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The theory of text, as a scientific and, moreover, academic discipline, has not yet been sufficiently developed as a consistent and comprehensive system of knowledge about the text. However, it is obvious that research in the field of functional syntax, functional stylistics, psychology of the creative process, in the field of learning verbal means and methods of information transfer inevitably lead to text analysis - its typology, analysis of its structural and semiotic characteristics and communicative qualities.

First of all, the question of the typology of texts requires particular attention and, in this connection, of the typological characteristics of texts, since the very notion “type of text” has not yet been adequately interpreted. Apparently, it is necessary to accumulate research materials of empirically existing forms of text manifestation. The generalization of these materials will make it possible to formulate criteria for evaluating the typological characteristics of the text. It is clear that these criteria should be based on the signs of communicative (external) and intra-textual.

Another, no less complex and differently solved problem is the problem “author and text”. The study of the text taking into account the problem of the author allows you to get closer to the most important in the structure and content of the phenomenon "text". The connection between the concept of the creative process and the product of its implementation (the text) can provide material for a more accurate picture of the author as a certain historical type and at the same time a peculiar individuality. This connection is especially important for artistic and scientific texts, where the concepts of the image of the author and the image of the author’s style are directly connected with the essence of the text as a whole literary work.

The image of the author is not a fictitious epic narrator, but, on the other hand, it is not a real historical person. The image of the author is a subject constructed by the reader in the process of perceiving the semantic organization and literary design of the work, i.e. it is not a purely objective reality, but the result of the reader’s interpretation and evaluation of the work. On the other hand, this is not a purely subjective category, since both the genre conditionality of the text, its semantic organization, and even literary formalization cannot be purely subjective [1].

Among the problems of the text there are many other, more private ones, but it is important that researchers are increasingly interested in the problems of the text, and this is a guarantee that science will be enriched with new data. The importance of resolving text problems is obvious. And not only in theoretical terms, but also in practical terms: authors, publishers, editors need knowledge about the object of their work.


[1] See: Rolf Figut, Author and dramatic text // Author and text: Sat. articles / ed. V.M. Markovich and Wolf Schmid. SPb., 1996. S. 61.


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