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  • The concept of a working group and team
  • Team building
  • Role distribution in the team
  • Role conflicts
  • Teamwork communication

Comprehensive goal


• basic concepts, categories and tools of organizational psychology;

• psychological phenomena associated with individual and group behavior of a person and related to his life in the organization;

• criteria for determining organizational and psychological problems and tasks related to group and team activities.

Be able to :

• analyze the external and internal environment of the organization, as a source of organizational and psychological problems;

• diagnose and solve organizational problems and tasks determined by psychological factors;

• identify the specifics of the mental functioning of a person in a group, team, organization;

• identify problems of a psychological nature when analyzing specific organizational situations, propose ways of solving them that are relevant to the organizational culture and goals of the organization;

• use the system of categories and methods necessary for solving organizational and psychological tasks in the field of group and teamwork;

• find organizational and management decisions in production situations.

Own :

• conceptual apparatus in the field of organizational psychology;

• technologies of work with groups and teams, as well as with the staff of the organization;

• the main technologies of the work of an organizational psychologist in the field of diagnostics and intervention in the field of activity of groups and teams;

• interactive methods, psychological technologies, focused on personal growth of employees.

The concept of a working group and team

Problems of group psychology occupy a special place in the system of psychological knowledge in connection with the collective nature of human activity. Studies of a small group are initiated by the demands of practice, since the group is the key element of the microenvironment that surrounds the personality and has the greatest impact on it.

Often the terms "group" and "team" are used interchangeably. However, these concepts are not identical.

There are many definitions of a small group. Thus, in American psychology, a small group is defined as two or more persons who often interact with each other, influence each other for more than a few moments and perceive themselves as "we". Domestic social psychologists define a small group as a set of freely united, equally useful individuals in the process of cooperative interaction satisfying personal requests and desires.

The group is a collection of individuals who share common norms, values ​​and ideals, but they are interested in the group, perceive the group as a source of satisfaction of their needs, are in cooperation and interdependence, are bound by a sense of solidarity and moral unity even outside of joint actions, develop their specific group culture The group has a number of psychological characteristics. So, American social psychologists D. Cartwright and A. Zander define a group as a collection of individuals who:

1) often interact with each other;

2) define themselves as members of one group;

3) share common rules about what interests them;

4) participate in a unified system of separation of roles;

5) identify themselves with the same objects and ideals;

6) perceive the group as a source of satisfaction;

7) are in cooperative interdependence;

8) coordinate actions in relation to the environment.

An active or working group is a small group that is predominantly engaged in work, aimed at solving specific problems (winning the competition, co-developing a project) and operates according to certain laws. When analyzing a small group, it is necessary to remember two aspects of its existence:

- the business aspect, which describes the attitude of the group members to the task that they need to perform (productivity factor);

- social aspect, i.e. social and emotional ties between group members, the attitude of group members to each other and their membership in it (a factor of trust and cohesion).

The second dichotomy is the formal and informal aspects of the group. In any group, one can distinguish both formal and informal levels of functioning. The formal level relates to rules and regulations. The formal structure is given by the official distribution of responsibilities between the members of the group, their interaction in the labor process (for example, the army structure). The informal level is the relationship established in the process of labor interaction. It is determined by the psychological characteristics of the individual participants in joint activities (professional and communication skills, life experience, individual characteristics) and situational factors (for example, an urgent task can dramatically change the informal structure of the group).

The determinants of the emergence of a formal small (working) group are objective (demand) and subjective reasons (kindred, friendly relations, etc.). Determinants of the emergence of the informal group are interpersonal attraction and affiliated needs (to be with others, to be in a group).

The classification of small groups is based on three criteria:

1) the size of the group (therefore, distinguish small, medium and large groups);

2) the lifetime of the group (distinguish between long-term and short-term groups);

3) the structural integrity of the group (as a result, primary and secondary groups arise).

The size of the group affects the level of contacts between people, the nature of the activity, the structure of the group, the groups

new behavior, the dynamics of group processes and the effectiveness of the group.

As an example, in the table. 6.1 we present the differences between small and medium groups (according to L. G. Pochebut and I. A. Meijis).

