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- 10 defects, errors and risks in the software life


Это окончание невероятной информации про дефекты ошибки.



Assessing and organizing software project risk priorities

Component balancing and reduction

integral risk project software


Fig. 10.4 278

  • in distortions or incomplete realization of the required purpose, functions or interaction of PS with system components or the external environment - defects and defects in the functional suitability of the complexes;

  • in insufficient and inconsistent with the design specifications of the quality of the PS during its operation and use for its intended purpose;

  • in violation of restrictions on the use of economic, temporary or technical resources in the creation and application of PS.

Analysis and risk assessment should begin with a study of the concepts, requirements and functions that contribute to the approval and application by the customer and users of a particular software product. In this case, the requirements for the characteristics of the PS and the assessment of possible damage in case of their violation should be defined. Studies on the development of PS projects have shown that in many cases the cost and duration of their implementation significantly exceeded the estimated, and the quality characteristics did not match what was required, which caused damage to customers, users and developers. These losses are a detriment of projects that could be significantly reduced by timely analysis, forecasting and correction of risks of possible violation of contract requirements, technical specifications and specifications for characteristics, allocated resources and technology for creating program complexes.

Risk management involves a clear understanding of the internal and external causes and real sources of threats that affect the quality of the PS project, which can lead to its failure or great damage.As a result of the analysis, you should create a risk tracking plan for the life cycle of the PS, which should be regularly reviewed and adjusted. The main goal of risk management is to detect, identify and control rarely encountered situations and factors that lead to negative - risky project results. This should be reflected in the application of regulated processes in which factors and threats to risks are systematically identified, evaluated and corrected.

One of the most common causes and dangerous sources of risk are errors in assessing scale - the size of a project or


software product (see lecture 5). These errors are most often random - unintentional, due to lack of competence of the customer or developer-supplier. However, in some cases, developers may be interested in exceeding the agreed scale of the ordered product to get more resources from the customer, and customers may wish to provide a reduced scale estimate to reduce the allocated costs for developing a project or software product. The magnitude of the estimated and agreed between the customer and the developer of the scale of PS directly affects:

  • the budget and complexity of the development and maintenance of the entire life cycle of a software product;

  • time costs and timing of the creation and the entire life cycle of the implementation and application of PS;

  • requirements for the number and qualifications of devel


Часть 1 10 defects, errors and risks in the software life cycle
Часть 2 - 10 defects, errors and risks in the software life


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