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Books on JS, HTML / CSS


  1. CSS
  2. Javascript
  3. jQuery
  4. Object oriented programming
  5. Regular expressions
  6. Algorithms and data structures
  7. Development and organization of code

When developing complex applications, you will need both related technologies and knowledge of general programming methodology.

Right now you will have enough knowledge of the basics of HTML / CSS, but in the future or in parallel with the study of the textbook, you may want to deepen your knowledge in other areas.

For learning JavaScript on the textbook reading books that are proposed here is not mandatory.

I am often asked the question: "What literature would you recommend?". On this page I offer recommendations on various topics. Just a few books on each topic, one would still have to choose from a larger number.

By the way, in all books, especially those related to technology, always look for the latest edition.

PS Download books can not be here. This page contains only recommendations.


CSS is worth exploring on one of these books. You can immediately on both.

  • CSS handmade.
    Dan Cederholm .
  • Big CSS book.
    David McFarland

Eric Meyer's CSS book is helpful in sorting out specific CSS issues and as a reference. Cascading style sheets. Detailed manual. As well as the CSS 2.1 standard.


Useful reading about the language, built-in methods and JavaScript constructs:

  • Javascript Detailed guide.
    David Flanagan.
  • Javascript Templates
    Stoyan Stefanov.


In addition to the documentation:

  • jQuery Detailed guide to advanced javascript.
    Ber Bibo, Yehuda Katz.

Object oriented programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is the concept of building software systems based on objects and the interaction between them. Studying OOP examines useful architectural techniques for how to organize a program more effectively.

The ability to create an object, constructor, call methods - these are the basic, most basic "building blocks". They should be mastered first, for example using this tutorial. Then, when the basics are more or less developed, it is worth paying attention to the theory of object-oriented development:

  • Object-oriented analysis and design with examples of applications.
    Grady Butch et al .
  • Object-oriented design techniques. Design patterns.
    E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides.

Regular expressions

  • Regular expressions.
    Jeffrey Friedl.

This book describes a wider class of regexp than current JavaScript. On the one hand, some information will be superfluous, on the other hand, regular expressions are a very important and useful topic in general.

Algorithms and data structures

  • Algorithms. Construction and analysis.
    T. Cormen, C. Lazerson, R. Rivest, K. Stein.

There is another classic, such as “The Art of Programming,” Donald Knut. It requires more serious mathematical training. Be prepared to read and delve long and hard. The result is an upgrade of the brain convolutions and general programming skills. Seriously, it's worth it.

Development and organization of code

  • Perfect code.
    Steve McConnell.

This is desirable to learn after getting some experience in programming.


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Scripting client side JavaScript, jqvery, BackBone

Terms: Scripting client side JavaScript, jqvery, BackBone