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Changes in the organization and the concept of organizational development
Models of organizational change
Dynamics of organizational changes and organizational development. Organizational and cultural approach
Organization Change Model
Organizational changes based on organization life cycle analysis
Planned change model
Innovative organization change model
Model of organization development through in-company training system
Innovation management in organizations

Comprehensive goal


• basic concepts, categories and tools for managing the development of an organization;

• psychological phenomena associated with the individual behavior of a person and related to his life in the organization.

Be able to :

• diagnose and solve problems and tasks of organizational development, determined by psychological factors;

• analyze the external and internal environment of the organization as a source of organizational and psychological problems.

Own :

• conceptual apparatus in the field of organizational development;

• organizational and psychological methods of implementation and psychological support for innovation in the organization;

• technologies of work with groups and teams;

• methods of psychological support for organizational development programs;

• basics of organizational consulting.

Changes in the organization and the concept of organizational development

Modern organizations have to work in a rapidly changing environment. Therefore, one of the most important needs for an organization is the ability to manage change. This is also important for people working in an organization in order to maintain their efficiency and demand. The issue of managing change in organizations is today one of the priorities in several sciences - economics, political science, sociology and psychology. Practitioners, managers primarily resort to knowledge related to the nature of the life of the organization, its adaptation to economic and social conditions. The request of practice to search for effective methods of managing companies refers to the development of an organization as one of the real resources of competitiveness and long-term existence in the production and personnel market. The involvement of psychologists as organizational consultants helps to improve the quality of maintenance of dynamic processes of the organization.

The company requires consulting on the development of the organization in several cases. The manager of the enterprise or its owner organizes developmental tasks in the language of technical or economic tasks. The most typical are:

- a sense of crisis, not reducible to any particular side of the organization’s activities (sales, logistics, staff qualifications, marketing, etc.), sometimes this condition is defined as a systemic crisis;

- the desire of business owners to carry out planned development in accordance with certain strategic goals based on the optimal organizational configuration (structure) of their business;

- the desire of business owners to leave the process of managing the operational activities of the organization or redistribute the current structure of separation of powers between owners and hired managers;

- preparing a business for a merger or sale.

The economic approach to organizational development as a streamlining of production and management processes (that is, in fact, the design and optimization of business processes) is not fully satisfied, as there are no mechanisms for making organizational changes. Socio-psychological approach to understanding organizational development is considered as a long-term work to improve the processes of solving problems. This is possible through the renewal of the organization through more effective joint regulation of the cultural tenets of the organization.

One of the most important factors of enterprise efficiency is the activity of the staff. Any changes associated with people are always more complex than replacing equipment or financial investments. The objectives of managing change in an organization are related to the activities of personnel who are either a participant, or initiator of changes, or their purpose.

The organization as a subject of activity has the necessary characteristics - variability, ability to change. The change is built into the nature of any actor, and therefore is inherent in an organization operating in its market for goods or services. In this case, the change depending on the pace, dynamics, strength and intensity can be evolutionary and revolutionary. Accordingly, the goal of change in organization is to promote survival, growth and development.

Based on the fact that life in general and the life of an organization in particular, occur in conditions of change, the localization of change outside or inside the organization, and their origin may be intentional, planned or accidental, resulting from the nature of things, therefore, dynamic. People, employees of organizations are trying to manage either internal or external changes that are planned or random. Therefore, there are 4 possible classes of changes (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1

Four classes of change

Base / cause measurement

Source / localization measurement






Dynamic (unplanned)



For example, quadrant A - internal and planned changes. This may be the implementation of a new state policy and evaluation system. Managing a planned change that has matured internally or externally imposed, provides guidance for change processes. At the same time, management of dynamic changes is more connected with the nature of organizational culture and style.

The recognition of determinism of the environment leads to the idea that organizations are subject to the requirements of the outside world, and the "success" of the organization is associated with the ability to meet the needs of the external world. To manage change, it is important to understand the influence of factors. From the point of view of reaction to changes in the external environment, internal factors of organizational changes play a special role. External factors can be characterized as follows:

- changes in the social structure of society, norms and habits;

- technological changes in the industry and technology in general;

- economic - interests rating, features of demand for a product or service, indicators of the personnel market;

- political interests, legislation, relations between parties.

