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Methods of diagnostics of the organization’s personnel
Interview reliability problem
The problem of the validity of the interview
Types of professional diagnostic interview
Interview procedure
Diagnostics of groups and teams
Measuring Organizational Phenomena

Comprehensive goal


• basic concepts, categories and tools of organizational psychodiagnosis;

• competences and the main activities of the psychologist in the organization;

• criteria for determining psychological problems and tasks.

Be able to :

• use the system of categories and methods necessary for solving organizational and psychological tasks;

• diagnose and solve organizational problems and tasks determined by psychological factors;

• through the use of psychodiagnostic tools to identify problems of a psychological nature when analyzing specific organizational situations, propose ways of solving them that are relevant to the organizational culture and goals of the organization;

• conduct research in the field of organizational psychology, formulate realistic and psychologically sound recommendations based on the data obtained;

• identify the specifics of the mental functioning of a person in a group, team, organization.

Own :

• conceptual apparatus in the field of organizational psychology and psychological diagnostics;

• the main technologies of the work of an organizational psychologist in the field of organizational and psychological diagnostics and intervention;

• modern methods of collecting, processing, analyzing, interpreting organizational and psychological information;

• technologies of work with groups and teams.

Methods of diagnostics of the organization’s personnel

Psychological diagnostics of the organization's personnel occupies one of the central places in organizational psychology. At the same time, the goals of psychological diagnosis of

can be very diverse. In the most general sense, the main goal here is to obtain as much information as possible about the mental characteristics of the employees working in the organization, one way or another, that can affect the effectiveness of their professional activities.

Among the variety of methods used for psychological diagnostics of personnel, we can distinguish two main groups of methods for obtaining information, each of which has its own advantages over each other, which means that they complement each other quite effectively.

The first group of methods is based on the use of various test methods that allow a psychologist to assess the level of expression of certain mental characteristics of a person, which to some extent may be associated with the success of their professional activities. Conventionally, this approach can be described as “objective,” since most of the test methods used allow obtaining truly objective information about the individual psychological characteristics of a given person. Objectivity of the results of diagnostics is provided here by standardizing the stimulus material, unifying the testing procedure, and numerical processing the data obtained.

The second group of methods involves the use of such diagnostic methods as interview and interview. Such an approach is defined as a “subjective” approach, since here the information is interpreted on the basis of the subjective positions of the psychologist himself conducting the interview. Note that the use of such methods allows to obtain such information that is impossible to obtain using test techniques. First of all, this concerns the ability of a person to properly hold in appropriate situations, his ability to clearly express his thoughts orally, the ability to reasonably explain his position, etc.

Let us examine in more detail each of these groups of methods.

The main task of applying test methods in the diagnosis of an organization's personnel is to identify the level of expression of a number of individual psychological characteristics. First of all, it can be attributed characterological and intellectual features of a person's personality. Note that for the diagnosis of these characteristics can be used as universal techniques designed for use in various areas of practical psychodiagnostics, and methods developed specifically to identify the relationship of these characteristics with the features of professional activity. It is these techniques that reflect the main content of a separate field of practical psychodiagnostics, which was called "professional psychodiagnostics".

Among the most traditional test methods of professional psychodiagnostics, related to the assessment of character traits of a person, it is first necessary to consider the method of D. Holland and the questionnaire by E. Myers and C. Briggs.

D. Holland's questionnaire is built on the search for correspondence between the type of personality and the type of professional environment. D. Holland believes that the best fit of these characteristics creates the most optimal conditions for effective professional human activity. He identifies six types of personality and professional environment, which include: realistic, research, artistic, social, entrepreneurial and conventional types.

Each type of personality has its own psychological characteristics and therefore people with a similar type of personality form the corresponding type of professional environment and dominate it. In addition, the content of the type of professional environment includes a certain specificity of the professional activity that is characteristic of this environment. D. Holland considers the following professional types to be opposite in their content: realistic - social, research - entrepreneurial, artistic - conventional. In the event that the type of personality is opposite to the type of professional environment, then, being at work, a person will constantly experience a sense of internal discomfort, and his professional activity will be ineffective.

It should be noted that the use of this technique for the purpose of professional diagnostics of personnel, in the first place, necessarily implies a fairly clear assignment of the specificity of the activity of the entire organization or its individual divisions to a specific type of professional environment. This will allow to more accurately identify the degree of compliance with the type of person’s personality and type of professional environment.

