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4. The use of information and communication technologies in education


1. Stages of informatization of education

2. The advantages of using ICT in education over traditional education

3. The main directions of the use of ICT in the educational process

4. The most important tasks of informatization of education

5. Trends in the development of informatization of education

Stages of education informatization

A retrospective analysis of the process of introducing and using computers and computer technologies in the educational process allowed us to identify three stages of informatization of education (conventionally called electronicization , computerization and informatization of the educational process) [4].

The first stage of informatization of education (electronization) was characterized by the widespread introduction of electronic tools and computing equipment in the process of preparing students first for technical specialties (late 50s - early 60s), and then humanitarian specialties (late 60s - early 70s ) and suggested learning the basics of algorithmization and programming, elements of the algebra of logic, mathematical modeling on a computer.

A similar approach involved the development of students' algorithmic style of thinking, mastering some programming languages, mastering computer skills using computational logic algorithms. The relatively low productivity of computers of that time, the lack of easy-to-use, intuitively understandable for the average user (not a programmer) and user-friendly software tools did not contribute to the widespread use of computer technology in the field of humanitarian education.

The second stage of informatization of education ( computerization) (from the mid-70s to the 90s) is associated with the emergence of more powerful computers, software that has a friendly interface, and is characterized primarily by the use of interactive human-computer interaction. Students as subjects of the educational process for the first time got the opportunity, working on a computer, to interact with models - “deputies” of real objects and, most importantly, to manage objects of study. Computer-based educational technologies made it possible, on the basis of modeling, to investigate various (chemical, physical, social, pedagogical, etc.) processes and phenomena. Computer equipment began to act as a powerful learning tool in automated systems of varying degrees of intelligence. In the field of education, automated systems for learning, knowledge control, and learning management have become increasingly used [4, 8].

The third, modern, stage of informatization of education is characterized by the use of powerful personal computers, high-speed high-capacity drives, new information and telecommunication technologies, multimedia technologies and virtual reality, as well as a philosophical understanding of the current process of informatization and its social consequences [5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11].

The advantages of using ICT in education over traditional education

E.I. Mashbits to the set of significant advantages of using a computer in training before the traditional classes include the following:

1. Information technology significantly expands the possibilities of presenting educational information. The use of color, graphics, sound, all modern video equipment allows you to recreate the real situation of activity.

2. computer allows you to significantly increase the motivation of students to learn. Motivation is enhanced by the use of adequate incentives to correct problem solving.

3. ICTs involve students in the learning process, contributing to the widest possible disclosure of their abilities, and enhancing mental activity.

4. The use of ICT in the educational process increases the possibility of setting educational tasks and managing the process of solving them. Computers allow you to build and analyze models of various objects, situations, phenomena.

5. ICTs allow for a qualitative change in the control of students' activities, while ensuring flexibility in the management of the learning process.

6. The computer contributes to the formation of reflection in students. The tutorial gives students the opportunity to visually present the result of their actions, determine the stage in the solution of the problem in which the error was made, and correct it.

The main directions of the use of ICT in the educational process

Let us try to systematize where and how it is advisable to use information technologies in training, given that modern computers allow integrating texts, graphics, sound, animation, video clips, high-quality photographic images, large volumes of full-screen video, the quality of which is not inferior to television:

1) while presenting new material - visualization of knowledge (demonstration and encyclopedic programs; program of Power Point presentations);

2) conducting virtual laboratory work using training programs such as "Physicon", "Live Geometry";

3) consolidation of the material presented (training - a variety of training programs, laboratory work);

4) monitoring and verification system (testing with assessment, monitoring programs);

5) independent work of students (tutor-type educational programs, encyclopedias, developmental programs);

6) when it is possible to abandon the class-less system: conducting integrated lessons on the method of projects, the result of which will be the creation of Web-pages, holding teleconferences, the use of modern Internet technologies;

7) training specific student abilities (attention, memory, thinking, etc.).

By programmed learning, we mean the controlled learning of educational material using a training device (computer, programmed textbook, film trainer, etc.). The programmed educational material is a series of relatively small portions of educational information (frames, files, steps) submitted in a certain logical sequence.

The work of Skinner, Crowder and other research teachers gave impetus to the development of three different types of educational programs (EP): linear, branched and adaptive, with the help of which the process of programmed instruction in modern school is built.

Linear EP is a training program in which the entire educational material is divided into a sequence of semantic units ("portions"), logically covering the entire subject. These “portions” should be small enough for the student to make as few mistakes as possible. At the end of each “portion”, control tasks are performed, however, the order in which the “portions” are studied does not depend on the results of these tasks.

Extensive EP differs from linear in that the learner, in the event of an incorrect answer, may be provided with additional information in the performance of control tasks, which will allow him to carry out the control task.

The construction of adaptive EP is based on the hypothesis that a certain amount of errors is necessary for successful learning, i.e. if a student does everything without mistakes, then the effect of learning will be less. The number of errors is used as follows;

a) if the percentage of errors falls below a certain level, then the degree of difficulty of learning is automatically increased;

6) with an increase in the percentage of errors above a certain level, the degree of difficulty automatically decreases.

The most important tasks of informatization of education

1) improving the quality of training based on the use of modern information technologies in the educational process;

2) the use of active learning methods, enhancing the creative and intellectual components of educational activities;

3) integration of various types of educational activities (educational, research, etc.);

4) adaptation of information technology training to the individual characteristics of the student;

5) the development of new information technology training, contributing to the revitalization of the student's cognitive activity and increase motivation for the development of informatics tools and methods for effective use in professional activities;

6) ensuring continuity and continuity in learning;

7) development of information technology for distance learning;

8) improving the software and methodological support of the educational process;

9) the introduction of information technology training in the process of special professional training of specialists in various fields.

One of the most important tasks of informatization of education is the formation of the information culture of a specialist, the level of formation of which is determined, firstly, by knowledge about information, information processes, models and technologies; secondly, skills and abilities to apply means and methods of processing and analyzing information in various activities; thirdly, the ability to use modern information technologies in professional (educational) activities; fourthly, the ideological vision of the world as an open information system.

Trends in the development of education informatization

Currently, the development of the process of informatization of education shows the following trends:

1) the formation of a system of lifelong education as a universal form of activity aimed at the continuous development of the individual throughout his life;

2) the creation of a unified information educational space;

3) active introduction of new teaching aids and methods oriented to the use of information technologies;

4) the synthesis of tools and methods of traditional and computer education;

5) the creation of advanced education.

The content of the teacher’s activities also changes; the teacher ceases to be simply a “loudspeaker” of knowledge, becomes the developer of a new learning technology, which, on the one hand, enhances his creative activity, and on the other, requires a high level of technological and methodological readiness. A new direction of activity of the teacher has appeared - the development of information technology training and program-methodical training complexes.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in the information society, when information becomes the highest value, and the information culture of a person is a determining factor in their professional activities, the requirements for the education system change, there is a significant increase in the status of education.


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Information technology in research

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