Inside the organization - processes that are not always directly related to external factors. These forces can reinforce or weaken the influence of external factors. Internal factors:

- key employees;

- labor intensity, morality, a sense of confidence;

- motivation;

- group relationships, communication;

- individual relationships, satisfaction with them.

Based on the understanding of the importance of external and internal factors, there is a need to track their impact on the organization, and change management becomes the activity of managers to create a balance of external adaptation and internal integration.

Planned organizational change and organizational development are interconnected. In practical terms, organizational development is a way to manage an organization or an organizational development program. In theory and practice of organizational development, it is not so much the specific changes in the organization that are important as the creation of a special form of organization capable of managing change independently. Management of the natural development of the organization, which has internal and external sources of both planned and dynamic changes.

At its core, organizational development is a general concept, which includes a number of methods and approaches designed to improve the efficiency of the organization. Common to the approaches and methods is the transformation of the organization and training system, as well as the transformation of effective organizational learning into a method of change management.

Organizational development is the systematic and long-term application of scientific knowledge about behavior as a means of improving the effectiveness of an organization in terms of its ability to adapt its goals, structure, and work style to change.

Organizational development becomes a management style based on humanistic values. The theory of organizational development has its own history, developing on the basis of an analysis of good practice and the creation of theoretical approaches. Among them, a special place is occupied by team development, which is simultaneously an approach to development and a method of development. The understanding of the theory of change and the development of an organization is based on the work of M. Woodcock and D. Francis. Organizational design is based on the need for a unified work in the management of "technical" and social systems in an organization. Of particular importance are work in the direction of learning management style and leadership.

Organizational development is an impact that is exercised for the entire organization, managed from above, in order to increase the effectiveness of the organization through planned interventions in the organization's processes, using scientific knowledge. In fact, organizational development is a planned system of changes in the organization.

The following characteristics of the concept of organizational development are formulated:

- focus on formal organization;

- ensuring the balance of individual and organizational needs and goals;

- focus on social interaction;

- the organizational development specialist is not required to offer administrations ready-made solutions, but he must help her develop the ability to solve such problems and help create an ideal organization;

- adapt the modified organization to modifications of environmental conditions;

- open communication and deep mutual trust of the organization’s employees and consultants.

Organizational development is a set of knowledge and practice that increases the efficiency of the organization and individual development. The organization should be considered as a complex system consisting of other systems, each of which has its own attributes and a different degree of consistency. Organizational development intervenes in these systems, but essentially, it is the inclusion of a new methodology in strategic planning, organizational design, leadership development, change management, management, and training.

Currently, organizational development is complemented by the following provisions:

- human activities and organizational systems are interdependent;

- individuals and organizations can mutually adapt;

- organizations that adapt to change are more effective;

- in the organization there may be conflicts of organizational values;

- some conflicts are natural and can be managed;

- most conflicts are psychological;

- the needs of individuals and organizations are so compatible that they allow mutually beneficial agreements to be made;

- there is no ideal technical and social processes, should take into account the peculiarities of the environment;

- employees strive to improve themselves and the organization in order to achieve their goals;

- the organization creates favorable opportunities for growth and self-improvement of its members;

- democratic participation of workers in the decision-making process improves both the decisions themselves and their implementation;

- democratic participation helps individuals to mature psychologically;

- trusted employees do their job better and faster;

- open communication contributes to the development of self-awareness and self-esteem, increase of trust between employees and commitment to the organization;

- culture of the highest levels of management affects the organizational ability to change;

- collaboration helps organizations achieve goals better than coercion;

- to identify and correct organizational pathologies, the help of a professionally trained consultant may be required, usually from outside;

- a change in organizational behavior entails new norms of relations, values ​​and skills, as well as knowledge;

- changing organizational culture requires active participation of members of the organization.

Organizational development is a complex strategy aimed at changing the beliefs, attitudes, values, culture and structure of the organization so that they can better adapt to new technologies, markets and problems.

If we proceed from the fact that the strategic goal of a modern organization can be described as creating and maintaining competitive advantages, then one of the main factors for an organization’s successful survival in competition is the ability to respond adequately to changes in the external environment in a timely manner.