The typological questionnaire by E. Myers and K. Briggs is built on the theory of types of C. Jung and makes it possible to describe 16 possible types of personality, each of which has its own clearly defined features both in terms of the general personality characteristics and in terms of personality characteristics affecting performance of professional activities. The affiliation of a person to a certain type of personality is determined on the basis of estimates obtained on four bipolar scales.

1. Extraversion - introversion.

2. Feeling - intuition.

3. Thinking - feeling.

4. Judgment - perception.

According to the authors of the methodology, each of the four scales is characterized by a certain psychological function. Accordingly, each of the poles of a separate scale is distinguished by its own features of this function (Table 8.1).

Table 8.1

Functions scales questionnaire E. Myers and K. Briggs

Extraversion ( E)

Introversion ( I )

Function : Energy Direction

It is not energy directed at the world around people and things.

Directing energy to the inner world of your ideas and impressions.

Feeling (S )

Intuition ( N )

Function: Getting Information

Getting current and specific information from their senses

Receiving information, taking into account the expected results and opportunities to achieve them

Thinking ( T)

Feeling ( F)

Function: Decision Making

Decision making based on logic and objective analysis of causes and effects

Making decisions based on their assessments and subjective views of other people.

Judgment ( I )

Perception ( P )

Function: Lifestyle

A systematic and organized approach to life

Flexible and free approach to life

According to the test results, each subject is assigned a four-letter code, which reflects his affiliation to one of the 16 possible personality types. In addition, each of these types is analyzed for several positions, reflecting its main meaningful features. These include: style of activity, leadership style, preferred professional environment, possible shortcomings, and basic recommendations for overcoming them.

Thus, the questionnaire by E. Myers and K. Briggs allows you to analyze each of the 16 possible types of personality and get a fairly complete picture of those character traits that can determine the nature of a person’s performance of their professional activities.

In addition to the assessment of characterological features in the practice of psychological diagnostics of personnel, an important place is occupied by the assessment of intellectual and cognitive characteristics. As a rule, there is often diagnosed as a general level of human intellectual potential, and the development of certain features of his intellectual sphere.

In the practice of professional diagnostics of personnel, the assessment of intellectual and cognitive abilities of a person allows, on the one hand, to answer the question of how effectively a person will perform activities that require a sufficiently high development of intelligence as a whole. On the other hand, to determine the degree of conformity of the developmental characteristics of individual intellectual substructures with the main content of this or professional activity.

Among the tests that determine the overall level of intellectual features, first of all, it is necessary to select a number of techniques aimed at diagnosing the type of intelligence that is most often defined as non-verbal intelligence. This type of intelligence, first of all, is due to hereditary and natural factors and is relatively free from the influence of socio-cultural factors. These include: the intelligence test of R. Kettell, the test "Progressive Matrices of D. Raven", the test of "Domino" A. Anstea. All tasks of these tests are non-verbal in nature, and the test result for them is the overall IQ.

Another group of intellectual tests is aimed at diagnosing another kind of intelligence, defined as verbal intelligence. This type of intelligence is primarily due to various environmental factors, and above all, training, education and training rights. The most frequently used test of this group in order to diagnose personnel is the test "Structure of intelligence" by R. Amthauer. It is intended to assess the level of intellectual development in order to develop recommendations on the choice of profession and analysis of professional suitability. Amthauer's test consists of nine subtests, each of which is aimed at measuring various functions of the intellect.

1. Awareness.

2. Exclusion of excess.

3. Search for analogies.

4. Definition of the total.

5. Arithmetic subtest.

6. Definition of patterns.

7. Geometric addition.

8. Spatial imagination.

9. Memorization.

This test R. Amthauer allows you to determine the effectiveness of a person performing a particular professional activity, depending on the characteristics of the structure of his intellect. Separate subtests of this technique are combined into three groups:

- verbal subtests that determine the successful implementation of activities that require the ability to work with verbal speech material;

- mathematical subtests that determine the successful implementation of activities that require the ability to work with mathematical symbols and numbers;

- Subtests for spatial representation, determining the successful implementation of various technical activities.

Note that, in addition to evaluating the characterological and intellectual properties, in the practice of professional diagnostics of personnel, test methods aimed at studying more specific characteristics can be used. This may include, for example, the diagnosis of motivational features, features of management decision-making, features of leadership style. In addition, in order to determine the level of professionalism in any field of activity, tests of professional knowledge are often used. They allow quite objectively and in a short period of time to assess the degree of competence of an employee in a particular professional area.

