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Multimedia services



YouTube service that provides video hosting services. Users can add, view and comment videos. The site contains professional films and video clips, as well as amateur videos, including video blogs.

Watching and distributing YouTube videos

  • On Users can upload videos in several common formats, including. Mpeg and. Avi. YouTube automatically converts them to Flash Video and makes it available for viewing online.
  • Outside Each video is accompanied by ready-made HTML markup for pasting videos onto other web pages. The simple CopyPaste technique has made YouTube video distribution extremely popular, because the link to the video can be embedded in the HTML code of any web page.
  • Video downloads: in addition to special sites, they turn links to a page from a video into links to files, a number of third-party applications (eg SaveTube) and browser extensions (eg UnPlug or other Firefox extensions or Opera add-ons) allow you to do this. Some download managers can also save videos from this portal (for example, Download Master). There are also a number of special sites that can download videos from YouTube.

The YouTube API and tools allow you to make available the content and functionality of YouTube not only on the site, but also on devices and applications.

  • YouTube API
  • YouTube integration
  • Player API
  • The embodiment of the video on the site

YouTube features

YouTube develops and distributes programs and features that provide greater opportunities for the user. YouTube aims to make any task convenient and easy for the user, from browsing to creating their own video.

The "Video toolbox" section or the "Video toolbox" presents tips and tricks used to create a video. There are scenes relating to lighting, video editing, the angle at which the camera is installed, sound recording and special effects. You do not need to be a member of the YouTube community to view these videos.

The "TestTube" section , or the testing section, in which new programs are offered for beta testing, before they are uploaded to the site for general use.

Here are some of the TestTube apps:

  • Active sharing, that is, the exchange of links about the activity, shows other members of the community, the stories are watched by a certain visitor.
  • AudioSwap, a program that allows the user to change the sound in his video. YouTube specialists created this application so that members of the community could remove copyright-protected audio and replace it with approved music.
  • Remixer, a program developed by Adobe Premiere Express, is intended for editing video that has already been uploaded to YouTube, including the use of transitions and video effects.
  • Streams, lobbies where several people can watch and comment on the same video at the same time. It’s like being in a movie theater and exchanging opinions about a movie with friends, but there’s no risk that the ticket collector will take you out of the room because you were in the way. to others.

Perhaps the most useful feature of YouTube is the ability to search. When a community member sends a video to a website, they can specify a title, description, and tags containing the search keywords in special fields. It depends on the correctness of the input keywords. Experienced users know that you need to add more keywords with the most common errors. Unscrupulous users add keywords that have nothing to do with the content of the video. This artificially increases the number of views of the relevant plot, but is unlikely to contribute to obtaining high marks.

online tv

TV over the Internet

To date, there are a large number of schemes of interaction of the latest user devices and terrestrial television broadcasting. This article discusses the terminology, various technologies for content delivery and their further development.

Television online on site

On the site, you can install a TV player in which users can watch more than 100 TV channels online absolutely free! Cognitive, news, sports, film, children’s, music, entertainment and regional TV channels are freely available.

HTML5 audio. Playing music on the site

The appearance of the

tag in HTML5 provided the ability to easily play sound.

The easiest way to add an audio player to the page

This is the classic version when the audio tag is used, inside of which:

  • The path to the music file is specified using the sourse tag.
  • The controls attribute is displayed, which is responsible for displaying the playback control panel.
  • The line "Your browser does not support audio player!" allows users whose browsers do not support HTML5 standards to see that there should be an audio player in this place.

Audio player in html: music stream on the site

Your browser does not support audio player! Update your browser version!

Now there are 3 applicable formats for

- ogg, .mp3, wav. The file with the .ogg extension will be played in Firefox, Opera and Chrome, in .mp3 or .wav format for Internet Explorer and Safari.

  • Online media file converter
  • HTML5 Audio Tutorials
  • Audio.js music in any browser
  • Yandex widget: A program for editing music
  • HTML5 Audio Player

Thetag allows you to use several sources that link to different audio formats. Different browsers play different formats, so the audio file must be specified in several extensions. In this case, several tracks should be added inside

, for example, in mp3 format, the second one in ogg format. The browser will apply from the list the format that it can play.