This ability is achieved in several ways, and one of them is the transformation of an organization into a learning organization. The key factor in the formation of a “learning” organization is the process of continuous organizational development. Symptomatology, confirming organizational development, is diverse and includes mainly:

1) an application for technological leadership;

2) asset growth;

3) expansion of the segment;

4) involvement in large integrated structures of the industry;

5) development of human resources.

Organizational development is associated with economic and technological processes. It should be borne in mind that the technological leadership is resource-intensive and with the "compression" of the technological cycle, the organization is deprived of the opportunity to recoup the investment in technological productivity. Asset growth is fraught with a mismatch between the control and the managed subsystems. Expansion of the segment leads to a loss of predictability in consumer behavior, and the formation of integrated structures leads to a loss of organizational uniqueness. Only the development of a human resource does not have permanent negative effects and in the best way ensures the development of the organization as a whole. That is why organizational development basically involves the development of a human resource.

A key factor in the formation of a learning organization is the process of continuous organizational development. A student can be called an organization that creates conditions for the training and development of all employees, and, being in the process of constant self-improvement, thus changes the world around her.

Creating an internal environment in which development takes place on an individual, group and organizational level is a complex process that requires a systematic approach, the involvement of line managers, the support of top management, the use of modern innovative methods and technologies.

Organizational development is interesting to consider on the basis of the competence approach. To create sustainable competitive advantages, continuous, continuous training and development of employees is needed, which, carried out in collaboration, ensures development at the group and organizational level, through the creation, exchange and application of knowledge and skills that are not simply demanded by the external environment, but form it.

Active system implementation of changes at the levels of "organization", "group", "individuality" gives the organizational structure the status of "mature". Structural maturity is a certain level of structure development, at which the entire system of structural-functional interaction with the effect of the greatest synergy is simultaneously actualized. It is not just about structural flexibility - the variability of the structure, due to the mobility of the relationship between structural units. This property is adaptive - the system has the ability to adapt to changes in the external environment. And a mature structure is an opportunity for initiating changes, self-development, creating key competencies.

One of the goals of an organization's development system is to update the set of interactions at different levels: personality — personality, personality — organization — the goal of the organization's development system. It is important to understand that learning lies at the heart of development, since development involves not just quantitative, but qualitative changes, a transition to another level. Training may be enforced. Development requires internal motivation of employees. If an organizational culture conducive to the development of employees, an incentive system that supports the acquisition and sharing of knowledge is created, the commitment of employees, their involvement in the activities of the organization and the division of its goals will increase. Only in this way can the strategy of the organization be implemented. Без системы планирования карьеры, создания кадрового резерва и других элементов функции развития невозможна эффективная реализация структурно-функционального взаимодействия, создание ключевых компетенций и соответствие свойствам обучающейся организации.

Функцию развития можно определить как обеспечивающую устойчивое конкурентное преимущество и структурную зрелость организации посредством реализации всей совокупности структурно-функционального взаимодействия. Поскольку развитие происходит во взаимодействии, следует рассмотреть реализацию различных методов развития в системе организационных взаимодействий.

Методы развития, которые реализуются в процессе взаимодействия внутри группы, являются наиболее эффективными и оказывают наибольшее влияние на развитие персонала и организации. Получение знаний максимально тесно связано с их применением на практике и несет за собой реальные изменения в деятельности.

Взаимодействие работника и организации позволяет реализовывать методы, в которых необходимы единовременные или нерегулярные взаимодействия между сотрудниками организации.

И наконец, методы, которые затрагивают партнерское взаимодействие (обучение лидеров организации) – самообучение или знания, передаваемые внешними специалистами. Будущее функции развития в большой степени зависит оттого, насколько ценность, которую приносят лидеры, может быть точно оценена и измерена.

Если рассматривать обучающуюся организацию как место, в котором люди постоянно расширяют свои возможности создания результатов, к которым они на самом деле стремятся, в котором взращиваются новые широкомасштабные способы мышления, в котором люди постоянно учатся тому, как учиться вместе, то можно выделить пять признаков такой организации.

1. Личное мастерство. Эта дисциплина побуждает людей постоянно прояснять для самих себя, что им важно, т.е. свою собственную концепцию. В то же время они должны постоянно переоценивать то, как идут дела сейчас, т.е. текущую ситуацию. Напряжение между концепцией и реальностью порождает энергию. Эта энергия побуждает к личному росту.