Table 6.1

Differences between small and medium groups

Signs of

Small group

Middle group

Number of

Dozens of people

Hundreds of people


Personality: familiarity with each other on a personal level

Status role-playing: acquaintance at the level of status


Real behavioral



Developed inner informal

Legally executed (lack of a developed informal structure)

Communication in the labor process

Direct labor

Labor mediated by the official structure of the organization


A team of workers, laboratory staff

Organization: all employees of the organization, enterprise, company

A group can be either too small or too large to work with optimal efficiency. The minimum size of a group is 2-3 people, the maximum is 25-40 people. There is a concept of group manageability optimum, meaning determining the size of a group, which is optimal for successfully guiding it. The most manageable is a group of 5–9 people. As the volume increases (especially over 12 people), the number of subgroups or cliques increases, and the likelihood of opposition from the decisions of the head by informal leaders of the subgroups increases, and coordination of group-wide efforts becomes difficult.

By the time of existence, small, medium and large groups can be both short-term and long-term. For example, a working team may be short-term if they unite to perform one production task, or long-term if people work for several years at the same enterprise in the same brigade.

On the basis of the structural integrity of the group distinguish primary and secondary groups. The primary group is a structural subdivision of the organization that is not decomposed into further component parts, i.e. This is a small formal group (department, team, laboratory). The secondary group is a set of primary small groups (enterprise, organization). Thus, an organization, an industrial enterprise, a commercial firm is an average, secondary, most often long-term group.

The group has an appropriate structure, it is determined by the position of individuals in the group as members, their status (formal and informal) and their role. The highest position in the group's hierarchy is occupied by the leader who has the greatest influence on the rest of the group.

The social status of an individual is understood as the position taken in a social group, which is determined by the system of mutual rights and obligations. Social status is made up of the prestige of the profession and position, level of education and income, the complexity of achieving this status. One person can be a carrier of a variety of statuses (student, unemployed), can occupy opposite statuses in relation to different people (for example, be at the same time head of his department and be subordinate to the head of the organization). Such a set of individual statuses is called a status set, in which one can always single out the main status, which generally determines the lifestyle, work, behavior, etc. For example, the status of the president determines in many respects a whole set of social connections, his life.

A social role is a dynamic aspect of status, a set of rights and obligations prescribed by the position of the individual in society, in a social group, and behavior that meets the expectations of others. A role is a normatively approved form of behavior expected from an individual occupying a certain position in the system of interpersonal and social relations. Characteristics of a role also include desires and goals, beliefs and feelings, social attitudes, values ​​and actions that are expected or attributed to a person in a group / society.

If, taking a certain position, we allow ourselves to relax unnecessarily, to go beyond the delineated framework, others will rather quickly return us to “full circle” with the help of sanctions - shaming, blaming, fining, depriving of goods, etc. Sanctions are the mechanism by which a group “returns” its member to the path of fulfillment and observance of social or group norms. Sanctions can be both prohibitive (in violation of the rules) and incentive (with proper and full compliance with the rules). However, the boundaries of the "right" behavior is not as rigid as it seems. Carrying out public functions, each of us has the right to realize his own style of performing a role, manifesting the unique features of his personality.

People "play" not one, but several roles. Their range is determined by the number and variety of social groups in which people are included, and their individual characteristics. Role set is a collection of roles associated with a single social status. For example, the status of a manager implies the fulfillment of such roles as a mentor, educator, representative of the organization in the external environment, etc.

A group role is a behavior expected from a person occupying a certain position in a group. Group roles can be formal (related to official duties) and informal (arising spontaneously). The characteristics of the role include:

1) consistency of roles, their connectedness between themselves (if you play the role of a leader, then you have ideas and expectations about how your deputy should behave);

2) the degree of clarity of roles (on the first day at the new job, something indefinite could happen to you, even if you know what purpose you were hired for);

3) the complexity of the roles (the role of the leader of the group is much more complex than the role of the jester in Pei).

Business and social aspects of group dynamics apply to roles. Can highlight:

1) Target roles - behavior conducive to the achievement of group goals (initiator, developer, informer, idea generator, coordinator, critic, activator);

2) social roles - behavior oriented towards the support of others, “serving” the feelings and attitudes of group members (instigator, helper, harmonizer, guard);

3) individualistic roles - a behavior that has a disruptive and distracting effect that impedes the effective work of the group (aggressor, blocker, dominator, seeking recognition and seeking self-disclosure, constantly demanding attention to himself).

