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Methods of testing software components


1) Deterministic testing.
A specific set of initial data is given, which correspond to specific values ​​of reference results. Test results at the weekend or at intermediate points are compared with the standards - this allows you to detect and localize the error.
2) Stochastic testing methods.
The source data is used in the form of a set of random variables described by the distributions and the main parameters of the distributions. Such distributions of the source data should correspond to the reference distributions of the results, which together form the tests. The data obtained in the process of testing are summarized and represented by the distributions of random output values ​​that are compared with the standards. However, individual specific results are not controlled. Evaluation of the quality of the functioning of the programs and the results of testing is made according to the degree of compliance of the distributions obtained and their parameters with the reference distributions.
3) Testing of control flows (program structure).
This type of testing is the initial stage, because with an incorrect structure, the most gross distortions of the output results and even the absence of some of them are possible. Testing of control flows consists in checking the correctness of sequences of control transfers and the formation of routes for using a program with various input data.
4) Testing data streams.
Stage I consists in the analysis of data processing, which determine the value of predicates in logical decision-making operators. These decisions affect information processing routes.
Stage II is to check the calculations by the formulas. The numerical values ​​of the results are checked depending on the values ​​of the source data. As a reference, the results of manual or automatic calculations using the same formulas are used.


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