2. Creating a shared vision. This discipline is centered on common goals, not those imputed. It allows you to discover the skills needed by groups or organizations to achieve the desired future. The overall concept encourages sincere interest, rather than stupid complacency.

3. Team learning. This is a group interaction discipline. Commands “interlock” through the use of dialogue and well-structured discussion. They think collectively. The whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts.

4. Когнитивные модели. Люди, сами того не зная, наделены скрытыми убеждениями и верованиями, которые активно влияют на мышление. Эти убеждения весьма могущественны и могут помешать продолжить обучение. Извлечение их на свет и обследование создает пространство для изменений.

5. Системное мышление. Это и есть пятая дисциплина, которая объединяет все предыдущие. Она – основная ось знаний и набор инструментов, которые позволяют людям видеть закономерности в сложных системах.

В деятельности руководителя в условиях изменяющейся организации модифицируются традиционные управленческие функции, появляются новые – поддержка и повышение неустойчивости, культивирование изменчивости, гибкости, непредсказуемых изменений. Данный подход в большей степени соответствует реалиям современного времени, которые существуют в постоянно меняющейся и слабо предсказуемой среде. Руководителем ставятся новые задачи, такие как развитие способности к изменениям, основанные на способностях замечать, возможность изменения и развития, готовности к внутренним изменениям.

Организации, стремящиеся к организационному росту должны учитывать особенности среды и адаптироваться к условиям, извлекая из опыта интеллектуальные и эмоциональные уроки. Это, по сути, динамические изменения.

Механизм целевого управленческого воздействия на организацию состоит из целеполагания и целеосуществления, единство которых является основой эффективности социального управления. Интересна мысль, что отсутствие некоторого порядка не означает неуправляемость. Механизм управления строится на основе взаимодействия спонтанных регуляторов (традиций, норм, обычаев). В природе предприятия существует социальный автоматизм, присущий организационный порядок, созданный и создаваемый управленческим аппаратом (продукты управленческого труда – режимы, задачи, документы и пр.). Механизм социального управления не сводится лишь к целевому управляющему воздействию, но включает в себя процессы организации и самоорганизации. Интеграция управления означает мобилизацию внутренних источников организационной энергии управляемого объекта, использование позитивных возможностей самоорганизации, что позволяет "экономить" на целенаправленном воздействии извне. В управлении борются две тенденции: повышение эффективности через детализацию, усложнение целевого управления и через развитие самоорганизации.

Развитие организации определяется организационными ценностями. Три генеральные ценности, которые взаимосвязаны между собой, – управляемость, клиентность и инновационность – влияют па приоритеты, определяя и методы, и содержание.

Носителями ценностей являются создатели организации (учредители), а также руководители компании, наемные менеджеры. Существующие ценности реализуются в менеджменте и в целом в способах управления организацией и персоналом.

Управляемость как ценность нашла свое проявление в согласованности целей и действий относительно исполнения. Постановка задач развития организации в целом и персонала согласуется с видением руководителя эффективного сотрудника, где указываются такие ведущие характеристики, как – исполнительность, дисциплинированность, лояльность.

Ценность организации "инновационность" представляет собой направленность на изменение. В ее основе – способность организации порождать новшества и осуществлять нововведения (проявляет себя через открытость новым технологиям и контактам, проактивное управление). Формы инновационности реализуются в разных плоскостях – производственных технологиях (внедрение новой технологической линии, освоение новых станков), изменениях организационной структуры. Все инновации основываются на обучении и предполагают развитие кадрового ресурса.

Клиентность – ценность соответствия организации потребностям рынка. Предприятия, направленные на выявление и удовлетворение потребностей потребителя, считают клиентность одной из базовых ценностей и заявляют ее как основание и цель внутрифирменных изменений. Формы и содержание организационного поведения, реакции на внешние по отношению к организации изменения опосредуются востребованностью продукта и регулируют отношения с клиентом.

Оценка базовых ценностей организации находит возможность развития и улучшения деятельности предприятия. Вызовы внешней среды ставят перед организацией новые задачи, связанные с ее развитием. На определенной стадии развития организации или в период кризиса предприятие сталкивается с вызовами, которые связаны с осознанием ценностей, а иногда и корректировкой. Например, предприятие, имеющее стабильное место на рынке производства товаров и привычное место на кадровом рынке, сталкивается с изменением спроса или изменением кадрового рынка в регионе. Тогда поиск способов организационного изменения приводит к вопросу осознания ценностей организации, руководства, да и персонала. Если обнаруживается несоответствие существующих и необходимых способов менеджмента, ценности пересматриваются.

