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1.9. prospects for the development of Internet services. Software: evolution or revolution


Evolution of software

Three stages of information technology: the evolution of criteria.
In 1953. the creator of information theory, American mathematician Claude Shannon wrote: “Our VMs look like scholastic scientists. When calculating a long chain of arithmetic operations, digital computers significantly outperform humans. When they try to adapt a digital computer to perform non-arithmetic operations, they turn out to be clumsy and unsuitable for such work. "

Stage 1: machine resources. The functional limitations noted by Shannon, as well as the frightening cost of the first computers, completely determined the main task of information technology in the 50s - early 60s. - increasing the efficiency of data processing using already formalized or easily formalized algorithms.
The main goal then was to reduce the total number of machine cycles that a particular program required for its solution, as well as the amount of RAM it occupied. The main costs of data processing were then almost directly dependent on the computer time spent on them.

Stage 2: programming. In the mid-60s, the second stage of information technology development began, which lasted until the early 80s. From the technology of effective program execution to the technology of effective programming - this was how it was possible to determine the general direction of changing the performance criteria during this stage. The most famous result of this first radical revision of the criteria for programming technology was the UNIX OS, created in the early 70s. The UNIX operating system, aimed primarily at increasing the productivity of programmers, was developed by Bell Labs K. Thompson and D. Ritchie, who were completely dissatisfied with the available primitive software design tools focused on batch mode.At the turn of the 1980s, UNIX was seen as a classic example of an OS - it began its triumphant march on the PDP-11 series minicomputer in the mid-1970s.

Stage 3: formalization of knowledge. A personal computer, as a rule, has developed means of self-training of a novice user to work at the console, flexible means of protection against its errors, and, most importantly, all hardware and software of such a computer are subordinated to one "super task" - to provide a "friendly response" of the machine to any, including inappropriate user actions. The main task of personal computing is the formalization of professional knowledge, which, as a rule, is performed independently by a non-programming user or with minimal technical support from a programmer.

Combining technologies. socialization of programs. guppa access.

The World Wide Web is a distributed system that provides access to interconnected documents located on various computers connected to the Internet. The World Wide Web is made up of millions of web servers. Most of the resources of the world wide web are hypertext. Hypertext documents posted on the World Wide Web are called web pages. Several web pages, united by a common theme, design, and linked by links and usually located on the same web server, are called a website. To download and view web pages, special programs are used - browsers. The World Wide Web has caused a real revolution in information technology and a boom in the development of the Internet. Often, when talking about the Internet, they mean the World Wide Web, but it is important to understandthat they are not the same thing. The word web and the abbreviation WWW are also used to denote the World Wide Web.

1.9.  prospects for the development of Internet services.  Software: evolution or revolution

1. EVERYTHING started with e-mail, its prototype was fido messages in the USSR,
so each user could not only have a login and password to his computer, but also transfer his login and address of his computer (without a password) to any member of the network.

another user could send another message to this address and even attach a file.

2.Around the same time, the FTP service was born, a bit similar to mail, but intended for remote access to files located on a specific computer
(now it is used less and less often, so)

3. Teleconferences or newsgroups. Teleconferences have become the next stage in the development of communication systems. Their features were, firstly, storing messages and providing interested parties with access to the entire exchange history, and secondly, various ways of grouping messages.
1.9.  prospects for the development of Internet services.  Software: evolution or revolution
4. Interactive conversations. Internet Relation Chat (IRC). or just chats (feature - real-time messaging, under a fictitious nickname, often without gender, age and social status)

5. Guest books . After the advent of HTTP and the era of browsers, it became possible to communicate using the WEB interface.

6. teleconferences are transformed into forums, where everything is divided into groups and conferences with equal participation of all forum members, it is possible to exchange not only messages, but also public display of photos and uploading files

7. in parallel with these services in the United States, a boom of dock coms occurs, online stores appear , online auctions, online games, universal combi portals containing all of the above

8. The first search engines and smart directories, a separate storage of photos, videos, file information

9. The emergence of blogs (diaries). The blog is written by the person himself, but others can comment on it

10. With the development of these forms of communication, social networks began to form - i.e. a set of participants, united not only by the communication environment, but also with clearly established connections between themselves.

10.FTP is gradually transforming into file sharing and torrents

11. Social networks are moving towards a new category of networks - Social Networks 3.0. The site says about it. After the euphoria of participation for the sake of participation, today's networks become a working tool, and, moreover, a necessary tool for conducting activities, be it business or creativity. Social networks serve as a platform for informal communication between friends like LiveJournal. Social media is helping to create new music like MySpace. Social media is expanding the gaming experience of massive online gaming on the Xfire Network. Social media is a powerful tool for finding employees and partners on LinkedIn.
That is, in the future there will be the emergence of highly specialized professionally and hobby-oriented social networks.

1.9.  prospects for the development of Internet services.  Software: evolution or revolution

12. Social networks are gradually transforming into social services, the
essence of which is performers and clients, the possibility of ordering between many to many ...