Role behavior in a group can lead to role conflicts in working groups.

The group goes through certain stages in its development, starting with the appearance and ending with the collapse. Domestic psychologists believe that the group is evolving and is going through a series of qualitative steps that characterize its social and psychological maturity. The level of development of a group is judged by organizational unity, psychological (intellectual, emotional, volitional) unity, group preparedness, activity orientation.

A collective is a group that has reached the highest level of maturity of its socio-psychological characteristics. In a team, each member of the group is aware of itself as part of the whole. The overall goal is fascinating and meaningful for everyone, the group shows perseverance in moving towards the goal. Self-government authority - reputable and respected. Characterized by unanimity of opinion, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, the desire for empathy of events and events, high moral standards. In the relationship - friendliness and support, each member of the group has a sense of security. Ways to resolve conflicts are reasonable, constructive criticism and is carried out from benevolent positions. Team members are characterized by high group satisfaction, difficulties and failures are overcome by being collected. Thus, a collective is a group of people who carry out joint activities and achieve an end result based on the harmonization of individual, group and social goals, interests and values ​​(Yu. P. Platonov, 2007).

In foreign psychology, the development of a group is viewed as progress in stages. Thus, the model B. Takmena (Table 6.2) describes the dynamics of a group process based on the consideration of two areas of group activity: business (solving group tasks) and interpersonal (development of group structure). In each of these areas, four successive stages are expected.

Table 6.2

Model B. Takmen

In the field of interpersonal activity

In the field of business activity

- the stage of testing and dependence (orientation of group members in the nature of each other's actions and the search for mutually acceptable interpersonal behavior in the group);

- orientation in the problem (members of the group search for the optimal way to solve the problem);

- stage of internal conflict (violation of interaction and lack of unity between members of the group);

- an emotional response to the requirements of the task (opposition of the group members to the requirements set by the task’s content due to the discrepancy between the personal intentions of individuals and the prescription of the task);

- the stage of development of group cohesiveness of the post (gradual harmonization of relations, the disappearance of interpersonal conflicts);

- open exchange of relevant interpretations (maximum information exchange, which allows partners to penetrate deeper into each other's intentions and offer an alternative interpretation of information);

- the stage of functional role correlation (formation of the role structure of the group)

- decision making (constructive attempts to successfully solve the problem)

In addition to these stages, there is a fifth stage of termination of activity - the collapse of relations in both areas of group activity, the disbanding of the team.

This model is used in organizational psychology and in the analysis of team formation.

A team is more than a simple group of individuals. The term "team" was formulated by the practice of effective management and, as a rule, was used to designate a small group with a pronounced target orientation, intensive interaction of members and high productivity. In the literature, you can find various definitions of the team. For example, a team is a cohesive group or a work collective. Indeed, the team is a group of high level development. Among the parameters of the team, the most similar to the command characteristics are integration (interconnectedness and interdependence of team members), structuredness (clarity and concreteness of the mutual distribution of functions, rights and duties, responsibility between team members), organization (orderliness, concentration, subordination to a certain order of joint activities) , motivation (active, interested and effective attitude to joint activities). At the same time, the interpretation of the team is more realistic, pragmatic and devoid of ideological labels compared to the concept of the collective.

It is necessary to distinguish between a group of people formally united to perform related work (a working group) and a team capable of self-organization, self-government and development (Table 6.3).

Table 6.3

Differences between team and team




A narrow task is set, common goals are not clarified.

Acceptance of goals and strategy to achieve them

Participation in the work

Execution of job descriptions and orders

Active stance, focus on results, personal responsibility

Role playing


Strict distribution of roles, positions, duties

Separation of competencies. Flexible structure. Rotation of roles


Administration, the presence of a formal leader-chief

Leadership based on competence and trust, mentoring, help and support



Most orders and decisions made by the majority

Effective decision-making procedures based on trust and mutual benefit.


