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The concept of organizational culture
Types of organizational culture
Signs of psychologically "healthy" and "neurotic" organizational cultures
Image of the organization

Comprehensive goal


• basic concepts, categories and tools of organizational psychology in the field of organizational culture and imageology;

• criteria for determining organizational and psychological problems and tasks.

Be able to :

identify problems of a psychological nature when analyzing specific organizational situations, propose ways of solving them that are relevant to the organizational culture and goals of the organization;

• analyze the external and internal environment of the organization, defining the culture of the organization.

Own :

• conceptual apparatus in the field of organizational culture and imageology;

• methods and methods of forming the image of the organization and organizational culture;

• organizational and psychological methods of formation of organizational culture and image of the organization.

The concept of organizational culture

Enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, are characterized by goals set during the creation of the organization. The goals of an enterprise manager, creator of an organization or owner who has a business idea determine the structure of the organization and the content of its functioning processes (O. S. Vihansky, 1999, A. V. Karpov, 2002, A. I. Prigozhin, 2003). This leads to differences in the activities of the organization, affects the management and culture of the enterprise. The economic development of organizations sets the task of taking into account not only economic, financial and production factors, but also organizational, managerial and personnel (human) factors. The features of the organizational and personnel (human) factors of each organization determine the type and specificity of the organizational culture, which can be characterized as derived from the elements of the organization (goals, organization structure, management and personnel, finance and technology).

Organizational culture is a phenomenon located at the intersection of interdisciplinary research produced in sociology, social and organizational psychology, cultural studies, and management. It is the integrative essence of this phenomenon, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the multidimensional influence on the management of an enterprise creates the difficulties of a research plan when it is considered. The concept of organizational culture is introduced into psychology to study the phenomena occurring in a social group, and incorporates the content and meaning of the general concept of "culture". The concept has no universal definition. 11a its formulation was influenced by the level of generalization of the phenomena underlying the phenomenon, aspects of the study and application of the concept, especially the content invested in it.

The organizational culture is based on a complex system of values, key points and ideas. To understand the impact of organizational culture on all areas of the enterprise, it is important to know what values ​​underlie the creation and functioning of the organization. The business organization can be distinguished, but the opinion of A. I. Prigogine, three general values: manageability, client, innovation. They are general in the sense that all other managerial values ​​of an organization are covered by these three. Basic values ​​are present in each organization, but depending on how the company's management or business creators see the future, they influence the functioning of the enterprise differently.

Manageability as an organizational value, focusing on stability, reproducibility and repeatability of the results of activities is based on monitoring, tracking the accuracy of assignments, norms, decrees and orders by management.

The basic value of the organization - innovation - means focusing on the search for new in the subject area of ​​the enterprise and the search for optimal management methods, it characterizes the ability to generate innovations and implement innovations. To some extent, it is the antithesis of controllability, since innovations often reduce controllability, but even without them, controllability becomes dysfunctional. The organization’s innovation is manifested in the openness to change, a quick response to the need to create new forms of organizational behavior or the introduction of a new product, which are accompanied by the creation or introduction of new production or personnel technologies. In addition, innovation implies the special qualities of a manager, the ability of a manager to bring innovation processes to full completion.

Organization's clientiness means its compliance with the needs and trends of the market. The orientation of the company and its management on the attractiveness of the products of activity for the clientele stimulates work not only to improve the quality of a particular product or service, but also service.

For managers, these three values ​​are not equal, the peculiarities of modern management are that controllability is more important for the majority than the other two. The cult of manageability is widespread in Russian business culture. According to the observations of A. I. Prigogine, clientele comes in second place among the basic values. And innovativeness appears, mainly, when it is required by following two other values.

The prevailing values ​​affect all spheres of the enterprise, including the implementation of management functions and the use of personnel management methods. The value bases that set organizational behavior make it possible to describe many of the phenomena that characterize organizational culture — loyalty, socio-psychological climate, image.

The interaction of the values ​​of the manager (creator of the organization or business) and specific employees determines a complex mosaic of cultural phenomena. The organizational culture of an enterprise is made up of the culture of a manager and each employee (“subculture”), often in conflict.

