
In-house training
Staff development as a method of achieving the strategic goals of the organization
Staff development as a means of increasing the value of an organization’s human resources
Organizational forms and models of in-house training
Competency Formation Models
Leadership Based Learning Models
Metacognitive model (training in system thinking methodology)
Implementation and evaluation of the program
Psychological and pedagogical approaches to adult education
Innovative approach and concept of ontosynthesis
Motivation for adult education
Manager and teacher in the system of in-house training
Organizational training
Types of trainings

Comprehensive goal


• the nature, models, types and principles of the organizational learning system;

• concept, categories and tools associated with the use of training technologies in the organization;

• stages of planning and conducting organizational training.

Be able to :

• use the system of categories and methods necessary for organizing the process of corporate training;

• diagnose training needs in the organization;

• plan the learning process in the organization;

• design content and implement the selection of optimal learning technologies;

• evaluate the effectiveness of training activities.

Own :

• conceptual apparatus in the organization of the corporate training system;

• the main technologies of work of the organizational psychologist in the field of training of the organization's personnel;

• methods of psychological support for in-house training programs.

In-house training

Mandatory for the personnel management system are the following processes:

- attraction, hiring and professional adaptation;

- assessment, development and training;

- Labour Organization;

- motivation and stimulation;

- health and social guarantees;

- occupational safety and personal safety;

- formation of corporate culture;

- individual career support staff.

In this case, training is associated with all other processes of the control system. In particular, staff training affects motivation and corporate culture, contributes to career support. During training, you can assess the potential of the employee.

In-house training is a process that allows you to create, integrate, transform, distribute and apply competences, standards of organizational behavior to solve current and future tasks of the organization, to meet the needs of staff in professional growth. This means that the right people get the knowledge, skills, and skills they need at the right time to accomplish their tasks and achieve the goals of the organization.

The increasing role of personnel training in the processes of improving the competitiveness of an organization is due to the following factors (M. I. Magura, M. B. Kurbatova).

1. Personnel training is the most important means of achieving the strategic goals of an organization.

2. Training is the most important means of increasing the value of an organization’s human resources.

3. Without timely staff training, organizational change becomes difficult or impossible.

Consider each of these factors.

Staff development as a method of achieving the strategic goals of the organization

Success in achieving the most important strategic goals of an organization largely depends on the degree to which personnel are aware of strategic goals and how interested and prepared they are to work to achieve them. The need for rapid organizational changes and change of management principles in the direction of increasing the ability to work in a competitive environment implies an increase in staff productivity, improving the quality of goods, improving customer service, creative attitude. Staff development is only among the priority areas of work when top management is aware that the implementation of market strategies requires a higher level of professional training for both managers and ordinary workers.

At the new stage, which the Russian economy is entering, high productivity and quality of labor are becoming increasingly important. It is absolutely clear that the role of staff training in the development of the organization, ensuring its competitiveness and achieving success will continue to grow in the future. It is necessary not only to improve the professional level of students, but also to convey to the workers the need for change; training helps to successfully implement a development strategy and integrates the organization into a coherent whole.

Staff development as a means of increasing the value of an organization’s human resources

The leadership of any organization inevitably faces the fact that if you don’t invest money in raising the level of knowledge and in developing the skills of your employees, the return on your organization’s human resources every year becomes less and less.

It is necessary to take into account a wide range of tasks that can be solved when the organization itself conducts employee training. In addition to providing employees with the necessary knowledge and development of their skills required for work, during the training, important information about the organization is transmitted, contributing to strengthening the desired patterns of behavior and increasing the level of commitment of the staff of their organization. Thus, staff development is an essential tool by which management gets the opportunity to influence the formation of organizational culture and increase the potential of human resources, contributing to the successful achievement of the goals of the organization.

Organizations that are ready to invest money in the training of their employees can expect that employees who have improved their professional skills will be able to more easily and quickly solve more complex tasks, find answers to problematic issues, they will have a higher level of commitment to their enterprise.

