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Types of testing to ensure the reliability of PS.


Significant assistance in improving the reliability of complex PS can provide systematization of types of testing and streamline their conduct. Types of testing are focused on differential detection of certain classes of defects. For each type of testing, a methodology for its implementation is developed with indication of parameters, expected and reference results. A rational sequence of complex PS in the implementation of time can be represented by the following types of testing:
1. Testing the completeness of the solution of functions. tasks with typical source data. It is intended to detect defects in functioning in normal conditions, defined by the vehicle. In this standard yavl. goals and objectives of the PS.
2. Testing the functions of prog. in critical situations. It is carried out at tests of performance of prog. in emergency situations, a cat. rarely implemented, but important for the reliability of the system functions.
3. Testing to measure the achieved reliability values ​​of the basic PS versions. This testing is intended for certain basic indicators of reliability with a real function-s program.
4. Testing the correctness of memory resource performance and computing system performance serves to assess the reliability of the prog execution. with memory and performance overloads.
5. Testing reliable execution of prog. It is used to detect decreases in reliability caused by inconsistent execution of source and intermediate data, as well as devices of computing systems with reliable funkts. prog
6. Testing the effectiveness of protection against distortion of the source data is used to identify defects and errors in the program, manifested with false or distorted data.
7. Testing when assessing the effectiveness of protection against hardware failures and undetected defects, and prog errors and data intended for testing the quality of program control means and operational restoration for various unintended distortions of the PS function.
8. Testing of the ease of operation and interaction of a person with a PS is intended to detect difficult-to-formatize errors of display and execution of the initial data results. At the same time, the test assesses the volume, convenience of presentation and control of the initial data entered by the user, as well as the data showing the result, convenience of their analysis and reliability of execution.
9.Testing the convenience and quality of the user's version of the PS to identify errors in the methods and tools for customizing the PS version to the specific conditions of use.
10.Testing the operation of basic versions of PS when it is transferred and changes in equipment configurations is used to detect errors, it manifests itself when the composition or characteristics of the computer system or the external environment changes.


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Software reliability

Terms: Software reliability