Organizational culture is considered as a specific form of the existence of an interconnected system, which includes the hierarchy of values ​​that dominates among the employees of the enterprise and the set of methods for their implementation that prevails in the organization at a certain stage of its development.

Organizational culture is a set of norms, rules, customs and traditions that are supported by the subject of organizational power and set the framework for the behavior of workers, consistent with the organization's strategy, and connects the value vectors - management, staff and organization as a whole.

The mutual influence and the ratio of the basic values ​​of the organization, the values ​​of the management of the enterprise or organization and the individual values ​​of the employees determine the nature of the organizational culture.

The character is described by a system of signs, given on three bases:

1) the mutual adequacy of values ​​and ways of their implementation;

2) the compliance of personal values ​​and group;

3) the content of the dominant values.

The degree of mutual adequacy of the dominant hierarchy of values ​​and the prevailing ways of their implementation allows us to divide cultures into stable (high degree of adequacy) and unstable (low degree of adequacy). Stable organizational culture is characterized by clearly defined norms of behavior and traditions, unstable - the lack of clear ideas about the optimal, acceptable or unacceptable behavior, as well as fluctuations in the socio-psychological status of workers.

The degree of compliance of personal values ​​of employees and the intragroup values ​​system highlights the integrative (high degree of compliance) and disintegrative (low degree of compliance) organizational culture. Integrative is characterized by the unity of public opinion and intragroup cohesion, disintegrative - the lack of a unified public opinion, disunity and conflict.

The content of the dominant in the organization of values ​​allows you to determine the orientation of the culture of the organization. Personality-oriented orgkultura - captures the values ​​of self-realization and self-development of the employee's personality in the process and through the implementation of his professional and labor activities. Functionally oriented - the value of the implementation of functionally defined algorithms for the implementation of vocational work and certain command models.

The strength of the organization’s culture is determined by three things:

1) "thick" culture;

2) the degree of separability of culture by members of the organization;

3) clarity of cultural priorities.

The separability of views on the elements of culture, beliefs, values, their ranking helps to understand the power of organizational culture. The ambiguity, vagueness of priorities and shared values ​​to a lesser extent affects the organizational behavior of people, weakening the position of the organization itself, especially in situations of conflict and uncertainty. On the one hand, a strong culture is shared by a large number of employees and clearly defines priorities, and accordingly, it has a deeper influence on the behavior in the organization. On the other hand, a strong culture not only creates advantages for an organization, it can at the same time be an obstacle to changes in an organization. Indirect indicators of a strong organizational culture are pride in their organization, their own style, connectedness of subcultures.

The selection by F. Harris and R. Moran of the characteristics of organizational culture gives meaning to the concept of organizational culture, interpreted by workers, is the basis of the actions and emotions associated with professional activity. List of characteristics that influence the formation of organizational norms:

1) the consciousness of themselves and their place in the organization;

2) communication system and language of communication;

3) the appearance and self-representation at work;

4) habits and traditions;

5) attitude to time;

6) the relationship between people;

7) values ​​and norms;

8) the content of faith in something;

9) employee development process;

10) work ethic and motivation (attitude to work and responsibility for it, quality and evaluation of work, remuneration).

Organizational culture is a real objective-subjective phenomenon. To solve the complex problem of organizational culture dualism

E. Shane proposed to consider it on three main levels:

1) superficial;

2) subsurface;

3) deep.

According to E. Shane’s theory (Fig. 7.1), the “superficial” (symbolic) level includes visible external factors, such as the technology used, the use of space and time, the observed patterns of behavior, verbal and non-verbal communication, slogans, or everything perceive.


Fig. 7.1. Three levels of studying organizational culture (by E. Shane)

At a deeper, "subsurface" ( organizational ideology) level, values, beliefs and beliefs are shared by members of the organization, according to how these values ​​are reflected in symbols and language, how they carry the first level of meaning. The perception of values ​​and beliefs is conscious and depends on the will of the people.