Modern approaches to management are based on the fact that personnel is considered as a key factor determining the efficiency of the use of all other resources available to the organization. Investments in personnel, creating conditions for the growth of workers and increasing their professional potential give fast and high returns. The means directed to the solution of these problems pay off and begin to bring profit. In addition, the organization is seeking to increase the value of its most important capital - people.

At the same time, it is necessary that the work of the employees after passing the training should become more substantive, responsible, so that the level of their remuneration would increase, new prospects for career growth, career advancement or responsibility would be expanded.

Training as a means of facilitating organizational change. When considering the process of organizational change, it becomes obvious that a significant obstacle in their path is often not the lack of necessary resources or the machinations of competitors, but the resistance of personnel. Resistance can be caused by a number of reasons. Among the main causes of resistance are the following:

- lack of staff knowledge and skills that will be required in the new environment;

- the "old" system of values ​​and priorities that determines the behavior of workers;

- fear of the new, uncertainty in their own abilities;

- lack of understanding of the goals and ways to implement changes;

- the inability of managers to form a positive motivation to adopt innovations;

- distrust of leadership.

The above list of reasons for the resistance of personnel to the process of organizational change shows that it is difficult to count on interested support for change from employees without conducting appropriate personnel training. Training can contribute to overcoming resistance and ensure the success of ongoing changes.

Personnel development plays an important role in conveying to the workers the basic meaning and necessity of the changes being carried out, in explaining their essence, in order to gain support for innovations not only from above, on the part of management, but also from below, on the part of ordinary members of the organization. The system of internal training of personnel is a prerequisite for the development of the personnel potential of the organization.

In modern conditions, the attributes of high-quality in-house training should be:

- orientation of the training system to staffing the solution of strategic and tactical tasks of the organization;

- the ability of the subject of training to successfully build their professional activities;

- the ability of the professional to actively innovate the behavior on the labor market;

- the ability of the subject of education to self-development and self-education;

a high degree of formation of creative thinking skills and effective communication as the basis for successful professional activities;

- personal and social maturity of a professional.

In order to ensure the stated quality of education, the training system must be open, dynamic, project-oriented (responsive to changes in the environment and the demands of the consumer of educational services), responsive to innovation, manageable and economically viable.

The training system should be based on a scientifically based methodology, principles, and technologies that can provide effective adult education.

Adult education is the education of persons performing socially significant productive roles and possessing social, moral, psychological maturity, economic independence, life experience and a level of self-consciousness sufficient for responsible self-governing behavior.

Organizational forms and models of in-house training

Adult education (additional vocational education) is implemented in the following forms.

1. Professional development - updating the theoretical and practical knowledge of specialists in connection with increasing requirements for the level of qualification and the need to master modern methods of solving professional problems. Professional development includes short-term and long-term, thematic and problem seminars.

2. Professional retraining - the formation of additional knowledge, skills and abilities of specialists in educational programs, involving the study of individual disciplines, sections of science, technology, technology necessary to perform a new type of professional activity. According to the results of professional retraining, specialists receive a state diploma certifying their right to conduct professional activities in a particular field. Professional retraining is conducted on the basis of higher education.

3. Internship ensures the formation and consolidation in practice of professional knowledge and skills obtained as a result of theoretical training. Internship is carried out in order to acquire professional skills to fulfill the duties of a position held or a higher position.

4. On-the-job training is conducted in the course of performing normal work in a work situation at a specific workplace. It uses such methods as directed acquisition of experience, production briefing, job change (rotation), the use of workers as assistants, interns, training guidance, mentoring, delegation of authority, experiential training, training in project groups.

5. Second higher education. His receipt is confirmed by a state diploma and plays an important role in employment.

6. Intrafirm training is a special form of organization for the preparation of adults, which provides the solution to current and future tasks of the organization and is aimed at meeting the needs of staff in mastering the necessary competencies.