In addition to the use of test methods in the practice of psychological diagnostics of personnel, the method of psychodiagnostic interview is often used. Most often, this method is used as one method of diagnosing professionally important qualities and selecting candidates for a specific job.

The primary purpose of a professional diagnosis interview is to provide an opportunity to personally meet with the candidate for the position, assess its compliance with the requirements imposed by the work and management of the organization.

As already noted, a professional diagnosis interview often provides information about a person that cannot be obtained by any other means. The effectiveness of the professional diagnostic interview is as follows.

1. It allows direct contact with the candidate for the job and getting a general impression of him.

2. Allows you to diagnose the communicative qualities of the candidate.

3. It gives the opportunity to find out in details the professional biography and professional career of the candidate.

4. Identifies the presence of the necessary qualities of the person.

5. Evaluates the expectations and claims of the candidate in the future work.

However, with all the advantages of this method, there are a number of problems associated with its use.

Interview reliability problem

Regarding professional diagnostics interviews, the problem of reliability lies in the difficulty of obtaining a common opinion in the assessment of a candidate by different interviewers. Such a range of opinions is due to the following reasons.

1. Interviewers can skip meaningful information about the candidate.

2. Interviewers can ask questions, focusing on factors that are not relevant to success in this work.

3. Information extracted from the interview may be insufficient, i.e. Some interviewers may miss a number of key questions.

The main ways to overcome the lack of consistency of interviewer ratings are to increase their professional training: the ability to ask questions, analyze and highlight professionally important characteristics, etc. However, the main way to improve the reliability of an interview is the degree of its structuredness. Since the more structured the interviewing procedure is, the higher the degree of consistency of assessments among different interviewers will be.

The problem of the validity of the interview

The validity of any method is how accurately it is possible to use this method to reveal the facts and patterns that exist in reality. And in this sense, the method of interview has several disadvantages. The main reason for the low validity of this method is that it is a subjective method that relies, first of all, on the ability of the interviewer to assess, based on a personal conversation, whether a person has certain characteristics. The main problem here is that it is usually easier for the interviewer to form an opinion about the characteristics that are openly manifested in the behavior in the interview process itself. However, it is very difficult for him to judge those characteristics that usually appear over a long period of time or in situations other than the interview situation.

Among the main factors that reduce the reliability and validity of the interview, i.e. distorting the information obtained in its process, we can note the following:

1. Stress in an interview situation. The state of a certain nervousness on the part of the candidate in an interview situation is quite natural. Awareness of the fact that the outcome of the interview may affect his future career will make even a relatively balanced person behave in an uncharacteristic manner.

2. Effect of contrast. If the interviewer interviews several people in a row, his impression may be influenced by the impression made by the previous candidate. For example, after interviewing several candidates who made a very unfavorable impression, the interviewer can rate the average, rather mediocre candidate, higher than he deserves. But the same candidate will be rated lower if he was preceded by candidates who left very good impressions with the interviewer.

3. Interviewer preferences. The interviewer's subjective preferences can greatly affect his judgments about the candidate. For example, the interviewer does not like people who have foreign names, a certain hair color, excess weight, etc. In such a situation, such people will be evaluated less favorably. It is quite possible, while the preferences of the interviewer will influence both in a positive and in a negative direction. So a candidate can be hired only because he has certain characteristics that the interviewer likes.

4. The effect of information obtained before the interview. Этот эффект возникает обычно в ситуации, когда интервьюер еще до проведения интервью знакомится с мнениями, характеристиками и оценками, даваемыми человеку, которого предстоит интервьюировать. В результате этого складывается определенная установка, снижающая объективность информации, получаемой в ходе интервью.

5. Эффект ожиданий интервьюера возникает в силу его приверженности определенной гипотезе. При этом интервьюер становиться более восприимчив к информации, "работающей на гипотезу" и менее восприимчив к той информации, которая эту гипотезу опровергает. Таким образом возникает невольная селекция, т.е. отбор воспринимаемой информации.

6. Эффект заражающею влияния интервьюера на опрашиваемого. Часто не очень опытные интервьюеры не умеют скрывать свою реакцию и собственную позицию в интервью. При этом опрашиваемый может догадаться или почувствовать, что от него желает услышать интервьюер, и как ему реагировать на вопросы, чтобы произвести наиболее благоприятное впечатление.