Silence, concealment, ignoring

Acknowledgment, intellectual competition, effective resolution: "we are on one side of the barricade, and the problem is on the other"


Closeness, avoidance of criticism, the principle of "keep a low profile"

Trust, freedom, initiative


Through a formal leader. Official correspondence

Openness Confidence in each other and mutual respect


Stereotype, work by the rules

Flexibility and adaptability. Continuous improvement and growth of competencies. Unleash the creative potential




According to R. M. Belbin, people can work as a team without being members of a working group. And vice versa, specialists can be members of one working group, in fact, not forming a team. “The idea of ​​the team is,” writes R. Belbin, “that its members form a single working structure based on the division of labor, suggesting and reflecting the contribution of an individual team member who will contribute to the achievement of a common goal.”

A team is a small number of people (possible volume from 2 to 25 people, but usually not more than 10) with complementary skills, united in a single plan, striving for common goals, sharing responsibility for their achievement.

Another definition says that a team is a group of people (usually 5-7 people) who have common goals, complementary skills and abilities, a high level of interdependencies, sharing responsibility for the final result, capable of changing the functional role structure, i.e. perform any intragroup roles. This definition emphasizes three characteristics that are common to all teams:

1) interdependence (each team member makes his individual contribution to the overall work and depends on the work of each, all team members share information with each other, are equal participants in the activity and have the opportunity to influence each other);

2) shared responsibility (responsibility is understood and shared by all, commitment and trust are the basis of team accountability);

3) the result, the responsibility for which is shared by all participants.

Domestic teambuilders define the team as a group of people complementary and interchanging each other in achieving common results, using a special form of organization of joint activities, which is based on a well-thought-out positioning of participants who have a consistent vision of the situation and strategic goals of the team and who have worked out the established interaction procedures.

The most significant features of the team include:

- a common vision or the same and accurate understanding of each other’s aspirations;

- complementarity in functions and in the distribution of roles;

- ability to respond quickly to changes;

- effective communication and harmony;

- cohesion;

- the ability to motivate team members to commit certain actions.

Distinctive features of the team are the following characteristics. Team members consider themselves to be part of a group that performs a specific job in order to achieve a specific goal. The objectives of the company, the team and individual employees are known. Team members, I feel competent in their work, perform tasks independently and under their own responsibility. In the team there are: a balance between effective work and cooperation of people, a culture of open communication, willingness to help, constructive conflict resolution. A good team is open to the outside world and constructively cooperates with other teams.

The essential characteristic of the team is the high professionalism of the group. Team members must have important applied skills: technical or functional skills, decision making and problem solving skills, and interpersonal skills, i.e. build effective relationships with other people, effectively using a variety of communication tools.

The criterion of a formed team is the ability of the group to analyze its activities and find internal resources for development and overcoming difficulties.

Various types of teams can be distinguished, which differ among themselves depending on the nature of the activity and functions, the goal set, the level of development and subculture. So, depending on the goal, two teams can be distinguished:

1) functional, which, in turn, are divided into advisory expert (advisory council, review board) and production (production team, maintenance team);

2) creative, which are divided into design (research group, planning team) and operating (sports team, theater troupe, ambulance crew).

Depending on the type of activity there are three types of commands:

1) teams involved in the preparation of recommendations;

2) production teams;

3) management teams.

Each of these teams can be at one of the following levels of development of group activity, depending on the team spirit, the effectiveness of the interaction of group members:

- a working group (in which participants interact with each other, seeking to achieve their own goals);

- pseudo-team (where the participants act as if they can or should achieve significantly greater results than the usual group, but they do not have a common goal and objective; the results of the pseudo-team are low because there is no favorable environment for unlocking the potential of everyone);

- a potential team (a group facing a common task, but lacking an enthusiastic leader and mastermind who infects with his enthusiasm and dedication in the performance of a common cause);

- a real team (a small group of like-minded people with an optimal number of up to 12 people solving a common task and possessing complementary skills and qualities that carry common responsibility);

- a highly effective team or a team of high achievements, which meets not only all the requirements of the team, but in addition to this is interested in the fact that each of the participants in the course of working together fully reveal their potential and achieve maximum success.

On the basis of the forms of subcultures of management teams, T. Yu. Bazarov identifies such types of groups as the “combine”, “clique”, “circle”, and “team”. The basis of this division is the following factors: the type of joint activity or the type of task, the organizational and cultural context of the team (external and internal), the particular personal style of interaction between its leader and leader with other members of the group.