Innovations in WEB networking technologies

(according to K.A. Khaidarov)


hierarchical levels

WEB 0.0

"Lexical" web

WEB 1.0

"Morphological" web

WEB 2.0

The "syntactic" web

WEB 3.0

The "semantic" web

WEB 4.0

“Pragmatic” web

years (approximately)

1980 - 1990






level of public information relations

scientific networks, the server executes the commands of the client, the client, the client reads the server data

technical networks, the client "surfs" the network, reads all the information on the network

household networks (media), the client "talks", communicates with the server, the server regulates the area of ​​reading and actions of the client

intelligence networks, the server collects client files and manages client applications.

control networks, the server manages all clients in electronic ruler mode


level of networking

local hypertext

network hypertext

interactive communication

search engine rating link

global control link


application level

gopher, server filesystem, pre-internet networks: usenet, biznet, fidonet

browser, static HTML site , HTML2.0 - HTML3.2

browser-framework, dynamic sites on CMS engines, HTML4

identifying net-framework, network application services, cross-server exchange, HTML5, XML

slave application controlling user, global master controlling hyper server


data management

local DBMS

corporate network DBMS

search hyper servers

parsing hyper servers

managing hyper-servers


topological level

line links to mainframe

hierarchical fixed unidirectional structure

network multi-connected dialog structure

relational structure

logical (object-relational) structure


instrumental level

system languages, 2GL

network languages, 3GL

visual environments, 4GL

server environments, 5GL

artificial intelligence languages, 6GL



single-tasking OS

multitasking OS

network OS

cloud computing frameworks

bootable OS


channel, network protocols

telnet, kermit, FTP


secure protocols,
p2p networks

multimedia protocols, semantic protocols

control telematic protocols


hardware-physical layer

mainframes, remote terminals

web servers, personal computers

fiber, graphics processors

hyper servers, netbooks, tablets, multi-core PCs

recognition processors

WEB 0.0

Pre-Internet networks included either linear point-to-point communication systems or quasi-mail networks such as usenet, biznet, fidonet. These were the first searches and attempts to combine information networks into a truly global network.

WEB 1.0

If in the pre-Internet era, only point-to-point linear communication was carried out, then with the advent of the Web (information Web), a network morphology was formed that allows the user to freely “surf” through the information spaces, receiving any information accumulated in the resources of the Web 1.0 network.

This period of development of the Web is characterized by the creation of static sites with HTML hypertext links, passive transmission of information from servers to the client, and the unidirectional nature of information flows:

  • the flow of manual collection of information from resource creators to the server;
  • the flow of passive distribution of information from the server to clients.

This is the period of the emergence and rapid development of electronic libraries, Internet information catalogs.

WEB 2.0

Web 2.0 is an interactive "syntactic" web, when the resource-user and client-server dialog systems became widespread.

It is a service-oriented Web, which has developed an interactive information process between the user and the server, search engines and e-commerce.

The generation of the information flow was left in the hands of the users themselves, and the site owners basically limited themselves to creating and maintaining the infrastructure.

Information retrieval systems - their hyper-servers, robots and user interfaces - have become the core of the Web. Their algorithms search, sorting, ranking and interface were based on frequency-syntactic analysis of information. Search engine robots are active scouts and passive moderators of the network due to the primary indexing of information.

WEB 3.0

Web 3.0 is the Semantic Web, when interserver relations began to gain mass distribution, the relational structure of the Web began to emerge based on automated information processes between servers.

This becomes possible thanks to the introduction of semantic tools: from semantic markup of resource text to intelligent algorithms that understand the meaning of human phrases.

Networked, "cloud" computing has emerged, taking control of private information resources inside the hyper-servers of the Web.

Technologies for creating web applications have become so sophisticated that the bar for users and creators of information resources has dropped to almost zero, without requiring any knowledge of information technology from them.

The network technologies themselves rise to the level of automatically functioning network on-line applications: resource creation interfaces, semantic translators, news exchangers, search analyzers and automatic target information base builders.

In addition to internal interserver interfaces, non-human interfaces with the physical world appear: automatic collection of multimedia information, robotic-program analysis of information from the outside world, absorption of this information by hyper-servers of the Web. Robots are moving into the stage of active content moderation, censors who determine what can and cannot be published on Web 3.0 ..

Web 3.0 turns into a system of tracking users, fixing their interests, preferences and habits and then using this information, brought together in a single global database, to impose on everyone all kinds of commercial advertising, imposed services and lifestyle imposed on him.

The descriptive mechanisms of the Semantic Web have already been developed (late 2011) (RDF, DAML, OIL, OWL), but at the stage of intelligent processing and output of information, the problems have not yet been resolved.

WEB 4.0

Web 4.0 is a pragmatic Web (Pragmatic Web), when control relationships with users become widespread, an object-relational control structure of the Web will appear based on automated industries, financial authorities, governments and other information systems.

During this period, a person will lose control over the development of society and technology. Control functions are transferred to the Internet hyper-servers, which will play the role of the global brain and world government, and the comprehensively developed monitoring and control network within the Internet will become a kind of nervous system of techno-human symbiosis in the transition period to Technozoic.


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