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Methods and properties


  1. Example: str.length , str.toUpperCase()
  2. Example: num.toFixed

All values ​​in JavaScript, with the exception of null and undefined , contain a set of auxiliary functions and values ​​accessible "through the dot".

Such functions are called "methods", and values ​​- "properties". Let's look at examples.

Example: str.length , str.toUpperCase()

The string has a length property that contains a length:

1 alert( "Привет, мир!" .length ); // 12

Strings also have a toUpperCase() method that returns an uppercase string:

1 var hello = "Привет, мир!" ;
3 alert( hello.toUpperCase() ); // "ПРИВЕТ, МИР!"

If a function is called through a point ( toUpperCase() ), this is called a “method call” if you simply read the value ( length ) - “property retrieval”.

Example: num.toFixed

Numbers have a num.toFixed(n) method. It rounds the number num to n decimal places, if necessary, finishes with zeros to a given length and returns as a string (conveniently for formatted output):

1 var n = 12.345;
3 alert( n.toFixed(2) ); // "12.35"
4 alert( n.toFixed(0) ); // "12"
5 alert( n.toFixed(5) ); // "12.34500"

The details of the toFixed work are toFixed in the Numbers chapter

Appeal to methods of numbers

The number method can also be addressed directly:

1 alert( 12.34.toFixed(1) ); // 12.3

... But if the number is an integer, then there will be a problem:

1 alert( 12.toFixed(1) ); // ошибка!
The error will occur because JavaScript expects a decimal after a point.

This is a feature of JavaScript syntax. This is how it will work:

1 alert( 12..toFixed(1) ); // 12.0

The method call is through parentheses!

Pay attention, for the method call after its name there are brackets: hello.toUpperCase() . Without brackets the method will not be called.

Let's see, for example, the result of a call to toUpperCase without brackets:

1 var hello = "Привет" ;
3 alert( hello.toUpperCase ); // function...

This code displays the value of the toUpperCase property, which is a function embedded in the language. Typically, the browser displays it something like this: "function toUpperCase() { [native code] }" .

To get the result, this function must be called, and just for this in JavaScript brackets are required:

1 var hello = "Привет" ;
3 alert( hello.toUpperCase() ); // "ПРИВЕТ" (результат вызова)

We will meet with lines and numbers in later chapters and learn more about the means to work with them.

created: 2014-10-07
updated: 2024-11-14

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Scripting client side JavaScript, jqvery, BackBone

Terms: Scripting client side JavaScript, jqvery, BackBone