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1.2. Site. His life cycle. Specifications. Domain statuses


site . Its life cycle. Characteristics

Every site that goes into commercial production has a life cycle, but its nature and extent is not easy to predict.

The typical life cycle of a site (LCC) and the nature of traffic and profits throughout (LCC) are presented by a curve

1.2.  Site.  His life cycle.  Specifications.  Domain statuses
so that there is no recession make a website redesign
It is important not to miss the moment when the profit from the site begins to decline. At this time, it is necessary to reconstruct the site, after which the profit from the site increases. At the same time, the achievement of a new peak in profit occurs in a shorter time frame. Then everything is repeated again as long as there is a specific business.

Thus, the life cycle of the site, and, consequently, the change in site traffic, depends on a number of reasons, the main among which are the following: site promotion and promotion ; the number of people interested in this topic; target audience size; number of competing sites. The study of the life cycle of the site will allow the company not to lose its position in the market
According to Rambler, for the period 2004-2008, 75% of sites live less than 4 years.
Over time, the average rate of "survival" of resources decreases. If in the first year of life more than half (57%) of the resources survive, then by the 5th year of life, only 25% of the resources remain in the network.

domain s. Domain life cycle

Any website on the Internet is accessible by a word domain (it is also possible by a SP address). For domain delegation you need to pay the registrar.

All domains are hierarchical. The site says about it. the first level represents regional or thematic affiliation.

Each zone may have its own special rules for domain registration, for example, you need to have the citizenship of the country or the rights to a trademark of the same name.

The lifecycle stages of all domains can be provided in the diagram below:

An important domain status is registered. registration usually lasts from a month to 10 years.

and can be extended for the same period an unlimited number of times.

however, if at the end of the domain delegation term the registrant has not renewed the domain, then the procedure for deleting the demen for non-payment is started, the total period of which lasts approximately 1-2 months.

1.2.  Site.  His life cycle.  Specifications.  Domain statuses

Recently, the importance of the site domain has been decreasing due to the increase in the quality of search engines. and if your site has unique content (less often a service), then the domain name does not really matter.

Removal of domain delegation for non-payment

If the renewal of the service is not paid before the expiration of its validity period, the provision of the service is suspended (domain delegation is canceled) the next day after the date specified in the Expiration Date field in the Whois service. If the scheduled shutdown date falls on a weekend or holiday, the domain shutdown is carried over to the second business day after the weekend.

Within 30 days after the expiration of the service, the Domain Administrator can still pay for its renewal. In case of payment, the service is resumed.

Removing domains from Registries in international and foreign national domains

If the renewal of the domain registration is not paid within 30 days from the date of expiration of the service, the domain delegating company initiates the domain deletion procedure in the Registry. If the date of deletion falls on a weekend or holiday, the start of the domain deletion procedure may be postponed to the second business day after the weekend.

The procedure for deleting a domain in the Registry takes 35 days. The exceptions are:

  • .HN domains, the deletion of which lasts 15 days, and the domain cannot be restored or renewed during this period;
  • .NAME domains that are deleted 30 days after the expiration of the registration period.
  • .KZ domains that are deleted 20 days after the expiration of the registration period.

In this case, the Registry sets the appropriate status for the domain in the Whois service for 30 days:
.NET, .COM, .CC, .TV, .AG, .BZ, .LC, .MN, .SC, .VC - RedemptionPeriod ,
.BIZ , .TEL - Pending Delete,
.INFO, .ORG, .ME, .MOBI, .AERO, .TRAVEL, .XXX, .PRO - PendingDelete Restorable .

The start date of a thirty-day period is indicated in the Whois service in the field:
Updated Date for .NET, .COM, .CC, .TV, .AG, .BZ, .HN, .LC, .MN, .SC, .VC
Domain Last domains Updated Date - BIZ, .TEL or
Last Updated On - INFO, .ORG, .ME, .MOBI, .AERO, .TRAVEL, .XXX, .PRO.

Within 25 days from the date of the beginning of the deletion procedure, the domain can be restored and renewed (except for .HN, NAME, .KZ) at the request of the domain administrator.

If the domain has not been restored and renewed, it will be deleted from the Registry 5 days after the end of the RedemptionPeriod ( Pending Delete or PendingDelete Restorable ). During these 5 days (domain status in the Registry - PendingDelete ), it is impossible to restore, renew or register the domain.

After the domain is removed from the Registry, the domain can be registered by any person.

Backorder (Pre-order Backordered Domains)

There is also a backorder service (Advance ordering of expired domains)

Backorder is a convenient and simple opportunity to register a domain that is about to be released

Its essence is to leave an application for a domain and pay the cost of the service, the system will do the rest automatically (it will adjust to the exact date of domain deletion and try to register it).

Basic principles of the Backorder service:

  • Only successful registrations are paid. However, there is a fee to apply for registration. If the system failed to register, the payment will be refunded.
  • Usually, fewer domains in demand are deleted than there are those who want to register them. Therefore, in case of successful registration, a private auction is held between those who wish.
  • If the application for Backorder came from one user and the domain was registered, it is immediately transferred to the control of this user, without holding an auction.
  • In case of successful registration of a domain for which more than one application for Backorder has been received, a private auction is held between users. In this case, the application of the first user is considered the first bid of the auction, and at the beginning of the auction, payment for the applications of other users is returned to the balance and they, if desired, can take part in the auction using the returned funds as payment for the bid. The auction lasts 24 hours, however, if the last bid is made within the last 3 minutes before the end of the auction, the auction is automatically extended by 3 minutes. This extension of the auction period allows other users to have time to make a decision on participation in the auction - after all, almost always bids are made right before the end of the auction.
  • At the end of the auction, the domain is transferred to the winner's account. All other participants are refunded their payments.

Who might be interested in Backorder?

  • Domainers - domain professionals who know how to monetize domain services.
  • Former domain owners - if you forgot to renew the domain registration with your registrar and renewal is no longer possible.
  • Business owners - if you see that a name suitable for your business can be released, be sure to register it. Remember: domains are never alike.


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