The third general attribute of the concept of organizational culture is considered to be " symbols ", by means of which value orientations are transmitted to members of an organization ("corporate" color, uniform, flag, badges, etc.).

In accordance with the levels studied, organizational culture can be divided into subjective (physical environment) and objective (values, beliefs, elements of the spiritual part of symbolism). Subjective organizational culture serves as the basis for the formation of a management culture, objectively reflecting the values ​​that the organization adheres to.

The organizational culture of an enterprise is a systemic phenomenon; subsystems can be distinguished in it . Each of the subsystems reflects the general laws of the organizational culture, the analysis of which allows you to make a description, to anticipate its influence on the activities of the organization, group and personality.

1. Value-normative subsystem : core values, corporate traditions shared in the organization, corporate rules (relationships with customers, partners, competitors).

2. Organizational structure: formal and informal organizational structure of power and leadership, norms and rules of the internal interaction of tradition, schedule, regulation of organizational behavior in the workplace.

3. Structure of communications: formalized and informal information flows, quality of communication, internal PR.

4. The structure of socio-psychological relations: the structure of mutual sympathies, choices, preferences (sociometric map), the system of roles in the organization, internal positionality and conflictness of attitude towards the leaders of the organization.

5. Game (mythological) structure: corporate history, myths and legends about the organization, its employees and leaders "games played by employees and bosses."

6. The structure of external identification: the image of the organization, which is reproduced in real communication with the client, the perception of the company and its products in society, advertising attributes.

Organculture existing in the enterprise is capable of performing two main functions - external adaptation and internal integration (Table 7.1). The process of external adaptation is associated with the organization's adaptation to the changing external world, finding its place in it. Problems of internal enterprise integration are associated with the creation of a common language and conceptual categories, the choice of communication methods.

For an enterprise, both functions are important - correlating the characteristics of an organization with competitive companies for various reasons (goods or services market, personnel and financial markets) and rallying, coordination, correlating values ​​within the firm.

In any organization, its employees tend to participate in the following processes:

- select from the external environment important and not important for the organization;

- develop ways and means of measuring the results achieved;

- find explanations for success and failure to achieve goals.

Table 7.1

Problems of external and internal integration (according to E. Shane)

Problems of external adaptation and expression

Mission and strategy

Definition of the mission of the organization and its main tasks; choosing a strategy to fulfill this mission


Setting specific goals; reaching agreement on goals


The methods used to achieve the goals; reaching agreement on the methods used; decisions on organizational structure, incentive systems and subordination


Establishing criteria for measuring the results achieved by an individual and groups of results; creation of an information system


Types of actions required for individuals and groups that have not completed the task

Problems of internal integration

Common language and conceptual categories

Choice of communication methods; definition of the meaning of the language used and concepts

Group boundaries and criteria for entering and exiting groups

Establishing membership criteria for an organization and its groups

Power and Status

Establishment of rules for the acquisition, maintenance and loss of power; definition and distribution of statuses in the organization

Personal relationships

The establishment of rules about the level and nature of social relations in the organization between the sexes, age, etc .; determination of the permissible level of openness at work

Awards and Punishments

Definition of desirable and undesirable behavior

Ideology and religion

Determining the meaning of things that are not understandable and beyond the control of the organization; faith as stress relief

The use of the transformational concept of management by A. V. Karpov allows evidence of the emergence of new functions of organizational culture, not described in the Western literature, - compensatory, psychotherapeutic, diagnostic, self-mobilized. Separately allocated is the private function of the organizational culture, which is part of the function of internal integration - socialization and adaptation of new employees. The refinement of the adaptation function in the enterprise will be the allocation of the guarding, integrating, communication, orienting, motivational, educational and image function of the organizational culture in relation to the organization.

Types of organizational culture

The search for characteristics that make it possible to describe the characteristics of an organization, its behavior in the markets for the production of goods and services, as well as the personnel market, leads to the question of the typology of organizational cultures. The introduction of this category allows us to give grounds for meaningful differences between one enterprise and another.