As a rule, in-house training programs are created specifically for a particular enterprise and are focused on staff development and preparing it for changes in the organization.

In-house training and retraining in industrialized countries has become a powerful industry, comparable in scale to the general public education system. In the field of organizing such training, large multi-profile corporations are in the lead, operating, as a rule, in industries with high technology-intensive technology.

A general analysis of the experience and traditions of training within an organization in different countries gives grounds for taking into account the peculiarities of various approaches for staff development, to correlate with the used training options in modern Russia.

The system of in-house training was most widely developed in Japan, where a special Law on the Vocational Training of Enterprise Personnel was adopted. A powerful driving force for the development of the economy was the Japanese human resource development system, which provided effective training and industrial use of such personnel who flexibly respond to changes in the external and internal situation and are highly involved in the structure of production and interest in its stable development and profits. Employee training in Japan is conducted both during work and outside working hours. Moreover, there is a tendency to increase the share of large enterprises engaged in this training. Intrafirm training in Japanese companies is conducted on a wide scale based on the traditions and characteristics of personnel policy, ensuring the constancy of the staff.

In the USA, on the contrary, employers finance personnel training programs much worse: the investments made with high mobility of personnel can be lost and get to competitors. This same feature of human capital allows the United States to use on a large scale the work of scientists, specialists, and other "carriers" of human capital formed in different countries of the world, without making initial investments, but pursuing a selective immigration policy.

In the UK, the percentage of employees who have completed educational activities has increased over the past five years from 24 to 39%. Leading transnational corporations spend on professional development from 2 to 10% of the wage fund.

France is developing strategic management training. This is evidenced by the practice of individual companies, where the model of personnel training is shifting towards in-house in-house training. The company manifests itself as a user, organizer and producer of knowledge, it defines the rules and framework in which the preparation acquires updated content. This allows the company to freely adapt to unforeseen market demands and technological changes.

The study of the theory and practice of the functioning of the intra-company system of education in foreign countries leads to the conclusion that this system is, as a rule, an integral part of the internal labor market (the hidden labor market within the enterprise). Intrafirm training acts as a mechanism that allows entrepreneurs to extinguish social contradictions within the enterprise, try to do without mass release of personnel to the external labor market through retraining, rearrangement (rotation), and advanced training.

At the present stage of the program of in-house training of staff of the organization are developed by the following structures : commercial and non-profit business education centers, universities and training institutions, private business schools and training centers. Approaches to the organization of training vary widely, but almost all take into account the following points.

1. Focus on solving strategic and tactical tasks facing the contracting authority. The program is developed based on the wishes of the customer, focused on CE priorities.

2. Training in intra-company programs can be conducted not only in the format of seminars and trainings, but also as educational consulting. The result is the development of new principles of the company, the formation of regulations, procedures for interaction and standards of the company.

3. Formation of corporate knowledge. Participation in training programs for employees of various departments allows to form uniform corporate principles of work and interaction, to develop the corporate culture of the organization.

4. Feedback.Based on the results of the training, the report of the consultant or the trainer on the results of the training is presented, respectively, the coach also receives feedback, allowing to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program.

Thus, in the first place, corporate programs are developed and implemented based on the objectives of the organization. When creating them, the development dynamics of the company’s personnel, the possible development rates, the available and necessary resources for organizing this work are taken into account. Such programs are always created taking into account multiple interests: the interests of the organization as a whole, the interests of individual departments of the company and, of course, the interests of the employees themselves. In addition, training programs can solve the problems of team building in a team, coordinating the interests of management subjects, and improving the quality of interaction between company departments. Corporate educational program is always a significant element in the development of corporate culture. Such programs allow teachers to act as leading specialists of the company itself.

There are four models of in-house training.

1. Model of formation of competencies.

2. System model.

3. "Leader" model.

