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1. The emergence and development of information technology


In the scientific and scientifically-methodical literature devoted to the problems of informatization of higher professional education (works by B.S. Gershunsky, A.L. Denisova, S.R. Domanova, A.N. Tikhonova, G.A. Kozlova, I.V. Maruseva, I.V. Robert, Yu.M.Tsevenkova, E.Yu.Semenova, etc.), such one-order synonymic expressions such as "new information technologies", "computer-training technologies", "computer pedagogical technologies" and others are often found This suggests that the terminology in this field of research and its corresponding n onatiya not yet settled.

The arrival of new hardware, software and communication facilities in higher educational institutions gradually led to the replacement of the term "computer technology" by the concept of "information technology". Under the information technology we will understand the processes of accumulation, processing, presentation and use of information through electronic means. They are characterized by the environment in which they are implemented and the components it contains:

  • technical environment (type of equipment used to solve basic problems);
  • software environment (a set of software tools for the implementation of ITO);
  • subject environment (content of a specific subject area of ​​science, technology, knowledge);
  • methodical environment (instructions, procedures for use, performance evaluation, etc.).

Information - all the information that reduces the degree of uncertainty of our knowledge about a particular object. Information technology (IT) - a system of information conversion procedures for the purpose of forming, organizing, processing, distributing and using information. The basis of modern IT is:

- computer processing of information according to specified algorithms;

- storage of large amounts of information on machine-readable media;

- transfer information to any distance in a limited time.

Information technology training - a set of methods and technical means of collecting, organizing, storing, processing, transmitting and presenting information that expands the knowledge of people and develops their ability to manage technical and social processes.

E.I. Mashbits and N.F. Talyzin consider information technology training as a set of training programs of various types: from the simplest programs that provide knowledge control, to training systems based on artificial intelligence.

VF Sholokhovich proposes to define ITO from the point of view of its content as a branch of didactics, engaged in the study of a systematically and consciously organized learning process and the assimilation of knowledge, in which the tools of informatization of education are used.

A meaningful analysis of the above definitions shows that currently there are two clearly defined approaches to the definition of ITO. In the first of them, it is proposed to consider it as a didactic process organized using a set of fundamentally new tools and data processing methods (training methods) introduced into the learning system, representing purposeful creation, transmission, storage and display of information products (data, knowledge, ideas) with the lowest cost and in accordance with the laws of the cognitive activities of students. In the second case we are talking about creating a specific technical learning environment in which the key place is taken by the information technologies used.

Thus, in the first case we are talking about information technology training (as a learning process), and in the second case about the use of information technology in education (as the use of information tools in training).

ITO should be understood as an IT application to create new opportunities for the transfer and perception of knowledge, assess the quality of training and comprehensive development of the individual.

The term “new information technologies (NIT) is often found in the scientific-methodical and popular literature. This is a fairly broad concept for various practical applications. The adjective "new" in this case emphasizes the innovative, that is, fundamentally different from the previous direction of technical development. Their introduction is an innovative act in the sense that it radically changes the content of various activities in organizations, educational institutions, everyday life, etc.

Using modern teaching tools and instrumental environments, you can create beautifully designed software products that do not bring anything new to the development of the theory of learning. In this case, we can only talk about the automation of various aspects of the learning process, the transfer of information from paper to the computer version, etc.

To speak about a new information technology of education is possible only if:

  • it satisfies the basic principles of pedagogical technology (preliminary design, reproducibility, goal formation, integrity);
  • it solves problems that were not previously theoretically or practically solved in didactics;

A means of preparing and transmitting information to the student is a computer and information technology.

Table 1.1.

Information technology used in higher education in Russia

№ p

IT name

English name



Electronic textbook

electronic textbook



Multi-media system

multimedia system



Expert system

experts system



CAD system

computer aided design



Electronic library catalog

electronic library



Data Bank, Database




Local and distributed (global) computing systems

Local and Wide area networks




electronic mail



Voice Email




Bulletin board

bulletin system



Teleconferencing system




Automated Research Management System

Computer research system

aided CAR


Automated organizational management system

Management information system



Desktop electronic printing

dest-top publishing


Summarizing what has been said, it is proposed to understand the information technology of education in vocational training of specialists as a system of general pedagogical, psychological, didactic, private-methodical procedures for interaction between teachers and trainees, taking into account technical and human resources, aimed at designing and implementing content, methods, forms and information teaching aids adequate to education, features of future activities and requirements for professionally important qualities of a specialist.