<source data-cke-saved-src="track.wav" src="track.wav" type="audio / wav" "="">
Your browser does not support audio player!

Audio Tag Attributes

  • src = "url" - specify the path to the sound file.
  • controls = "controls" - shows the player control panel, play, stop buttons and the like.
  • autoplay = "autoplay" - determines the playback of the audio file, immediately after loading the page.
  • loop = "loop" - on completion, the file will loop again. In quotes, you can specify the numeric value of the number of file play cycles (of course, if the user DOES NOT close the page).
  • preload indicates that the audio should load along with the loading of the webpage. Ignored if autoplay is present. It has the value “auto” (loads the file immediately after the page loads), “metadata” (describes the metadata, the name of the track, etc.), “none” (the browser does not load the file when the page loads).
  • autobuffer = "autobuffer" - used with autoplay = "autoplay" - determines the playback of the audio file at the time of loading the page.
  • muted - sound is muted when playing music

Examples of the use of various attributes

controls = "controls" autoplay = "autoplay" loop = "loop">

The audio tag does not support your browser.

The music will play as soon as the page opens (the autoplay attribute), the control panel (controls) will be displayed, looping (the loop attribute)

autoplay = "autoplay" loop = "loop">

The audio tag does not support your browser.

The control panel will not be visible, for this purpose, the controls attribute is taken away, which is responsible for displaying the control panel, the autoplay attribute in this example will be required, otherwise the play button will not be visible


. Play video on the site

  • Video on the site
  • HTML5 video
  • 11 effective HTML5 video players
  • HTML5 Video's own video player

audio podcasts

Podcast - sound or video file that is distributed free of charge for mass listening or viewing. Files can be downloaded or listened to online.

All about podcasts

There are three types of podcasts:

  1. Audio podcast
  2. Video podcast
  3. Screencast is a new phenomenon that has simplified the training of people through the Internet. The essence of the screencast is that with the help of a special program, actions are recorded on a computer screen along with audio comments, ideal for explaining computer programs.

How to create a podcast

Many users would like to create their own Internet radio station, but many difficulties arise along the way. The easiest way to publish audio to the Internet is podcasting.

The podcast creation scheme is simple.

  1. You need to create the actual audio recording itself. To make it on a computer, you need a microphone, a program - an audio recorder, and, possibly, a program for editing sound.
  2. Ready podcast need to publish - on your own website, blog, or a special Internet service.

podcast recording

There are many programs for recording audio signals - paid and free, for Windows, MacOS, Linux, simple and complex. When choosing a program for recording audio, the following criteria should be used:

  • The ability to record not only the voice, but also background music or special effects.
  • Ability to save to MP3, OGG Vorbis or WAV.
  • The ability to edit the created audio file.

As an example of such a program, we can recommend this recording program.

There are special programs with which you can not only record audio content, but also create the necessary RSS feed for a podcast.

podcast publication

There are many ways to get a recorded podcast to listeners.

If you have a blog on the WordPress engine, you just need to install a special plugin, for example PodPress. This is the most popular way. PodPress significantly turns WordPress and does everything necessary to publish podcasts: it generates an RSS feed with iTunes support, has a beautiful Flash player, keeps statistics, recognizes ID3 tags in MP3 files. Install this supplement is not difficult, and use it even easier.

If you have a static HTML site, or CMS does not support podcasting, then you can use a special program for creating podcasts. For example - Podcast Wizard. With it, you can not only record and edit podcasts, but also publish them in accordance with accepted standards. The program generates an RSS feed with support for iTunes, the podcast page itself (templates are supported), can download all the necessary files directly to the server using FTP.

You don’t have your own website at all, or do you have no time to understand the features of podcasting technology? It's not a problem.

Use one of the existing web services:

PodBean (

With PodBean, you can easily publish your own audio or video podcasts, as well as share them with your friends on Facebook, MySpace, Blogger, and the like.

mirPod (

With the help of mirPod, you can generate Flash Player code for insertion into a blog or website.

Pod-O-Matic (

A free podcast hosting tariff implies 500 MB of free disk space and 15 GB of traffic per month. An excellent choice for beginner podcasters.


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