. Таким образом, изоморфные структуры, заданные в различных множествах, невозможно различить, поэтому в математике принято говорить, что данная структура рассматривается «с точностью до изоморфизма».

Существует великое разнообразие структур, которые могут быть заданы на множествах. Сюда относится:

  • структура порядка — частичный или линейный порядок.
  • алгебраическая структура — группоид, полугруппа, группа, кольцо, тело, область целостности или поле.
  • структура метрического пространства — здесь задаётся функция расстояния;
  • структура евклидового пространства — здесь задаётся скалярное произведение;
  • структура топологического пространства — здесь задаётся совокупность т. н. «открытых множеств»;
  • структура измеримого пространства — здесь задаётся сигма-алгебра подмножеств исходного множества (например, посредством задания меры с данной сигма-алгеброй в качестве области определения)

Природа множеств определяет и свойства соответствующих функций, поскольку эти свойства формулируются в терминах структур, заданных на множествах. Например, свойство непрерывности требует задания топологической структуры .

Вариации и обобщения

Основная статья: Обобщённая функция

Частично определённые функции

A partially defined function Function in mathematics from set Function in mathematicsto set Function in mathematicsis a function Function in mathematicswith a domain.Function in mathematics .

Some authors understand the function as a partially defined function. This has its advantages, for example recording is possible.Function in mathematics where Function in mathematics in this case Function in mathematics .

Multivalued functions

Main article: Multivalued function

By virtue of the function definition, the specified value of the argument corresponds to exactly one value of the function. Despite this, one can often hear about so-called "multi-valued" functions. In fact, this is nothing more than a convenient designation of a function, the range of values ​​of which is itself a family of sets.

Let be Function in mathematics where Function in mathematics - family of subsets of a set Function in mathematics . Then Function in mathematics will be set for everyone Function in mathematics .

A function is unique if each value of the argument corresponds to a single value of the function. A function is multivalued if at least one value of the argument corresponds to two or more values ​​of the function [5] .

see also

  • Functional equation
  • Algorithm
  • The equation
  • Boolean function

See also

created: 2014-09-17
updated: 2024-11-14

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