Виды профдиагностического интервью

Структурированное интервью – это интервью, в котором беседа направляется исключительно интервьюером, согласно заранее предопределенной схеме вопросов, касающихся тех или иных психологических аспектов профессиональной деятельности. При этом специфика данного вида интервью предполагает тщательное исследование и проработку всех значимых характеристик опрашиваемого.

Преимущества структурированного интервью.

1. Получаемые данные более сравнимы друг с другом.

2. Оно является более надежным, т.е. результаты повторных интервью другими интервьюерами одного опрашиваемого чаще всего совпадают.

3. Ошибки в формулировании вопросов сведены до минимума.

4. Создается больше возможностей для математической обработки результатов.

5. Может быть использовано интервьюерами с незначительным опытом и квалификацией.

Основные недостатки структурированного интервью:

1. Вероятность неоднозначного понимания разными людьми формулировок вопросов.

2. Большая степень официальности и формальности проведения интервью, затрудненность в установлении контакта и взаимопонимания.

Структурированное интервью позволяет получить следующие виды информации.

1. Профессиональный опыт. В каких организациях, и на каких должностях работал ранее, какие должностные обязанности выполнял, что нравилось, а что не нравилось в предыдущей работе, какие были заработки, почему решил сменить место работы, что вызывает затруднения в работе.

2. Образование. Какое учебное заведение заканчивал, что нравилось, а что не нравилось в учебе, какие учебные предметы давались легче, а какие труднее, с какими результатами закончил образование, хотел бы повысить уровень образования или нет.

3. Социально-экономический статус и семейное положение. Состав семьи, образование и профессии членов семьи, ее финансовое положение.

4. Способность к социальной адаптации. Отношения с другими людьми, интересы мужа (жены), увлечения и хобби, состояние здоровья.

5. Личностные качества. Общая зрелость личности, эмоциональная стабильность, умение ладить с людьми, умение адаптироваться, ответственность, инициативность.

После получения и анализа данной информации, как правило, дастся заключение о кандидате, куда включается обобщенная характеристика тех показателей, которые будут способствовать успешному выполнению профессиональных обязанностей, а также тех показателей, которые будут этому мешать. В заключении также, часто, указывается степень соответствия кандидата требованиям предполагаемой должности.

An unstructured interview includes only the most common topics for discussion. In an unstructured interview, the approach to it, the choice of questions and their formulation of questions is left to the discretion of the interviewer. The main disadvantage of this type of interview is the lack of sufficient consistency of assessments among different interviewers, i.e. their low reliability. When conducting an unstructured interview, different interviewers may emphasize those aspects of information about the interviewee that they think are most significant. Therefore, comparing the results of an unstructured interview can be quite difficult. However, an unstructured interview has several advantages.

1. Оно создает возможность уделять больше внимания смыслу задаваемых вопросов, а не их формулировкам. Интервьюер может изменять формулировку вопросов, чтобы сделать их более понятными для опрашиваемого (в структурированном интервью такой возможности нет).

2. Неструктурированное интервью по форме приближается к обычной беседе, поэтому опрашиваемый находится в более естественном состоянии, по сравнению с ситуацией структурированного интервью, что побуждает его давать более естественные ответы.

3. Неструктурированное интервью часто позволяет получить более глубокую информацию об опрашиваемом. Здесь интервьюер может задавать дополнительные вопросы относительно тех аспектов, которые его заинтересовали, что также исключается в структурированном интервью.

Ситуативное интервью разрабатывается специально для конкретных работ, профессий и должностей. Вопросы в данном виде интервью касаются не общих характеристик индивида, а реальных типов поведения, необходимых для успешного выполнения предполагаемой профессиональной деятельности. Поэтому, первый этап разработки программы ситуативного интервью – это подготовка описаний типов поведения в той или иной ситуации, которые различают успешных и неуспешных работников. Такие описания подготавливаются на основе подробного анализа профессиональной деятельности. Затем на основе этих описаний формулируются вопросы, касающиеся того, как бы кандидат поступил в той или иной ситуации, при этом варианты ответов на данные вопросы отражают степень правильности реагирования на данную ситуацию.

Процедура проведение интервью

When building an interview program, it is necessary to take into account that the process of interviewing is a process of social and psychological interaction that has its stages. Based on this, the sequence of questions asked must meet several requirements.