Модели организационных изменений

Динамика организационных изменений и организационного развития. Организационно-культурный подход

Развитие является необходимой характеристикой организации и происходит в силу экономических, социальных и психологических закономерностей, встроенных в суть организации как социально-психологической общности, существующей в конкретно-исторических условиях.

Поиски построения эффективной организации, адекватной современным меняющимся условиям, приводят к выделению организационной культуры предприятия как объекта управленческой деятельности. Организационнокультурный подход к развитию организации позволяет видеть организационное развитие в качестве совершенствования процессов организационного управления и принятия решений посредством эффективного управления организационной культурой. Организационное развитие, создание организации, адекватной современным задачам, требует соответствующих технологических процессов, затрагивающих человеческие ресурсы предприятия. Изменение происходит на разных уровнях – личность, группа и организация в целом.

Задачи организационного развития на уровне "личность" требуют персонал-технологий, обеспечивающих поиск, привлечение, оценку и адаптацию новых сотрудников, отвечающих новым задачам предприятия. По отношению к персоналу, работающему в организации, организационное развитие осуществляется через созданную систему внутрифирменного обучения, суть которого создать условия для профессионально-личностного развития. На уровне "группа" объектом изменения становится управленческая команда, в которую включаются люди, принимающие ключевые для организации решения – кадровые, финансовые, организационные. Команда, созданная для постановки задач организационного развития и реализующая стратегию развития, создает стандарты нового организационного поведения, которое выводится на уровень правил и регламентаций. На уровне "организации" изменение основывается на изменении и развитии организационной культуры.

Развитие организации сопровождается кризисами на уровнях личность–группа–организация. Сущность организационной культуры (стабилизирующая функция) делает процесс изменений сложным и болезненным, поэтому изменения η организации должны быть подготовлены. Лидеры, руководители предприятий с различной организационной культурой, по-разному относятся к феноменам и явлениям в организации. На континуумах находятся административная и предпринимательская организационные культуры, социально-психологические явления протекают в соответствии с методами управлении, типичными для этих культур. Различия есть в позиционировании, локализации контроля, трансакциях, отношениях (табл. 3.2).

Таблица 3.2

Подходы к формированию лидерами организационной культуры

Административная культура



Предпринимательская культура


Control system




Отношения собственности

Собственник имущества

Ждет момента

Отношение к возможностям

Ведет поиск


Преимущественное решение проблем



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Модель изменений организации

Р. Лайкерт, изучая природу организации, установил три типа переменных, определяющих долговременную эффективность организации. К причинным переменным он отнес внутриорганизационныс факторы, находящиеся под контролем администрации, – формальная структура организации, экономическая стратегия и социальная политика, профессионально-квалификационный состав работников и т.д. Промежуточные переменные обозначают человеческие ресурсы организации – отношение к труду и навыки людей, организационный климат, методы принятий решений, уровень доверительности к руководству, лояльность, способы стимулирования и мотивации деятельности и т.п. Результирующие зависимые переменные выражают конечный результат усилий – рост или падение производительности труда и прибыли, удовлетворение своей продукцией запросов потребителей и др.

Взаимосвязь между этими факторами можно представить в качестве стимулов (причин), воздействующих на организм (ресурсы) и создающих определенный результат (выход). Подобная модель объясняет, почему попытка непосредственно воздействовать на промежуточные переменные, как правило, не приводит к успеху.

Правильнее оказывать влияние на них через изменение причинных факторов. Точно так же попытка улучшить результирующие показатели организации через воздействие на промежуточные, по Р. Лайкерту, менее успешна, чем изменение причинных переменных.

Особая роль принадлежит каузальным переменным, так как они влияют на все остальные. К каузальным переменным относятся факторы, которые реально оказывают влияние на менеджмент организации. Изменение каузальных переменных влечет изменение промежуточных переменных – установок, мотивации, квалификацию сотрудников, внутригрупповые отношения. Изменение социально-психологических характеристик приводит к изменению результирующих переменных, целей, которые преследуют менеджеры – экономических показателей деятельности организации (рис. 3.1).


