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Features of testing and debugging software components


When choosing methods and technologies for developing software components, their dimensionality is of fundamental importance. Methods of evaluation and technology testing programs also depend on the size of the program.
Simple programs include individual program modules (PMs) or their small groups that solve a fairly simple functional task. These test objects have a number of fundamental features that distinguish them from complex software and affect the methods and tools used for testing and debugging. The small dimension of the PM provides their visibility and the possibility of a detailed analysis of the functions, structure and process of solving the problem. Detailed control can be carried out with accuracy to any operator in the program. The control has access to all the logic of solving the problem and all possible routes and variants of program execution. As a result, when debugging, it is possible to evaluate and monitor the degree of smoothness of the components of a software system.
Another feature of testing and debugging PM is the need and the possibility of ensuring their high quality and suitability for use in different software systems.
The debugging of the PM completes their certification with the application of the characteristics of completeness of testing and data ranges.
There are several methods for debugging PMs that are focused on detecting errors of certain types.
Methods of testing control flows are designed to detect errors in the structure of the PM and information processing routes.
Methods of testing data streams reveal errors in the computational part of programs and in the processes of information conversion. This orientation allows you to streamline the sequence of application methods. Each method provides the detection of not only secondary errors, but also the localization of certain types of primary errors. PM debugging methods are significantly different from complex software debugging methods. In the second case, priority is given to verifying the reliability of the functioning of programs with various combinations of data from the external environment.
A significant feature of debugging PM is the proximity of the appearance of secondary errors to their causes. This facilitates the diagnosis and localization of primary errors. These errors relate mainly to software and algorithmic type.


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