The approaches of researchers to the typology of organizational culture are associated with an understanding of the essence of organizational culture or ways of studying it. A.V. Karpov analyzed the existing typologies and proposes a general basis for their construction - phenomenological and parametric. Типологии, основанные на феноменологии, дают образы организаций, основанные на практическом опыте работы с ними (Т. Дейла и А. Кеннеди, М. Хот). Параметрические типологии предлагают критерии, задающие измерение оргкультуры.

Типология Т. Дейла и А. Кеннеди выделяет четыре типа корпоративной культуры. В качестве параметров выбраны уровень опасности и скорость получения обратной связи. На основании сочетания этих параметров были выделены следующие типы организационной культуры:

– культура высокого уровня опасности и быстрой обратной связи, этот тип представлен в индустрии развлечений, полиции, армии, строительстве, управленческом консалтинге, рекламе;

– культура низкого уровня опасности и быстрой обратной связи, где работники мало рискуют, их поощряют вести интенсивную деятельность с относительно небольшим риском; сферы, где представлена эта культура – обслуживание клиента;

– культура высокого уровня опасности и медленной обратной связи; это присутствует в организациях, где длительный процесс принятия решений;

– культура низкого уровня опасности и медленной обратной связи; дефицит обратной связи заставляет работников сосредоточивать свое внимание на процессе, а не результате.

Типология Г. Хофстеда построена на анализе удовлетворенности работников своим трудом, коллегами, руководством, изучении восприятия проблем, возникающих в процессе работы, жизненных целей и верований. Г. Хофстед выявил значимые различия в поведении менеджеров и специалистов разных стран, что объясняется национальной культурой. Он выделил четыре параметра, характеризующих менеджеров, специалистов и организацию в целом:

1) индивидуализм/коллсктивизм;

2) дистанция власти;

3) стремление к избежанию неопределенности;

4) мужественность/женственность.

Указанные параметры описания организационной культуры позволяют выделить особенности организации, основываясь на понимании сути самих параметров.

Типология Р. Акоффа исходит из анализа организаций с точки зрения отношения власти. Он выделил два параметра: степень отношения работников к установлению целей в организации и степень привлечения к выбору средств достижения этих целей. На основании сравнения этих параметров было выделено четыре типа организационной структуры с характерными отношениями власти.

1. Корпоративный тип культуры характеризуется низкой степенью привлечения работников к установлению целей и низкой степенью привлечения работников к выбору средств достижения целей. Типичный случай – традиционно управляемая компания с централизованной структурой и единоначалием, отношениями автократии.

2. Консультативный тип культуры – высокая степень привлечения персонала к установлению целей организации, невысокая степень привлечения работников к выбору средств для достижения поставленных целей. Этот тип культуры распространен в организациях, оказывающих услуги (социальные, лечебные и образовательные).

3. Для "партизанского" типа культуры характерны низкая степень привлечения работников к установлению целей и высокая степень привлечения их к выбору средств.

4. Предпринимательский тип культуры связан с привлечением работников к постановке целей и высокой степенью привлечения персонала к выбору средств достижения целей (организации, управляемые по результатам и по целям).

В модели А. Куина и К. Камерона (рис. 7.2) рассматривается сочетание двух факторов – внешняя (внутренняя) ориентация организации и гибкость (жесткость) контроля поведения. В се основу положены четыре группы критериев, определяющих стержневые ценности организации:

– гибкость и дискретность;

– стабильность и контроль;

– внутренний фокус и интеграция;

– внешний фокус и дифференциация.


Fig. 7.2. Модель А. Куина и К. Камерона

Клановая организационная культура характеризует организацию, где место работы, в котором собраны люди, дружественное, коллегам комфортно работать в одном месте. Организации с таким типом организационной культуры похожи на большие семьи, в которых могут быть и радостные, и печальные события. Лидеры или главы организаций воспринимаются как воспитатели и даже как родители. В организации поддерживается взаимозависимость и взаимовыручка. Организация делает акцент на сплоченности и положительном психологическом климате. Успех определяется как доброе чувство к потребителям и забота о людях. При этом типе организационной культуры организация поощряет совместный тип работы, участие людей в бизнесе и согласие.

