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Approximate program of the course "Theory of Text"




The purpose of the discipline is to develop a student's understanding of the text as an object of bibliological and linguistic and stylistic research; help to understand the essence of the text, its concepts and categories; to acquaint with the typology of texts and their components.

The practical task of the discipline is to impart the skills of theoretically grounded analysis of texts and their components.

Requirements for knowledge and skills

The student should have an idea about the forms and patterns of the relationship of external (communicative) factors underlying the construction of the text with the internal constants of the text; about the communicative-pragmatic principle in defining text categories; be able to identify the object (text), give its description, indicate the characteristic properties.

The student must know the laws of the construction of the text and be able to identify the systemic nature of the conditionality of the typologically marked set of speech qualities of the text by the components of the real communicative act; establish a natural relationship between the plan of expression and the plan of content within the text as a speech work.

As a result of studying the discipline, a student should be fluent in special terminology, master the relevant concepts and characteristics, and master the skills of self-analysis of text of different functional and stylistic affiliation (scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic).

The practical experience of the student is revealed in the skills of theoretically grounded analysis of texts and their components.



The subject, goals and objectives of the course. The formation of the theory of the text. Multidimensionality of the study of the text.

Definition of the text as a dynamic communicative unit of the highest order, through which speech communication is carried out.

Functional aspect in the study of the text. Typological type of speech act underlying the generation and functioning of the text. Text as a product of speech activity, as a result of the interaction of the plan of expression and the plan of content.

The pragmatic aspect of the study of the text. Communicative intention and communicative installation of the text.

Text theory as a scientific basis for the search for the optimal variant of speech organization of text.

The text and its perception.

The value of background knowledge in the perception of the text.

Text as a complete informational integer.

Semantic and communicative categories of text

Text as a speech work with the qualities of integrity and coherence. Text units: utterance, interphrase unity, fragment. Integral speech work - the highest communicative unit, the highest form of realization of the communicative function of speech. Verbal and non-verbal means of expressing values ​​in the text.

Text as semantic and structural unity. Verbalization of "dumb" languages ​​in the text (sign language and facial expressions).

Compliance of the text structure with the topic, the information being expressed, the conditions of communication, the tasks and the chosen style of presentation.

The invasion of the text as a uniformly organized semantic space of elements of other texts, “texts in the text” (Yu.M. Lotman).

Meaning and meaning. The depth of reading the text.

Mechanisms of education text.

Speech text organization

Pragmatic text installation and pragmatic installation of the author. Their interaction.

Saying as the minimum unit of text. Statements are informational (descriptive, narrative, argumentative, analyzing type messages) and statements are verifiable (interpretive statements are polemical, persuasive, influential).

Concepts of dictum and modus.

The components of the utterance are theme and rem (this and the new). Rema as the core of the utterance, bearing new information. Theme-rheumatic sequences and their varieties: the theme-rhematic sequence with a cross-cutting theme; subject-rheumatic sequence with hypertema. Jumps in the sequences and their role in the transfer of new information.

The concept of structural connectivity of the text. Left-side and right-side semantic-syntactic means of communication. Violation of text coherence as a literary and aesthetic device.

The concept of integrity of the text. Keywords. Types of re-nomination. The main functions of re-nomination in different texts: text-forming, information-descriptive, situational, expressive-evaluative, stylistically differentiating, reducing. Text forming tools re-nomination. Re-nomination at the level of lexical, stylistic, morphological, syntactic.

Interphrase unity (complex syntactic integer) as a semantic-syntactic unit. Paragraph as a unit of compositional and stylistic. Varieties of interframe unities: unity with the chain dependence of the components, unity with a parallel link, unity of the mixed type.

The concept of the classic paragraph. Varieties of the classic paragraph: synthetic-analytical, analytical-synthetic, frame, paragraph-bunch. Paragraph functions in different texts - logical-semantic, expressive-emotional, excretory, accentuating, separating.

Types of information and functional-semantic types of speech

Factual, conceptual, methodical, emotive information.

Types of speech (presentation): description, narration, reasoning.

Description. The purpose of the description, its construction. Description items. The syntactic structure of the description. Descriptions are static and dynamic. The objective and qualitative character of the rhematic elements of the description. The peculiarity of verb forms. Description in different types of text: a textbook paragraph, bibliographic description, etc.