More complex questions should follow more simple ones. At the first stages, it is necessary to involve the respondent in the interviewing process as deeply as possible, and this can be done by asking simple questions that do not require much thought. Thanks to this, as the interviewee is involved in an interview, it will be easier for him to answer more complex questions.

In terms of meaning, questions should follow one after another in such a way that subsequent questions logically continue and clarify previous ones.

Вопросы, которые могут смутить или поставить опрашиваемого человека в неловкое положение, не следует задавать слишком поспешно и прямолинейно.

На первом этапе проведения интервью интервьюер должен, прежде всего, постараться установить благоприятный контакт с опрашиваемым человеком и снизить напряжение и стресс, возникающие от самой ситуации интервьюирования. Кроме того, на данном этапе, интервьюеру также необходимо оценить общий уровень развития опрашиваемого человека и его способность правильно понимать интервьюера. Это во многом поможет определить, каким образом нужно строить интервью в целом.

В основной части интервью главная задача состоит в создании оптимальных условий для получения наиболее полной и точной информации об опрашиваемом человеке. Интервьюер должен добиться того, чтобы кандидат говорил о том, о чем хочет услышать интервьюер. Для достижения этого интервьюер может использовать ряд приемов.

1. Не следует задавать вопросы, на которые можно ответить однозначно "да" или "нет". Вопросы должны быть сформулированы так, чтобы дать опрашиваемому человеку возможность выговориться.

2. Интервьюеру следует выдерживать паузу после того, как опрашиваемый, казалось бы, уже закончил отвечать, чтобы дать ему возможность сказать немного больше.

3. В начале интервью следует затронуть ряд различных тем, чтобы посмотреть, что вызывает у человека желание говорить, а что такого желания не вызывает. При этом следует выяснить, почему человек не желает говорить на определенные темы.

4. Не следует задавать одновременно более одного вопроса.

5. Не следует в какой-либо форме демонстрировать свое отношение к ответам опрашиваемого.

6. Не следует проявлять нетерпение.

7. Следует использовать только тот язык, который понятен опрашиваемому.

8. Когда опрашиваемый дает значимую информацию, следует устанавливать положительную обратную связь как вербального, так и невербального характера, поскольку такие реакции передают заинтересованность и стимулируют опрашиваемого говорить еще больше.

В заключительной части интервью, после того, как будут заданы все интересующие его вопросы, следует обязательно поблагодарить опрашиваемого. Формально это будет считаться окончанием интервью. Однако после этого интервьюеру не всегда следует сразу же уходить. Потому что, когда формально интервью закончено, напряжение у опрашиваемого спадает, и он может высказаться о каких-то важных вещах, о которых он боялся говорить в ходе интервью или не считал это важным.

Диагностика групп и команд

Одним из способов распознавания и предвидения проблем в организациях является диагностика, которая представляет собой комплекс способов, методов и приемов изучения организации, позволяющий в короткие сроки и с минимумом затрат получить четкое представление об ее ресурсах, проблемах и возможностях, инициировать позитивные организационные изменения и мобилизовать силы для их проведения. Организационная диагностика представляет собой систематический сбор и анализ информации о состоянии организации с целью выявления проблем ее функционирования, а также определения путей и резервов для их преодоления путем применения концептуальных моделей и методов социальных и поведенческих наук.

Целью социально-психологической диагностики является повышение эффективности работы персонала за счет профилактики конфликтов, повышения командной сплоченности и поддержания основных элементов корпоративной культуры компании. Социально-психологическую диагностику коллектива целесообразно проводить для:

– оптимизации процессов межличностного взаимодействия сотрудников компании;

– выявления источников социально-психологической напряженности, причин неоднократных увольнений сотрудников и снижения возможности возникновения конфликтов в коллективе;

– выявления "слабых мест" в деятельности команды и повышения эффективности ее функционирования;

– оценки эффективности проводимой кадровой политики.

Социально-психологическая диагностика позволяет оценить:

– готовность к совместной работе;

– групповую сплоченность;

– наличие группировок и неформальных лидеров;

– причины возникновения и источники социально-психологической напряженности;

– схемы взаимодействия и информационного обмена между подразделениями;

– дублирование функций, функциональные пересечения;

– оценку социально-психологического климата в коллективе;

– удовлетворенность трудом и основные мотиваторы деятельности;

– индивидуально-личностные особенности оцениваемых сотрудников и прогноз поведения в будущем.