Адхократическая организационная культура (от лат. ad hoc – по случаю): динамичное предпринимательское и творческое место работы. Лидерами организации становятся люди, готовые действовать и рисковать. Для организации свойственны экспериментирование и новаторство.

В долгосрочной перспективе организация делает акцент на росте и обретении новых ресурсов. Успех для организации означает производство уникальных продуктов (товаров или услуг), для них важно быть лидером на своем рынке. Организация поощряет личную инициативу, творчество и свободу.

Иерархическая организационная культура (бюрократический тип), свойственная организациям, для которых важны иерархия, регламент, нормы. Это формализованное и структурированное место работы. Главенствующее значение имеют созданные процедуры, а не потребности людей или потребителей. Лидеры – рационально мыслящие координаторы и организаторы. Организацию объединяют формальные правила и официальная политика.

Рыночная культура. Этот тип организационной культуры доминирует в организациях, ориентированных на результаты, где возможны инициатива и риск. Это культура, где важно выполнение поставленной задачи. Люди характеризуются целеустремленностью и соперничают между собой. Лидеры – твердые руководители, предприимчивые, конкурентные, требовательные. Стиль организации – жестко проводимая линия на конкурентоспособность.

С этой типологией перекликается подход Д. Коула, основанный на характеристиках организации (бюрократическая, органическая, предпринимательская, партисипативная).

Ч. Ханди предложил для основания анализа процесс распределения власти в организации, ценностные ориентации личности, отношения индивида и организации, структуру организации и характер ее деятельности на различных этапах эволюции: культура власти; культура роли; культура задачи; культура личности.

По мнению ученого в организации действуют несколько видов сил (силы положения, распоряжения ресурсами, обладания знаниями и сила личности). В зависимости оттого, какие силы оказывают преобладающее влияние в организации, формируется и развивается определенная идеология отношений между составными частями и членами организации и соответствующая этим отношениям организационная культура.

В "культуре власти" ("культура Зевса") особую роль играет лидер, в распоряжении которого находятся основные ресурсы организации. Особенности управления в организации: иерархическая структура, единоличие принятия решений, выборочный характер контроля, субъективность. Организации характеризуются неформальной структурой власти, небольшим числом правил и процедур, формализующих деятельность.

"Ролевая культура" ("культура Аполлона") характеризуется функциональным распределением ролей и специализацией участков. Этот тип организаций функционирует на основе системы правил, процедур и стандартов деятельности, соблюдение которых должно гарантировать ее эффективность. Основным источником власти являются положение, занимаемое в иерархической структуре. Право принимать решения широко распределено по организации, эта культура достаточно устойчива, консервативна; в ней сложно проводить нововведения.

"Культура задачи" ("культура Афины") основана на обладании специфическими знаниями и складывается в тех случаях, когда деятельность организации связана с необходимостью решения проблем, с которыми способны справиться только квалифицированные профессионалы. Властными полномочиями в таких организациях обладает самый компетентный специалист.

"Культура личности" ("культура Диониса"). Организация с данным типом культуры объединяет людей для того, чтобы они могли удовлетворять свои потребности через принадлежность организации. Власть основывается на близости к ресурсам, профессионализме, на силе личных качеств, способностей и способности договариваться. Культура личности конфликтна, неустойчива.

По мнению Ч. Ханди, в одной организации в процессе ее эволюции можно проследить все типы культур. Так, на стадии зарождения преобладает культура власти, на стадии роста – культура роли, на стадии развития может формироваться культура задачи или культура личности. На стадии распада может быть использован любой из четырех типов культур. Знание ведущего типа культуры страны и организации позволяет оценивать совместимость культур различных стран мира, прогнозировать развитие их взаимодействия, регулировать спорные вопросы, эффективно принимать управленческие решения.

Подход Р. Рюттингера использует психиатрические термины: демонстрационная, депрессивная, шизоидная, параноидальная, принудительная организации.