Narration. The purpose of the story, its construction. The narrations are epic and stage. The structure of the story. The procedural nature of the rhematic elements of the narrative. The peculiarity of verb forms. Narration in different types of text. Influence of narrative tempo on text speech organization.

Reasoning Purpose of reasoning, its construction. Variety of reasoning. Causal and conditional-time dependencies in the components of reasoning. Reasoning in different types of text. Definition and explanation.

Mixed types of presentation.

Coaching as a type of speech. Its structure and nature of verb forms. Instructional texts.

Expression in the text of the author's modality

The concept of the author's modality. Forms of expression of the author's modality.

Triad: the producer of speech - the subject of the narrative - the image of the author. The presentation of the subject of the narrative in different semantic-communicative types of text: personal, personal-impersonal, impersonal.

The image of the author as an expression of personal relationship to the subject image, reflected in the speech structure of the text. Bidirectionality of the concept of the image of the author. The image of the author as a product of co-creation of the author of the work and the reader. The concepts of "image of the author" and "image of style."

Types and varieties of texts

The text is artistic and non-fiction.

The text is monologue and dialogical.

Distinction of author and direct speech. Forms of representing someone else's speech: direct speech, improperly direct speech, indirect speech. Replicas of dialogue and polylogue. Foreign speech in dialogic replicas.

The text is prosaic and poetic. Speech organization prose text (speech abruptly). The speech organization of the poetic text (it is a periodic speech, rhythmically organized).

Forms of representation of authorship in artistic and non-artistic text.

The concept of creolized text.

Official, special, popular science, journalistic, artistic texts; reference, instructive.

Varieties of texts according to their style orientation.

Official business texts and their varieties: diplomatic, legislative, administrative and clerical.

Stylistic originality of different types of official business texts. Terminological features. The peculiarity of paragraph division. The role and value of rubricization, the design of headings. The use of different systems of digital and alphabetic designation headings.

Scientific texts and their varieties: actually scientific, popular science, educational, reference, production and technical.

Stylistic originality of different types and genres of scientific texts.

Terms and their definitions in special scientific texts. Terms and methods of their introduction in popular science texts. Terms in textbooks and tutorials.

Forms of the representation of someone else's speech in the scientific text: citation, reference, implicit introduction.

Different degrees of density of grammatical means in texts of different genres of scientific works (means reflecting the nominative structure of speech, abstraction, personalitylessness, impersonality, etc.).

The manifestation of the author's individuality in the scientific text. The use of emotionally expressive elements of speech. The peculiarity of pictorial and expressive means of language in a scientific text. The secondary nature of their function.

Publicistic texts and their varieties: informational, analytical, artistic and publicistic.

Socio-political terminology is the main layer of vocabulary. Deterministicization (desemantization) of special words, filling them with socio-political content. Semantic processes in vocabulary. Mastering foreign words.

Activation of word-building processes associated with increased evaluation in word-formation models.

Reflection of the influence of colloquial speech style on the syntactic organization of journalistic texts. The role of expressive syntactic constructions.

Expansion of the process of metaphorization of words. Modernization and transformation of stable expressions, literary quotes, popular proverbs and sayings.

Speech standard and stamp in the texts of mass communication. Semantic and compositional features of different texts of mass communication. Stylistic originality of newspaper genres. The concept of the author's position and its presentation in the text.

Advertising texts and their speech features. Highlighting speech contact and recruiting tools.

Artistic texts and their varieties: prose and lyric (poetic). Character nomination in the artistic text. The heterogeneity of the notation for realia (direct and metaphorical meanings). The pragmatic aspect of a literary text: the author of speech and his communicative attitude.

Artistic image as a way to reproduce reality from the standpoint of a certain aesthetic ideal. The concept of "inverted image" (YM Lotman).

The semantic behavior of a word in an artistic text: 1) the removal of a certain ambiguity of a word as a unit of a dictionary; 2) actualization of the hidden meanings of the word, creating a new vision of the world and its assessment; 3) the creation of semantic multiplicity of words.

Syntactic of linguistic forms as an internal form of semantic increments (V. Vinogradov).