ICT tools in the education system:


  • Computer - Universal Information Processing Device
  • Printer - allows you to record on paper information found and created by students or a teacher for students. For many school applications, a color printer is necessary or desirable.
  • Projector - Radically Enhances:
    • level of visibility in the work of the teacher,
    • opportunity for students to present the results of their work to the whole class.
  • The telecommunications bloc (for rural schools, primarily satellite communications) gives access to Russian and international information resources, allows distant education, and correspondence with other schools.
  • Devices for entering textual information and manipulating screen objects are a keyboard and a mouse (and various devices of similar purpose), as well as handwriting input devices. Appropriate devices play a special role for students with motor problems, for example, with cerebral palsy.
  • Devices for recording (input) of visual and sound information (scanner, camera, video camera, audio and video tape recorder) - make it possible to directly include information images of the surrounding world into the educational process
  • Data logging devices (sensors with interfaces) - significantly expand the class of physical, chemical, biological, environmental processes involved in education while reducing training time spent on routine data processing
  • Computer-controlled devices - enable students of various levels of abilities to master the principles and technologies of automatic control
  • Intra-class and intraschool networks - allow for more efficient use of existing information, technical and temporary (human) resources, provide general access to the global information network
  • Audio-video tools provide an effective communication environment for educational work and public events.

Software :

  • General purpose and associated with hardware (drivers, etc.) - provide an opportunity to work with all types of information (see above).
  • Sources of information - organized information arrays - encyclopedias on CD, information sites and Internet search systems, including specialized for educational applications.
  • Virtual designers allow you to create visual and symbolic models of mathematical and physical reality and conduct experiments with these models.
  • Simulators - allow you to work out automatic skills of working with information objects - text input, operating with graphic objects on the screen, etc., written and oral communication in the language environment.
  • Test environments - allow you to design and apply automated tests in which the student receives a task in whole or in part through a computer and the result of the task is also fully or partially evaluated by a computer.
  • Comprehensive training packages (electronic textbooks) - combinations of software of the above types - most automating the learning process in its traditional forms, most labor-intensive in creating (while achieving a reasonable quality and level of utility), most limiting the independence of the teacher and the student.
  • Management Information Systems - ensure the passage of information flows between all participants in the educational process - students, teachers, administration, parents, and the public.
  • Expert systems - a software system that uses the knowledge of an expert expert to effectively solve problems in any subject area.

The evolution of information technology

The appearance of the first printing press and printing press (1445) produced the first information revolution.

Information technology - a set of methods, production and software and hardware, combined in a technological chain, providing for the collection, storage, processing, output and dissemination of information to reduce the complexity of the processes of using information resources, increase reliability and efficiency.

Stage I continued until the beginning of the 60s of the XX century. The computers of the first and second generations were operated. The main criterion for the creation of information technology was the saving of machine resources. The goal is maximum equipment load. Characteristic features of this stage: programming in machine codes, the emergence of flowcharts, programming in symbolic processes, the development of libraries of standard programs, autocodes, machine-oriented languages, and assembler. Achievement in programming technology was the development of optimizing translators and the emergence of the first real-time control programs and batch mode.

Stage II lasted until the early 80s. Released mini-computers and third-generation computers on large integrated circuits. The main criterion for the creation of information technology has become the saving of a programmer’s labor. The goal is to develop programming tools. There are second-generation operating systems operating in three modes: real time, time sharing and batch mode. High-level languages, application packages, database management systems, design automation systems, interactive means of communicating with computers, new programming technologies (structural and modular), global networks have been developed. There was a science - "Informatics".

Stage III continued until the beginning of the 90s. In the late 1970s, a personal computer was designed, which produced a second information revolution. Information becomes a resource along with materials, energy, and capital. A new economic category has emerged - national information resources. The depletion of natural resources has led to the use of reproducible resources based on the application of scientific knowledge. Professional knowledge is exported through the sale of high-tech products. The gaming component has penetrated into the production culture. Production is again becoming small-scale with a rapid increase in labor productivity and an increase in the range of products produced.

Stage IV - the 90s of the XX century. During this period, information technologies are being developed to automate knowledge. The goal is the informatization of society (see below). There are machines with parallel data processing - transputers; portable computers that are not inferior in power large; graphic operating systems; new technologies: multimedia systems; hypertext; object-oriented technology. Telecommunications are becoming a medium of communication between people. The prerequisites for the formation of a common market of knowledge through distance learning, electronic memory of humanity on culture, art, population, science, etc. have been created. Distance learning, automated offices, worldwide product catalogs are being introduced. Countries are becoming dependent on information sources, on the level of development and on the effectiveness of using information transmission and processing facilities. The stage of informatization of society is coming.

Informatization of society - a set of interrelated political, socio-economic, scientific factors that provide free access to every member of society to any sources of information other than the legislatively secret.

See also

created: 2014-10-16
updated: 2021-12-08

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Information technology in research

Terms: Information technology in research