Школа отечественной социальной психологии предлагает типологию организационной культуры исходя из определения морально-психологического климата и особенностей поведения персонала в организации.

Изучение характеристик типов организационных культур имеет практическая значимость. Важность идентификации различных типов организационных культур связана с необходимостью прогнозирования поведения организации и реакции работников на решения руководства, внешние события. Также есть потребность использования показателей организации для знания особенностей, сильных и слабых сторон сложившейся организационной культуры, стереотипов поведения работников, принятых ценностей. Это позволяет выработать управленческие воздействия с поставленной задачей возможного изменения, совершенствования организационной культур.

Признаки психологически "здоровых" и "невротических" организационных культур

Тезис о влиянии культуры на эффективность деятельности организации важен для функционирования предприятий. Любое предприятие ограничено в ресурсах и оргкультура является определяющим фактором в конкурентной борьбе. В этом смысле культуры могут быть положительными (позитивными) или отрицательными (негативными). Культура организации положительна, если она способствует эффективному решению проблем и производительности, стимулирует результативность деятельности предприятия (ее признаки: личностно-ориентированная: интегративная, стабильная). Негативная – препятствует эффективному функционированию предприятия и его развития (ее признаки: функционально-ориентированная; дезинтегративная; нестабильная). Отрицательная культура – источник сопротивления и может препятствовать эффективному процессу принятия решений.

Совокупность признаков, характеризующих оргкультуру, основанных на ценностных ориентациях, задает критерии, по которым можно определить ее валентность (позитивность – негативность). Эти критерии позволяют выделить и описать особенности культур организаций предприятий.

The basis of the selected criteria lay analysis of the relations existing in the organization, specifying the features of the organizational culture of the enterprise:

- Relationship to the organization, its external relations, the activities of the enterprise and the product;

- relations in the organization, interpersonal contacts; attitude to leadership;

- the attitude of the employees to their own activities and their results.

Позитивная организационная культура фиксирует ценность профессионально-трудовой деятельности на данном предприятии как способа реализации ценности саморазвития и субъектности, а также ценность предприятия как условия реализации такого рода способа. Уточняющий критерий – удовлетворенность пребыванием в организации, позитивная оценка собственного труда и влияния профессионально-трудовой деятельности на личностное развитие, и как следствие, лояльность к предприятию и ее продукту.

Негативная организационная культура фиксирует нелояльность, неприверженность предприятию, когда работник считает собственное пребывание на фирме временным, случайным. Негативная оргкультура отражает ситуацию, когда деятельность на конкретном предприятии в различной степени выгодна, однако, не ценна для сотрудника с точки зрения его саморазвития и самореализации.

Уточнением этого критерия становится готовность или неготовность работников и руководства не только развиваться через работу в организации, но и связывание собственной профессионально-личной карьеры с работой на данном предприятии.

При позитивной оргкультуре отношение к клиентам характеризуется отношением к клиенту, как к партнеру, с которым устанавливаются длительные и стабильные отношения. Другим проявлением позитивной организационной культуры является лояльность к клиенту, формальный и неформальный контакт с ним. Негативная организационная культура проявляется в отсутствии понимания особенностей клиента, хаотичности и несистемности работы с ним, ориентацией на одномоментный контакт.

The criterion of positivity of the organizational culture is the attitude towards competitors, based on the ability to see one’s own competitive advantages. Positive culture - this is a partnership position, focus on the study of experience, respect, tracking strategies, professional communication with colleagues. Negative cultures are characterized by obvious and hidden intrigues, “black technologies”, enticing specialists, misinforming customers about the features of a competitive firm and its product.

Intense emotional-colored communications on the basis of focus on the result of professional activity. The criterion can be described through the features of business communication - the need for contacts, the adoption of personal characteristics of managers and colleagues, the desire to see each other outside the work situation with a clear focus on the content of professional activity. Negative culture is characterized by the prevalence of the emotional component of communication, when work turns into a meeting place, or the preponderance of formal performance of labor functions, lack of conditions for interpersonal contacts. These extremes equally negatively affect the efficiency of the enterprise.