Fig. 3.1. The main variables of the approach to organizational development

R. Likert developed the structure of an ideal, in his opinion, organization of management at the enterprise. Among its main characteristics:

a) leadership style in which the leader demonstrates his confidence and confidence of subordinates;

b) motivation based on the desire of managers to encourage subordinates, involving them in active work, using group forms of activity;

c) communications, where information flows are directed in all directions and distributed between all levels;

d) decision making is characterized by the fact that they are approved at all levels with the participation of all members of the organization;

e) the goals of the organization, established through group discussion, which should remove the hidden opposition to these goals;

f) control, whose functions are not concentrated in one center, but distributed among many participants.

The principle of maintaining relationships in such an organization - leaders should ensure that all actions within a certain organizational structure are considered as complementary and aimed at the formation and maintenance of personal dignity and importance of employees.

Certainly, organizational development is not an end in itself, and the value of changes is not in them, but in the consequences, expectations and results, which the management activity is aimed at. The result to which the manager strives is behind the effective influences at the level of action of the whole organization, which captures the essence of the organization. Changing the fundamental elements of an organization entails changing the methods of solving organizational problems. Essential changes, not just methodological ones, lead to real changes in the organization. One of these systemic impacts, affecting all layers and levels of the enterprise, is the creation and implementation of in-house training system. The mechanisms included in the change operate at the personality-group-organization levels and lead to real changes. Completeness of influence on the organization reduces the resistance somewhat and makes it more manageable.

Organizational changes based on organization life cycle analysis

Life cycle models assume that the organization passes through a series of stages in its change.

The model of stages and crises of the growth of an organization proposed by L. Greiner includes five stages of the development of an organization, each of which has its own crises. The concept of the life cycle of an organization provides an opportunity to analyze organizational growth and the process of organizational change. The stages of the life cycle of an organization are arranged in a certain sequence and reflect the natural course of events, while the presence of a crisis is a necessary characteristic of the development of an organization.

Entrepreneurial stage is the first. When an organization is born, the main focus is on product creation and market survival. The organization at the first stage of its life cycle is informal and anti-bureaucratic.

The crisis of the first stage reflects the need for leadership. The creative way of thinking of the founders, their focus on the technical aspects of their activities face the need to solve management problems, although they are most interested in the production and sale of products. The cause of the crisis of the first stage is the unreadiness of the founders (lack of skills or interest) to engage in management activities.

The stage of collectivism is the second stage. If the leadership crisis has been resolved, and a strong leader-leader has appeared in the company, the organization will begin to form clear goals and objectives, it will be divided into subdivisions, a hierarchy of power will be established, employees will be inspired by the organizational mission.

The crisis of the second stage expresses the need for delegation of authority. Gradually, the staff is becoming increasingly confronted with restrictions and pressure from centralized leadership. At the same time, lower-level managers, with the strengthening of their positions in the functional areas of activity entrusted to them, are demanding greater independence, do not want to part with all their authority and responsibility.

The stage of formalization is the third stage. It includes an introduction to organizational practice and the application of additional rules, procedures and control systems on it. Top management mainly deals with strategic planning, leaving intra-organizational operations to middle managers. The motivation system is changing, labor incentive systems are being introduced on the basis of the profits earned in order to ensure that managers work for the benefit of the company as a whole.

The crisis of the third stage - innovations are becoming less and less widespread, large and complex organizational structures, as the crisis of the third stage shows, cannot be effectively managed only on the basis of formal regulatory rules and official procedures.

The refinement stage is the fourth stage. Throughout the organization, management personnel develop problem-solving skills and the ability to work together. Official systems are simplified and partially replaced by working groups of managers and target organizational units.

The crisis of the fourth stage is due to the need to revive the vitality. An organization can get out of touch with the rapidly changing demands of the external environment, or, for example, become too clumsy due to excessive bureaucratization. Then it must go through rationalization and innovation.

In the model of the stages and crises of the growth of an organization of L. Greiner, five stages of the development of the organization are distinguished, each of which is characterized by its own crises (Fig. 3.2).


Fig. 3.2. Stages of change in the organization of L. Greiner

Organizational development, according to L. Greiner's model, is assumed based on the selection of the most effective principles and methods of management.