4. Metacognitive model.

These models combine a significant number of concepts and types of training presented in domestic and foreign literature.

Competency Formation Models

The formation of a specialist is considered as the formation of a flexible, with a certain set of key competences of the individual, able to successfully adapt to the constantly changing conditions of activity. Based on this, we can talk about the emerging concept of competence, which is beginning to play a significant role in solving the issues of intra-company education and the formation of a modern specialist. Concept of competenceIt is widely considered both in foreign and in domestic scientific literature. First of all, it is defined as the totality of knowledge and skills that are necessary to perform a particular job. In this case, skills are considered as the ability and willingness to effectively apply knowledge in practice, in a particular situation, in a professional activity determined by the requirements of the position. The concept of key competencies is introduced as the main educational outcome of the learning process. The set of key competencies to be formed, according to various data, includes:

- socio-psychological competence;

- cultural and political competence;

- language and terminological competence;

- information competence.

Training models within the framework of this concept include the formation or expansion of individual or a set of competencies. As a result of the training, the employee must have a specific set of different technological base competencies and related competencies,abilities required to perform a particular job. Basic technological competencies are reflected in professional standards and qualification requirements. They have their own specifics, combine the knowledge and skills required for the implementation of professional activities and job responsibilities. The related competences are additional and individual for each employee. They usually include socio-psychological skills that enable an employee to increase their personal effectiveness. The competence model is implemented in various forms, the most organized and integrated among which is the corporate university.

At the heart of building a corporate university program are the features and prospects of business development and the practical activities of the trained employees.

The main objectives of training in this model:

- ensuring sustainable competitiveness of the company in the market;

- development of managerial capacity of managers and the creation of a "personnel reserve";

- development of corporate culture;

- improving the performance of each employee, individual units and the organization as a whole;

- development of modern business skills at all levels of the organization.

The training system may include interrelated units aimed at the development of various competencies, for example:

- The TOP program (aimed at improving the effectiveness of the organization’s managers);

- School of Management;

- School of Marketing;

- school of sales, etc.

In a generalized form, the presented models, based on the development of competencies, can be represented as follows (Fig. 10.1):


Fig. 10.1. Competency based models

System models of in-house training. This group of models is based on the vision of the organization as an integrated system. Based on this, training programs are being formed. Some of these programs are presented in the form of electronic products. For example, one of these corporate learning models is based on the Learning Space 4.0 platform and includes three main forms of learning:

- self-controlled learning;

- asynchronous collaborative learning;

- simultaneous real-time collaborative learning.

Традиционно сильной стороной системных моделей выступает акцент на групповые процессы и групповое обучение. Это обусловлено, прежде всего, синергетическими эффектами групповой (командной, проектной) работы. Некоторые системные модели ВФО, в частности Тэвистокская модель, предполагают построение обучения на четырех уровнях, соответственно уровням системного анализа:

1) уровень отдельных сотрудников (индивидуальные компетенции, компенсации пробелов в ЗУН, личная эффективность сотрудников);

2) уровень групп (методы групповой работы, командообразование, развитие "группового интеллекта" и т.п.);

3) уровень организации (менеджмент, корпоративная культура, бизнес-процессы и их оптимизация и т.п.);

4) уровень межорганизационных взаимодействий (особенности рынка, конкурентная борьба, стратегии переговоров, имиджелогия и т.д.).

Другую системную модель обучения разработали отечественные авторы. С их точки зрения целостная рабочая модель системы корпоративного обучения должна включать в себя:

– методически обоснованную, простую в применении подсистему мониторинга потребностей в обучении (включающую инструменты и методы систематизированной оценки потребностей в обучении, планы корпоративного обучения и индивидуального профессионального роста сотрудников);

– корпоративные стандарты для принятия решений по конкретным заявкам на обучение (включают в себя "Положения о корпоративном обучении", мероприятия по постановке ВФО или корректировке проблемных зон существующей системы обучения, модель корпоративной системы обучения);

– единую подсистему опенки эффективности обучения; – разработанные стратегии повышения эффективности корпоративного обучения (контроль качества ВФО, внедрение результатов ВФО в практику, постобучающее сопровождение).

