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Text as a complete informational and structural whole. Text units


The text, if considered in the system of generalized functional categories, qualifies as the highest communicative unit. This is an integral unit consisting of communicative-functional elements, organized into a system for the implementation of the communicative intention of the author of the text, respectively, the speech situation.

If we accept that the text reflects a certain communicative event, then, therefore, the elements of the event should be correlated with the individual components (or units) of the text. Therefore, the identification of text units and their hierarchy in the general structure of the text helps to reveal the essential characteristics of the text - meaningful, functional, communicative. It should be borne in mind that text units presented, in particular, in the form of statements, reflect only the elements of the situation-event that are significant for the given text; the remaining elements may be omitted because of their clarity, sufficient fame. That is, we are dealing with a certain discrepancy between the statement and the situation reflected in it. This raises the question of the semantic fullness of text units and its sufficiency or insufficiency within the whole text.

The text has its micro and macro semantics, micro and macro structure [1]. The semantics of the text is determined by the communicative task of transmitting information (the text is an informational whole); the structure of the text is determined by the peculiarities of the internal organization of the text units and the regularities of the relationship of these units within the framework of the whole message (text) (the text is a structural whole).

The units of the text at the semantic-structural level are: saying (implemented sentence), interphrase unity (a series of statements combined semantically and syntactically into a single fragment). Interphysical unity, in turn, are combined into larger block fragments, ensuring integrity of the text through the implementation of distant and contact semantic and grammatical links. At the level of the composition, there are units of a qualitatively different plan - paragraphs, paragraphs, chapters, sections, subchapters, etc.

Units of semantic-grammatical (syntactic) and compositional level are interrelated and interdependent, in the particular case they can coincide even in a “spatial” relation, overlapping each other, for example, interphrase unity and paragraph, although they retain their own distinctive features .

Its stylistic and stylistic characteristics are closely related to the semantic, grammatical and compositional structure of the text. Each text reveals a certain more or less pronounced functional-style orientation (scientific text, artistic, etc.) and possesses stylistic qualities dictated by this orientation and, moreover, by the author’s personality.

The stylistic qualities of the text are subject to thematic and general style dominant, which manifests itself throughout the text space.

The construction of the text is determined by the topic, the expressed information, the conditions of communication, the task of the specific message and the chosen style of presentation.

The text as a speech product consists of sequentially combined verbal means (statements, interphrase unity). However, the values ​​enclosed in the text are not always transmitted only by verbal means. For this there are non-verbal means; within the framework of utterance and interphrase unity, this may be word order, juxtaposition of parts, punctuation marks; to emphasize values ​​— means of highlighting (italics, discharge, etc.) For example, with a combination of statements, the Son went to school. Daughter - in kindergarten the comparative meaning has not found for itself a verbal expression; In addition, the predicate is replaced by a dash. Within the framework of more complex text components, such nonverbalized values ​​may turn out to be much larger. For example, the use of interrogative and exclamation marks, replacing entire replicas of the dialogue.

- Look how pretty he is! - Natasha brings me closer to the cage and slides a hand inside, which the baby immediately grabs and as if she shakes. “Such beautiful young orangutans are rare.” Did you notice how he looks like his mother?


- And how! Monkeys have everything, like humans (Mosk. Koms. 1986. November 29).

In this sense, the following example is interesting:

And on the shaven, purple face lost:

- "?"

- “!”

- “!!!”

Totally crazy! (A. Bely. Petersburg)

The image of pauses, hitches in speech, a sharp intonational fracture is carried out with the help of punctuation marks. The timbre, intensity, paralinguistic accompaniment of speech is usually depicted descriptively ( shouting, waving his arms; he looked, his eyes narrowed ). However, such a verbal image of facial expressions, gestures is not necessary. For example, the question, surprise, can only be conveyed by signs: So you saw him? - ???

For the transfer of values ​​in the text are the various default figures, also related to non-verbalized means.

On the other hand, verbalization of “dumb” languages ​​(sign languages, facial expressions) can be made in the text. This, in particular, is served by various remarks in dramatic works or by author descriptions of the corresponding gestures and facial expressions in prose works.

For example: He twists his mouth, strains his throat and breathes:

- And I, sir, tov ... my son died this week.

(A. Chekhov. Tosca);

After crying, the young lady suddenly startled, shouted hysterically:

- Here again! - and suddenly sang a trembling soprano:

- Glorious sea sacred Baikal ...

The courier, who appeared on the stairs, shook his fist at someone and sang along with the young lady in an inaudible, dull baritone:

- Glorified ship, omul barrel! ..

(M. Bulgakov. Master and Margarita)

The so-called mute languages ​​are a full-fledged means of communication in real life. However, they are widely presented verbally and in the text - artistic, publicistic. When perceiving textual description of gestures, it is necessary to take into account their significance within the framework of this linguistic community. In addition, the reader and creator of the text can be separated in time, it can also provoke inadequate perception. For example, a commentary is required on the description of the gesture in the text of A. Chekhov's “Fat and Thin”: Fat, wanting to part in a friendly way, extended his hand, while Tonky shook two fingers and giggled. Another example [2]:

About the head of the department: "... I immediately noticed that he is a Mason: if he gives someone a hand, he sticks out only two fingers " (N. Gogol. Notes from a madman). Misunderstandings can arise when reading a text by a foreign reader, since "dumb »Languages ​​of different nations can vary significantly. For example, a nod in agreement in the countries of the Arab world is perceived as a manifestation of bad manners, if it refers to a stranger or older person.

It is possible to call such a method of transmitting values ​​in the text as the invasion of a uniformly organized space of elements of other texts, “texts in text” (Y. Lotman). These can be live broadcasts - epigraphs, quotes, links. There may be retellings, insertions of other plots, appeals to legends, “alien” stories, etc.

[1] See: D. Barannik. Text as the highest form of realization of the communicative function of speech and its basic units // Semantic and communicative categories of text (Typology and Functioning): Abstracts of the Doc. All-Union Scientific Conference. Yerevan, 1990.

[2] See: Khachaturian ON. "Mute" languages ​​and the perception of an artistic text // Semantic and communicative categories of text (Typology and Functioning): Abstracts of reports of the All-Union Scientific Conference. Yerevan, 1990.


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