A special criterion for positive organizational culture is a feeling of mutual adequacy of personal and collective criteria of one’s own value. This is a subjective criterion, however, the success of the employee as a result becomes the basis for self-esteem and respect from colleagues. As a result, the efficiency of business interaction increases, which is an objective condition for the establishment of benevolent interpersonal relations in a team. The criterion is manifested in the presence of feedback in the relationship "vertical" and "horizontal", respect for colleagues and leadership.

The positive culture of an enterprise is characterized by the employee’s perception of himself as a subject whose professional labor activity influences the overall performance of the enterprise and determines its development strategy. The criterion can be described as the involvement of workers in the activities they perform. The employee is able to consciously take personal responsibility for the common product of the joint activities of the organization. This, in aggregate, gives rise to a conscientious attitude towards one's production duties as a norm of employee behavior, regulated by public opinion that is negatively disposed towards manifestations of activity. With a negative organizational culture, the detachment of the employee’s relation to the organization’s activities causes a formal fulfillment of official duties, the performance of work at the minimum level.

A positive culture is characterized by the employee's orientation towards the search, development, selection and implementation of the most optimal ways to carry out their activities. The implementation of this kind of orientation creates a sense among employees of their responsibility for the quality of the product of their own activities and generates interest in its improvement. Professional and labor activity acquires a creative character, even if objectively it does not possess one, which creates a general atmosphere of enthusiasm for its work. Negative culture is characterized by the formal implementation of production standards, the desire to reduce costs and the required turnover of goods or other means, the lack of readiness to search for an effective task, the desire to perform simple, stereotypical tasks.

The study of negative cultures of enterprises revealed the prevailing relationships:

- indifference, avoiding the demonstration of feelings and emotions;

- de-identification of problems;

- blind submission, lack of initiative;

- conservatism;

- isolationism;

- antipathy, detachment of management from staff.

Using the metaphor of "healthy" or "sick"

organizational culture allows you to make a prediction of the future organization for symptoms that can either be observed with the help of consulting technologies, or explored using special diagnostic tools, immersing the organization in a situation of “laboratory” research (organizational diagnostic procedures, seminars, trainings).

A "healthy" organizational culture is characterized by characteristics embedded in organizational systems and personnel-technology. An indicator of healthy organizational culture is effectively existing personnel technology, described and adjusted as the organization changes. First of all, it is an effective set and selection. New personnel are selected in the organization thoughtfully and systemically, they adapt, acquire new skills, and as a result they have every reason for professional growth. In a healthy company there is intra-company training. The organization trains its staff, improves its qualifications, and the staff itself is committed to this. Peculiarities of motivation are high interest, people strive to be active in their organization, initiatives and proposals of staff are supported, and efforts are rewarded adequately.

In such a company, there is a clear organizational structure, the absence of "vicious circles of management", all the links between subordination and management (linear, functional and project management) are well thought out.

The next characteristic is adequate control. Control only those who own the information and have the authority. The sphere of "control" also has the property of self-development.

The manifestations of a healthy or neurotic organizational culture depend on several factors that are significant to the life of the organization. The manifestation of "health" or "ill health" especially occurs in conditions of tension, organizational stress, a situation of uncertainty, in which the characteristics of the organization as a subject of activity are manifested most clearly. Here are the most significant factors.

1. Conflict resolution. As far as the company is interested or not interested in its employees freely and openly discussing any conflicts and misunderstandings. Does the authorities listen to different opinions expressed or just ignore them?

2. Cultural management. This factor helps to find out how actively the company is trying to be a functional part of the organizational culture and influence the direction of its development, or it is not a significant factor that the company simply ignores. Companies with strong cultural management try to be at the same cultural level with their employees, and are more efficient. A company must be special in order for workers to be proud to identify with it.

3. Willingness to change. Are the workers ready to accept change, or are they stubbornly resisting them, or are they indifferent? The answer to this question can provide information about the company's culture, and how employees and managers can work together smoothly. Are employees of all departments of the company ready to try something new and take on certain risks?

