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Planning and management of quality assurance and reliability of PS.


These tasks need to be separated from the selection of development tools and plans for managing the process of creating a program. Events ensuring the reliability and safety of the prog should cover the entire life cycle of the PS. To implement measures for planning and quality and reliability management, specialists of 2 categories are needed: 1). Specialists of category 1 managing quality assurance should know the standards and methods that support registration, control, documentation, and management of the impact on quality indicators at all stages of PS creation. They should ensure the identification of all deviations from the specified quality indicators and analyze the possible consequences of the identified deviations. 2). Specialist. Two categories directly create components and PS for specified indicators of quality and reliability, as well as form outgoing and reporting documents.
The separation of specialists providing independent quality control of development results and the effective achievement of the specified characteristics of reliability and safety.
The specification should formalize quality indicators, and in terms of quality assurance, methods and means of achieving them. In order for the monitoring of the characteristics of the PS at intermediate stages to be purposeful, reference data are necessary, to achieve which developers must strive. Such data m. obtained by decomposing the initial requirements on the PS, received from the customer. In the process of interaction between the customer and the developer, the PR quality indicators can be adjusted to reflect the objectively changing characteristics of the project.
The organizational basis for the quality management of PS is a plan to ensure the specified quality indicators at all stages of development. The PS Quality Assurance Planning Guide is the ANSI / IEEE 983 standard. This standard offers a plan for ensuring and managing the quality and reliability of the PS. In it d. B. reflects: 1. The objectives of quality management, the nomenclature and requirements for the values ​​of quality indicators, the scope of the requirements and the conditions for their application. 2. Methods of management and achievement of specified values ​​of quality. 3. Basic documents and standards, performance to ensure quality at all stages of development. 4. Means of development automation, ensuring the achievement and measurement of specified values ​​of quality indicators. 5. The structure and content of the reported income, certifying the achievement of determining the quality and reliability of the PS.
Having a quality assurance plan for the PS does not guarantee the achievement of the specified quality characteristics. Limiting the resources used in the development process, changing the external environment and customer requirements can lead to deviations in the implementation of the plan. These deviations should be reflected in a special document and communicated to all specialists.


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