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14 Hygiene as a science.


Hygiene - the science of health, the basis of preventive medicine. It studies the influence of the environment on the human body and develops on the basis of this measure to prevent the harmful effects of the environment and the development of diseases. The environment surrounding a person is extremely complex: it is determined by natural, social, domestic factors, as well as production-social relations. Consequently, the object of study of hygiene are environmental factors (physical, chemical, biological, etc.) in terms of their impact on public health. Physical factors include temperature, humidity and air movement, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, noise, vibration, etc. The influence of chemical factors is reflected in the effects on the body of various substances that are part of environmental factors, such as air, water, food. Biological factors are pathogenic microorganisms, helminths, ticks, the impact of which can cause human disease. Of great importance are also the conditions of life that are associated with the social structure of society — the nature of work, food, housing conditions, etc.
IP Pavlov noted that a disease occurs when a person is exposed to factors unusual in strength or quality, as this disrupts the balance between the environment and the organism. Developing this idea, I. M. Sechenov wrote that an organism without an external environment that supports it is impossible.
Hygiene is included in the complex of medical sciences. Its purpose is to prevent diseases, and not to treat a sick person.
Hygiene educational process in school.
A very important hygienic principle of building a schoolchild's day routine is the rational organization of the educational process, in which obtaining versatile knowledge is combined with improving the health of schoolchildren and contributes to the formation of a holistic personality demanded by society.
Successful learning requires a steady concentration of arousal in the cerebral cortex of a child. At the same time, the relative functional immaturity of the CNS nerve cells, the weakness of the processes of active internal inhibition, along with the predominance of arousal, are characteristic of children of primary school age and require a special approach to building a mode of mental activity so that it does not become a factor of negative health effects. Educational work also requires long-term preservation of a certain static posture, which creates a load on the musculoskeletal system. To prevent disproportion between the static and dynamic components of the educational part of the child’s day regimen (which has a significant adverse health effect), additional types of physical activity (physical exercises and physical exercises), gymnastics before classes, moving changes, etc. should be introduced.
Fatigue in a school lesson is a natural consequence of learning activities and plays a certain biological role for the body. First of all, it is protection from overwork, i.e. exhaustion of the body and, moreover, fatigue stimulates regenerative processes and increases the functional capabilities of the body. The beginning of the development of fatigue is evidenced by: decrease in labor productivity (increase in the number of errors and incorrect answers, lengthening the time for performing work operations), the emergence of motor restlessness, reduced attention, impaired breathing, heartbeat, and deterioration of well-being. Signs of fatigue occur later if the student is in favorable conditions.
A small motor load removes these signs, therefore the inclusion of motor pauses in a school lesson is a prerequisite for the hygienic regulation of the lesson and prevents the development of overwork. This may be the simplest exercises performed in a sitting position, or, better, standing near a school desk (siphoning, bending, squats, breathing exercises) to relieve tired muscles.
Overwork is characterized by more pronounced and persistent changes in the student's behavior, loss of appetite, mood changes (tearfulness, irritability) and a decline in academic performance. There may be complaints of pain in the heart, headache, dizziness, weakness, nervous tics.
In a state of overwork in a student, the protective properties of the body are significantly reduced, he becomes susceptible to any adverse effects. A short rest does not give a lasting effect. A long rest, and sometimes complex recovery (rest, good nutrition, medical gymnastics, swimming, sleeping, medicines) is necessary. If such measures are not taken and studies continue on the background of overwork, then neurosis develops with the involvement of other body systems in the pathological process.
The development of fatigue contributes to the violation of sanitary and hygienic conditions of educational activities, the incompatibility of work and rest with the individual characteristics of children and adolescents. At present, the maximum weekly study load in primary school is 20-25 hours, in secondary school - 28-32 hours and in the senior school - 31-36 hours, depending on the duration of the school week (tab. 28).
In modern secondary school, several new subjects have appeared (valeology, rhythmics, ecology, choreography, etc.), which are designed to reduce the intensity of the educational process and are necessary in the educational process of children and adolescents.
Proper organization of training sessions contributes to the preservation of health, health of the student. At the same time, the state of modern education reveals negative tendencies for pupils' health, as individual forms of pathology increase and "rejuvenate" from the beginning to the end of the school stage of education (defects of posture, myopia, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, pathology of the spine and etc.). In their prevention, an important role should be given to adherence to age hygiene regulations in the proper selection of furniture, premises, clothes, shoes, in sufficient lighting of the workplace, in optimal microclimate conditions of residential and educational premises, in food, tempering and other events. An important role is played by relationships in the family, in the educational team with peers and teachers.
Very important is the optimal rhythm of work and rest, including outdoor activities. The physiological scheme of changes in working capacity includes periods of working in, optimal working capacity and its reduction. Then there should be a rest period with the phase of restoration of functions and their consolidation. All these phases are very different in duration and severity among schoolchildren of different ages and should be determined by individual characteristics.

  14 Hygiene as a science.


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Human physiology, hygiene and age physiology

Terms: Human physiology, hygiene and age physiology