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Certification to ensure the reliability of software.


Certification is a procedure for confirming the compliance of a product with specified requirements. Certification is carried out to protect the interests of users. The main purpose of software certification is to guarantee their high quality, reliability and safety of use.
The international standard ISO / IEC 0002 defines conformity certification as a third party action, proving that it provides the necessary confidence that a product, process or service conforms to a particular standard or other regulatory document. As a result of this action, a certificate of conformity is issued a document certifying such compliance. The validity of a certificate is usually limited either in time or before a fairly significant modification of the product.
Certification can be voluntary and mandatory. Mandatory certification is necessary for software tools that perform particularly important functions in which errors or failures can cause great damage or are dangerous to people's life and health.
Voluntary certification is used to certify PS weaving in order to increase their competitiveness, expand the scope of use and obtain additional economic advantages (large circulation of products, a longer life cycle with many versions, tax cuts for high quality, increased profits).
For certification tests, the following source data should be prepared:
- criteria and clearly defined values ​​of quality indicators to be achieved;
- the values ​​of the initial and resulting data, within which the specified quality indicators must be satisfied;
- standards, regulatory documents and methods for accurate measurements of quality indicators, as well as the composition and values ​​of the source and result data required for certification.


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Software reliability

Terms: Software reliability