Основу модели корпоративного обучения в рамках системного подхода должна составлять концепция обучения, которая "увязывает" обучение со стратегическими целями организации, объединяет мероприятия по оценке и обучению сотрудников в целостную систему развития персонала, регламентирует зоны ответственности за обучение и внедрение на практике результатов обучения, обозначает способы мотивирования персонала на обучение.

Описанные модели внутрифирменного обучения – модель "компетенций" и "системная" модель в большей степени характерны для отечественной практики. Анализ зарубежных источников позволил выявить две модели ВФО, преобладающих в западном менеджменте. К ним относятся "лидерская" модель и модель самообучающихся организаций. Следует также отметить и некоторые различия в форме организации системы обучения в отечественной и зарубежной практике. Если в России на сегодняшний день программы обучения реализуются в форме корпоративных университетов, услуг тренинговых центров, консалтинговых компаний и вузовских курсов, то в европейских странах помимо указанных форм распространена практика создания ресурсных центров обучения персонала и профессиональных ассоциаций тренеров по корпоративному обучению.

Модели обучения, основанные на формировании лидерства

Эта группа моделей основывается на положении о ведущей роли лидера и/или руководителя в создании мотивации на обучение, организационные изменения и инновации. Лидер выступает проводником организационных инноваций, и его компетентность и мотивированность определяют успех программы обучения. Популярность "лидерского" подхода в настоящее время довольно высока. Это подтверждается многочисленными "школами лидерства" для менеджеров, теоретическими и методическими изданиями по целенаправленному формированию лидерских качеств у людей, занимающихся управленческой деятельностью. Приведем в качестве примера распространенную программу обучения в соответствии с управленческой "решеткой" Блейка и Моутон.

Циклы внутрифирменного обучения по управленческой "решетке":

Цикл 1. Изучение "решетки". Вводятся понятия различных стилей лидерства и руководства. Рассматривается и оценивается собственный стиль каждого из участников.

Цикл 2. Командное развитие. Участники анализируют различия в своих стилях и приемах лидерства. Ключевая цель первых двух циклов – построить отношения доверия и взаимного расположения внутри команды.

Цикл 3. Межгрупповое развитие. Акцент на связях между группами. Совместное решение проблем в ситуациях, имитирующих реальные организационные проблемные ситуации.

Цикл 4. Построение организационной модели. Акцент на стратегическое планирование и соединение усилий групп высшего и низшего уровней управления. Соединение этих уровней – один из важных результатов этого цикла.

Цикл 5. Реализация модели. Группы получают задание реализовать модель, построенную в цикле 4. Разрабатываются планы изменения структур, ведения процессов и управления персоналом.

Цикл 6. Оценка. Содержанием этого цикла является оценка общей "решетки", модификация и критика программы. Стандартизированная анкета обратной связи помогает исследовать новые стратегии индивидуального поведения, работу команды, межгрупповые отношения, способы решения проблем и общую стратегию развития персонала.

Авторы данной модели также рекомендуют включать в программу подготовки лидеров блок "психология личности". Психология личности представляет интерес для разработки учебной программы, рассчитанной на подготовку лидеров с двух точек зрения. Первая предполагает постановку вопросов о психологических свойствах самих обучаемых лидеров; вторая направлена от лидеров к их подчиненным в ожидании рекомендаций, какие личностные свойства подчиненных могут помочь лидеру в решении задач организации.

Задача модели обучения, основанной на лидерстве, – мобилизовать ресурсы ключевых фигур (лидеров) организации на осуществление долговременных изменений. Исходя из этого, программа строится на основании видения лидерами специфики своего предприятия, этапа его развития и основных потребностей и при непосредственном участии лидеров. Впоследствии эти сотрудники мотивируют персонал на обучение, осуществляют контроль качества ВФО. Эффективность этой модели основана на использовании лидерского ресурса самой организации и разделении ответственности за результат с ее ключевыми сотрудниками.

