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How to install Gulp.js in Windows


Step 1 - Install Node.js

Go to the website

select your operating system

and the version of Node.js

Step 2 - Install Gulp.js

  How to install Gulp.js in Windows

Open a command prompt - (run cmd)

and then enter 'npm' - if there is no error you installed Node.js correctly!

Otherwise, make sure you close and reopen the command prompt,

if it was open during installation.

Or try restarting the cosputer.

Then execute

npm install -g gulp

to install gulp.js

If gulp to execute gulp and there will be no errors in the command line, then you have installed correctly

Step 3- Customize your project

You need to change the files according to your project, package.json and gulpfile.js.

Possible problems

1. Error Cannot find module 'internal / fs' afer upgrading to node 7

clear the cache of global modules

npm cache clean 

if it doesn't help then manually delete the contents of the folders.

C: \ Users [username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ npm

C: \ Users [username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ npm-cache

restart package installation

 npm install 

and start checking for updates
 npm outdated -g 

if this does not help, try changing the version of NodeJS from 7th to 6th or 4th version

2. gulp-notify error: [Error in notifier] Error in plugin 'gulp-notify' not found: notify-send

or turn off notifications in the gulpfile.js file
 process.env.DISABLE_NOTIFIER = true; 

или переустанове модуль уведомлений

npm install -g gulp-notify

npm install --save-dev gulp-notif


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Scripting client side JavaScript, jqvery, BackBone

Terms: Scripting client side JavaScript, jqvery, BackBone