It is also advisable to divide the teams into three categories:

1) temporary teams (production / project groups) - focused on the achievement of a specific goal and fall apart after the end of the work;

2) permanent teams (departments / groups) - structure and distribute the work that needs to be done in a certain period of time;

3) the whole enterprise as a team - all employees of the organization, working together for the client, feeling themselves “service creators” and controlling the success of the company.

In the modern literature on team building, this mainly concerns two types of groups: management teams (management teams) and project teams.

The management team includes the top officials of the organization and is located at the highest levels of the organizational hierarchy. Created at the middle and lower levels of organization, teams are called self-directed teams (these are small groups of people who are authorized to make decisions about planning, executing, and evaluating daily work).

Project teams are formed for specific tasks at all levels of management and can include both middle and lower managers and specialists. The types of project teams include:

- teams of specialists consisting of specialists of the same profile, regularly meeting for joint study of work issues;

- cross-functional teams that unite people performing various functions to work on common tasks;

- virtual teams consisting of members united by electronic means of communication;

reform teams created for the purpose of organizational change.

Also, one of the possible classifications of teams can be based on the functional range and interchangeability of members (Table 6.4).

Table 6.4

Classification of teams by functional range and interchangeability of members

Functional range of activity

Interchangeability of team members




Commands for solving problems

Teams of specialists


Cross-functional teams

Управленческие команды Самоуправляемые команды

Команда, как и любая группа, развивается и проходит в своем развитии несколько стадий или этапов. На основе модели Б. Такмена, с учетом функционирования групп в реальной социальной практике, Т. Ю. Базаров выделяет следующие этапы командообразования.

1. Адаптация – этан взаимного информирования и анализа задач, поиск оптимального способа решения задачи. На уровне межличностных отношений члены группы ориентируются относительно характера действий друг друга и направлены на поиск взаимоприемлемого поведения в группе. Результативность команды на данном этапе низкая, так как ее члены еще мало знакомы и не уверены друг в друге.

2. Grouping is a stage characterized by the creation of associations (subgroups) by sympathies and interests. Due to the mismatch of personal motivation and goals of group activities, group members oppose the requirements set by the task’s content. There is an emotional response of group members to the requirements of the task, which leads to the formation of subgroups. When grouping, group self-awareness begins to emerge at the level of individual subgroups that form the first intragroup norms.

3. Cooperation - the stage at which the realization of the desire to work on a task takes place. Characterized by more open and constructive communication, there are elements of group solidarity and cohesion. There is an established group with a distinct "We" feeling. Leading at this stage becomes an instrumental activity.

4. Rationing activities - the stage at which the principles of group interaction are developed. The sphere of emotional activity becomes dominant, the significance of the “I-You” relationship increases dramatically, personal relationships become especially close. At this stage, there is no intergroup activity, which can lead to the separation of a cohesive, well-prepared organizationally and psychologically group from others and turn it into an autonomy group, characterized by isolation on their goals and selfishness.

5. Functioning - the stage of decision making, characterized by constructive attempts to successfully solve the problem. This is a stage of functional role relatedness, i.e. a team role structure is formed, due to which a group task is played. The group becomes open to the manifestation and resolution of the conflict. At this stage, the group is distinguished by a high level of preparedness, organizational and psychological unity characteristic of the command subculture.

Thus, a small (including working) group is an important component of the social life of any organization. People strive to join a group so that its members can feel belonging to something, to get some information from each other, to receive approval from someone, to achieve certain goals (individual or group). A team can be understood as a small group that unites people who jointly work together. Teams can be effective and ineffective. In a highly effective team, there is a clear understanding of the goal, clear positioning of roles, complementarity of competences, streamlined communication between team members, and responsibility to each other. Teamwork organization methods are inherent:

- coordinated vision of the tasks facing the organization and the system of distribution of responsibility for their successful solution;

- formation of focus on a common and clear goal;

- distribution of roles and positions in order to achieve maximum commitment;

- ensuring maximum inclusion of each employee in the workflow;

- ensuring joint decision making;

- focus on efficiency and situational leadership;

- generation of new ideas and ways to solve problems;

- developing external relations and establishing necessary contacts with other people and organizations;

- verification and evaluation of the performance of the work.

A small (working) group and a team for a leader who deals with a company, public association, party is an essential condition of its activity. Therefore, he needs knowledge of the influence of the group on the individual, the features of group dynamics, collective decision-making procedures, the processes occurring during the direct interaction between people. In addition, the leader should have an idea of ​​how to organize the interaction of people in the working group in order to realize their potential in a highly effective manner in accordance with the goals of the organization, about the team building process.