Метакогнитивная модель (обучение методологии системного мышления)

В общем виде целью обучения является не передача навыков, информации или стратегий работы, а формирование "самообучающейся организации" (П. Сенге), которая может выступать в качестве субъекта обучения и занимает открытую и рефлексивную познавательную позицию по отношению к внеорганизационной и внутриорганизационной среде. Рассмотрим примеры.

Модель SES (отбор, оценка, обучение) включает в себя следующее.

1. Периодическую оценку эффективности работы персонала (управляющего и управляемого) по различным критериям.

2. Определение наиболее эффективных практик, моделей и стратегий работы.

3. Рефлексию и экспликацию лучших "рабочих паттернов".

4. Определение "зои гибкости" – вариативности использования эффективных стратегий.

5. Разработку программы обучения эффективным профессиональным и управленческим стратегиям для различных уровней организационной иерархии.

Реализация и оценка программы

Особенностью этой модели является возможность обучения сотрудников знаниям и навыкам на основе существующих интеллектуальных ресурсов и достижений. В ходе этой программы посредством кооперативной рефлексии достигается высокая степень принятия учебного материала всеми работниками и формируется метапознавательная позиция по отношению к своей профессиональной деятельности. Данная модель делает упор не только на организованное групповое, но и на индивидуальное обучение сотрудников и предполагает работу по "индивидуальному плану развития", консультации со специалистами ресурсных центров, ротацию, внутренние семинары и конференции. Кроме того, специалисты, работающие в рамках данной модели, уделяют значительное внимание развитию непосредственно навыков коллективного и самостоятельного обучения. К навыкам относятся следующие: навыки структурирования информации, управления временем, работы с текстами, усвоения и отработки профессиональных навыков, индивидуального и группового принятия решений и т.п.

Сторонники метакогиитивиых моделей постулируют важность активного познавательного подхода к обучению со стороны субъектов обучения и разделяют два направления: традиционное и интегрированное. Сопоставительный анализ традиционного и интегрированного обучения дает табл. 10.1.

Таблица 10.1

Сравнительный анализ подходов к организации внутрифирменного обучения


Традиционное обучение внутри предприятия

Integrated learning combined with organizational development

An object

Separate manager, separate groups of employees, separated by professional background

Groups, intergroup communications, leader and group


Fundamentals of professional and managerial knowledge and skills

Reflexive, communication skills, ability to formulate and solve problems


Junior and middle managers

All executives up to top managers and employees of all levels

Studying proccess

Based on information and rationalization

Based on reflection, information, rationalization, communication and emotion.

Learning style

It comes from the subjects and features of teachers

Based on the characteristics of the participants, their experience, problems, attitudes and skills of the consultants

Learning objectives

Rationalization and performance

Formation of flexibility, openness to change, information

Form of

Seminars, courses

Free choice of forms depending on need and situation

Responsibility for conducting

Teachers, organizers

Participants and teachers

Program stability


Flexible program adapted to the situation

Learning concept

Adaptation of managers to the needs of the enterprise

Simultaneously change managers and organization

Participation in the preparation of training and other programs

Participants are not included in curriculum development.

Managers take part in drafting enterprise change programs


Orientation to knowledge that may be useful in the future

Orientation to a specific change

Active members

Average situational


Psychological and pedagogical approaches to adult education

In-house training is based on approaches that should be taken into account in the work of a specialist responsible for the development of personnel in the organization. The training involves three parties: an adult learner, an organization, and a specialist (structure) engaged in training. An adult learner is a manager, a line manager, a senior executive, specialists involved in a relationship with the organization where they work. An organization that has an in-house training system is an enterprise that is looking for the resources of its own positive change. The training specialist is a personnel manager, an organization psychologist, an external consultant, a representative of a business center or a corporate training center.