Для получения достоверной информации в ходе диагностического исследования необходимо использовать не менее двух различных методик, так как это компенсирует возможные ошибки и помехи, связанные с одним конкретным методом (например, вероятность получить социально желательные ответы). Кроме того, различные методы дают либо качественные, либо количественные данные, что обогащает результаты или данные взаимно подтверждают друг друга, что используется для проверки различной информации и адекватной интерпретации результатов.

В отечественной психологии существует несколько методологических принципов исследования группы. Среди них, по мнению ΙΟ. П. Платонова (2007), наиболее важными являются следующие.

1. Принцип деятельности в исследовании малых групп характеризуется:

– пониманием деятельности как совместной групповой, при этом выделяют формы организации, уровни и содержание совместной деятельности;

– рассмотрением группы, ее феноменов в контексте совместной деятельности индивидов (в качестве объекта исследования принимаются не лабораторные, а только реальные социальные группы, так как именно в них межличностные отношения раскрываются во всей полноте);

– пониманием группы как совокупного субъекта деятельности (соответственно, изучаются его атрибуты – групповые потребности, мотивы, нормы, ценности и т.п.);

– интерпретацией совместной деятельности как основы развития группы.

2. Принцип системности предполагает:

– поиск специфических групповых (системных) новообразований (групповых норм, ценностей, целей, решений и пр.);

– изучение их влияния на индивидуальное поведение;

– обязательное соотнесение индивидуальных характеристик членов группы с деятельностным контекстом группы;

– учет наличия в группе особых интегративных факторов, обеспечивающих сохранение ее качественного своеобразия, нормальное функционирование и развитие;

– необходимость трактовки развертывающихся в труппе процессов и отношений как многоуровневых и многомерных явлений;

– рассмотрение группы как функционирующей во времени открытой системы;

– принятие во внимание двух сфер жизнедеятельности группы: деловой (инструментальной) и социоэмоциональной (межличностной);

– подчеркивание взаимосвязи и взаимовлияния групповых феноменов;

– включение вероятностного фактора в анализ закономерностей группового процесса, понимание сложной (системной) детерминации явлений групповой жизни.

3. The principle of development includes the following points:

- the development of a social group is due to the development of joint activities of its members;

- uneven development of the main spheres of the group’s vital activity due to the specifics of the problem being solved and the characteristics of the organization of its members;

- search and study of mechanisms for group development;

- the movement of the group in a wide time range is considered primarily in relation to the future;

- identification of possible regressive tendencies at different stages of the group’s life.

The mentioned methodological principles are interconnected and in different periods of the group’s vital activity have a different share in the explanation, prediction and design of the processes occurring in it.

Practicing consultants have an acute need for diagnostic methods and evaluating the effectiveness of working groups and teams that are simple enough, economical and do not require excessive time spent on their implementation, as well as data analysis methods that allow you to quickly and efficiently analyze the information received. So, in particular, team diagnostics allows, on the one hand, to get an integrative view - team portrait - and to improve the technology of team building, including the development of information, methodical and procedural support, and, on the other, to achieve the maximum effect from team building by minimizing the number of errors at the stage of implementation and thereby significantly expand the scope of technology teamwork.

The classification of diagnostic methods for small groups and / or teams can be based on five key aspects of intragroup relations.

1. The social aspect of group life (interpersonal relationships and communication: trust and cohesion).

2. The business aspect of group life (the structure of the functional distribution of roles, attitude to work, productivity, decision-making).

3. The system of relations "individual - group" (the individual's perception of the group, norms of value, leadership, leadership and subordination, management of the group, conformity and conformity of the individual).

4. Group development (assessment of the development of the group as a team, team).

5. Socio-psychological climate in the group (SEC).

The first group may include:

- the method of sociometry;

- Q-sort method;

- methods of diagnosing interpersonal relationships of T. Leary, various types of scales (for determining psychological proximity, measuring communicative distance, scale of hostility and acceptance of others);

- Methods for the study of group cohesion (for example, the methodology for determining the value-orientational unity (TSOE) of the group A. V. Petrovsky, V. V. Shpalinsky) and many others.