Team building

The need to form a team may arise in various situations of development of the organization. The rapid changes in both politics and business pose a number of tasks related to team building. The most often there is a request for the formation of operational teams to work in a limited time; rallying top managers in order to more efficiently exchange information, enhance creativity and join efforts to achieve the goals of the enterprise as a whole; rallying employees within a unit (department) in order to improve the management efficiency of subordinates and increase the efficiency of the unit; rallying middle managers in order to accelerate the passage of information, improve the psychological climate.

In the literature, one can often find the point of view according to which team building is one of the levels of organizational consulting. In this case, there are three levels of the process of forming teams:

1) individual counseling, i.e. management of difficult problems arising from the existence of an organization;

2) direct team formation - active team involvement in the planning of organizational changes;

3) building team-to-team relationships (if there are several separate teams in the organization, counseling is directed both at the process of team formation and at establishing the relationship between them).

When considering the problem of team building or team building, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "team development" and "team building".

Team development is a natural process, usually taking place without the intentional, planned and systematic intervention of the researcher, and often lasting for years.

Team building, or team building (from the English. Team building - team building ) - a term commonly used in the context of a business and applied to a wide range of actions to create and improve the efficiency of the team. The idea of ​​team working methods was borrowed from the world of sports and began to be actively introduced into the practice of management in the 1960–1970s. At present, team building is one of the promising models of corporate management, ensuring the full development of the company, and is one of the most effective personnel management tools. Team building is an important factor ensuring the best quality of services and at the same time maintaining healthy competition. Surveys of companies on the reasons for the introduction of a team-based organization of labor show that it contributes to improving quality and increasing labor productivity, reduces operating costs, contributes to job satisfaction, improves decision-making and communication within the organization, maximizes the mental abilities, creativity and responsibility of each employee. .

In psychology, team building refers to the process of purposeful formation of a special way of interaction of people in an organized group, which allows them to effectively realize their energy, intellectual and creative potential in accordance with the strategic goals of the organization.

The components of the team building process include the following.

1. Formation and development of teamwork skills (team skills), which are the basis of the system of implementation of team management. These include the following skills:

- harmonization of a common goal with personal goals;

- taking responsibility for the result of the team;

- situational leadership (leadership for the task) and flexible change of style in accordance with the characteristics of the task;

- constructive interaction and self-government;

- adoption of a unified team decision and its coordination with team members.

2. Formation of team spirit , i.e. a set of psychological phenomena that characterize the informal relations of employees to colleagues and organizations. The development of team spirit, but essentially, is a complex of measures aimed at:

- strengthening the sense of cohesion, the formation of a sustainable sense of "We";

- the development of trust between employees, understanding and acceptance of the individual characteristics of each other;

- creation of motivation for joint activities;

- creating experience of highly effective joint actions;

- increasing the informal authority of managers;

- development of loyalty of participants of the program in relation to the organization.

3. Team building ( teambuilding ) - mechanical actions for the selection, optimization of the team structure and functional role distribution:

- effective use of the strengths of the team;

- distribution of team roles for optimal results;

- the formation of a new structure during the merger, acquisition, restructuring of the enterprise;

- creating a working environment in the formation of project teams;

- establishing horizontal links within the team, regional divisions.

In the field of personnel management, the term "team building" means a short (from two hours to three days) event to improve teamwork: corporate programs, rope courses, corporate holidays. Indirectly, the category of events that lead to the effect of team building also includes the celebration of the employees' birthday, the birthday of the company, the new year. One of the effects of such activities is the overall cohesion of the team, which is part of working with the team spirit.

Team building is usually carried out after organizational diagnostics, certification or evaluation of personnel in an organization and is a kind of stage in the framework of consulting on organizational development. In this case, team building can take place in three directions:

1) the formation of high-performance teams based on certification data or personnel evaluation;

2) selection of appropriate personnel and recruitment of existing teams according to information obtained during organizational diagnostics, certification or evaluation of personnel, taking into account the knowledge, skills, abilities and ability to work in a team;

3) reshaping and rebuilding existing teams based on data from organizational diagnostics, certification, or personnel evaluation in order to achieve maximum efficiency.