4. The active participation of workers. Do employees feel that they are part of the company and do they have the right to express their opinions, or are they silent performers?

5. Clarity and certainty of purpose. How clear and well-known are the goals and objectives of the employees? In a healthy organizational culture, an employee, regardless of the hierarchy, should have an idea of ​​the goals and objectives of the entire company.

6. Freedom or limitations in action. Is the power at the top managers, or is it distributed among the workers? Is power centralized or decentralized? How much power and authority does an individual employee have in order to make his own decision?

7. Management style. The key in this case is whether employees respect management and administration or not, whether they trust their supervisors.

8. Execution of work. The question of the presence or absence of performance standards is the specificity of the motivation system.

These factors allow us to analyze and study the success of the organization to make a forecast about its long-term nature, the possibility of being effective in the present and future time at the expense of the created and created internal resources.

The organizational culture itself is an important factor that influences the development of the group and the performance of its members. If a healthy organizational culture exists in the whole enterprise, and there is unity (here it is interesting to study the work of domestic psychologists), cooperation, then the values ​​and ways of their transmission can be promoted among the members of the organization. Thus, if the company has a healthy organizational culture, the employees are confident that the company has prospects for development.

The workplace can be characterized by a comfortable organizational culture, if the set of work rules, the motivation system allows each employee to be healthy emotionally and physically. Using the proposed metaphor, we can talk about the existence of a healthy lifestyle in the organization, the availability of settings that can ensure the satisfaction of their employees. Conditions for professional and personal growth of employees are important for this. In addition, the company must provide workers with the opportunity to maximize their potential and realize their personal goals in life, giving them opportunities for their personal development. Speaking of a healthy organizational culture, it is important to strive for a "healthy lifestyle" not only for employees. The overall welfare of the company should be taken into account. It is important that along with meeting the needs of employees, the organizational culture should be built into the implementation of the company's mission and vision. The declared progressive goals of such companies fall within the scope of the company's expansion and are associated with an increase in its profitability.

Thus, the presence of characteristics of a healthy organizational culture provides a win-win situation for both employees and organizations through cooperation. It is important that the cooperation of the organization and its employees will be carried out in the conditions of compliance with the regulations and rules.

In addition, in modern practice there are leaders whose management style has a negative impact on the effectiveness of the organization. Based on the fact that the manager is the carrier of key values ​​and sets the basic organizational norms, employees accept these norms and imitate them, being under their influence. In such conditions, organizational cultures sooner or later become neurotic, causing harm to the organization as a whole. Then workers feel a sense of helplessness, distrust, anger, apathy and even depression, lose their motivation to work in the organization. In a "neurotic" organization, the quality of work decreases, and the organization has characteristics of organizational stress. The organizational behavior of workers is unproductive for themselves and their organization. As a reaction to the neurotic organizational culture, organizational deviations, misconduct, abuse, dismissal, etc., appear in the enterprise.

Image of the organization

In a competitive environment, an organization can survive if it has the appropriate image. That is why the image problem has attracted the attention of both practitioners interested in the development of their organization and scientists who study the structure, types, features and patterns of existence.

Translated from English, image is an image, and accordingly a corporate, or organizational image is an image of an organization in the representation of groups of the public. This definition is the most common. In order to emphasize the specifics of the image as an image, different authors note a number of its essential characteristics, including them in the definition of image.

Symbolism. Image is a symbol of the organization, reflecting its uniqueness, originality, and distinguishing it from a number of similar.

Internal determinism. Image is a collection of all representations, knowledge, experience, desires, feelings of the subject associated with a particular subject.

External determinism. The image is created and the media, social group or personal efforts of the individual.

Information and evaluation nature of the image. The content of the concept of image includes two components. A descriptive (informational) component, which is an image of an organization, or a combination of all representations (knowledge) about an organization. And the component associated with the relationship, or the estimated component. The evaluation component exists due to the fact that the information stored in the memory is not perceived indifferently, but awakens assessments and emotions that may have different intensity, since specific features of the image of the organization may cause more or less

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Organizational psychology

Terms: Organizational psychology