Special attention should be paid to methods of diagnosing interpersonal compatibility. For example, the “Questionnaire of Interpersonal Relationships by V. V. Shutts” - OMO (author of the Russian version by A. A. Rukavishnikov, 1992). The questionnaire is based on the Schutz theory of three basic needs that underlie communication:

1) inclusion - the need to create and maintain satisfactory relationships with other people, on the basis of which there is interaction and cooperation (attention, recognition, fame);

2) control - the need to create and maintain satisfactory relationships with people, relying on control and strength (strength, influence, authority);

3) affect - the need to create and maintain satisfactory relationships with others, based on love and emotional relationships. OMO allows you to anticipate the behavior of an individual in interpersonal situations, predict social interactions, assess interpersonal relationships through the definition of mutual compatibility, the ratio of "costs" and "income" in the relationship, the preferred intensity (frequency and change) of contact characteristic of the individual / group. OMO can be used in the selection of personnel, in the formulation of working groups, especially in cases where members of groups are dependent on each other, in analyzing group dynamics, and in eliminating interpersonal conflicts in a group.

The second group of methods consists of the following.

1. Methods and techniques for diagnosing functional role positions in a group (team). The study of team roles is an important part of diagnosing both the team as a whole and the building of the team building process.

It is possible to diagnose team roles by various methods and with varying degrees of accuracy. First, it is the diagnosis of attitudes, when individual preferences and general attitudes to teamwork and cooperation (motivational and value aspects of competencies) are determined using questionnaires, self-reports, biographical interviews, and interviews on the analysis of behavioral examples. Secondly, the diagnostics of abilities, allowing to evaluate the intellect, the level of development of critical and creative thinking, personal orientations. Finally, the qualification of behavior, when assessing the readiness and ability to perform a role through situational and behavioral testing, business games, observation in real activity, organization of assessment centers.

Most often, for these purposes, consulting practitioners use the role-based approach and the corresponding self-perception questionnaire R. M. Belbin, which is designed to assess the compliance of participants with the team roles they play. The highest score in a team role indicates how well the respondent can fulfill this role in the management or project team. Such a team role, which the individual most closely matches, is called the main one. The next result after the highest one denotes the supporting role to which the individual should switch, if for some reason the main team role is not needed by the group. Finally, the two lowest scores for a team role reveal possible shortcomings. In this case, the manager can find a colleague with virtues that compensate for these shortcomings.

2. Scales on the analysis of the structure and quality of working relationships that allow you to compare real and ideal working relationships in an organization and determine the type of these relationships (adaptive, medium-adaptive and maladaptive).

3. Test questionnaires to determine leadership style, subordination style, management decision-making styles. These include:

- the method of A. L. Zhuravlev for the definition of leadership styles, describing three basic (directive, collegiate, connivial) and five intermediate leadership styles;

- the projective method of determining the style orientations of the behavior of the head A. A. Ershov;

- K. L. Wilson's questionnaire "The cycle of managerial skills", which allows to analyze six successive phases of the manager's activities (clarification of goals, planning, creating conditions, feedback, control, promotion);

- a method for determining management decision-making styles by E. V. Markova (E. V. Markova, 2001), which allows describing situational, authoritarian, marginal, implementing, and permissive decision-making styles by a manager;

- methodology for the definition of subordination styles Μ. E. Raskumandrina (Μ. E. Raskumandrina, 2005), defining the situational, manipulative, marginal, normative style and the “person of business” style.

4. Methods for diagnosing role conflicts. Despite the fact that organizational psychology has a fairly extensive arsenal of organizational and psychological methods of diagnosis and intervention, the problem of methods applied to the diagnosis and regulation of role conflicts in organization and organizational behavior remains extremely relevant.

As examples of general psychological methods of diagnosing role conflict, we can cite the experiment method that was used to measure the compatibility of a role as a social function of a person in society and attribution, as a relationship of an individual to social phenomena in the sense of their acceptance - rejection. For the experiment, two opposite professional roles of the prosecutor and the defense counsel were selected. The stimulus material was a series of actions that the subjects had to evaluate first from the position of their role, and then from the opposite position, the latter situation created role conflict. The analysis showed that the fulfillment of the role is connected with the formation of a certain attribute, which was expressed in the evaluation of the proposed actions: prosecutors and lawyers evaluated the same actions differently, while representatives of the same role evaluated the same actions almost equally. When the subjects were asked to evaluate actions from the point of view of the opposite role, then with the change in the role of the majority of subjects, the assessment of actions also changed. However, the experiment revealed subjects who were not able to evaluate actions from a position opposite to their professional role. Here we dealt with the fact of disagreement between the requirements of the new role and the existing attitudes, which makes it impossible to accept the new role. In this situation, the subjects refused to perform the task. In other words, part of the subjects (about 35%), having fallen into the situation of role conflict, were unable to cope with it, showing an inadequate solution to the conflict situation. It should be noted that among these people there were such subjects who, in their lives, changed one social role to the opposite (former prosecutors worked as lawyers), but at the same time fulfilling a new social role, they note the conflict state due to the difficulty of meeting the requirements of the new role: " it's hard to defend a criminal because I was a prosecutor. "