According to the domestic practicing psychologists, it is possible to identify several of the most popular areas of activity in the field of team building:

- recruitment of teams, selection of individual "performers" taking into account the general team context;

- formation of team spirit (the task of team rehearsal), improving mutual understanding;

- assessment (diagnostics) of target groups in terms of their compliance with the concept of "team";

- practical tasks for the selection and training of team leaders and the creation of an organizational environment that meets the principles of teamwork.

When forming a team, it is necessary to determine the purpose (team mission), formulate its goals, set tasks, define roles in the team and develop group norms.

In foreign social psychology, the following approaches to team building are distinguished:

- an approach based on the development and coordination of team goals (team building is defined as the development of the ability of a group of people to achieve their goals);

- an interpersonal approach or an approach focused on analyzing processes and improving interpersonal relations (the team building process is aimed at increasing interpersonal relations in a group and based on the assumption that due to this the team will be able to function more efficiently);

- role-based approach (team building is the improvement of team work by increasing the clarity of roles, as a result of which each team member knows what his role and what others are, what expectations he has regarding others and others regarding him);

- an approach to team building based on problem solving (a team becomes more effective as a result of joint problem solving by all team members, that is, during team building, team members determine the main problems, solve them and actively plan their activities).

The technology of team building includes the sequential passage of three stages, at each of which it is necessary to answer a series of questions (Table 6.5).

Table 6.5

Stages of team building

Stages of team building

Stage issues


What work needs to be done?

What powers does the group have to manage its own work?

What is the central point of the work that the group will do?

What is the degree of interdependence of team members?

Is there only one correct solution or several possibilities?

Interests of team members are the same or have a competitive character?


How many people should be on the team?

Who is perfect for the job? What level of technical, task management and interpersonal skills is required?

What level and type of differentiation is optimal for the team?


How do team members adapt to each other?

What is the implicit distribution of roles between team members?

What rules are favorable or dangerous for the group?

Does team cohesion matter? How does trust grow, what is threatened and how is it established among team members?

In the process of recruiting a team, it is necessary to know the principles and conditions for its formation. According to R.M. Belbin, teams are usually formed from managers who perform certain duties in their units, and they become members of the team thanks to the functions they perform. However, the psychological compatibility of its members is crucial for the efficient operation of the team being created.

In the research and experiments of R. M. Belbin and his colleagues on the creation of teams in business practice, five interrelated principles were formulated.

1. Members of the management team contribute to the achievement of team goals in two ways. First, they can perform their personal team role well, using their professional and technical knowledge. Secondly, each team member has a potentially valuable team role, which he to one degree or another plays. Team role describes such a model of behavior that ensures the productive interaction of team members with each other in the process of moving the team to its goals.

2. Each team needs an optimal balance in the performance of functional and team roles by all team members. The ideal combination of roles is determined by the goals and objectives of the team.

3. The effectiveness of the team will increase to the extent that the team members identify their strengths and weaknesses correctly and, in the interests of the team, tune in to the use of strengths and to neutralize weaknesses, both in the performance of functional and in the performance of team roles.

4. The personal qualities of team members that target them to specific team roles at the same time restrict a person to self-realization in other roles.

5. A team can use its technical resources in the most advantageous way only if the team has the set of team roles necessary for effective collaboration.

Not always and not from any employees can form a cohesive team. This requires the following conditions:

- people performing work should be specialists, act as experts in solving the tasks assigned to them;

- the aggregate experience and talents of people working in a team must exceed the experience and abilities of any of those who work alone;

- the majority of people should be able to influence the decisions they have to make in some way, this increases their interest in the common cause;

- each person should have a penchant for creativity, which can be systematically used, involving him to participate in the work of the group.

The technology of team building is based on a number of principles that set certain rules and requirements when organizing teams. The following principles of team work are highlighted.

1. Voluntary joining a team is a key principle of team formation. The team can be included only the candidate who voluntarily expressed willingness to join the team based on awareness of understanding of all the conditions of its activities.

2. Collective execution of work. Each team member performs the part of the work that the team has assigned to him, and not the part that he usually performed on the instructions of the administrative authorities (the latter is not excluded within the team).

3. Collective responsibility. The whole team loses trust, encouragement, public recognition if the task is not completed due to the fault of any member of the team.