The basis of adult education is based on several approaches that have an independent value in creating an enterprise learning system: acmeological, andragogical and project approaches, innovative training, consulting and coaching.

The essence of acmeological and andragogical approaches lies in reliance on the integrity of the subject passing the stage of maturity, when his individual, personal and subject-activity characteristics are studied in unity, in all interrelations and mediations, in order to contribute to the highest levels that everyone can rise to . A necessary prerequisite for an adult to learn is his ability to self-realization within the framework of his life strategy (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, V.N. Druzhinin) in such areas as self-awareness, reflection, self-determination, self-assessment, self-assessment, level of aspirations, sense formation, self-regulation, self-organization of lifetime.

In addition to taking into account the totality of the characteristics of a person in which his maturity is expressed, the position of acmeology is important for the creation and implementation of in-house training, which analyzes maturity and “acme” more narrowly, meaning that a person masters the profession, attains the highest level of skill and professionalism (N V. Kuzmina). Comprehending the essence of professionalism, understanding the paths leading to it, has not only theoretical but also practical significance. The required professional competence is achieved due to the formed professional position. This position has an applied value on which the system of in-house training will be built. The key goal, formulated before any stage of training, is the formation of an active position of specialists and their professional competence. From this it is clear how topical the development by acmeology of a range of problems is: professionalism and its main characteristics; professionalism and human health; conditions and factors to achieve high professional competence; ways to prevent professional deformation.

In this case, the level of professionalism is a common factor uniting the concepts of personal development in professional activities (V. A. Klimov, A. K. Markova, K. K. Platonov, V. D. Shadrikov, and others). It is proportional to the ability of the individual to adopt new forms, means, methods, and professional knowledge. In the process of formation of professionalism, personality develops. In this case, we can talk about four directions of development - personal-professional, professional-qualifying, professional-official and moral.

Common acmeological factors contributing to the development of professional skills and personality of a specialist are a high level of motivation, the need for achievements, high personal and professional standards, the desire for self-realization. They also include high levels of professional perception, thinking and anticipation, as well as the prestige of professional skill. Among special acmeological factors, stress resistance developed by a psychomotor, a high level of attention, etc., i.e. what are called professionally important psychological qualities. For the construction of educational programs within the organization, it is necessary to diagnose and take into account selected factors.

Personnel training within the organization should use the achievements of andragogy as a field of scientific and pedagogical knowledge and social practice aimed at adult education.

On the basis of age peculiarities, the basic andragogical principles of education are formulated, which constitute the foundation of the theory of adult education.

1. The priority of independent learning. Self-activity is the basis of adult learning.

2. The principle of cooperative activity, involving the joint activity of the student with the student, as well as with his colleagues in planning, implementing, evaluating and correcting the learning process.

3. The principle of reliance on the life experience of the student, used as one of the sources of training.

4. Individualization of learning. In accordance with this principle, everyone creates his own training program, focused on specific educational needs and goals, taking into account his experience, level of training, psycho-physiological and cognitive features.

5. Systematic learning. This principle provides for compliance with the objectives, content, forms, methods, means of training and evaluation of learning outcomes.

6. Context of learning. In accordance with this principle, learning, on the one hand, pursues goals that are vital for the learner, and is oriented towards the fulfillment of social roles or personal development. On the other hand, the training is based on the professional, social, and household activities of the student and his spatial, temporal, professional, and household factors.

7. The principle of updating learning outcomes. This principle involves the application in practice of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, qualities.

8. The principle of electivity of learning. It means giving the learner the freedom to choose the goals, content, forms and methods, sources, means, terms, time, place of training, assessment of learning outcomes.

