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Interaction with the media


Preparing for the interview.

1) Before the interview, ask the correspondent for a list of the main problems, the questions that he is mostly interested in , pay attention to the key points that you want to touch on during the conversation. It is necessary to think over the most probable questions and prepare them in advance professionally competent and as short answers as possible.

2) Remember the name, surname and patronymic of the interviewer, try to find out information about this person : education, topics you are dealing with, work experience, character. If the reporter makes sure that you are an authoritative expert in this field of activity, he will perceive you as a valuable source of information and contact you constantly. Therefore, it is important to make a favorable impression on the journalist.

During the interview process, the following rules should be followed:

1) Having greeted the interviewer , do not fuss, behave calmly, naturally.

2) Be sure to look the other person in the eye, answer questions confidently , optimistically.

3) When answering questions, do not shy away from the topic . Beware of ambiguous interpretations of your point of view. Avoid “yes” or “no” answers, but do not be too verbose. If you do not know the answer to the question, just say so directly.

Some reporters violate the laws of the genre, include their personal point of view in the wording of the question. In this situation, you should try to convey to the audience what you want to say, pave the way for important topics for you.

4) Do not be afraid to take the initiative, even to “turn” the conversation in the right direction for you.

5) Do not dispute in detail the erroneous statement - list the correct facts.

6) When you mention your organization for the first time - give its full name. After that you can use an abbreviation.

7) Try to say something memorable , as well as describing you as a person who is not devoid of a sense of humor, wit.

8) Concluding the interview, thank the journalist for your interest in your company and for you personally, for relevant, informative questions .

Your rights in dealing with the media

They are not written down anywhere and there is no law which would claim that they exist. Therefore, do not defend your rights, but make them act.

You have the right to refuse an interview if you do not want to give it, because you are not the only one who will speak on this topic. In this case, offer the reporter another candidate and associate him with this person . You can say no if this particular reporter in the past was not too conscientious.

You have the right to choose the time and place of the interview . Give your thoughts on the deadline, but do not inconvenience yourself.

You have the right to choose the place and time of the interview . Give your thoughts on the deadline, but do not inconvenience yourself.

You have the right to ask what the interview will be about . Think about what else they can start a conversation, because reporters do not always stick to the topic.

You have the right to ask whether the interview will be broadcast live or recorded. Be sure to ask this question before the interview. Recorded material can be edited before the broadcast. You have the right to record any interview during its conduct . This will help in distorting your interview to prove that you said otherwise.

You have the right to interrupt the conversation if the moderator makes incorrect statements, regardless of whether this interview is being recorded or broadcast directly . Do not repeat the words of the reporter. Just say: "This is wrong." Then continue and politely give the correct information. If you allow the wrong information to reach the audience without challenging, the audience will believe that it is true.

You have the right to stop the conversation, if the interviewer continues to interrupt you or allows hot-tempered statements . Smile. Wait. Then ask if you can answer the question without interrupting.

You have the right to change the direction of the conversation .

You have the right to return the interview to the topic chosen by the moderator for the discussion , gently directing the conversation in its own direction.

You have the right to ask questions in order to clarify the question asked to you , find out more information or find out its position. Do not try to answer a question that you do not quite understand.


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