4. Orientation of remuneration to the final result of team work.

All team members, regardless of their positions, “acquire” if the team as a whole has worked effectively, and “lose” if the team has not achieved a result.

5. The worthy importance of stimulating the team for the final result.

The management should have information about the incentives that are relevant to the candidates for the team members. Based on this information, a “incentive fund” is compiled. Not only money, but also other incentives based on the hobbies, ambitions, and preferences of candidates (for example, public recognition) can serve as worthy incentives.

6. Autonomous self-management team. The activity of the team members is managed by its leader (leader), and not by the administrative authorities of the organization.

7. Increased performance discipline. Each team member is responsible for the team result. This principle is voluntarily accepted by each member of the team.

Создание команды предполагает прохождение ряда этапов. При описании технологии формирования команды Т. Д. Зинкевич-Евстигнеева выделяет "10 шагов создания команды".

1. Понимание руководителем собственных осознаваемых и неосознаваемых целей работы в режиме команды.

2. Подбор и отбор кандидатов в члены команды.

3. Работа членов команды над собственными осознаваемыми и неосознаваемыми целями.

4. Исследование межличностных предпочтений.

5. Целенаправленное формирование энергии единства.

6. Формирование ценностей команды.

7. Обучение команды технологиям работы.

8. Создание имиджа команды.

9. Усиление командного духа.

10. Сопровождение деятельности команды.

Наиболее подробно стадии и процессы командообразования описаны в нормативной модели командообразования IO. М. Жуковым, А. В. Журавлевым и E. II. Павловой. Авторы выделяют следующие этапы командообразования.

1. Комплектование/переукомплектование. Командообразование начинается с того, что определяются численность и состав участников (будущих членов) команды. Предпочтение отдается гетерогенным по составу (возрастному, половому, профессиональному, ролевому или типологическому) командам, по сравнению с гомогенными, поскольку в долгосрочной перспективе гетерогенные команды проявляют себя более устойчивыми и дают большее удовлетворение своим членам. Для сбора информации о потенциальных членах команды исследуются интеллектуальные способности, когнитивные стили, личностные черты, ценностные ориентации кандидатов.

На практике этот этап может отсутствовать, если консультант или тренер командообразования работает с уже укомплектованной командой.

2. Знакомство/углубление знакомства. Здесь устанавливается первичный контакт, необходимый уровень доверия среди участников. Происходит знакомство и ориентировка членов команды друг в друге и в ситуации. В арсенале тренера или консультанта есть весьма большое количество сборников для проведения различных тренингов, где описаны процедуры для первоначального знакомства и его углубления. Если же члены команды хорошо знают друг друга, можно прибегнуть к процедурам "освежения" представлений друг о друге.

3. Институализация. Команда должна быть вписана в структуру и системы организации. Она должна иметь права и обязанности, доступ к информационным и иным ресурсам. Должны быть установлены и, если необходимо, документально оформлены порядок работы, способы взаимодействия, определен круг лиц, курирующих группу и координирующих их работу с другими командами, а также структурными подразделениями и службами организации. Этот этап особенно важен, если команда формируется для проведения организационных изменений. Работа над командными документами, такими как "Положение о команде" и "Регламент командной работы", имеет своей целью не только их непосредственное создание. В ходе этой деятельности выясняется, "кто есть кто" в группе, какими талантами обладают участники группы, какие трудности встречаются при столкновении характеров и как идет поиск но их преодолению.

4. Формирование общего видения. Основная цель этапа – согласование взглядов, позиций, образа желаемого будущего среди участников командообразования. Общее (разделяемое) видение – это одинаковое и точное понимание устремлений друг друга, того, что действительно каждый из членов команды хочет достичь в будущем и чем он руководствуется при выборе того или иного пути. Группа определяет цели, задачи, направления движения и специфику деятельности своей команды (организации).

5. Positioning / repositioning. Positioning is defined as the definition of a person’s place in the system of business and personal relations (subordination, reporting, responsibility, distantness) in an organizational context. As a

продолжение следует...


Часть 2 Role distribution in the team - 6. WORKING GROUPS AND
Часть 3 Teamwork communication - 6. WORKING GROUPS AND TEAMS IN ORGANIZATIONS


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Organizational psychology

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