9. The principle of development of educational needs. According to this principle, the evaluation of learning outcomes is carried out by identifying the real degree of development of educational materials and identifying those of them, without mastering which it is impossible to achieve the goal. In addition, the learning process is built in order to form students' new educational needs, which are specified when the specific learning goal is achieved.

10. The principle of reflexivity. It means understanding to students and teachers of all the parameters of the learning process and their actions in its organization.

The need to apply an innovative approach to creating in-house training is dictated by a high degree of uncertainty, variability of the business environment, the need to create new products, and introduce innovations into the organization.

A professional should possess a set of qualities determined by the profession, be able to make non-standard decisions and take responsibility for their implementation. It should be a sociable creative person who can think in market categories. Focusing on the future requires an increased sensitivity to new phenomena in life, in the activities of the organization, groups and individuals. An innovative approach to adult education is focused on the formation of these particular features of a professional, group and organization as a whole.

Innovative approach and concept of ontosynthesis

There is a difficulty in the practical implementation of innovation in business organizations. It is associated with a high degree of dependence on past experience, the spontaneity and situational nature of the actions of management and the organization as a whole. Many of the problems arising in the new environment cannot be solved using traditional methods created for stable systems. V.S. Dudchenko has developed effective innovative methods and technologies: innovative search; social technology; innovative learning.

Innovative methodology used in corporate training is a tool for research and development of activity systems, social groups as carriers of this activity and personality through the organization of self-development experience in the course of creative problem solving. In other words, the essence of learning in the implementation of innovative methodology is as follows: exploring - we learn, learning - develop.

In the course of innovation training, the development of problem-solving technologies (the formation of effective thinking), the formation of socio-psychological competence (the development of skills and skills for effective communication) to solve problems arising in the construction of communications and the actualization of personal potential occur.

An innovative approach to learning in an organization is applicable when training leaders of organizations, managers of all levels, managers. In the real conditions of intra-company learning in an enterprise, there is a combination of research, staff training and the head of modern adequate forms of activity (at the levels of reflection, understanding of the situation, skills, knowledge, new behavior) and the real solution of production problems.

The beginning of the training is a diagnostic innovative seminar, at which the participants themselves (with the help of consultants) analyze the real and desired situation that they would like to see in their organization, learn to correctly formulate the problem, distinguish the causes and the reason for their occurrence. It is important that learning takes place in the conditions of group interaction, which allows "here and now" to master the techniques of building effective relationships.

The result of an innovative seminar is the actualization of the need for training and self-development, it can arise from the problems that lie in the organization.

The essence of the innovative method is that it combines the study of difficulties and problems, the teaching of new means and methods of studying and solving difficulties, as well as practical action aimed at removing difficulties. In such training, knowledge is not brought in from the outside, but is cultivated in the mind of a person, and the process of development of the group contributes to the training and development of its participants. In innovative training, the reserve capabilities of human consciousness, psyche and thinking are activated.

The basic ideas of innovative education consist in the understanding that learning is always the development of a person and a group, and the main form of innovative learning is intensive immersion, not just long-term learning, but intensive work for several days, suggesting a high level of intellectual and emotional stress. The organization of group problem solving entails mutual learning by sharing experiences, changing attitudes, group norms, value structures, and increasing group and individual energy. Achieving the development objectives of the organization through personnel development is achieved through the passage of grouping procedures, organization of group dynamics and cooperation, the use of positive rivalry mechanisms, the use of conflict for constructive purposes.

Life is constantly changing, and the views, cultural patterns and programs are formed by the old world and are not suitable for solving actual problems. Understanding this leads to the need to teach actual ontosynthesis (ontological synthesis - synthesis of reality from the material of a continuously changing world with the help of cultural patterns and programs) of effective actions and productive life. Based on the methodology of onto-synthesis, based on the understanding that the real behavior of a person and his attitude to the world is a projection of the image of reality created in consciousness, the content and methods of teaching are of paramount importance. The reality created in various forms of

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Organizational psychology

Terms: Organizational psychology