The stylistic dominant and the problems of the holistic study of the artistic text. Dominant as a principle correlated with the image of the author, the author's modality; dominant as a semantic component, semantic theme; dominant as a compositional reception of artistic text; dominant as an advanced language tool, language reception.

Actualization of poetic meaning in lyrical texts.

Contextual diversity and “multilingual” artistic text.

The interaction of non-linguistic (plot, composition, grouping of characters, the context of concrete reality, etc.) and the actual means of speech in a work of art. The presence of subtext in the artwork. Ideologically-aesthetically motivated deviations from speech norms.

Information richness of the text.

Informativeness and ways to improve it

The concept of information richness of the text and informative text.

The concept of stress and stress text. The intensity of presentation in terms of content - the amount of information received by the reader in a form unit; expression intensity in terms of expression is the number of form units per information unit. Dispensing of “packaging material” (L.Sherby's term) of parts of the text that do not carry essential information, but are necessary for readers with limited perception of semantic information.

Tension lexical and tension compositional syntactic. Relieve tension.

Ways to create a structurally stressful text: 1) the formation of jumps in the theme-rhematic sequences; 2) the use of informative-compact statements (simple instead of complex) while maintaining the content; 3) the use of statements with secondary predicates; 4) the use of different types of syntactic compression; 5) preference for implicit types of syntactic connection and reduction of the role of explicit communication; 6) zero representation of the subject of action, state.

A measure of pragmatic information in the text. The discrepancy between the amount of information contained in the text and the amount of information perceived by the reader. The reasons for this discrepancy are objective (related to the laws of the construction of the text; with the asymmetry of the linguistic mark) and subjective (related to the degree of readiness of the reader). Linear text deployment structure and deep message structure.

Ways to improve the information qualities of the text - intense and extensive. Intensive way as a way of folding information; extensive method as a way of expanding information by maximizing the message details.

Information compression processes in the text

Information compression as a compression of the signifier while maintaining the plan of the signified.

Asymmetric dualism of the linguistic sign (non-identity of the plan of expression and the plan of content) as the basis for compression of the plan of expression.

Extralinguistic motifs that determine the compression of information: the requirements of speech pragmatics (for example, the use of the term as a semiotic means of information compression); aesthetic principle or the canon of the genre (for example, in aphoristics); stylistic device (for example, intentional default).

Semantic information compression and grammatical factors. Information minimum of brief and extended information. The concept of textual norms (especially for business and reference books).

Methods of information compression in the text: semiotic and communicative.

Semiotic methods: 2) lexical compression (for example, the use of terms); b) syntactic compression (phenomena of ellipsis, incompleteness, lack of union); c) syntactic asymmetry (omitting the logical links of the utterance present in the plan of the signified); d) the formation of speech stereotypes.

Communicative ways: a) communicative folding of information; b) the application of re-nomination.

General linguistic capabilities of information compression and features of a specific communicative situation.

The principles and possibilities of compression of information in the text of a particular genre.

Informational structural and tonal (stylistic and stylistic) characteristics of the text

Information and structural quality of the text - consistency, coherence and integrity, accuracy, clarity, clarity, accessibility.

The main advantages of the presentation in the text: consistency and simplicity - a direct sequence of presentation; clarity - the predictability of subsequent elements of the text; accuracy - the coincidence of the naming by the author and the reader's perception of concepts and concepts; connectivity - the presence in the fragments of the text of common linguistic-conceptual elements; clarity - the ability to determine the meaning; clarity - the ability to overcome the "obstacles" that arise during the transfer of information.

The tonal and literary qualities of the text - correctness of speech, clarity of speech, culture of speech. Correctness - compliance with the language norm; purity and euphony of speech - the absence of elements that are not characteristic of this style of presentation, the culture of speech as a high level of mastery of literary language in all the richness of its expressive possibilities.

Style as a means of implementing a constructive idea of ​​the text of a work.

The embodiment in the style of the personal relationship of the author to the subject of the image.

The relative nature of the concept of "accuracy of speech." The accuracy of speech in the text as matching the style of the situation.

Style is a property of the plane of expression and the means of the plan of content, the realization of the motive of the appearance of an idea. Individual “syllable” as an embodiment, “materialization” of the author's idea. Value concepts of the image of the author and the image of style.

created: 2015-07-24
updated: 2024-11-14

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Theories of the Text

Terms: Theories of the Text