In the development of this concept, I. Adizes proposed the theory of the life cycles of organizations, which focuses on the two most important parameters of the life of organizations: flexibility and controllability. At the stage of its creation, new organizations are extremely flexible with respect to changes in the external environment, but poorly controlled (managed). As they grow, organizations improve their management processes, paying for it with a loss of adaptability.

I. Adizes, by analogy with the product life cycle curve, proposed using the development curve for describing the life cycle of organizations, in which there are two groups of organization development stages - growth and aging.

In turn, these groups are divided into the following stages of development of organizations.

1. Nursing - the stage of origin of the organization.

2. Infancy - the stage of creation and the organization started its activities. Characteristic features of the organization at this stage are a fuzzy structure, a small budget, a lack of streamlined business processes, a democratic personified orgkultura, weak subordination, the lack of a hiring system and an assessment of the execution of tasks.

3. Stage of rapid growth. The organization is able to respond to changes in the external environment, it still does not know how to anticipate them.

4. Youth - the period of the rebirth of the organization. A distinctive feature of the organization’s behavior at this stage are conflicts and contradictions, for example, between the old and the new team, between entrepreneurs and managers, between the founder and the organization, between the goals of the organization and the goals of its employees.

5. Prosperity - the optimal point of the curve of the life cycle of the organization. The organization at the flourishing stage has a clear organizational structure and system of official duties, a result orientation.

6. Stabilization - the first stage of aging in the life cycle of the organization. Loss of flexibility, the atmosphere of creativity disappears, innovations are reduced.

7. Aristocraticism is characterized by the following features - the control system and old traditions are being strengthened, formalism in relations is growing, intolerance to change is emerging in organizational culture.

8. Early bureaucratization is a stage of growing conflicts, while the consumer is relegated to the background.

9. Bureaucratization and death - at the last stage of its development, the organization no longer has a working team, no result orientation, no inclination to change. Focusing on the rules and procedures on the control.

The essence of I. Adizes’s concept is that in order for a company to be effective, management must fulfill four functions correctly and in a timely manner:

1) to meet the needs of the market and customers (R - provide);

2) ensure bureaucratic compliance (A is administrative) ',

3) to encourage enterprise (E - entepreneur);

4) on the basis of common values, interests and worldview, create in the company an atmosphere of cooperation (/ - integrate).

If the company performs the function P, it becomes productive in the short term. An organization works productively if its management ensures that it meets the needs of the market and the needs of customers, i.e. performed the function of P. For this, the management should know the needs of the market and its clients well and have the "motivation to achieve the goal" (I will not calm down until I achieve my goal). It is possible to check whether the P function is well performed by analyzing, for example, the number of repeat sales. Do buyers return to you?

The company is effective in the short term, if it can get a result with minimal investment. Achieving short-term effectiveness is real, fulfilling the function A. Strict adherence to administrative rules, systematization, planning and standardization of a greater number of work processes and methods increases the efficiency of the company. To perform function A, managers must be able to analyze information, structure it, pay attention to details. The essence of this function is control.

Functions P and A are aimed at a short-term perspective: P is for the current needs of the market, A is for the correct use of resources, because the system should work right now, not tomorrow. What ensures long-term productivity and organization effectiveness? Functions E and I.

If the company performs the E function , it will be productive in the long term. Management should work ahead, i.e. to anticipate the needs of customers in advance and systematically prepare the organization for new tasks, and not indulge in futile dreams of the future. Today it is necessary to decide what to do tomorrow. It turns out that productivity depends on the performance of function E.

The long-term effectiveness of an organization is determined by the corporate culture and the atmosphere of cooperation: function 1 is responsible for all this . A system that encourages cooperation is more viable than the one that is shaken by conflicts of interest, where some work styles are incompatible with others. In a cooperative-oriented system, everyone is an individual, and all together is a team.

If the management of the company performs well all four functions, it will be efficient and productive - both in the short and long term. An organization thrives if it is properly managed.

Planned change model

The model of the planned changes is based on K. Levin’s three-stage scheme (defrosting - changing - freezing). Understanding change management is based on the notion that the head of an organization has enough power to implement

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Часть 2 Управление инновациями в организации - 3. ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT


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Organizational psychology

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