Sociometry, as a method of studying social and psychological positions in a group, allows us to identify the following roles in the system of group and interpersonal relations: leader, star, preferred, indifferent, rejected, and to identify conflicts based on the characteristics of relationships between people in various positions. Especially interesting results are obtained by the method in combination with the methods of diagnostics of functional role-playing positions and the method of T. Lary, which is focused on the diagnosis of interpersonal relations and personality traits that are significant when interacting with other people. This combination allows you to get meaningful material about the causes of conflicts.

Using the method of T. Lari, it is possible to identify a mismatch in the ideas of partners of interaction regarding certain social roles, which ultimately provokes conflict interaction. However, in this case, it is necessary to modify the instructions for completing the questionnaire by introducing roles from the point of view of which the interaction takes place.

The following methods and techniques can be attributed to the specific methods of measuring role conflicts. Their essence is that they were specially created for the study, measurement, diagnosis of role conflict and its severity and are formalized. It is possible to note the scale of role conflict in the activities of the head of the hierarchical control system S. I. Erina, which is specifically designed to diagnose the degree of role conflict in the activities of a manager and makes it possible to divide managers into "highly conflict", "low conflict" and "middle conflict" in a situation of competing demands, expectations for the social role of the leader.

The scale allows you to diagnose the existence of a psychological conflict and the degree of its severity when performing a social role in terms of cross-expectations in relation to it as a manager.

The data obtained on a scale allow us to conclude which parties in the activities of a manager cause conflicting experiences: i.e. determine the types of role conflict that are most relevant for a particular leader (multiplicity of functions, pressure differences “from above” and “below”, etc.), which makes it possible to determine the ways and specificity of individual work with a manager.

The indicators obtained on the scale of the Republic of Kazakhstan can be included as one of the component components in the assessment of business and personal qualities of managers and be taken into account when determining the opportunities and prospects of a particular manager.

There are modifications of this scale for different roles (teacher, mother role, special forces fighter, military leader). This may also include a questionnaire on role tensions (role conflict), which is a questionnaire version of the role conflict conflict modification aimed at identifying unsuccessful weak links in the control system and manager’s difficulties in a hierarchical control system, a questionnaire diagnosing the degree of personality paradoxality aimed at diagnosing the type the personality of a manager who is sustainable — unstable to situations of conflicting expectations in a hierarchical management system and able to solve problems integration of conflicting expectations for the role of a leader in situations characteristic of Kazakhstan.

Another group of methods is not specifically designed to measure role conflicts, i.e. these are the so-called non-specific methods, which, being focused on the analysis of social roles, the role structure of interaction in conditions of group activity, the measurement of “I” installations and other phenomena can be used to identify individual indicators characterizing the range of roles of the personality and their role conflict. All of these methods are described in detail in the literature. All the noted techniques can be used not only as psychodiagnostic, but also as active methods for changing role-playing behavior.

The third group of methods allows to evaluate the specificity of relations in the system "individual group (team)". In this regard, it is necessary to determine the personal characteristics that affect the individual's organizational and group behavior. These include: the desire for power and authoritarianism, social sensitivity and Macchaiavelism, the locus of control, focus on achievement, risk appetite, dogmatism, emotional stability. All of these characteristics can be diagnosed using a wide range of methods and scales developed in modern psychology (for example, the scale of Macchiavalerism by V. V. Znakov, the questionnaire of G. Schubert for determining the severity of risk appetite, the test for diagnosing A. Mehrabian’s affiliation motives, scale D. Rotter to determine the level of subjective control, self-monitoring test M. Snyder and others.).

The process of diagnosing teams can be

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Часть 2 Измерение организационных феноменов - 8. METHODS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTICS IN


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